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/lit/ - Literature

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12319725 No.12319725 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best mother language to have in order to have an easier time learning other languages?

Conversely, what's the worst?

>> No.12319740

Probably English because of the vast amounts of material available on learning a language or translating.

>> No.12319750

Unironically Spanish. Mexican Spanish. You learn English by proximity with the US. And being a Romance language Italian and Portuguese are a walk in the park. And French is also not so hard.

>> No.12319755

English is the worst because of how barebones the grammar is. An English speaker is gonna have a hell of a time adapating to gendered nouns, declension, cases, more complex verb tenses, etc.

>> No.12319761


>> No.12319762

I dunno, I found it pretty easy.

>> No.12319774

Mexican from Mexico, actually. Bring on the usual racism and backlash, I don't give a fuck. At least I'm not a monolingualfag.

>> No.12319790

Knowing any of the romance languages make the rest baby tier (and latin substantially less difficult).

>> No.12320021

>gendered nouns

>> No.12320030

Best part is when you know English you don't have to learn any inferior languages.

>> No.12320034

Everyone and their mother know English, though.

>> No.12320062
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today, i'll remind them

>> No.12320131

Depends on the language
Another from the same family will be easier

>> No.12320151

How do we inform Mexicans that Mexican isn't a race? How did this stupidity even spread? Why do "Mexican" Americans say the word "nigga" ?

Are people just retarded?

>> No.12320171

If you told a squat Indio or mestizo they weren't a race they'd shrug and go back to doing nothing. Any "Mexican" browsing /lit/ probably has nearly full-blooded Spanish ancestry. There are a lot of them, and I fully endorse a new world euro diaspora reconquista.

>> No.12320172

I wouldn't know, Anon, Chicanos are retarded. Simply pathetic. And yes, Mexican isn't a race, but I've been been called every name in the book here, "spic", "shitskin", etc. I was referring to that, not about Mexican being a race.

>> No.12320188

I'm a mestizo, though. Lots of the middle class people are. Lots of those middle class mestizos are interested in literature. Why do you have to be so prejudiced against people you barely know?

>> No.12320195

you're not mestizo.

You have to be half white half native american to be called that.

>> No.12320199

it's as much of a race as white americans are the same race.
now a days it's more about identity than nature. actually, that always was the thing with race debates among uneducated plebs.

>> No.12320201

Mestizo is used here for any sort of Native American and Spanish mix. Not necessarily half of each. We aren't in colonial times to have an entire catalogue of terms for every combination.

>> No.12320204

That isn't the same, mexico literally has different looking people of different races, white people actually look the same because well waddya know "white" is an actual race.

>> No.12320213

Probably arabic, it has everything: complicated grammar, declensions, etc. Plus it has a fuckton of consonants that English or French does not have

>> No.12320238

>white people actually look the same
swedes don't look like spaniards, or italians, or britons. Scotts don't look like the irish.
do you even know white people?

>> No.12320249

Hindi is technically the most similar (as in the most typlogically average) to all other languages. The only strange feature it has is the predicative possession.

>> No.12320265

yeah, there are subphenotypes in the so-called "white race", the correct term is Caucasian, and you don't have to be papersheet-pale to be Caucasian, that's why "white race" is a terrible term.

>> No.12320275

More like, you learn English by existing.

>> No.12320293

>Any "Mexican" browsing /lit/ probably has nearly full-blooded Spanish ancestry.
Mexican mestizo here. Brown skin. Currently reading Anna Karenina.

>> No.12320302

Do you look middle eastern? Because that explains a lot.

>> No.12320337
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I'd like to say I'm pic related, but that'd more accurately be my grandfather. My dad is white(ish), my mother is brown like me. I don't look like a middle easterner.

>> No.12320343

based mexibro

>> No.12320355

qué tan grande es tu pija?

>> No.12320358


>> No.12320366

beaners OUT stop fucking undercutting everyone in construction

>> No.12320374

I am also a brown literate Hispanic but let's not pretend we're representative of the general population. Most folks are not interested in reading but that is especially true for Indios and to a lesser extent working class Mestizos.

>> No.12320380

We are rare, most mestizos don't do this shit. It's kinda depressing.

>> No.12320382

Pregúntale a tu hermana.

>> No.12320413

I wonder how a racial breakdown of /lit/ would turn out.

>> No.12320415
File: 154 KB, 1200x1008, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say you're brown like the woman in this image? or the baby?

>> No.12320433

the baby is not even brown wtf, paler than the woman but darker than the man, think sand-colored.

>> No.12320452
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That's a chink.
See pic related, the guy in the right.

>> No.12320455

same here

>> No.12320470

You're not brown then.

>> No.12320472

You probably have no clue of your genetic makeup. If you had half native ancestry you would have a sub 95 IQ and would thus wouldn't even be able to read books.

>> No.12320477
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>> No.12320484

He's light brown. That's what people mean when they say brown, they don't mean not chocolate brown.

>> No.12320494

I mean what about those smart black people? They're really rare but they're out there.

>> No.12320496

native americans literally invented the number zero before yuropoors even discovered algebra (a middle eastern creation)

>> No.12320501

That was India you fucking retard.

>> No.12320504

I know what I am, they know what they are so let me be.

>> No.12320509

actually both reached that concept before globalization and conquest, you colossal philistine.

>> No.12320516


i'm gonna start using this bait in my own posts

>> No.12320521

The number zero was invented three times, each case independent from each other. One of them was the mayans.

>> No.12320529

No, I'm certain, man. And after all, native americans are basically asians.

>> No.12320530

I want books on Mayans or Native Americans from mexico for that matter.

>> No.12320534

Technically, yes.

>> No.12320558

Man, even the indigenous populations before Colombus got shit done. How come Africa sat on their asses for all of history?

>> No.12320569


>> No.12320572

by that logic european spanish learns french and portuguese by proximity and english because everyone knows english

>> No.12320579

which are the absolute best here?

>> No.12320590

Works as well. I wasn't trying to be mean, just my experience.

>> No.12320601

Geography is the short answer.

>> No.12320616

spaniards are too bussy with catalan and those absurd languages they have

>> No.12320618

No he isn't he's just really tan. If he put sunblock or never went outside he'd look like that baby in that painting.

>> No.12320619

id say the first 2 rows

>> No.12320629

If Charles Darwin is correct then their population didn't properly evolve. As much as I hate to say it.

>> No.12320649

>How come Africa sat on their asses for all of history?
>why are niggers niggers?
gee idk man

>> No.12320679

The Nile has too many steep drops in sub-Saharan Africa. Compare it to something more navigable like the Mississippi for instance. North America is ez mode compartitvely.

Another aspect is culture but no one (pussyass anthropologists) wants to acknowledge that some cultures are inferior to others. But not every culture has the same values or natural resources. Thus the disparity in outcomes.

>> No.12320682

Indios did not undergo the group selective pressures that made Asians intelligent. You are probably 10% squat Indio at best. I understand you've imbibed a lot of propaganda telling you that being a squat is more noble than being an evil imperialist European, but you wouldn't even be reading this if you had any considerable amount of Indio admixture.

>> No.12320683

I'm a literally a mestizo, like literally my mother is full european and my father can't trace any of his ancestry outside of the Americas and I'm here. Not mexican though.
An interesting fact is only white women are attracted to me, really makes you think.

>> No.12320706

I'm a mestizo too, I have Spanish ancestry from my mother's side and from my father's they trace all their ancestry from inside El Salvador.

>> No.12320728

You guys probably have marginal native squat indio ancestry. Unless you have done a DNA test the chances of you being an far outlier of intelligent squat indio instead of a 80 plus % genetic Spaniard is extremely unlikely. You have been brainwashed to believe that squat Indio is virtuous though, which is why you try to identify with the marginal, minority side.

>> No.12320739

t. Gringo pendejo

>> No.12320761

Saying that native americans are basically asians is retarded, but if I had a computer at hand to strip the pic of EXIF data, I'd show you my hands. I'm no spaniard. My IQ is probably between 110 and 120 (although I've never had a formal long-ass test done).
>You have been brainwashed to believe that squat Indio is virtuous
No. Given the choice, I'd be white (not because I think mestizos are inferior, but caucasians are more attractive, in my opinion)

>> No.12320780

You call others gringo yet you're in an English speaking forum. idiot

>> No.12320786

>Indios did not undergo the group selective pressures that made Asians intelligent.
Aztecs did, but not the other groups. The Aztec Empire was basically prehispanic Sparta. And yes, I'm certain I have Native American admixture, probably around 35%. I'm not so race-obssessed as to have my blood tested.

>> No.12320794

>You guys probably have marginal native squat indio ancestry. Unless you have done a DNA test the chances of you being an far outlier of intelligent squat indio instead of a 80 plus % genetic Spaniard is extremely unlikely. You have been brainwashed to believe that squat Indio is virtuous though, which is why you try to identify with the marginal, minority side.
or maybe just looking himself in the mirror? nobody mentioned anything about muh noble savage or whatever, you brought it up, literally pulling a straw man phallacy.

>> No.12320816

Pretty attaching files automatically removes that data, which is not to imply anyone gives a fuck about you or your hands.

But sorry, it's *possible* that there are extreme outliers with significant squat indio ancestry here but the odds are against it and none of you are saying you have done DNA tests to confirm this, so you most likely have white American 2% Indian syndrome, where many whites claim they are part Indian to signal their nonwhiteness, even though 98% have 0% Indian admixture.

>> No.12320824

>Aztec Empire
They were brutal. Have you seen all those extreme gore videos made by cartels? I hypothesize those are product of Aztec blood.

>> No.12320845

Not gonna convince you over the Internet, so I won't pursue that point further.
>where many whites claim they are part Indian to signal their nonwhiteness
Like Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren?

>> No.12320846

>I'm certain I have Native American admixture, probably around 35%.
You might be a 95 IQ, 35% indio living in Guanajuato or Barranquilla or Houston or wherever and want to pretend to have an interest in reading due to the rewards white-presenting has and thus found your way here, but any squat with significant nonwhite admixture is going to be literally incapable of reading serious works of European literature. And I really have my doubts that there are any squat indios on /lit/.

Again, I'm not seeing any 23andme screenshots. The odds are against this being true.

>> No.12320849

I never said they weren't, but they had castes. They literally built a city on a lake. And they favored education and competition in a similar way than Asians do today. If it weren't for the other invading tribes and the Spanish Conquest, the Aztec Empire might have turned into something interesting. And brutality and violenve is inherent to human nature, regardless of race. You're telling me all the wars, slaughters, and ultraviolence in Europe and the US was "just a prank bro"?

>> No.12320858

>Like Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren?
Except she is actually .2% Indian, whereas the majority making such claims are not. And I'm guilty of this. I was told I was part Indian and told this to others when I was younger, then I found out I was 0%. It's a social signaling thing resulting from propaganda that portrays diversity and brown as good and white as ignoble.

>> No.12320864

>but any squat with significant nonwhite admixture is going to be literally incapable of reading serious works of European literature
Whatever helps you sleep at night, boyo.

>> No.12320865

>If it weren't for the other invading tribes and the Spanish Conquest, the Aztec Empire might have turned into something interesting
I wonder about this from time to time. There are just five or six countries that were never colonized by Europe.

>> No.12320906
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The Aztecs themselves were squatting on the corpse of a civilization that wasn't their own. When the Spaniards showed up the indios said they weren't the ones who built the structures there and spoke about the white people who were there before them, or there the whole time. Chachapoyas and such, Aztecs were savages who exterminated them long before.

>> No.12320907

shitty bait

>> No.12320918

he's right, though.

>> No.12320928


>> No.12320929

90% niggers, 10% faggots

>> No.12320939

>same civilization
back to /pol/

>> No.12320943

Where do da j000s fit into this?

>> No.12320946

That sounds very doubtful. The only thing I can find about Chachapoyas is that they were just another civilization conquered by the Incan Empire (which has nothing to do with the Aztecs).
Regarding Viracocha, it seems like it was a god in Inca mythology, which again, has nothing to do with the Aztecs.

Mind sharing some sources?

>> No.12320947

we be kangz n shet homie, in my 100% nord blood flows ROYALTY and you cracker ass can only lament yakub wasn't so generous to your "race" (cause your a sub human)

>> No.12320952

I made the distinction, learn to read.

>> No.12320960

The great european people conquered all the retarded niggers worldwide with their big dick, until the evil jews made the conquistados the conquistadores.

>> No.12320962

Is admixture your favourite word? Fucking pseud with your race "science". Go back

>> No.12320970
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This was made by the Incas. Proto-Mount Rushmore

>> No.12320972

Ask the mormans, they'll explain everything

>> No.12320975
File: 108 KB, 600x752, 1471801303277-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not doubtful at all and the evidence is abundant. What is absurd is the notion that the dysfunctional populations currently inhabiting those regions built those amazing structures and pyramids when they can't even feed themselves today. There was a pre flood civilization that extended to the Americas that was later populated by the native indio populations from Asia.

>> No.12320977

how come amerilards never cracked open a book to read testimonies of precolonial explorers who came back from Africa to find flourishing civilizations ?

>> No.12320979

Not him but you were kinda vague at the end, you said "Chachapoyas and such" and then mentioned the Aztecs? I think you meant to type a period not a comma after "such".

>> No.12320983

Whites have built and invented nearly everything; attempts to mock this will naturally backfire on you.

>> No.12320986
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That is a very bad angle.

>> No.12320992

On how many levels of ideology are you, mein gott

>> No.12320993

There's literally no such thing. Fantasy has it's own containment thread, use that

>> No.12320998

>what is the spanish conquest

>> No.12320999

Is it a cyclops?

>> No.12321003

I know, my aryan brother. There are registers of whites inhabiting Sub Saharan africa before the paleolithic. Most of the huts you see in Africa were actually built by the Nords and later inhabited by monkeys who came who after "evolved" to the primates you see today.

>> No.12321005

I'm making a larger point here. I understand the distinction but it isn't really relevant since the same applies across the region with regard to the ancient civilizations later inhabited by the current indio populations in the region.

>> No.12321012

there's no trace of any of those "flourishing" civilizations, the aztecs and such have their pyramids, what do you have?

>> No.12321013

This is actually pretty well documented and understood, it's just taboo so plebs like yourself aren't aware of the information.

>> No.12321015

No, it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viracocha

>> No.12321023

I'mma fuck a white bitch just because you called him aryan brother.

>> No.12321029

So you're generalizing, in other words? Because this happened in prehispanic Peru then it must have happened in prehispanic Mexico, too? Is that your logic?

>> No.12321032

>Las indias guancas y chachapoyas y cañares eran las comunes: las mas hermosas y pulidas. El demas mugeriego comun deste reino eran espesas, no hermosas ni feas sino de un mediano parescer. Esta gente deste reino del Perú era blanca, de color trigueño, y entre los señores y señoras eran mas blancos como españoles. Yo vide en esta tierra una muger india y un niño que de blancos y rubios casi no vian. Estos decian ellos que eran hijos de los ídolos.
really makes you think
>Esta gente deste reino del Perú era blanca
lmfaaaao Spanish aren't white. he's considering PERUVIANS to be white lmfaaaaaaaaaao

>> No.12321040

We know you won't, mudskin.

>> No.12321041

Blacks actually descend from Nords. Out of Africa is a myth. At best, you'd be furthering the white race, nigger.

>> No.12321047

It happened all over Mexico and Central and South America.

>> No.12321055

Mexican isn't a singular race but it is a singular identifier of culture and ethnicity. You can have white-skinned Mexicans or very dark-skinned Mexicans, but they will still hold the same basic cultural values and assumptions that govern the Mexican mindset, and will come off as such to foreigners.

Remember, kids: Identity is not skin-deep.

>> No.12321056

He is retarded what did you expect

>> No.12321057

Descriptions of America made by Spaniard explorers are top-tier comfy.

>> No.12321064

Except the Britbongs

>> No.12321067

What the fuck is so special about anyone really you're all fucking idiots and depressed.

If an alien came down here on earth and outsmarted everyone on earth all the shit you say would be pointless.

This world we live in is so fucking stupid.

>> No.12321071

It's understandable that you would be upset about the former civilization you thought your ancestors built not being so.

>> No.12321075

You're absolutely right, mein freund! Did you know that the ancient Greeks were actually white? Also that the ancient Africans and Chinese were actually white? In fact, did you know only white people exist? That's right! Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Nigerians, Aztecs, etc. aren't even real! There's not a shred of evidence that literally anyone other than us white people exist!

>> No.12321079

It happened in Peru. We aren't sure about the other ones. Don't be autistic. Have you read about the Olmecs? Just google it.

>> No.12321082

There's nothing special about anyone. /pol/tards are stupid. But niggers are indeed anoying as fuck and their behavior elicits racism in any intelligent mind. I'm cool with all other races, even aborigenals, i think there are some cool things about them, but unfortunately, i live near blacks and they are nothing but loud, fat criminals which makes it harder for me to empathize with their bad social economic status, so i call them what they are, niggers.

>> No.12321087

I have done far more research into this topic than you. None of the indio populations in the region built those super structures.

>> No.12321098

Can someone recommend me a book for learning Spanish? I took 3 years in high school and I remember some of the basics (it wasn't that long ago).

>> No.12321101
File: 8 KB, 209x200, 1521796576628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a conservative brown mexican in a ranch > being a modern-day city-dwelling white bugman

>> No.12321106

Mira chaval te lo dejo claro y directo, para mi sos un mequetrefe traga sables de quinta asi que ni lo intentes.

>> No.12321109

Some niggers aren't even black. I think you just don't like criminals.

>> No.12321110

Olmecs predate those Peruvian Blondes, though. And the Inca and the Aztecs are different civilizations. Literally separated by 4000+ kilometers Just because it happened in Peru doesn't mean it also happened in some other place. That's reductionist at best, and plain retarded at worst..

>> No.12321111

Los argentinos no son blancos.

>> No.12321114

Yeah man i also read the Aryan History Exposed blog. The 12 tribes were Aryan.

>> No.12321116

Proof for the Aztecs not building their stuff. Or gtfo.

>> No.12321117

>I have done far more research into this topic than you
do you like the taste?

>> No.12321126

Where i live they are 100% black. But in truth, i don't really hate them, i just like calling them niggers online. It's fun. I've had black friends in college and they were decent, but i also know they were probably at the top 1% of the black population and not a good representation of the average nigger around here.

>> No.12321127

We are talking about different things. The civilizations I'm referring to go back way further than the Olmecs.

>> No.12321128

unironically this

>> No.12321137
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>> No.12321143

Do your own research. What is delusional is you thinking 70 IQ savages who were playing soccer with their cousin's heads when the Spaniards showed up and who can't run a nation today built massive civilizations and pyramids.

>> No.12321148

How come they are older than the Olmecs if Pedro Pizarro, a literal Spanish conquistador from Europe saw them with his own eyes ruling Peru or whatever? You're taking for granted that prehispanic Mexico and prehispanic Peru are the same thing, while there's no trace of blonde people in prehispanic Mexico. Literally none. If they were present in both civs, the Spanish conquistadores who arrived in Mexico would have noticed it. Do me a fucking favour, /pol/tard.

>> No.12321150

Look up eg. Jenne Jeno for the empire of Mali.
I am still not sure why it is so hard to believe

>> No.12321153

Their country is literally 90 percent white.

>> No.12321156

>What is delusional is you thinking 70 IQ savages who were playing soccer with their cousin's heads when the Spaniards showed up and who can't run a nation today built massive civilizations and pyramids
>Modern Mexico and the Aztec Empire are the same thing
Anon, I...

>> No.12321157

What the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.12321158

Buenos Aires wants to disagree.

>> No.12321159

Amerindian IQ is 85-87. Plenty of variation for a elite class to be born and build stuff, as they always do. You haven't provided a single argument or proof, just "they are bad today, therefore they couldn't be good in the past" which is simply retarded.

>> No.12321164

Actually, what is delusional is you insisting that a civilisation is determined 100% by genetics and that things such as language, philosophy, economics, history, geography, warfare, technology, etc. don't have a FAR greater influence.

>> No.12321167

>What is delusional is you thinking 70 IQ savages who were playing soccer with their cousin's heads when the Spaniards showed up
not true btw

>> No.12321171

You're going to have to start looking into ancient, pre flood civilizations, DNA studies, and ancient history books and threads from Heyerdahl to 8 chan for many hours before you understand even the basics here. The only thing I can convince you of is to do your own due diligence.

>> No.12321177 [DELETED] 

>history books and threads from Heyerdsl to 8 chan

>> No.12321176

>I can't back up my bullshit
>le do yer own reeesearch meme

>> No.12321179

>Buenos Aires
That city has a 88 percent white demographic what the fuck are you even trying to do?

>> No.12321181

Yeah I get you. My point is that the real niggers aren't always black. Those aryan brotherhood cunts are a bunch of niggers too. And criminals will always be niggers no matter the melanin

>> No.12321183

They are more or less the same thing. I'm talking about a pre flood civilization that withered for many centuries before even Olmecs. There were only scattered traces by the time the Spaniards showed up.

>> No.12321187

>history books and threads from Heyerdahl to 8 chan

>> No.12321190

Honest question, why is it so important for you to convince others all these ancient civilisations were supposedly white?

>> No.12321192

take it to /x/

>> No.12321193

classic /pol/ derail:
> claim "no [member of X racial group] can genuinely appreciate literature"
>they reply
>begin a "race vs. IQ" debate

>> No.12321196

for white supremacist points, you get a free toaster once you reach 100 points

>> No.12321200

if you have french you have more than half of all latin ones.

and the worse idk... maybe ducth.

>> No.12321201

It is far more retarded to thing that the dysfunctional indios of today built those things.

It is though. Today as well, which is why mean IQ determines a nation's success rate.

Nope, true.

Mestizos don't like being confronted with their incompetence now, let alone across millennia. I get it, bud.

>> No.12321208

I'm yet to be convinced that such a thing as "white race" even exists, and my iq is 162

>> No.12321210

>still no credible source but more tinfoil hat tier theories

>> No.12321213

It's not important to me at all. It's simply true and I'm just spreading information and encouraging whites to look into it. I am well aware that mestizos will be hostile to the notion, but it's well documented information.

I don't know what x is.

>> No.12321219


>> No.12321223

>mean IQ determines a nation's success rate
requires a citation

>> No.12321226

You have to do the research. I did mine years ago and it came from a variety of sources and outlets. It's not worth my time to go digging through that now but I've laid the foundation and given people some avenues to pursue.

>> No.12321232

>It is far more retarded to thing that the dysfunctional indios of today built those things.
Believing that would be evidently wrong, as they weren't alive back then, but when we're talking about a civilization, your reasoning makes no sense. Imagine going to James Joyce at the end of his life when he was blind and could barely manage himself and think "look at this idiot. how could one think he wrote ulysses? it maeks no sense!".

>> No.12321233

That is Richard Lynn's widely accepted thesis.

>> No.12321235

Where did you take the iq test?

>> No.12321239

Can you explain what you're specifically referring to as "the whites" please. Even a link to a definition.

>> No.12321245


>> No.12321251

What website?

>> No.12321257

It makes far more sense than the theory that the present indio populations who can't build shit even today built giant pyramids. That is absurd at a face value, whereas the whites in question, of whom and whose presence there are endless traces and accounts of, have been building such things since before recorded time. Which is actually absurd?

>> No.12321258

Just a reminder the only citation this retard has posted was a single image with 4chan filename.

>> No.12321259

Who's Richard Lynn, lol ??? :^)

>> No.12321260

as well as a definition of success

>> No.12321268

>the present indio populations who can't build shit
You keep saying that, but that's not how reality is playing out.

>> No.12321269

I'm convinced you're delusional. I'm not even using the word lightly as an insult or anything, i'm talking unironically delusional as a schizo.

>> No.12321274

Why wouldn't you encourage other races to look into too though, if you were so certain it's the truth? Wouldn't any well-meaning black or Asian historian be able to accept your proposition if the evidence is strong enough? Why only promote it to whites?

>> No.12321278
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There was a pre flood civilization that has traces across the globe. These people may have even been a different sub species of white people, we don't really know. But they were by all accounts white men with beards who spread civilization. This ancient civilization was largely destroyed during the flood and the rising of the sea levels, and different populations were likely stranded and died off.

>> No.12321282

It was at a university. How about you go fuck yourself, stop shitting up nice threads on /lit/ with all this race shit and pre-deluvian pseudohistory which you cannot back up with any factual evidence. Racism goes on /pol/, pseudo shit goes on /x/. Go make your own threads you little piece of dry shit.

>> No.12321283

Wrong. I have pointed to my research, including endless 8 chan threads, anthropologists and historians.

>> No.12321284
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What if what turned them dumb and savage was the spaniard blood? huh?

>> No.12321291

>it's another /pol/ meme image

>> No.12321293

Yes it is. The ruling class in every one of these nations today is of European blood as well.

Well you are probably a low IQ individual who is absorbing information that can be perplexing to someone who isn't familiar with the subject matter. I don't necessarily blame you.

Because I don't care about other races. I want white people to be proud of who they are and realize their history, however vague and seemingly strange, is being trampled on.

>> No.12321298

>4chan filename image of handbags
This proves what exactly? Sorry buddy but these retard ass conspiracy theories belong on /pol/ or /x/ with the rest of the nazi ufo bullshit.

>> No.12321301

>I want white people to be proud of who they are
Are you implying that they have things they shouldn't be proud of?

>> No.12321305
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Purse = buying things = capitalism = sentient IA from the future securing their existence and the planetary intelligence that will come with it

Organics btfo

>> No.12321306

>the whites in question, of whom and whose presence there are endless traces and accounts of
>have been building such things since before recorded time

>> No.12321309

You are not me, but that statement is true.

Start looking into Graham Hancock's research for a start. I'm laying out the basics, it's up to you to do the legwork.

>> No.12321311

>I want white people to be proud of who they are and realize their history
So because you have pasty skin that burns easily somehow your ancestry directly traces back to these mythical children of gods?

>> No.12321321

Again, why don't YOU look into the background of that image and thank me for supplying it to get you started on this subject. Look into Gobekli Tepi, look into ancient Egypt, this is dense information you have to work to understand, as I did.

Not at all.

No one is talking about aliens. How do you think information got around?

>> No.12321326

Who the hell is talking about aliens meatbag? I just saying that is Gnon spreading itself to the past to secure his existence

>> No.12321331

White domination of civilization and innovation is really not ambiguous or up for debate, and mocking it only makes you look silly and uninformed.

>> No.12321332

Ok, so if white people don't have things they shouldn't be proud of, why do you need to give them reasons TO be proud? Wouldn't they naturally be proud and self-assured if they were sinless?

>> No.12321335

>I'm not a monolingual, I know both my native language and English

>> No.12321336

>Graham Hancock
Nigga just writes shitty paperbacks that are used as youtube conspiracy movie filler.

>> No.12321341

english as that's what has the most resources

>> No.12321347

I am immune to these types of white guilt and intellectual extortion tactics. Whites should not be anything but proud of their past and desire to get to the root of the wider historical picture of the ancient past.

>> No.12321352

That's obviously because the Jewish book publishing global conspiracy otherwise he'd be university press and nyt bestselling and 5 stars on goodreads

>> No.12321359
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British English

>> No.12321362

Hey, man, jeez, I'm just asking you a question!

>> No.12321363

No, Graham Hancock has done solid work and is a good start for white normies who are afraid of conspiracy theory labels or associating these ancient civilizations with their own race. I am not, however, and am well past such scare mongering or nonwhite shill attacks when discussing these matters.

>> No.12321364

>White domination of civilization and innovation is really not ambiguous or up for debate
Even if it weren't, and even if "white" were a valid, well-defined category (which it is not), it would not imply that just because you are white, you or your ancestors have anything to do with the "ancient whites" who supposedly invented civilization.
Your ancestors from that era would most likely have been peasants or serfs, like the overwhelming majority of people in all civilizations

>> No.12321375


>> No.12321382

Who the fuck are you referring to autist?

>> No.12321383

I want to yank their sandals off and lick their feet.

>> No.12321384

>(which it is not)
Yes it is. White refers to Indo-European or Aryan peoples of Europe, there's nothing ambiguous about this distinction. The only question is why you are trying to degrade whites and white history.

No doubt about it. This meme is only effective with nonwhites who can't into civilization but pretend they can. It's not effective with whites who are the embodiment of civilization.

>> No.12321389

I'm not Jewish

>> No.12321392

The patrician way is your native language to be not-english, learn english, and *then* learn the other languages.

>> No.12321394

Your iq is not 160.

>> No.12321395

/lit/ - Racebaiting & We Wuzzan

>> No.12321396
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Chinese created all the world's civilizations

>> No.12321397

if you think English is barebones grammar, you should try Japanese.

>> No.12321399

Are the Irish, dare I ask, white?

>> No.12321405

Your iq is not 110.

>> No.12321408

It isn't.

>> No.12321414

Are your parents related?

>> No.12321415
File: 88 KB, 700x515, 26001_10152952858450467_498567884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really want to go there?

>> No.12321419

Are yours?

>> No.12321421

Of course, they never weren't.

>> No.12321434
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>> No.12321449

Well for some Latinos this is actually true though. Like Puerto ricans and Brazilians and retarded Mexicans that say "nigga".

>> No.12321496

>Native American/Indigenous People can't read books

what? I'm a little over an eighth native american, lived around them my whole life, large extended native family. They aren't all retarded.

Lazy? Yes. But not so retarded that they can't read or write.

Maybe I'm retarded for taking the bait though.

>> No.12321517

Anon is the white equivalent of the black israelites

>> No.12321535

You are.

>> No.12321559

Sure thing Guiri.

>> No.12321577

I disagree. The hardest part of learning a language is vocabulary acquisition. Not only the individual words themselves but expressions, idioms, etc. To get to a level where you can express yourself fluidly and clearly I would argue necessitates being exposed to the language enough so the grammar will have become automatic -- using the wrong case or gender or verb-preposition pairing would just sound awkward to your ear. And mistakes would be readily understood by a native speaker who will probably have caught on that you're an L2 speaker anyway.

>> No.12321838

>being made out of meat

>> No.12321889

>whose presence there are endless traces and accounts of
Except there isn't any trace that the Europeans built fucking Techochtitlan. Are you retarded?

>> No.12321906

the Olmecs were erradicated lol I look nothing like that thing.

>> No.12321946

>Except she is actually .2% Indian
I'm pretty sure an amount that small is well within the margin for error on those tests. Odds are that .2% is a mistake anyway.

>> No.12321956

>Italians, Greeks
>Not white
That retard is clearly a dumb shitposter but nice try faggot. White means European and that includes ALL of Europe (except the sliver being occupied by Turkroaches)

>> No.12322484

correcto mi compa.

>> No.12322488
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>> No.12322587

I think he was referring to how most mexican schools teach english. Then again it's not like they're unique in that regard

>> No.12322782

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