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/lit/ - Literature

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12332692 No.12332692 [Reply] [Original]

If the entertainment industry has demonstrated anything, it's that your shit doesn't need to have genuine artistic merit in order for it to be consumed by the uneducated masses.

Which is more likely:

1) The most prolific 16th-century dramatist wrote genuinely literary shit unnecessarily.

2) We've gotta be living in some Idiocracy shit if our academics are still wowed by Shakespearean figures of speech that Steve the Shit Shoveler (RIP 1598 after complications following a bad cold) had no trouble grasping?

>> No.12332828

Steve the Shit Shoveler lived in the same time as the plays were written in and intended for. Our academics do not. Also, I think you mistake the difference in audience, they were no uneducated masses and they were not the same uneducated masses as today's, of which are conditioned to consume a certain type or range of media from certain providers.

Also, consider that things can have many layers. It is possible for something to have the qualities of cheap entertainment and literary depth, especially in the case of plays, which can be amusing and awesome on visuals alone (especially when you're unaccustomed to boisterous action movies).

>> No.12332959

>If the entertainment industry has demonstrated anything, it's that your shit doesn't need to have genuine artistic merit in order for it to be consumed by the uneducated masses.
Wowowow, nigga, that's some deep shit

>The most prolific 16th-century dramatist
Umm try again sweetie :)
regards, Lope

>our academics are still wowed by Shakespearean figures of speech that Steve the Shit Shoveler (RIP 1598 after complications following a bad cold) had no trouble grasping
Elisabethan theater was for all classes of people. It had dirty jokes, word games and violent plot twists for Steve, and 2deep4u monologues and philosophy for the smartass aristocrats.
Also, understandable art =/= bad art.

>> No.12332965

wow niqqa u woke

>> No.12332971

shakespeare didnt write in common language or dialect you fucking twat