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/lit/ - Literature

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1233003 No.1233003 [Reply] [Original]

I come seeking your knowledge. I have ADHD and find reading near impossible and my school marks do mean a lot could those who have read "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" help me with the following quotes and tell me their; context, theme development, forshadowing, imagery, Character development
Quote 1: "There's something strange about a place where the men won't let themselves loose and laugh, something strange about the way they all knuckle under to that smiling flour-face mother there with the too-red lipstick and the too-big boobs."
Quote 2 "You are strapped to a table,shaped,ironically, like a cross, with a crown of electric sparks in place of thorns."

>> No.1233006

Quote 3: "All I know is this: nobody's very big in the first place, and it looks to me lik everybody spends their whole life tearing everybody else down"

Quote 4: "A number of the players, Miss Ratched, have shown marked progress since that basketball team was organized; I think it has proven its theraputic value"

Many many thanks to those who decide to help out.

>> No.1233009

no props to your 'help me i have some made-up disease and i can't do my skoolwork' story.
go read your fucking book and ask your teacher.

>peas gay

>> No.1233010

I hope you can handle this single sentence:

Do your own homework.

Seriously, your ADHD has not that much to do with it than you might feel comfortable to admit to yourself...

>> No.1233015

I love telling little pricks on /lit/ to do their own homework. It's fun for me.


>> No.1233033

If reading is near impossible for you, bad marks in English will be inevitable. Either you aren't trying hard enough to read, or you actually can't like you say, in which case accept the bad marks in English and in other classes where your ADHD handicaps you and forget about being an academic or lawyer or doctor or engineer or whatever and do something that you are capable of doing.

>> No.1233087

And to think, I thought there might be one nice group of people of 4chan.

>> No.1233095

"Nice," doesn't enter into it. It's not "nice" for someone to pick up your obligations for you. That's actually cruel in two separate ways, by teaching you the lesson that other people will take care of you (when in the world, they won't) and then also depriving you of the learning base which would help you in the future when you will not be able to find help.

tl;dr Lose the feeling of entitlement. Nice =/= people taking care of you.
Do your own fucking homework. Anything you don't understand, ask your instructor about. That's their job, to explain it to you. It's that simple.

>> No.1233106

I dont want entire answers, i just want the brief details for each quote. I can write up the proper answers and all, I'm just terrible at analysing books.

>> No.1233118

you fail to realise that this still would be the essential part of the assignment...

obviously nobody of those guys who daily request assistance for their homework expect lit to churn out EVERYTHING for them.
they just don't want to do the research, ie reading the motherfucking book.

>> No.1233153

So its not your ADHD, but your lack of enthusiasm, intelligence, understanding and effort?
cool, bro.
>college blairg

>> No.1233168

If I had read the book, I would help you OP. I think that would be the 'nice' thing to do. In lieu of that, have a free bump. Good luck with your assignment, I hope somebody here helps you out.