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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 400x400, kafka-metamorphosis-sand-swatch-400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12316361 No.12316361 [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't he have come up with a cooler animal? What's the point? I could write something better than this. My guy would turn into a charging kayak or a really big dog. Seems a waste.

>> No.12316370

>I could write something better than this
do it then cnt

>> No.12316373

Kafka was a jew, the point was grotesque subversion.

>> No.12316384

i'm not an author. it doesn't really interest me.

but jews made the lion king. why couldn't he have done something rad. i'm just saying, guys. i'm just saying.

>> No.12316392

Are you retarded? You think he was aiming to turn his MC into the coolest animal he could come up with? Jesus. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.12316415

Jews aren't into doing rad things unless that "rad" thing makes you, say, hate your father and blame capitalism and waste your time doing barrel rolls in your own sorrow.

>> No.12316425

i don't get it. i just think if he were an elephant he could at least help his sister out by performing or something.

i don't know any jews. i hope they don't try that with me. it sounds like it would suck. my dad has dementia.

>> No.12316617

Was is ever explained why he turned into a bug?

>> No.12316842
File: 141 KB, 645x773, 1520802126412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point of the book

>> No.12316854

That's not the point

>> No.12316858

Well you seem to have got them

>> No.12316909


>> No.12316915

I don't know OP, but being turned into a bug as a metaphorical portrait of a bugman seems pretty logical to me.

>> No.12316958

no. the author decided it wasn't important. i think someone in hollywood could maybe make a prequel to explain what happened. who turned him into a bug. how they did it. it could make for a really cool sci-fi premise, so, i guess it's not that bad of a story.

he could have been a cool bug man like the shape of water. nobody even cared that he turned into a bug. i think if my brother turned into a bug i would run into his room and scream and promise to help him. that could have been a really cool moment with a lot of drama but i guess we'll never get that now. the author just didn't seem to care about his story at all.

>> No.12316987
File: 106 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_owhhto52ha1ra8gn9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldn't he have come up with a cooler animal?

AS GREGOR SAMSA AWOKE from unsettling dreams one morning, he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrously hot fifteen year old girl. He lay on his soft, round behind and when he raised his head a little he saw his gently rounded belly between the twin arches of his newly budded breasts from whose height the coverlet had already slipped and was about to slide off completely. His long, lithe legs, which were wonderfully topped with almost Callipygian thighs flickered helplessly before his eyes, and he had to force his hand to remain still rather than explore the cleft that he knew now lay at the juncture of those soft and smooth legs.

>> No.12317658

Read K's bio: rejection by father, sole jew in the neighborhood, so much brains he feels brutalized by normie NPCs. Hes really channelling his own sense of worthlessness writing Metamorphosis.

>> No.12317664

Rad is a distinctively American taste. Kafka was brought up on faggier sensibilities.

>> No.12317672

literally my diary desu

>> No.12318634

i think that is what his excuse would be but my sister has lupus and her characters are all really colorful animals and they can use telekinesis and summon fire to help people. it's set in feudal japan. my sister knows alot about feudal japan.

>> No.12318992


I thought the bug was lifting some kind of kettlebells.

>> No.12319007

this observation actually begs the question, why didn't gregor samsa just lift and get /fit/?

>> No.12319023

These threads are absolute trash and everyone posting in them is pathetic.

>Ha ha im deliberately missing the point of the book guys

When you're ready for REAL discussions about literature we'll be waiting over at r/books

>> No.12319044


better than the original

>> No.12319065

please do not advertise in my thread.

the original definitely lacked sex. i think you shouldn't overdo it, but i know readers really appreciate a bit of sex.

>> No.12319173


>> No.12319182

read some murakami

>> No.12319279

Go on...

>> No.12319304
File: 86 KB, 501x138, 1546113979784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Kakfa actually have gender problems? Or am I remembering a different author. There were a shitload of then in the 20th century

>> No.12319582

i don't think i'll be able to find a copy. i get my books from thrift stores and non-profits.

>> No.12319590

Jewish garbage and the fact that it's in the canon just shows how far we have degenerated as a culture.

>> No.12319627
File: 1.93 MB, 425x319, hibari gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you
unless you also wrote the dummies not getting it to make yourself look smart, in that case I hate you
no middle grounds

>> No.12319643

those are full of murakami in my experience

>> No.12319713

i don't remember any scene where the beetle guy is jewish. mostly is he posting from bed. i don't think he even goes outside. it would have been cool if the author had given him his own religion, but he didn't even do that. like if he showed up to temple as a giant beetle, everyone would have been really shocked. or, even better, a basketball game. then he could user his beetle powers to win the game for the team. kids would have really liked that ending better. you have to think about your audience sometimes.

i'll keep an eye out but it sounds really exotic.

>> No.12320995

ive only ever bought murakami at used book stores

>> No.12321018

>the point being that anything you draw from the story it's not important
the most pseud book ive ever gazed upon. waste of fucking time.

>> No.12321036

it was worth it to read that piece of shit book just to laugh at this post. thank you anon.

>> No.12321069
File: 61 KB, 500x375, 1518318164186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying insects aren't cool?

>> No.12321122

hold up, hold up; please write more of this
you have a great talent it would be a shame to not use it

>> No.12321147

I want to kill you for some reason

>> No.12321168

that's because you are a pseud, people laughing at what you hold in your pseud regard as the pinnacle of literature upsets you
the fact is that OP in this rare case is your intellectual superior so bow down

>> No.12322461

i downloaded a book of kafka's stories to do this. previously, i'd only ever seen "the metamorphosis" because there was a period in the seventies when female comic artists would ALWAYS draw a version of this. they always used cursive script to letter it, which made it unreadable. also i just checked out how long the damn thing is, and i don't think i could keep the joke going that long without having to deconstruct it, and that's too much like work.

>> No.12322469

jews aren't economically uniform. They're whatever serves them best from a materialist perspective. Some are communist some are capitalist. Lion king is capitalist propaganda, not commie propaganda.

>> No.12322478

>that's because you are a pseud
It's because he's a jew. When you criticize a jew and another jew sees it his tribal instincts kick in and he has a reactionary response that usually results in something like "I want to kill you" or "neck yourself" or "may yahweh steal your progeny's foreskins and bless the hebrews with them " and so on.

Don't take it personally. In this information war vs the rat kike we have heard it all and much worse.

>> No.12322479
File: 12 KB, 179x281, the breast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12322487

Jews are very uniform. Jews used to be communist and anti-capitalist when jews weren't running the capitalist system, but now that they are they collectively attack opponents of their neoliberal judeo capitalist system. Because they are tribalists first and foremost.

>> No.12322548


fucking /POL/fags, get the fuck out of here. i don't care where you go. just... not here. nobody needs you. nobody wants you. you're only here because you can't get the attention you imagine you deserve in /pol/. fuck off to /mlp/. they'll love you there. everyone knows twilight sparkle is a fucking jew.

>> No.12322560

>get the fuck out of here.
No, YOU get the fuck out of here until you learn to type like a not drunk retard and use correct grammar in your posts. We have no room for jews and jewish apologists on /lit/.

>> No.12322571

Issa joke

>> No.12322578

this reminds me: what translation is the best for reading that book?

>> No.12322618
