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12329841 No.12329841 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more brainlet waste of time than philosophy of language

>> No.12329872

>Is there a more brainlet waste of time than philosophy of language

Yes; ethics, politics, aesthetics and metaphysics - all shown to be wastes of time by philosophers of language.

>> No.12329879

Imagine actually believing this.

>> No.12329953

Study of language is a legitimate field though. Are you talking about postmodern attempts to reassign meaning to old words?

>> No.12329969
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Lmao someone is having a hard time is his phil of language class

>> No.12329990

No I'm talking about likes of Wittgenstein going off the deep autistic end analyzing simplistic grammatical structures for 30000000 pages. It's navel-gazing at it's finest.

>> No.12330004

At that time the orthodoxy best described as linguistic philosophy, inspired by Wittgenstein, was crystallizing and seemed to me totally and utterly misguided. Wittgenstein's basic idea was that there is no general solution to issues other than the custom of the community. Communities are ultimate. He didn't put it this way, but that was what it amounted to. And this doesn't make sense in a world in which communities are not stable and are not clearly isolated from each other. Nevertheless, Wittgenstein managed to sell this idea, and it was enthusiastically adopted as an unquestionable revelation. It is very hard nowadays for people to understand what the atmosphere was like then. This was the Revelation. It wasn't doubted. But it was quite obvious to me it was wrong. It was obvious to me the moment I came across it, although initially, if your entire environment, and all the bright people in it, hold something to be true, you assume you must be wrong, not understanding it properly, and they must be right. And so I explored it further and finally came to the conclusion that I did understand it right, and it was rubbish, which indeed it is.

—Ernest Gellner

>> No.12330112

TLP is only, like, 60 pages
and most of that is just the space between propositions

>> No.12330131

>urbanized, industrialized Europe thinks everything reduces to the social and collective

really gets those pistachios pumping

>> No.12330307

what are you even talking about