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/lit/ - Literature

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12338863 No.12338863[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

AS GREGOR SAMSA AWOKE from unsettling dreams one morning, he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrously hot fifteen year old girl. He lay on his soft, round behind and when he raised his head a little he saw his gently rounded belly between the twin arches of his newly budded breasts from whose height the coverlet had already slipped and was about to slide off completely. His long, lithe legs, which were wonderfully topped with almost Callipygian thighs flickered helplessly before his eyes, and he had to force his hand to remain still rather than explore the cleft that he knew now lay at the juncture of those soft and smooth legs.

>> No.12338892

Go on.

>> No.12338908

what book is she reading?

>> No.12338920

What happens next

>> No.12338944

You'll have to write it on your own to find out, sorry my fetish is teasing and denial :)

>> No.12338945

Hate that stupid pic. The girl on the right hates herself, hates life, hates the world ten billion times more than the bimbo at the beginning. And I don’t even have a bimbo fetish.

>> No.12338947
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>> No.12338957

The metawhorephasis

>> No.12338971

God I wish that was me

>> No.12338972
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>> No.12339124

who doesn't

>> No.12339165

A book on how to appeal to Irish men.

>> No.12339184

>as she becomes more cultured and intelligent she becomes more white
deep symbolism

>> No.12339201

ehh looks kind of Chinese to me

>> No.12339230
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AS GREGOR SAMSA AWOKE from unsettling dreams one morning, he found himself transformed in bed into a monstrously 600 pound James King. He lay in his soft meat coffin and when he raised his head a little he saw on top of his grotesquely distended belly, jus one lil eggroll

>> No.12339233

This seems to vitriolic to be a male opinion. This reeks of incel, except that it sympathizes with the withdrawn woman rather than the withdrawn man, the bleakness of internet introversion gone female.

Guys, I found an actual girl on /lit/. It is known to be true insofar as it was not self-disclosed; the self-disclosed woman on the anonymous forum is to be taken with immediate suspicion of LARPing or transvestitism.

But this is an undisclosed case, and a case that will likely disagree with me momentarily: she will cry, No! but I will know.

And if not assigned female, she will always know forever after her true identity, and it will linger in the back of her mind for years until she ultimately decides to exit the closet.

>> No.12339255


>> No.12339256

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12339288

>on lit

what a shocker
even the butterfly namefag is back, autisti
newfag, also: cringe

>> No.12339347

yikes sweetey

>> No.12339520

post more

>> No.12339613

girl, wash your face

>> No.12339678
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>> No.12339722
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>> No.12339724


>> No.12339765

A weapon to surpass metal gear

>> No.12339788

dibs on 4

>> No.12339795

I am a male, but as an autogynephile this is pretty hot

>> No.12339799

Clever girl

>> No.12339806
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Introduction to Objectivitist Epistemology

>> No.12339808
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>> No.12339824
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>> No.12339827

wtf? are you me?

>> No.12339831

she got white

>> No.12339837

this is what happened when she gave up on reading. as you can see her she became near-sighted and couldn't see the words, when she dropped the book she never found it. a cautionary tale against not providing universal optical care.

>> No.12339841

It's great that we had the same idea.

>> No.12339846

She stopped using fake tan

>> No.12339994

Anti-intellectualism is based

>> No.12340261

Reading makes her tits smaller?

>> No.12340537

Das Kapital

>> No.12340545

women shouldn't be allowed to post on /lit/

>> No.12340565

She wears a more comfortable bra

>> No.12340571

incels shouldn't post on /lit/

>> No.12340609

Autogynaphelia and transgenderism is caused mostly by neglect, sexual and physical abuse in children - especially when the father is not around. If you have this, you need to speak with a therapist about your past. Don't believe the lies - it is an impossibility to be a man/woman. No, it is a delusion.

>> No.12340614

None of that happened to me yet I jack it to DeviantArt transformation comics every day. Maybe I’m just retarded

>> No.12340653

Interesting. Perhaps you should give up porn. Try to reset.

>> No.12340875

Probably that Ta Nehisi Coates book, or something about how to "abolish whiteness"

>> No.12340876

Uninteresting. Perhaps you should give up life.

>> No.12340917

Maybe, I’ve been trying

>> No.12341084

My mother is currently reading this.

>> No.12341093

Getting hard to other people's penises is an evolutionary mechanism by which our ancestors outfucked each other. Monkeys which fucked more than their competitors are the ones that carried on their genes, just an extra incentive that apparently made a difference.

Jacking it to futas is only the first step, and some might skip it entirely by jacking it to penises themselves. Fantasies of being a woman are the logical end state, for "straight" men that is. Homosexuals are not interested in dickgirls, but in cuntboys. Idk if they want to be one though, but definitely their ideal of sex is between two people who look like men, as opposed to fantasies about being a woman.

>> No.12341272

Don't listen to this guy. Save up some money and wait for sensory VR/body prosthesis to become reality.

>> No.12341292

This is not how autogynephilia works. In many cases, there is a total sexual rejection of the male phenotype. In some, it is everything male except for one's penis. However, the only defining trait is a paraphelia for seing oneself as female.

>> No.12341297

That's because nobody in this thread has that, they only have the fetishes that I described. There is a difference between wanting to be a woman and just fantasizing about it because it makes your peepee feel funny

transgender etc are minority, fetishes are common on 4chan

>> No.12341308

Autogynephilia is a paraphilia (fetish) with pathological ramifications. Don't get me wrong, I would never advocate for sexual reassignment given contemporary technology.

>> No.12341312

What book did she read?

>> No.12341319

The Bed of Procrustes.

>> No.12341327

still, I've never seen anyone on 4chan saying that they don't want to be a man

>> No.12341331

You clearly have not been browsing here regularly in the last four years.

>> No.12341332

Every single poster on both /a/ and /g/ want to be a little girl and that is a fact.

>> No.12341340

"god I wish that was me" is not "I hate being a man"

>> No.12341358

Beyond (and sometimes including) AGP, there has been a strong contingent of incels who have (correctly) surmised that life would be much easier if they were female.

>> No.12341491
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Part time /a/non here, can confirm. I want nothing more than to be a cute little girl.
However, I don't entirely dislike being a guy.

>> No.12341510

second to last girl > bc she’s actually reading. Last girl is as image focused as the first

>> No.12341528

/r/ing the version where she does pick up the book but the bimbo is the patrician

>> No.12342028

I just want to be a woman so I can look good in latex. But that's only when I'm horny. Rest of the time I'm happy being a man.

>> No.12342051

How to read the introductions of famous feminist books and become an art hoe pt. 1

>> No.12342060

Imagine being that girl and reaching Stage 4 and then thinking, hmm, you know what gurrrl, I should remove my lips, hips, tits, fashion sense, earrings, wear a dumpy backpack, cut down on all my multivitamins and stop wearing make-up. People will think I'm smarter if I look ugly right??? RIGHT??

>> No.12342062


>> No.12342072

my gf fluctuates between between all five of these phases

>> No.12342104
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4chan(el) is gender dysphoric AMAB central, not even left wing Reddit/Twitter is this intense

>> No.12342139
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>> No.12342191

How to transition smoothly from bimbo to unsufferable obnoxious entitled know it all art hoe

>> No.12342314

Question to those with AG:

How old are you?
What triggered it / when did it start?

>> No.12342345

So, basically nothing has changed and the tax payer has spent money on her somehow managing to be even more useless.

>> No.12342375

Had it for as long as I can remember in some form. Really took off during puberty. I have a mild form of OCD and my AGP probably started after forced cd-ing during a school play and I couldn't keep it out of my mind, and it developed further from there

>> No.12342389
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>> No.12342394

This seems to be a common occurrence. Kicks off during puberty, and tumbles into something else. Almost like a slippery slope. Think you will ever transition? There is an argument out there that basically states people like us (in my case, ex AG) are trannies who are in denial. For me, therapy for my past child hood abuse and absent father I believe might help me. I start this month.

>> No.12342407

>Think you will ever transition?
In a perfect world? probably, I would certainly prefer it, and at least it would keep me from worrying about cracking later on. In actuality? no, it would only cause more problems at this point.

>> No.12342418

You must accept the premise that you were born this way. I don't believe this is true. I have work atm, but people with these kinds of issues usually have identity issues. Tg, ag, provide identity to escape to.

>> No.12342516

what gf?

>> No.12342596

You're spot on with the identity thing I think,
I'm not AG or a tranny whatever, but for a while I was afraid (for whatever reason) of wearing women's clothes because I thought I might like it. I work in the arts so it's not hard to find some women's leggings and when I was fairly intoxicated I tried on some women's leggings and did my top up like some typical t-shirt bra-thing. Thought I looked hot as fuck, although I came to the eventual conclusion that for me it's from more of a latent-narcissism / Bowie-style glam rock thing and not really a wish to be female at all. I kind of envy how it's acceptable for women to wear make up and it isn't for guys, most I would wear is guy-liner or some lipstick. I think it depends on what you're goal is, I always thought those New York Dolls and Poison/Def Leppard guys looked great, if you actually want to look like a school-girl, yeah it's probably less of a music thing and more of a "I don't like having a penis" thing. I do my best to look at these things fairly but go figure the whole point of glam rock is showing your cock off.

>> No.12342630

Can I have the middle one please?

>> No.12342682

Would all 5 of them. You know even #5 kept the clit piercing in.

>> No.12342697

/pol/ will find a problem with this even though the rightmost girl is muh modesty.

>> No.12342705

For me I never felt accepted nor safe being or Around men. I was molested, had faggot friends touch my penis in elementary, then as a teen a guy I thought was my friend asked me to show him my cock. I noticed the Ag started when I was 5. I was molested at 4.

>> No.12342758

Also to add: I had a single mother.

I plan on a therapist this month for these child hood issues. And I have gotten in jiu jitsu. I feel accepted as a man there, I have man friends, and I know how to fight. Plus, it adds an identity for me to have of my own.

>> No.12342759

you can be modest without dressing masculine

>> No.12342787

I want in on the deep reference here.

>> No.12342788

Reading makes women's tits smaller? Damn, I hate books now

>> No.12342895

I'm sorry to hear you went through that, good to know you're working on your fitness. It's perhaps hypocritical of me to mention, but these problems your facing are mostly in your head, eat in public, go for walks, where you can be seen and you'll realise what's behind you and what isn't.

>> No.12342939

Think about potatoes, starvation and the foundations of Irish modernism.

>> No.12343277

Thanks for the kind words. I know the problems are all in my head, this does not make the effects of these problems any less real.

>> No.12343296

Also, my problems consist of fear of being a transgender. I have cross dressed in the past on drugs and other times etc. I am not scared of being public

>> No.12343311

that's TOCD for sure

>> No.12343343

What’s the cause / cure?

>> No.12343356

check this out https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/10/15/the-chamber-of-guf/
it's just moral scrupulosity OCD

>> No.12343370

Projecting. You can’t tell if that illustration hates herself. She’s no doubt supposed to be full of more self respect dressed down like that

I dress down in a similar way, and I’m full of life affirmations and as desirous of sex as the bimbo appears to be

>> No.12343383

Thank you will do

>> No.12343396

Btw I'm a girl lol

>> No.12343404

I came out as such a long time back
Cover yourself

>> No.12343417
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Pic related

Not that any of you wh*te males could understand this, though

>> No.12343426

There is nothing wrong with the broad on the right.

>> No.12343445
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Far right is absolute trash. I can't stand the androgynous neoteny look.

>> No.12343449

It’s how they want their robo-femmes after all

Ha. What’s this one about?

>> No.12343450
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Both wrong

>> No.12343461

>Fucking. White. Male.

>> No.12343482


Read it and you will know, tripfag.

It will probably be one of the worst things you've ever read. No joke

>> No.12343493

I like how just happening upon the book on the floor already takes one level of bimbodom from her

>> No.12343613

she ends up with different eye colour too,
blue eyes confirmed for dumb dumbs

>> No.12343634


>> No.12343784

Hair bun = Smelly, crusty vag

>> No.12343803

Not to mention her criminally featureless body and plain, polygonal face.

>> No.12343829
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>> No.12343849

Critique of practical reason

>> No.12343862

I just realized how easy it is to control people.

>> No.12343868

With memes or hair stiles?

>> No.12343882


>> No.12344093
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>What book did she read?

>> No.12344102

god i hate you fucking faggots so much. verbalcels need to be put in camps just for the fetish shit

>> No.12344130

MM transcends the paradigm.

>> No.12344135
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When I was a very little child, I recall telling my mother that I had been turned into a girl by a wizard and she had to kiss me on the forehead to break the spell. Later, when the only cereal in the house was a “girly” cereal with pink marshmallows, I choked it down by imagining that I would turn into a girl unless I ate it all. It was dormant besides those two incidents for years. I recall seeing a news story about a transgender woman on the news, the first time I had heard of such a thing, and being shocked by it, though my reaction was, I would say, normal. Some of my peers had jokingly dressed up as princesses for Halloween and I was intrigued by this.

My first sexual fantasies were very vanilla and heterosexual. I was in fifth grade and my first crush was on Violet from the Incredibles. I liked to imagine cuddling with her, kissing her. I liked to imagine watching TV with her at night like my parents did. All of this changed when one night I woke up from a dream in which I had been turned into a girl. In a previous fantasy, I had told Violet she was my favorite work of my imagination, but now, fifth-grade me lay there in bed with an epiphany. I imagined her bickering at me, “What’s going on?” and me telling her there was a new favorite fantasy in town.

From that point on, going into middle school, my sexual fantasy life alternates dutifully between romantic vanilla stuff and autogynephilia. I discovered that there were several childrens’ books out which encouraged my fantasies:

-Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl? by Louis Sachar
-Help! I’m Trapped in my Sister’s Body and Help! I’m Trapped in a Supermodel’s Body by Todd Strasser
-Nightmare at the Book Fair by Dan Gutman
-Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls by R. L. Stine

etc etc. You noticed this stuff if, like me, you were turned on by it. There was always gender-deconstructing stuff in kids’ shows, like for instance that Fairly OddParents episode. Anyways, I could go on and on, but I’ll end on one more note. Before I was an autogynephile, I was still as a child stimulated by body transformation, such as in the Animorphs books. This was proto-sexual in that it gave me a boner. I wanted to be a dog for a while and would lay in bed for months praying for God to turn me into a dog. Then one night I was woken up at 3 AM, levitating on my bed, with an insanely powerful presence filling my whole room. An incredibly clear and angry voice asked me if I really wanted this and I said no. Probably just a dream. Thankfully, I’ve retained no furry impulses from my childhood, but the AGP is still there. My life has been surreal....

>> No.12344157

And I’m 21

>> No.12344333

>Fairly Oddparents
>That KnD Episode (you know the one)
>Kim Possible
Early 2000's kids tv was a breeding ground for AGP

>> No.12344340

what the fuck is AGP automatic gay protocol?

>> No.12344343


>> No.12344706


>> No.12345128

Reeee babby needs everything exactly how he wants it.

>> No.12345175

How is it possible to have Callipygian thighs?

>> No.12345187

That or you copied it from the thread in which it was originally posted and you're not good enough to continue it yourself, only to repost it as a meme for internet yous on a greek reddit emulation website

>> No.12345267

it means thicc, incel

>> No.12345280

It means "well shaped buttocks" you illiterate.

>> No.12345297
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woah, where did you get that quote from, wikipedia
I'm simply in awe of your reading skills

It's T H I C C

>> No.12345316


From Ancient Greek πυγή (pugḗ, “buttocks”)

>> No.12345333
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too bad a literal dictionary translation doesn't mean anything about what the word actually means, only how it's used counts

>> No.12345335

do tell

>> No.12345382

>only how it's used counts
says you

>> No.12345389


>> No.12345405

Perhaps you shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of. The only grayon eater here is you.