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/lit/ - Literature

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1232630 No.1232630 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, how many books do you read at a time?

Personally, I can't read more than two books parallel to each other; it gets too difficult to keep track of what's going on.

>> No.1232641


Just like every person should do.

>> No.1232646

One at a time. Two if I have to read a book for my classes in addition to the one I'm reading for fun.

>> No.1232647

Depends what you mean by read at a time. Sometimes I put a book down and pick it up months later, mostly so with short story collections but also novels. Actively I'm usually parallel reading 2 or 3, not counting textbooks.

>> No.1232663

I've never had a problem with reading multiple books. As soon as I start reading one, it doesn't take me any time to get back into it. I've picked up books that I read partially years ago and started right where I stopped without missing a beat. Right now I'm reading 5 books, I just pick up whichever one I feel like reading.

>> No.1232665

ITT: Casuals who have never stalked an idea through the prison complex of primary sources. Feelsgoodmang

>> No.1232666

About 7, but that's counting all the books I'm halfway through but haven't read in a month... I'll get back to them eventually.

>> No.1232671

One. If I read more than one, I start to forget what happened in which book.

>> No.1232715

Sometimes I'll be reading four or five books at a time. Other times I'll be focusing on just one. It tends to depend on my current supply of literature.

>> No.1232717

how bad are your books that you would rather read 2 then just finish the one your reading.

>> No.1232719

Honestly, too many. Right now I'm reading:

Dao De Jing, Lao Zi
The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
The Art of War, Sun Zi

And a biography of Chairman Mao Zedong. I'm about 50-60% through each of them, feels bad man.

>> No.1232724

I find myself reading three books at a time - one fiction, one non fiction, and an audiobook of some sort for when I'm driving or walking.

>> No.1232727

>Sun Zi

>> No.1232737


I've tried to read a book and listen to an audiobook at the same time but unless the book is something simple like a reference manual I can't retain information from both.

>> No.1232738

Lately I've been going through just one at a time. Though at times I sometimes have two going at once. However it's usually split with one fiction, and one non-fiction.

I could prolly keep track of more storyline wise and such, but the thing is that if I get more than two books started, chance is some of them are simply gonna be on hold untill whatever I'm sucked most into is done.

>> No.1232742

My penis is 4 inches and a half on an average hard-on but when soft I can stretch the tissue to 6 inches, and when truly aroused it can probably reach 4 and two-thirds inches. Laser removal of pubes and gut-sucking will add another couple inches to that. I'm not insecure, I don't need to post pics so the internet can validate me or whatever.