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/lit/ - Literature

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12327116 No.12327116 [Reply] [Original]

I really hope everyone here has read this...

>> No.12327127

That just seems like being an asshole. I’ve never read it, no.

>> No.12327134
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>he needs a book to make friends

>> No.12327144

I read it about once a year

>> No.12327146

I can't keep all that shit in my head at once; it's hard enough for me to make sounds come out of my mouth when I'm around people.

>> No.12327148

>Become interested in him'

sounds a little gay

>> No.12327149

You need to pick one thing you want to develop and then work on it every day until it becomes habitual, then repeat.

>> No.12327154

Hole lot o gay.

>> No.12327198

i never know what to say around new people.. usually people joke when they’re around strangers, but i dunno how to do that. It’d either be a cringe joke or say something completely inappropriate

>> No.12327217


Existential Nihilism my friends.
Remember nothing matters... except what really matters. Health, wealth, love & happiness.

>> No.12327232

>Don't criticize, condemn, or complain
there's a time or a place for criticism and judgement, but I feel like this is a pretty good social rule generally. nobody likes complainers, unless they are incredibly funny and make their complaints relatable, but generally it just comes off as bitching and makes them look like a weak and temperamental person. and criticizing others socially is usually an unfair judgement and overtly a power move that makes you look insecure or overconfident.

>> No.12327238
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Is there a kind of Christian/religious nihilism that says 'we're going to heaven/the afterlife anyway so what we do on Earth now doesn't matter at all'

>> No.12327243

Did you even skim at the subjects? It's all about making the other person feel important

>> No.12327247

I feel like we should make /lit/ less about the covers of books and more like a factory of exerts & information.

Does anyone agree?

>> No.12327256
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>> No.12327292

>so Bill, where ya from?


>oof I can’t imagine the winters up there

Literally that. It’s that fucking easy. Just ask them simple questions you can either riff off of or relate to. Usually it only takes me 3-5 minutes with a stranger to “make friends”. Just ask them where they’re from, what they’re doing, where they been until they say something you can go off of.

“You ever been to Florida Bill? I’m planning a trip.

No but I stayed in Georgia for a bit

>oh man I got family in George. Right outside savannah

Oh shit no way my uncle lives out there

It’s ez pz

You guys are gonna be mean and try to make this sound stupid but it’s so fucking easy to make friends with strangers in the appropriate setting. Just learn body language, because sometimes they don’t want to talk to you at all.

I’ve read this book twice now btw but never finished it.

>> No.12327296

i think i may be a retard when it comes to friendships.

I wish some of my friends a happy birthday every year but none of them ever seem to remember mine. Wtf? Similarly with New Year wishes.. I’m always the first to do it, and then get replies. This year I thought fuck it, and didn’t send out any texts, nor have I received any.
Maybe they’re my "friends" just because they don’t want to be rude and tell me to fuck off? Although I don’t interfere with their business, I’m not arrogant, I don’t think I’m right all the time, .. so I really don’t know what’s going on. The only thing I’ve figured out is that I am probably unlikeable to them. As to why.. beats me.

>> No.12327495

That part's easy though. Anyone can make a good first impression. How the fuck do you turn that into friendship? Is there a book on how to do activities with people, because I've always relied on being invited by others to do things. And there's no way you can keep asking questions and refraining from giving your own opinions for an entire friendship.

>> No.12329270

This sort of mentality is sociopathic/demonic and I find it utterly revolting.

I refuse to associate with these sorts of people (and I have come across many) where their goal is to feel they are a good person - not to be authentic, not be vulnerable and speak from the heart - but to have their precious sense of mastery over human interaction.

Getting someone to say yes is a trick. It's what pick-up artists do to get women to sleep with them - certainly not an admirable way to approach friendship. It's pure dishonesty.

"Let him feel its his idea" what, are we advocating gaslighting now?