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/lit/ - Literature

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12316593 No.12316593 [Reply] [Original]

What are your family’s reading habits like, /lit/?

>> No.12316605

Neither of my parents have read a book in
the last 20 years and my younger siblings never touch anything that isn't assigned to them at school.

>> No.12316611

i am the last reader

>> No.12316631

mom reads only religious books.

brother does not read at all. his taste in films is absolute cringe, as well. numale/feminist comedies, and SNL clips mostly.

>> No.12316632

I come from a fairly /lit/ family.

My mom had mostly only read books when school made her until a few years ago when she got into Nabokov. Over the course of about two years she read literally everything he ever published, including short stories and his translation of Pushkin. Now that she has finished his work she hasn’t really moved on. When she does read now it’s usually a biography or academic study about Nabokov. She seems to like finding these obscure academic books about him on Amazon. I’ve tried introducing writers similar to Nabokov to her like Updike and Fowles but she doesn’t take to them. She always just says something pithy like “It’s remarable that Mr. Updike was able to publish a book a year when he typed with one hand.”

My dad reads only poetry and philosophy. He’s a big fan of Heidegger in particular. He learned German just to read him. He even does this thing where he tells my mom he would leave her for Heidegger if he could. He actually says it a little too much. I can tell it’s starting to disturb her.

My little brother has a little section on his desk in his room with books by Emerson, Thoreau and Hemingway. Also some books for learning languages like Spanish. He knows about /lit/ but doesn’t come here. He knows the type of books that are memes here and whenever he catches me reading something by Pessoa or someone like that he berates me for getting my taste from here.

My sister is autistically into maps and the only book I think she’s ever read for fun is this book called Maphead. I flipped through it and the writer has a very reddit sensibility.

>> No.12316638
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>He even does this thing where he tells my mom he would leave her for Heidegger

gee, he isn't that good looking

>> No.12316668

Yeah, he just likes his mind I think (hope).

>> No.12316706

My dad reads one book every 1-2 years, he seems to really like books but is too lazy to develop a proper interest in them. Now that I think about it, I should try getting him to read more. My mom reads lots of shitty romance and crime novels.

My brother and sister prefer vidya but I have a good feeling that my brother will come around to like books more as he gets older.

>> No.12317129
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I'm the first. I can go back 200y and will only see a bunch of not too stupid peasants with only the bible in their home.

>> No.12317221

My father used to read Marxist philosophy and political economy when he was in academia however, since abandoning that he mostly used to read pulp fiction and occasionally Balzac and Flaubert. My mother, on the other hand, exclusively reads detective fiction and history books.

>> No.12317269

my dad slashed my tires when he find out I was using the car to drive not to practice but to three-a-week book clubs

>> No.12317276

Based and redpilled

>> No.12317289

kek, your family is actually autistic. would befriend your dad and sister, they seem like the most autistic out of the bunch.

>> No.12317329
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My mum reads a lot of classics and has taken a extreme liking to the more girlier ones (jane eyre, pride and prejudice, gone with the wind). She’s russian but she doesn’t like Dostoyevsky that much since she deems him as too philosophical. She prefers Tolstoy and when she was a kid she’d always skip through the war parts in “war and peace”, kek.

My dad reads magazines on interior designing while he takes a shit.

My older brother reads YA fiction every now and then like Stay With Me or something like that. He prefers reading manga by far.

>> No.12317332

old boomers just raed tim winton and the popular novels who win the "respectable" prize or whatever these days. others read vegan books, steve jobs biographyl, whatever the fuck

>> No.12317391

dad used to go through mountains of tom clancy thriller murder cop kinda books, now he's mostly on his phone. i've never seen my mum read a book. brother is seventeen so no high hopes there, he struggles to go through his required reading and i tried giving him fight club cause i thought he'd find it cool but he dropped it ten pages in

>> No.12317426

Yeah it’s weird, I could see each of them being on the spectrum but I don’t feel I am at all.

>> No.12317449

My father read mainly as a young man and when he served for the Marine, it was mainly books on economics and politics .
As a kid he read Watership Down, books by Jules Verne and his favorite was The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas.
Now he only read the News and some Magazines.

Mom only reads the Bible and various children books to my little brother every now and then.

>> No.12317455

My mom had great taste in children's literature but I don't think she's read a book in decades.

If my dad had a computer he would probably be posting on /lit/.

>> No.12317458

They don't read.

>> No.12317478

My dad reads detective murder thriller books, autobiographies of athletes and musicians. He also reads about metal bands he likes. My mom reads wheel of time and books about sewing/crafting. Both sisters read YA books. Also my grandpa reads about local history and athletes.

>> No.12317493

My mum reads and read a lot, mainly covering the basics from Dickens to Kant, but the bulk of his reading is YA that she rushes through in the bus. Sometimes when I visit she tells me about them and I don't get how she doesn't realize she reads the same thing over and over again. It's her version of turning her mind off, I guess.
She usually loves most stuff I mention from the scifi general.

My dad was really into reading, filling every wall with bookshelves having books in front of books. But when he died his house ended like a complicated shared space with my brothers and I haven't actually checked what he had. I remember having all your modernity bases covered, meme authors from when they were valid memes (Kundera for example), and a lot of religious stuff.

My sister has a pretty decent collection, mostly film theory and pop intellectual books, on the hundreds even ignoring the stuff she lost moving away and breaking up.

The other three brothers don't care too much. Out of the people who care I'm probably the worst one.
One of my brothers loved the beats, got in a drug panic and burned all his books.

>> No.12318058


>> No.12318081

Did he rage or cut them like a zen monk?

>> No.12318088


>> No.12318134

MY dad is mystic gurdjieff follower, does tarot cards and meditates every morning at 4 o clock. never seen him read a book, but got the collected Kierkegaard, jung and freud from his house when he got evicted.
Mom reads detective novels
My brother is not a 4channer but loves pynchon and dfw, really well read dude. Got me into reading.

>> No.12318167

My mother purchases whatever book is most popular and then begins to read it on multiple occasions, yet never finishes it. Crazy Rich Asians is her most recent endeavor.
My father reads a few e-books on his iphone each year. I'm not sure what they all are, but they're mostly Stephen King books.
My brother will read whatever is assigned to him for school and on the rare occasion that we go to a used bookstore together he will buy something light to read. I tried giving him some Kafka because I thought he would like it, but he hasn't bothered reading it.

>> No.12318176

my mum is very lit and my dad reads a lot but almost entirely either non-fiction economic stuff or about art history/biographies of artists
my sister reads a lot but exclusively manga
I guess at least its better than Anime

>> No.12318178

Also, my grandparents on my mother's side were absolutely /lit/ tier.

>> No.12318191

Dad reads nothing but music biography books, mom mainly just listens to Stephen king audiobooks.

>> No.12318201

My mom was a lit major but only reads religious books.
My dad read a lot of John Grisham. At Christmas he recited Shylock’s revenge speech, thinks Shylock was treated unfairly - that speech is the only part of The Merchant of Venice he’s read so whatever.
Sisters are married with kids. Read Harry Potter.
Brother listens to Ian Fleming Bond books.

>> No.12318202

My father read some Hemingway in the past. He tried to shill me some ancient self help book in the past but I politely declined.

My mom doesn't read anything but religious stuff.

My brother loathes reading even though he has read some YA stuff while he was in high school.

I am taken for a fool because I still read books.

>> No.12318214

I’m healthily envious of your semi-autistic family Anon, love that your dad is a heideggerboo and your brother thinks you’re a try hard pseud for relying on /lit/

>my mom
Dan brown tier books, Umberto eco, Isabel allende, fantasy
>my dad
Barely reads, when he does it’s either critically acclaimed stuff like Vargas Llosa, or biographies like Steve Jobs
Art hoe, has a bulowski book on her nightstand that she doesn’t open. does things only for the aesthetic
Jurassic park lol, he’s not even a teen yet. Will become a chad, i swear
Besides the /lit/ memes like Nick Land IJ, mostly Cortázar and similar surrealist lit, or nonfiction, mostly either history or philosophy

>> No.12318241

Dad mostly reads thriller books and history ones, he's really into the history of Jewish people and Greek Orthodox Christians.
Mom only reads religious magazines.
My younger brother doesn't read much, though I know he liked The Witcher saga quite a bit. I lended him my Stanislaw Lem books because he also likes science fiction, but he hasn't touched those yet

>> No.12318247

Your family sounds cozy

>> No.12318260

based outlier offspring
enjoy your children's regression to the mean

>> No.12318287

Just went to check my father's bedside table and he's currently reading three books:
>"Winter" by Len Deighton
>"Bringing the House Down" by David Profumo
>"Suez: The Double War" by Roy Fullick and Geoffrey Powell

He usually reads detective novels, historical fiction, history books, and stuff about automotive history, steam trains, aeronautical history, or the Industrial Revolution.

My mother doesn't read.

My eldest sister reads New Age garbage.

My younger sister reads YA novels.

>> No.12318291

based and nonficpilled
Fiction is for gay nerds

>> No.12318323

>tfw dad is blue collar worker and mom is unemployed
>find out that mom is insanely intelligent, used to read Dostoevsky and listen to Pavarotti before her brain was wracked by borderline pd.
sometimes it's not being an outlyer m8, it's just that intelligence in families is hidden by mental illness

>> No.12318338

both mum and dad used to be super lit until they became retarded for some reason
got a huge old library of books for me growing up though which got me into literature in general.

>> No.12318369

What causes this distortion in intellect, do you think? Mental illness is definitely a cause, but what else? Aging? Being too bored with life and not getting enough mental simulation?

>> No.12318376

I think work honestly
my dad is a classically trained artist who got beaten down by the System yet still managed to make a load of money cheesing his way through

he's pretty aware of how things work and has been a big inspiration on my life

>> No.12318386

as for my mother she was a housewife for a long time and became super autistic while she was reading a lot of great stuff
but since she's started working again whe's declined intellectually I think

>> No.12318408

parents don't read at all
my twin sister likes genre fiction (primarily tolkien-esque fantasy) and the occasional magical realism like calvino or marquez
my little sister takes books off my shelf and sometimes we talk about them, i give her recommendations too

>> No.12318415
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The only time that I have seen my father read was a datsun user manual, my mother reads airport novels.
My sister is autistically obsessed with medieval literature.

>> No.12318416

Holy shit this makes me sad for some reason. Fuck female employment unless it’s social work or the female has remarkable skill in a certain field

>> No.12318419

my mom got systematically beat down after emmigrating from eastern europe. She was abused by her first husband, then settled for my dad who while not very smart, is a very good and honest man who enjoys providing for his family. Unfortunately by that time she'd become rather unstable emotionally, and even if she hadn't, reading classics isn't that popular of a thing in blue collar America.

>> No.12318425

at least I used to have good discussions about various books with my mother when I was younger
but now when I gift her a book to read she often ignores it, now I don't think she reads much at all

>> No.12318469

>used to read Dostoevsky and listen to Pavarotti
Ah, so she was a pleb.

>> No.12318471

My mother only reads books like,
Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board.

Stuff like that. Semi-religious personal accounts of surviving traumatic experiences. I think she reads one per year.

My stepfather only reads books like,
Magnesium: The Miracle Cure THEY Don't Want You to Know About.

Stuff like that. Nutrition pseudo-science where the books are written by the same people who run websites that sell the supplements they're hawking. He also probably only reads the first two chapters that likely 1. explain the supplement, and 2. tell a bullshit story about someone curing their cancer with said supplement. Then he buys $600 worth of the shit, raves about it for ten months, then moves on to the next thing.

My middle brother joined the military right out of high school. Before he moved out, I saw he had a copy of The Art of War. And that book about the soldier who was killed by friendly fire.
About seven years later, after quitting the army six years in and then blowing all his money on booze and eating out every night, he had to move back home for one winter. When he left to go back to school, it fell on me to clean up his room. I found a copy of Atlas Shrugged on his bedside table. Only book in the room.

My eldest brother...I haven't heard of him ever reading a book besides Timeline when he was in high school, which he later gave to me. He also had a subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly and Newtype for a while, years ago.

I'm the youngest brother and I've read stuff like Tale of Two Cities, Slaughterhouse-Five, Infinite Jest, Their Eyes Were Watching God, House of Leaves, V., and The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.12318487

more like a pseud, but for women pseud is genius tier.

>> No.12318490

Grandmother read a lot of shit apparently and she is now giving me her old books, ancient pulp paperbacks of Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Truman Capote, Joyce (just Portrait and Dubliners).

Mom didn’t really read shit but now is getting into it in her 60s because of me. Reading basic classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, and Gatsby. It’s kind of nice and sweet, she wants to connect. She likes to talk to me about them after she finishes them.

Dad doesn’t read shit except maybe the Bible. Actually he apparently went through a period of doubting and read Eusebius and Josephus. He’s a boomer conservative tho.

One brother is a pastor and reads lots of theology, Charles Spurgeon, Augustine, Ravi Zacharias, etc.

One brother reads pop sci, Malcolm gladwell, thinking fast and slow, etc. he’s the most successful.

The brother I thought cared the least about books actually has some big boy books like City of God on his shelf, idk if he actually read it though.

Other siblings don’t read shit.

I’m the one known for reading but it’s mostly a facade, I’m trying to be more sincere about it this year and actually read. I read about 35 books this year.

>> No.12318496

One of my sisters reads fanfiction all the time and some literature (Dumas, Murakami) here and there. My other sisters has been reading the same book for like 2 years and is still in page 70, at least he tried. My mother doesn't read books but reads religious stuff that people give her. My dad is dead but he didn't read as long as I know.

>> No.12318515

My mom's favourite television channel for the past few months has been the Women's Channel (Canada)/the Hallmark Channel. You can imagine the garb they have there. I've tossed her a short Chomsky book (Media Control) because she also watches CNN/the news too much. She never touched it.

My dad - in the occasional times that I do hang out with him - exclusively watches Duterte rally/speeches/interviews. I haven't even bothered with trying to offer him any kind of book. Favourite moves: The Godfather I-III, Dances with Wolves

Me? I'm a pseud. I come here when I'm procrastinating with reading. I read pop non-fiction with an aim to use whatever I find there for self-help. Usually have that and some philosophy book on hand.

>> No.12318526

sounds like your dad needs to lay seige to your mom's figurative city of Marawi

>> No.12318528

None. They don't read.

I'm known as the "smart one" of the whole family. The only person related to me who is as autistic is a sister of my father. She never leaves her house or attends family events, but she's deeply intelligent.

>> No.12318549

love that your dad is a heideggerboo and your brother thinks you’re a try hard pseud for relying on /lit/

Yeah, even though he’s my younger brother he’s stronger than me from working out and one time he saw me reading Arno Schmidt and he held me and started wailing on my upper chest/lower neck area and saying “did your anime friends tell you to read that”

>> No.12318551

Can you elaborate on your dad?

>> No.12318552

Meant to green text first part.

>> No.12318553
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> your anime friends
Can I be your anime friend uwu?

>> No.12318644

mostly historical books, mostly ww2, history of our region. used to read lots of sci-fi when i was smaller. haven't seen him reading fiction in more than a decade.
mostly some esoteric books. no fiction. she red biography of chekhov some time ago.
>younger brother
not sure if he has ever read a book. maybe one or two assigned by school
like books. don't read much. 10 per year? this year. but didn't read much for the past 3-4 years. used to read a lot when was in school, though. i'm trying to get back to it. thanks /lit/

>> No.12318714

recently read A Song of Ice and Fire. used to read a lot before. still does. i introduced her to out local library. sometimes she complains that there are more books to read.

>> No.12318774

Exclusively the Bible as they have no personality or interests other than Jesus.

>> No.12318985

>held me and started wailing on my upper chest
Tfw no chad brother bf to top me
>anime friends

>> No.12319348
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They brag about having read "whole libraries" and brag that they've only done it as an act of prostrating themselves before others, for no gain other than the formality of doing it. Dumb philistine psychopaths.

>> No.12319364

a lot of sci fi/alternate history and then actual nonfiction history
not much, she's terribly busy with work it seems
I mostly read academic shit for school but I try to get about 20p of for-fun reading in daily

>> No.12319384

Parents are both retired librarians and consume more thriller/crime fiction than you could possibly imagine. Like it genuinely boggles my mind how much of that garbage they can get through in a week.

Older brother loves sci-fi and fantasy, has fairly pleb tastes but occasionally reads good stuff (Vonnegut, Le Guin, Peake etc.)

little brother reads pretty much nothing

I read avant-garde/late modernist fiction from the latter half of the 20th century. (so truthfully I have the worst taste out of all of them)

>> No.12319402
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>good stuff (Vonnegut

>> No.12319426

I wish I had a brother. ;_;

>> No.12319448

Not here to defend Vonnegut but why do you hate him so much? Legitimately curious.

>> No.12319466

None of my parents has read a book in decades.

Grandma believes: (1) I'm wasting my time reading and I should be studying, (2) I shouldn't buy more books, (3) At some point she said "I can't stand writers"

>> No.12319514

based sister. Tell her anon says "h-hey..."

>> No.12319560

Based grandma

>> No.12319572


>> No.12319719


>> No.12319731

Fuck yeah grandma

>> No.12319737

This except for my older brother who I think reads a few pages of a finance book a year

>> No.12319810

My dad reads facebook, my three older brothers read conspiracy articles and stuff about movie stars from the nineties (online, not in book-form), my younger brother is 15 and paints extremely well but reads nothing(I've given him the catcher in the rye but he hasn't touched it. I'm the only male in my family that reads. But the females in my family are totally different. My mom has her P.H.D. and goes to goodwill twice a month to find "classics" for her pretty huge collection. I have stolen about half of the books I own (stuff like dead souls, ullyses, madam bovary, moby dick) from her. My sister is writing her dissertation for her P.H.D. in Latin American Literature.

>> No.12319905

Vonnegut is REDDIT and for PLEBS. I only read big brain books like Books I Read In High School™.

>> No.12319932

Grandma reads romance novels when she isn't watching soap operas
My mom is a professor so she just reads textbooks and guides on how to deal with zoomers
My ex step dad was a normie who read stephen king
My grandfather read president biographies and science journals

It's like they read, but don't.

>> No.12319935


>> No.12320036

>Paternal grandparents
Grandmother mainly read regency novels and mystery novels, grandfather mainly read legal nonfiction
>Maternal grandparents
Grandmother read European poetry, grandfather read war histories and biographies of generals/leaders, that sort of thing.
My mom reads whatever her book club chooses, as well as some other stuff, whatever's on top of the NYT nonfiction bestseller list. My dad reads philosophy and histories of philosophy.
One brother reads composer and artist biographies, the other reads whatever The New Yorker tells him to.

>> No.12320081

>paternal great-grandmother
novelist--historical fiction. not very good. never met her, know she read a lot of joyce.
>paternal grandfather (her son)
clinical psychologist, failed novelist and poet. he mostly read southern gothic, the romantics, modernist poets like wallace stevens, and the classics of psychology.
>my father (his son)
doesn't read

What happened?

>> No.12320092

Nobody in my family reads. My cousin in high school claims to, but I think she's lying.

>> No.12320120

My mother was in art school, so she had to read some philosophy and art history, but dropped it pretty quickly. Now she reads some light novels. My father reads a lot about politics and belongs on /x/ with his conspiracy theories but also knows a fair share of the western canon.

>> No.12320184

Good thread.

She reads mostly light fiction: Marilynne Robinson, Cornelia Funke, Dan Brown. She also likes pop spirituality books and self-help bestsellers: Wayne Dyer, Tony Robinson, Deepak Chopra (kek)
Alternates between very interesting books and more shallow pop. history. We're from St. Louis, so the last book he read in its entirely was Ernie Kitsch's Catfish and Crystal. I've also seen him reading stuff like Proust, Chamfort, and (most interestingly) Celine
Before he passed, he'd read a lot of "doomer" type stuff: Ciroan, Plath, Ligotti. make whatever you want of that lol

Solid. What do you read?

>> No.12320217

Only one who I know read in my family was my:
>Grandfather (dec.)
Former school principal, only read non-fiction. Huge collection of encyclopedias, history, etc. I credit him for giving me my reading habit, even if it is not as good as his.

Besides that, literally no-one. All relatives near me in age are mostly STEMlords with no interest in literature.

>> No.12320869

Can you tell more stories about your family? Really comfy.

>> No.12320878
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Mom reads game of thrones/true crime fiction type stuff. Dad has never touched a book in all the years I've known him. Siblings never read except what the school tells them to.
I definitely get my affinity for books from my grandfather, he had a whole library of books he'd read cover-to-cover.

>> No.12320967

>Brother - Hemingway, Conrad, and Arthur Conan Doyle
>Father - Civil War and WW2 books
>Mother - numerous things, which include Zola, Dostoevsky, Bachelard, etc.

>> No.12321191

dad is a pseud, mom is a dumb thot, I'm both.