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12321584 No.12321584 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite story or section of this book?
My favorite was the one where the dad pulls his dick out in front of his son.

>> No.12321607

Depression porn Wallace of Brief Interviews was the worst Wallace.

>> No.12321658

Everybody says that IJ is Wallace at peak psued, but I honestly believe this book takes the cake in that regard. At least IJ has some literary merit, this book is just a catastrophe.

>> No.12321670

There's a couple parts where I think the novel shines but a lot of it is terrible. The two rape stories and the one about dating someone with depression we're pretty good.

>> No.12321681

I just finished this book and thought the 2nd to last story was a great ending, I dident understand the last 2 page story though.

>> No.12321687

Whole thing is just Wallace feeling guilty for abusing his gf. Good book desu

>> No.12321696

in all seriousness, this was basically 4chan: the book back when this site first started. David was even still alive back then.
It's basically just a bunch of portraits of /robots/ and chads mixed in with some meta stuff.

>> No.12321704

This was his best book. "Good old neon" was the shitty distillation of this book's themes.

>> No.12321804

What else would you recommend? This is the only thing I read by him. I enjoyed the interviews and some of the stories but some of it was shit.

>> No.12321833
File: 235 KB, 750x747, DC636910-19F0-4E8D-82E9-D0D0BA7847B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good Old Neon

>> No.12321842

His essays are legitimately worth reading.

>> No.12321868

>Good Old Neon
>Not in Oblivion

wrong book.

>> No.12322087

I hated forever overhead so much that I dropped the book

>> No.12322121

His worst book bar none. I honestly believe that aside from IJ, dfw didnt hit greatness until the millenia, consider the lobster and oblivion are both leagues better than anything else he did excluding IJ

>> No.12322430

I liked Tri-Stan, very vaporwave and technically impressive

>> No.12322435

>technically impressive
Not a common compliment when it comes to DFW's work. Care to expound upon why?

>> No.12322516

Please name the titles of the short stories worth reading, not just 'the one with rape'. Which ones should I read before dumping the book? Starting from the beginning it's just shit.

>> No.12322610
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Forever Overhead is really engaging. Honestly that short story is pure Wallace; an extremely potent distillation of life's minutiae. Wallace also displays his knack for imagery ( I especially loved his description of the late afternoon horizon).

>> No.12322937

References to Greek myths and Tristan and Isolde, dense and highly stylized prose. Reminded me of some Nick Land quotes. I don't know if "technically impressive" is the right thing to say but it's the first thing that occurred to me.

Unrelated: if you're into vaporwave, the story has Greek stuff, neon, palm trees, TV... very aesthetic.

>> No.12323419

My favorite would probably be Adult World (I and II) for their experimentation in form and also Tri-Stan for its clever references and word-play that show off Wallace's wit. Least favorite would be the one about the dying father talking to the playwright, I think it's too rambling and unbelievable.

>> No.12323433

Forever Overhead? The one about a guy whose daughter was suffocated?

>> No.12323448

'The devil is a busy man' is great.

>> No.12323513

Forever Overhead is the one about the boy about to jump off the diving board. He wrote this one in his early 20s before any of his other published work actually.

>> No.12323648

But it's a great and a rather simple story, what's not to like about it?

>> No.12324099

Read the posts again chief

>> No.12324437

The one that reads like vaporwave, I can't remember the name