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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 640x360, [HorribleSubs] Frame Arms Girl - 02 [360p].mkv_snapshot_04.17_[2017.04.25_03.05.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12318439 No.12318439 [Reply] [Original]

When I hear americans talk about lizard people or the jews, controlling everything from the shadows through hereditary power and fidelity to their own kind, promoting amoral exploitation and being on top of media and every major industry; all I'm listening is talk about the bourgeoise. I think that you guys got so brainwashed to hate anything Marx related for generation after generation ever that when you relize the very basic points he was presenting you have to add a socially acceptable twist, making it either racism or scifi. This brainwashing also makes complete sense if you say they have complete control of your culture, if they had that would they allow you to insult your masters or create a sacrificial lamb?

The truth is that even if what you call a jew wasn't a jew, it would still be a hateful subhuman trying to stop the majority from being happy in a stable system. If you focus on the actions instead of who might be taking them, it only makes sense to hate on the capitalist system that allowed them, any name you have for "them", to abuse you like this.

>> No.12318447
File: 47 KB, 640x360, [HorribleSubs] Frame Arms Girl - 03 [360p].mkv_snapshot_20.43_[2017.04.25_03.39.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 this isn't /lit/ related
this is basic understanding before discussing The Capital and needs to be addressed instead of interrupting proper threads.

>> No.12318468
File: 1.74 MB, 991x1287, 1546140118225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Redditors.
Fuck Marxists
Fuck anime posters on /lit/.

>> No.12318482

Based FAGposter

>> No.12318491

If you are not trolling:
Literally,read more.
Read "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin Mcdonald, "Libido Dominandi" by E.Michael Jones or if you truly are a brainlet and for some reason you are in this board but you hate reading: Watch some of David Dukes' videos. I would reccomend those on The Public Space show where he and Jean Francois Gariepy discuss various topics and touch on the Jews in power.
The lizard shit is retarded and is used by people like you that equate seeing and noticing the Jews that are currently in power in american and european institutions to some raving of mad-men lunatica screaming about lizards.

>> No.12318504
File: 20 KB, 551x550, 1545379963056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da joos!
>da lizard people
>man these guys [idiots] are really on to something
>but these big brains, got it all wrong! It-it's a mass conspiracy of all rich people!!!! I can't get it wrong if I include everyone.
I. Fucking. Hate. Anime. Posters.

>> No.12318509

Fuck off
Not literature; off-topic thread

>> No.12318513

t. Lizard people

>> No.12318514
File: 45 KB, 311x475, 726546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are currently working within the context of imaginary wealth created through a fiat money system outside of the control of the population forced to use this money to pay taxes...

>> No.12318537
File: 670 KB, 600x951, 1542529025948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is almost as if there was some kind of system that controls all that and is SENTIENT

>> No.12318547

All of these terms you mention, including "the bourgoise" and "capitalism" are aliases for the technological industrial system as referred to by teddy and Ellul.

>> No.12318564

What makes this so funny to me is that I literally don't understand anything about Land or the movement he represents, so the utter incomprehensibility of those terms makes this even more hilarious to me.

>> No.12318587

Alongside the juxtaposition of the clueless, and poor Mehmet and the highly technical concepts of the Land-related stuff, of course. Both of these make this meme so funny for me.

>> No.12318665

Marx doesn't say that the bourgoisie are controlling the world from behind the courtain, they simply act in their own self-interest and so will the proletariat once it achieves class-consciousness, right? I haven't read much Marx but that's what I got out of it

>> No.12318680

OP is a brainlet.

>> No.12318697

achieving class conciousness is more of a first step, it realizing that everything of value has to be made by someone and that having money only translates into a clean city, food or transportation when someone else accepts to do it for that money.
The proletariat self interests would be the majority, which could easily include those who used to be bourgeois, making it a less exploitative and more sustainable system than 10 dudes trying to one up each other with amounts of money that don't even make sense.

Now, acting in your own selfinterest in an exploitable system demands convincing people that they want to be actively exploited. In this regard there is little difference between saying that the jews make you their tool or that the burgoise are doing so. In both cases it's someone rich out of the popular work, with the means to convince you that you are happy serving them. The problem with jews, for those who want to add something besides being a different race, is the same problem the proletariat should have with the bourgeois: Parasites that through birthright convince people to be their servants when they don't actually add anything to society.

>> No.12318739

You can only achieve this future through murder of the unwilling populace. Every person that stands in your way has to be murdered for the greater good. Capitalism only fails when the government steps in to regulate the market forcing the smaller businesses out. Goveenment is the issue and you want more of it. You love the idea of being king and mandating your rules. You get off on your own brilliance. You sicken me

>> No.12318746


>> No.12318753
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1546144159962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can only achieve this future through murder of the unwilling populace
If they are unwilling they are not worth the time, so it shall be done.

>> No.12318758

Well I'll let you know that most communists are weak pussies with no firearms so good luck.

>> No.12318772

>You can only achieve this future through murder of the unwilling populace.
If someone is willing to die to protect their capital from being used for the wellbeing of everyone else then it's their right to do so. There is no point in taking their well being above someone else's tho.

> Every person that stands in your way has to be murdered for the greater good.
Less than 1% of the US population to ensure happyness for everyone else is pretty tame.
>Capitalism only fails when the government steps in to regulate the market forcing the smaller businesses out.
I don't understand how the state isn't constantly helping. The roads to move the product, the education for the specialized employees, the resources to keep them alive. Private enterprises take this from the state, they wouldn't be able to operate with it. They are parasites.
>You love the idea of being king and mandating your rules.
Not really, if anything I rather dislike to have feudal rulers in the shape of enterprises.

Why are you defending your masters? why do you think the happiness of 100 families is more important than billions?

>> No.12318773

Those girls are so wonderfully feminine. The one on the right is so cute.

>> No.12318777

Gotta love wondrous femininity

>> No.12318779

you might even say hyper-feminine

>> No.12318807

Femininity is something incredible, isn't it? I would love to have a girlfriend and just appreciate her wondrousness every day. A Mommy GF, preferably. But yes, I stare at pictures like OP's in such wonder at how the feminine form and its emanating fragrance can be so otherworldly-lovely.

>> No.12318827
File: 309 KB, 1200x1400, 1496077655449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#Accelerate so we all get our little robo girl companions

>> No.12318828
File: 548 KB, 1070x305, 7695bff51a6eb1c36f7ffd7154646801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, they make me wish I were a woman.

>> No.12318936

>the state is helping

Some things are better when produced by the state. The government has some purpose but tends to overstretch their power. A socialist nation has to have government overstretch because naturally people don't want a governing body telling them what to do(not saying capitalism doesnt do this but to a way lesser extent). Government is worse than the businessmen. They do absolutely nothing and build nothing but have the balls to tell the businessmen that they can't do anything. I guess the part about capitalism is you at least have some say even if it isn't much. There isn't much you aren't allowed to do although there are lots of people unsatisfied. Show me a communist that produced anything valuable. Please I want to see one. The modern world was built by businessmen doing what it takes to improve. The world is absolutely brutal and their are losers. Lots of them. You rarely see people fleeing capitalist countries but socialist ones always have people flee by the thousands. People try to break into capitalist countries. Look at China and Japan. Two countries that live in the same refion but took different paths. There are a lot of other factors but if you had nothing to your name I'm sure you pick Japan every time. I see no communist starting a revolution when you are all lazy. The only hope you have is latching onto workers.

>> No.12318956

It's all ressentiment. Anti-capitalists, anti-Semites, etc. — the chief raison d'être of these folks is to tear down "the system" by warping our language and consequently how we think, because it does not benefit them... as it shouldn't, since they are low quality people.