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File: 31 KB, 400x400, Nassim Nicholas Taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12325016 No.12325016 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good takedowns/arguments against Nassim Taleb's ideology? Specifically as it's laid down in the apex of Skin in the Game.

The guy might be the only genuine intellectual the right currently has, and I want to have some ammunition against him.

>> No.12325025

He supports intervention in Syria, thinks American capitalists should exploit foreign laborers and believes that the free market will take care of trade imbalances. Fuck this right-wing asshole.

>> No.12325037


>> No.12325040
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>> No.12325048

What's his ideology?
(And is it pure?)

>> No.12325049

a system of strict hierarchy is right-wing, yes.

>> No.12325080

Imagine Hayek if filtered through the same sort of smug self-satisfied aurora that makes retarded failsons think Ben Shapiro is cool.

(Less sarcasm: you can never plan for the unknown so you shouldn't try, organic systems are antifragile thus good, planned systems are fragile thus bad, most old social systems including capitalism were not planned so they are good, bad events are Actually Good because they strengthen you, sheltering people from risk is bad, fuck intellectuals)

>> No.12325103

So another metaideology?

>> No.12325125

i have the same physique

>> No.12325151

No one mentioned "capitalism," but capitalists.

You are illiterate.

>> No.12325170

Your standards for your enemies are so low, I think I actually respect the guys who hate anime with a virulent passion bordering on the cultic slightly more.

>> No.12325186

taleb has possibly the worst twitter on earth, a true glimpse into the power of terminal autism

>> No.12325221


from what is the quote under the picture?

>> No.12325225

2s incoming

>> No.12325237

That's a pretty embarassing attitude anon.

>> No.12325246


>> No.12325431

This thread is pure gold
All these commies seething~

>> No.12325693

I'm not very well versed in the matter, but you should read some ordoliberals

>> No.12325866

I'm guessing you don't deadlift.

>> No.12325884

>The guy might be the only genuine intellectual the right currently has,
Huh. So I guess you want to be receptive and listen to anything interesting and challenging he has to say, right, anon?
>and I want to have some ammunition against him.
Oh. Haha. A genuine intellectual of the left, I see.

>> No.12325913

He had that thread invalidating IQ as a meaningful psychometric so even if he’s a rightist he’s done more damage to their side.

>> No.12325950

Yes, you fucking moron. That is correct.

>> No.12327147

he doesnt support any of those things at all but okay lmao
his twitter fighting is great


Anyone have thoughts on his new article? He was getting into a fight with Molymeme over IQ and published this, which is nothing new for me but I think it's a great introductory "here is why IQ doesn't fucking matter" article.

>> No.12327151

Shut up, i just want to see him DEBUNKED with FACTS and LOGIC

>> No.12327167

>iq don't matter
i would be arguing the same if i was a low iq sandnigger

>> No.12327171

Maybe you should read his books and form your own argument against him then

>> No.12327201
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taleb hates anime?

>> No.12327991
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fuck off steve you filthy nordicist. your ancestors wuz living in caves while Mediterranean men were building empires in Rome, Greece, Persia, the Levant, and China.

>> No.12327999

Hierarchy is not where the essence of the right resides. That would be tradition. If humans were traditionally "leftist" in value then the right wing would be composed of leftist values.

>> No.12328005

>(Less sarcasm: you can never plan for the unknown so you shouldn't try, organic systems are antifragile thus good, planned systems are fragile thus bad, most old social systems including capitalism were not planned so they are good, bad events are Actually Good because they strengthen you, sheltering people from risk is bad, fuck intellectuals)
oh hey, my thinking when I was in middle school.

>> No.12328255

>organic systems are antifragile
cunt what
do you know anything about biology or ancient social systems? they're extremely messy. inorganic vs organic -- it's not clear cut, sometimes you could consider either to be antifragile but most of the time it doesn't apply at all. capitalism is not wholly organic either, but it's not so much that capitalism is good or bad just the world economy itself is open to a lot of criticism from dozens of angles such as the desire to preserve your culture, language, traditions, arts and crafts, etc. or questions of its efficacy, which as someone who works in academia as a researcher, I can attest to muh competition muh efficiency muh natural order being wholly fraudulent both in those descriptions and in those things actually producing good research or products or ideas.

>> No.12328267
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>> No.12328296

>dude, like, you can't predict things man

the absolute state of arab "intellectuals"

>> No.12328300

Good Evening Twitter, this is your boy EatDatPussy445, and about like 30-45 minutes ago, I beat the fuck out of my dick so god damn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb. And, my dick has also went totally numb, to the point that it feels fucking weird when I go and take a piss.

>> No.12328306

You sound retarded

>> No.12328313

OP is a moron but anyway here's this


>> No.12328321

No sweetie Syrian interventionism is left wing now

>> No.12328331

What makes him right wing? I thought he was left wing.

>> No.12328335

not using communism imagery for hipster points makes his extreme right

>> No.12328354

>strictly hierarchical
Capitalism has been the most successful tool at dismantling hierarchy ever. Capital doesn't care for hierarchy, only efficiency.

>> No.12328408

The reason why IQ is so funny is because it really pisses these low IQ retards off to the point where they start screaming and physically shitting themselves.

>> No.12328413

why are incels so obsessed with their precious big boy brain metric? kys sweetie.

>> No.12328447

I don't know who's more obsessed desu.
Why do IQ differences trigger you so much and why do you see IQ as a measure of superiority/inferiority?
I have no problem admitting that niggers run faster or that they're better with rhythm.
I'm sure if we measured all possible properties there would be some where Arabs excel too.
Who gives a shit.

>> No.12328736
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>which as someone who works in academia as a researcher

>> No.12328917

nothing to do with his politics, but his autistic compulsion to apply his devices to every aspect of existence is embarrassing
for example:
this is cringe for anyone with even the slightest understanding of christianity, even peterson has a better grasp than this
no doubt all a result of his books being entirely filler. thinking of as many applications, examples, and anecdotes as he can to fill out a few hundred pages, he can no longer help it
his statistical work is fine, but when he wraps up the contents of a single journal article with 300 pages of fluff in a mass-market paperback and you fall for it, you've been suckered.

>> No.12329088

Back to r/chapotraphouse

>> No.12329684

The capitalists hold real social power over the workers.

>> No.12329724

Too many people with nothing lose are trusted to advice people with things to lose on how to manage their stuff. He doesn't like academic types.

>> No.12330075
File: 436 KB, 1038x947, Sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will about Taleb, but he transforms his readers like nobody else.

>> No.12330086

Taleb = IYI

(Intellectual yet idiot)

>> No.12330282

Thin waisted paperpushers, academics, thinktankers and other iyis hate him because he exposes them.

>> No.12330294

How is he right wing? Or this another one of those if youre even remotely capitialist youre right wing game that commies play

>> No.12330310

>How is he right wing?

>This has also led him to conservative political philosophy, similar to Edmund Burke’s (whom he does not mention): institutions should not be changed based on deductive reasoning; they should be left as they are not because they are rational and efficient in an ideal sense but because the very fact that they have survived a long time shows that they are resilient. Taleb’s approach there has a lot in common not only with Burke but also with Tocqueville, Chateaubriand and Popper (whom he quotes quite a lot).


>> No.12330593

IQ is actually accurate at assessing the uselessness of very low IQ people though, what Taleb rightfully contends is that the difference between someone who is 105iq and someone who is 155iq is actually not nearly what intellectual idiots make it out to be.

>> No.12330615

burn him alongside politicized children and anglos

>IQ is a metric of usefulness
case in point. These people are rotten. Non-humans. Efficiency machines obsessed with maximizing output. There is no difference between someone who is 105 and someone who is 155? laughing my fucking ass off

>> No.12330951

using the word trigger is gayest thing possible. Nice argument, low IQ pseud.

>> No.12330966
File: 11 KB, 240x193, apus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this poo in loo got me beat with his verbosity.
How do I git gud /lit/?

>> No.12330974

Jesus christ this board is awful

>> No.12330976

He's an arab

>> No.12331001

Note 'uselessness'. IQ doesn't say anything about how useful you will be, perhaps potential, but it is not sufficient. IQ measures how good you are at taking a series of tests, which is somewhat correlated with other measures. An IQ has questionable predictive capacity. Also, we define intelligence rather narrowly. It is true that people with IQ succeed within certain disciplines, but society is not centered around a few disciplines nor does IQ predict success within a discipline.

>> No.12331309

Get the fuck out of here with that Evola bullshit. What does tradition intrinsically mean? Etymologically it just means passing some shit down. That is an awful definition for the essence of any political platform

>> No.12331434
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 1546442984390m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his localism but I disagree with him that nationalism and globalism are equivalent. He's right about deadlifts being God's gift to man but he does not lift heavy. His general philosophy about not being a bitch and hiding from risk is good. I like it when he goes after Monsanto but he's still a Wall Street shill himself so it's not worth much.
I haven't had time to engage with his anti-IQ arguments but Spandrell's response was pretty funny.