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12323985 No.12323985 [Reply] [Original]

If you take idealism to its logical conclusion, then everything that you see, you only see it because it has value to you. This value is expressed in discrete units aka, numbers. Face it, the capital is sentient and only money matters in the end.

>> No.12324022

What if I take the materialism pill instead and say that absolutely nothing matters in the end

>> No.12324040

It doesn't matter if it matters. It is what it is. That is what materialism is all about. It's whatever what it appears to be to you. If it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter. If you're dwelling on this subject, then it clearly does matter to you.

>> No.12324041 [DELETED] 

What does the capital being sentient have to do with anything? Suppose it is? Then what? My dog is sentient . A fly that eats shit all day is sentient.

Materialism seems like a cancer to me.

>> No.12324046

Exactly. Just get your money and do whatever you want with the money.

>> No.12324056 [DELETED] 

Money is worthless to me.

>> No.12324072

True, but, developing this thought further, you can say that since all your goals are actually unreachable speaking globally, your existence by default is meaningless and by letting it keep being meaningless further you reach the state of absolute freedom

>> No.12324075

Do you use money frequently? Then, it has value to you.

>> No.12324103

Does idealism assert that there is no material reality and everything we perceive is conjured up by some sort of spirit that we call ourselves? If so, what type of nature does this spirit exist in? I really just never understood idealism

>> No.12324114

>Idealism's the same as consequentialism, naturalism, utilitarianism or virtue ethics or economic value theories if I throw enough words off twitter politics near it and say I'm being logical
No. You cannot tell cohesive thoughts from word salad. You don't know what half the words or phrases you've used mean. You're failing at even forming a tautology, which you also will not understand. Go read a book.

>> No.12324117

No, idealism asserts that the reality is mental. The mental "thing" itself is clearly material through its properties or whatever.

>> No.12324132
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>> No.12324140

What does the mental thing exist within? Why should only the mind be material but not the actual world which it perceives?

>> No.12324147

I suggest Sophie's World
You might mean immaterial in your second sentence. Some idealists allow for a material reality (which can only be intuited not known), but most are kind of agnostic about a material reality existing or not because of that.

>> No.12324157

the world is also material. it's just pixels or whatever in your material mind. i don't know neuroscience well. but, it will explain why your mental reality *is* the physical reality in your brain.