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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 160 KB, 248x454, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12325503 No.12325503 [Reply] [Original]

>i devoted hours upon hours of my life in 2017 spamming "bugs...easy on the carrots" across all boards
>it gets forgotten and all my time was spent in vain
>until suddenly it showed up last week
>i get no credit
fuck this world. what are some novels about the hero not getting what he deserves?

>> No.12325513

this is an anonymous board, why would you receive credit? not even the guys who create the top 100 lists get credit.

>> No.12325515

Yeah normies ruined bugs but that's what happens when women exercise autonomy

>> No.12325524

i'm joking about wanting credit, but for real i'm pissed that social media keeps stealing our shit

>> No.12325528

>until suddenly it showed up last week
and with a retarded name btw

>> No.12325533

based chungus

>> No.12325536

N word name

>> No.12325547

N word.
Deep fry.

>> No.12325548

now you know how anyone who ever wrote something / created a film / came up with an idea who wasn't immediately recognized by the worldwide community and heralded as a genius by the history books feels
also, I still post "bugs... easy on the carrots" every time I see the image, so you've won at least one heart

>> No.12325566

what in the name of god is "chungus"? fucking austist internet lelmemers, fuck plebbit

>> No.12325576

it's like calling a woman's butt a "badonkadonk"

>> No.12325586
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, bugseasyontheoats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bugs.. take it easy

>> No.12325598


>> No.12325615

I agree. Reddit-tier neologisms are cancer

>> No.12326037

I'm the only one who bought the book. Nobody even remembers it.

>> No.12326246
File: 566 KB, 919x743, lechungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12326678

I love you op
Big Chungus sucks but you're shitposts live on

>> No.12326709

When he wakes up he has a surprise lol

>> No.12326746
File: 36 KB, 374x395, 1519634785944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Chungus>>> Andy Sixx forced scat meme>>>> Bugs, easy on the carrots.

>> No.12326751

Jim Sterling is not getting any credit for the name either, boyo.

>> No.12326790

i think it's related to scrimmy bingus and the crungy spungus somehow

>> No.12326810

The Log was the most underrated meme ever. Imagine being Andy Sixx and everytime you're using the internet being confronted with the fact that memes about your feces are more popular than your shitty band.

>> No.12326827

That’s what you get when Pewdiepie bugsposts om youtube

>> No.12326836

>fuck this world. what are some novels about the hero not getting what he deserves?

>> No.12326850

what different name?

>> No.12326869

wahhh my forced meme isn't popular anymore :(((

>> No.12326879

it says it first started circulating on /lit/ board, so there’s your credit

>> No.12326883

/lit/ doesn't invent memes, this place is full of pseuds and copycats.

>> No.12326890

dont make me wake you up to have a surprise lol

>> No.12326911

don't worry, I remember what you did

>> No.12326958

give us your name and maybe we’ll keep it alive

>> No.12327055

Its kinda weird how unfunny this is.

>> No.12327103

The song of the year was Baby Shark, the dance of the year is from a vidya and it's called the floss, Donald Trump is the president of the most powerful nation possibly ever, and we come to an animé image board anonymously to discuss ideas. We're also post-irony.

>> No.12327107

Not for me.
Also this hasn't been an anime imageboard for a long time.

>> No.12327109

bugs...easy on the carrots

>> No.12327114

I don't think this is even ironic.
The entire appeal seems to come from the thought that "I'm in on the joke"

>> No.12327117

this is a horrible post and i would push kick your malnurished torso down the stairs for coming up with it.

>> No.12327143 [DELETED] 


>> No.12327173

These plebbit memes are not literature
Fuck off and die

>> No.12327276

Whatever you say tough guy

>> No.12327313

I created the feels guy

>> No.12327470

no you didnt

>> No.12327487

That was virtually a confirmation he posts on /lit/, right?

>> No.12327491

In seriousness, all you did was screenshot a scene from a cartoon made by people other than you and post it. You were effectively sharing other people's content and when they did the same to you, you get angry about it. Especially the fact that your original line isn't what got popular, only the image (the part you didn't make) got popular, not the one bit you did add.

Anyways, this is /lit/ not /complaints/.

Also, this is one of the least important "problems" in the world but you wasted a thread to talk about it and jack off your own ego while a bunch of other anons sit here and waste their time typing posts to complain about how you are wasting their time.

Best of luck, next time watermark your content.

>> No.12327494

No, the meme was stolen by reddit and that's how it became popular, because reddit is at its peak in recent years.

All we know for sure is that Pewdiepie browses /v/, /gif/, and /b/.

>> No.12327507

hey hey buggy boy, go easy on them chungus you almost ate them all up nibba

>> No.12327510


>> No.12327513
File: 47 KB, 593x595, 1546313792169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12327575

I created Pepe.

>> No.12327589

What, do you want Google to go into the Captcha records to link it back to you or something? You're posting on an anonymous image board, don't expect credit.

>> No.12327659

>imagine taking time out of your life to write a lengthy post like this

>> No.12327721

>The entire appeal seems to come from the thought that "I'm in on the joke"
Fuck all those memes.

>> No.12328617

he shows a /lit/ screencap in a video discussing it apparently

>> No.12328644

the feels guy is one of the few memes that has a confirmed creator

>> No.12328690

>ctrl-F "easy on the"

>> No.12328716

I created posting exactly what an idiot would post but ironically.

>> No.12328769
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1530196262662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I used doggo years before reddit was a thing
Now I feel stupid whenever I say it. I've mostly stopped tho.

>> No.12328778

I went to high school with moot

>> No.12328785

You know why Reddit is at its peak? Because it's being shilled on national radio, once these people find out 4chan is it's sister site by visiting Reddit, there is going to be a huge influx of people coming here

>> No.12328794

Serves you right for forcing that unfunny 'meme'.
That 'meme' was plebbit in the first place, that it was spammed by a 'plebbitor' like you on a board dedicated to literature doesn't make it any less plebbit.

>> No.12328795
File: 373 KB, 780x520, Hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave... Easy on the pie

>> No.12328797

I am moot.

>> No.12328805

Yea and he sarcastically says "It was posted on.. What is that? Reddit?"
What an unironically based individual, protecting us from underage newfags.

>> No.12328808
File: 85 KB, 640x828, Dur5AxCU8AEsrQT.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12328832

It baffles me that people speak of stealing content on a website that is a clone of a Japanese imageboard, and that regularly posts memes and other content from that imageboard. You might have thought that people have created great works of art if you read the way they fight over ownership of such worthless things as memes. It's frustrating that people use one of the most significant inventions in human history for such disgraceful, time-wasting, things, as if rightfully claiming yourself as the source of cancer is a good thing. Fuck reddit, fuck twitter, fuck facebook, fuck tumblr, fuck resetera, fuck deviantart, fuck 4chan, fuck futaba, fuck 5chan, fuck you all, and fuck me for wasting so much time in my life.

>> No.12328839

You stole the idea of 4chan from me and pattend it while I was recovering from a hangover. I want reimbursement or I'm telling the local sherrif. You have exactly 5 hours to make a decision.

>> No.12328903

yeah so based showing a literal screencap of it

>> No.12328905

moot unironically didn't come up with the idea of 4chan, someone else in his IRC suggested it and he just bought the domain

>> No.12328910
File: 106 KB, 1152x550, Life Cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12328919
File: 240 KB, 960x540, philosophy NPCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is outdated, nowadays memes are dead once /pol/ gets to them

>> No.12328924

whats smiley face after 9gag

>> No.12328927

this is very clever
the turing machine is partly cut off
because it is infinite
incidentally I am also very clever for realizing this

>> No.12328928

The happiness you receive from transcending memetical elitism

>> No.12328944


>> No.12328946

When cringey people start using a joke it sours the whole thing.
And of course back in the day we used to hate reddit for running jokes into the absolute dirt instead of letting them die but we're hardly better anymore.

>> No.12328947

thing is facebook and twitter have their own memes. not every meme is stolen and some memes just dont work on any other platform but the one in which they are conceived. we need to a black swan attitude towards meme theory.

>> No.12328955

he didn't screenshot shit
he wrote
>bugs...easy on the carrots

>> No.12329049
File: 10 KB, 550x550, angery2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I'd take most facebook memes over another cuck / numale / basedboy analog at this point

>> No.12329111

>i devoted hours upon hours of my life in 2017 spamming "bugs...easy on the carrots" across all boards
>hours upon hours of my life
Do something worthwhile in your life OP, instead of spamming memes.

>> No.12329381

/pol/ has killed 4chan memes anyway. everything is now just a variation of feelsguy or pepe

>> No.12329384

it's not that simple;

>> No.12329390


>> No.12329418

Yeah... that's not how it works anymore.

>> No.12329421

>wah wah pol
imagine being this much of a retarded crybaby

>> No.12329428

Go back

>> No.12329432

Been here since years, also you will never be a girl no matter how many hormones you take.

>> No.12329480

>hehe longcat

Old 4chan memes are cringeworthy and were template garbage too you can take off the rose tinted glasses now

>> No.12329489

I'm not so big on the early 4chan memes either. 2010-14 4chan is what I really miss.

>> No.12329504

t. newfag

>> No.12329553

still better than 5 different variations of "cuck" and this stale boomer shit

>> No.12329580
File: 719 KB, 784x1024, ig-chungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chungus is the superior version of the meme and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. The original was stupid and unfunny. The normie version is fucking hilarious. Just because it's normie doesn't mean it sucks.

>> No.12329591

i created

>> No.12329595

Why do you take pride in how much time you've wasted in this shit website?

>> No.12329598
File: 5 KB, 236x282, b49333c8a63f0b6acd0f50cc8f8642db--internet-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chungus among us

>> No.12329619

the default reaction for someone that is new as fuck

>> No.12329621

In the post-2016 era Twitter has unironically had an older userbase with better memes than us.
That is how sadly /pol/kids have impacted our site.

>> No.12329642

Answer the question then.

>> No.12329646

>better memes

>> No.12329654

he said absolutely nothing that indicated he was proud for spending time here

>> No.12329667

Such as?

>> No.12329695

That's true, but why does he deflect the question, rather than telling me himself that my question was based on false indications?

>> No.12329708
File: 31 KB, 600x460, BC8350A4-9058-4412-960C-0E6DED603AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon that already happened years ago, like as early as 2012 /r/4chan posts were consistently hitting front page on reddit. The eternal september began years ago. Fortunately boards like this are a bit less vulnerable. Literature is not interesting to the type of person who watches famous youtubers in their free time. They might go to 4chan after hearing about it, but it’s unlikely they’ll visit this board. In the event that they do, most discussions have a barrier of entry in that you have to actually read a book to participate in a discussion about it.

The boards most suceptible to being overrun by outsiders are: /b/, /r9k/, /pol/, /v/, /tv/, and /x/. What these boards have in common is that they aren’t based on hobbies, /v/ being an exception. Video games are largely targeted towards the lowest common denominator. Television is also a hobby (I guess), but that’s even more passive and accessible than video games. I think /co/ and /cgl/ also draw in outsiders from other websites, mostly people in that tumblr/fanfiction/reddit sphere. People who obsess over marvel movies and harry potter books. And then there’s /soc/. I don’t understand that board at all, it seems like a completely separate community isolated from the rest of 4chan but i have no idea where they come from at all.

>> No.12329730

You write as if you were born on 4chan., when you must have been an "outsider" once yourself.
>The eternal september began years ago.
It began in 1993, and it applies to the internet, not to any one website, the vast majority of anons on 4chan, as well as moot, would be regarded as newfags.

>> No.12329735

Why are normalfags so unfunny?

>> No.12329739

Wow, great and insightful post anon. Why not finish that idea its conclusion and state that the eternal september began whenever humanity did. To the neanderthals we were total newfags.

>> No.12329754

>Why not finish that idea its conclusion
No, there is nothing further to the idea, the idea of eternal september began in 1993, look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.12329796

Everything is so easy when on psychedelics. See I wanted to post on a 'write what's on your mind' thread but I might aswell post here because I had the tab opened.

>> No.12330958

and how it works nowadays?

>> No.12331791

> Trying to force a meme.
> Caring about "credit" on an anonymous board.
> Still thinking you are in some way better than "social media" people.

YOU are the cancer, anon.

>> No.12332073

You post too much.

>> No.12332104

That pic is fucking awful.

>> No.12332166

Memes created in 4chan, Reddit or Twitter spread to everywhere from the moment they're created, and are used everywhere simultaneously, albeit with varying degrees of popularity in each website.

Memes created in some obscure finnish fishing forum live there for a while until they're exported to 4chan, and then Twitter.

Memes created in websites like Facebook get posted "ironically" in Twitter and Reddit. The final (but optional) stage of these is when the users start posting them unironically.

The theory of dying memes is incomplete. They don't "die", they just elicit different reactions from certain people at a given time, and their degrees of popularity at a given time fluctuate.

>> No.12332194

>The entire appeal seems to come from the thought that "I'm in on the joke"
Yeah, that's literally it. The joke is that people who don't know what the joke is don't know that the joke is the people who don't know what the joke is rather than the joke itself.

>> No.12332267

This is why "is this loss" has supplanted the original content of Loss edits
Also fuck tumblr and fuck reddit

>> No.12332274

I think Pewdiepie made a video on him, so that was a death sentence