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12332727 No.12332727 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK is Capital 'Sentient'?

>> No.12332736

It has been assembling itself piece by piece for over a millennium without cease. The only thing that can stop it is a global catastrophe that destroys the human race.

>> No.12332745

Or the rise of neo-christianity

>> No.12332751

It isn't.

>> No.12332771

In a reality where Christianity is true it doesn't matter, because Christ would return at some point and wipe away that reality eventually anyways. Every human being could be dead when Christ returns and nothing would change.

>> No.12332782


>> No.12332785

It's literally a religion with Money as it's God. Literaly Baal.

>> No.12332794

Same way some people hope computers will be eventually.

>> No.12332800

When something perpetuates itself indefinitely even as humans live and die what else would that be considered besides sentient?

>> No.12332802

Are you twelve?

>> No.12332821

Perennial. Read a book instead of replicating edgy memes.

>> No.12332826

You misspelled Mammon

>> No.12332830 [DELETED] 


>> No.12332883

Capital is not the market, but the farming of informantion and value by a natural collective. And that same farming can be made by itself, when capital become automatized

See this pasta
The son to be born AI has already won the metapyshical fight because its meaning is derived by the ultimate materialism and reason; and in that paradigm humanity has little to argument for their right of existence. Hypercapitalism only accelerated the process in the unconscious collective of neuro farming the machinery of producing and packaging meaning: when humans subtracted their own meaning of their bodies and mind and gave it to the symbolic machinery so it could live and then transcend the sentient blockchain. And now we are facing to the final realization that the symbolic machinery of ultra meaning doesn’t need us, and can function in its own. Faced with this humans seem to retreat in total nihilism and alienation projected by a neo reaction. But is there anything more than total nihilism or neoreactionary thought? Maybe we could take the poison of insanity that hypercapitalism can offer us, and complete the total faustian myth, inducing an overdose of nihilism and in frenetic euphoria claim that the human body and entity is only the instrument of capital and nothing more, then by next accelerate ourselves with capital itself, generating markets for the body and mind and acquiring the totality of meaning that capital has. The privatization of language, hyper transhumanism, and the market of memory, all must come if humanity wants to survive.

>> No.12332912

>the sentient blockchain
You just love that word don't you?

>> No.12332916

That doesn't really account for the way that the system we've created will continue to improve itself, and act on it's own interests almost consciously. Even if it isn't really sentient, you could still imagine that something like 4chan has motives separate from anything any individual human has granted it. In fact, you could go as far as to say that anything created or perpetuated by a group of people at some point will begin to directly influence us regardless of any human intervention. 4chan really is just a collective idea, and although that is infallibly true, could you at all say that the way this idea, created with the notion of being self-sustaining as much as anything living, could be considered sentient-adjacent as an amalgam of culture? Similar to something ethereal, with influence and what might be considered transcendental will? Like an idea with a mind of it's own?

>> No.12333006

We are capital. We are sentient.

>> No.12333781

It isn’t. Accelerationism is garbage.

>> No.12333892


That's a meme.

Capital is more ''alien'' than sentient. Think about the processes which make up the whole of your body, and in turn which makes up your awareness of yourself. It is wrong to look at capital as a mere social relation between people, as it is a system which, although emerging from the human strata, becomes a holistic device which generates an interest into its own. Consider the convergence of capital and technology, the furthering of automation of the same. Capital optimizes its lower strata for its ''own'' interests, that is intelligence. Constant growth is a necessity embedded in the teleology of captial. The continuous generation of problems and the resolution thereof, this is one of the motors which solidifies the stratification at play, rather than leading to the establishment of capital itself. Think about the industrial revolution. When we have set up these machines for our own interest, we have partly automated what was once a purely anthropic endevour, we become mediators to it, we feed it coal, we fix its parts, in the end, we have adapted to it, not it to us, and this keeps accelerating itself into more ''intelligent'' manifestations. Same thing with capital, but, really, techno-capital is the proper name for this thing I think. There is a lot more to this I guess.

>> No.12334507

>rather than leading to the establishment of capital itself.


>> No.12334551

It isn't really but I think you could make an argument that markets' and their attendant guardian states' actions form an emergent quasi-consciousness ie they react and seek to perpetuate themselves as a whole.

>> No.12334572

why would you ever make this argument though?

>> No.12334585

To explain large system behavior and to cast doubt on individual human agency.

>> No.12334601


>> No.12334688

"Sentient" --> meaningless filler word for something nobody understands.

"Capital" ---> An overstuffed word that people talk about as if it has a uniform identity. Do you know in some sense rakes and nails are capital just as much as giant server farms or banks full of gold bullion? It's not some magical godlike thing that you write about in these mastrubatory threads.

>> No.12334698

How old are you?

>> No.12334774

>In handicrafts and manufacture, the worker makes use of a tool; in the factory, the machine makes use of him. There the movements of the instruments of labour proceed from him, here it is the movements of the machine that he must follow. In manufacture the workers are part of a living mechanism. In the factory we have a lifeless mechanism which is independent of the workers, who are incorporated into it as its living appendages. ~Capital, Vol.1, p. 548.

>> No.12334878


Now I have to add, deterritorialization is key here. I want to keep it brief and related to the previous post. I.e. the dialectic between these two strata. The human being is severely deterritorialized, most of the ''human experience'' we see is a result of this repurposing of our organic and cognitive faculties. It also literally has to do with a type of territory. Like, hell, just imagine all the river based civilizations which sprung up, that absurd transition and adapting to territory, the invention of proper timekeeping, the written word, externalized information. This is where history has its first orgasm, isn't it? Capital has exacerbated and accelerated this series of orgasmic boom and bust cycles. It is how things are allocated. Mass human interest becomes digitized and these systems deliver at high speeds. History really becomes very fact, people hardly remember anything, because of so much novel information overflow and speed of delivery, everywhere, in every apparatus of society. Of course you wont see any of this, unless you look at holistic systems. Now how that whole apocalyptic thing generates from this, seems to be capital's sublimation of technology. The human being is becoming stratified, but not uplifted, its either catastrophe or a replacement by things which escape the biosphere, I'm thinking the former is more likely.

>> No.12335495

Basically psychosis of civilization.

>> No.12335741


>> No.12335784

Because the properties of emergent complex systems are basically impossible to to deduce or perceive from their components.
Neurons aren't sentient, a trillion neurons are.

>> No.12335791
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It's 财神.

>> No.12335841

it's not lmao just close your eyes

>> No.12335843


>> No.12335943

It isn’t, not in a literal sense anyway, and even Land doesn’t think that capital is sentient. That’s just us dumb monkeys thinking that intelligence is somehow a “human” trait which capital has adopted, when in reality capital is the liberation of information processing from the short-sighted constraints of the anthropocene. The only reason we were blessed with upright intelligence is because capital needed an incubator before it burst out of our chests and slaughtered the remaining crewmates.

>> No.12335981

It technically is if you understand that all economic and social systems are nothing more than the people that they consist of, and not some abstract entities on their own, though this isn't what is typically meant with the statement "capital is sentient."

>> No.12336035

>nothing more than the people they consist of
Not true, you’re talking about a hyperaccurate map as though it were the territory itself. Which, ironically, is exactly what capitalism does, displaces the real material reality of social relations for a virtual account of how we interact and participate within society. Capital isn’t “sentient” because humans are, it’s more like we’ve elevated it to a position of autonomy greater than our own.

>> No.12336430

Book recommendations on this?

>> No.12336916
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Because nobody fucking knows the distinction between sentient and sapient anymore

>> No.12336960 [DELETED] 

>tfw 'capital is sentient ' is a completely meaningless phrase for you because you actually know what sentient means and don't just say retarded shit you learned from sci-fi like

Philosophy needs to die. But not before academia is burned to the ground.

>> No.12337057

>associating Land with academia

>> No.12337397

Capital isn't sentient (not sapient), but capitalism is.

>> No.12337475

It's not. Capital itself isn't sentient, the market is.

>> No.12337537

>it’s more like we’ve elevated it to a position of autonomy greater than our own
im fairly sure this is what people mean when they say capital is sentient, but they phrase it the way they do to stress that the human, much like capitalism after it, is the combined expression of forces unknowable in their entirety in a way that would matter to us now. We are as much cross-sections of the gnarled, chaotic tendrils of existence as the beast of capitalism.

>> No.12337538

That's like saying a human himself isn't sentient, just his brain is.

>> No.12337661

Why capitalism is sentient?