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12314616 No.12314616 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe that there are youngsters actually growing up in this absolute sh*tshow of an era, seeing everything we see today as the "standard" for their areas. Seeing today's political battleground (left vs right, "sjws" vs "altright", etc), racial tensions, gender relations, consumerist dystopia, infantilized media, absence of any sacredness for anything (sex, life, our planet, etc all reduced to meaninglessness), and everything else, as "the way things are". I genuinely can't fathom growing up and letting today's mutated versions of these realms paint your whole conception of them.

>> No.12314646

What's it like in rural America?
I grew up in a 50k+ "town" and experienced all of this, still not to the degree of living in a city (which I do now because of school).

>> No.12314662 [DELETED] 

I feel the same. I genuinely believe that anti-natalism is the way to go today. Humanity is donezo, the objects have won, there is no way out of hyperreality. Stop adding more shit into the world and let humanity die off, there is absolutelty no reason or fulfillment in bringing up kids in this world anymore.

>> No.12314682

I feel the same. I genuinely believe that anti-natalism is the way to go today. Humanity is donezo, the objects have won, there is no way out of hyperreality. Stop adding more shit into the world and let humanity die off, there is absolutelty no reason or fulfillment in bringing up kids in this world anymore.

>> No.12314690

>50k+ "town"
at this point that is rural america
below it would be prepper homestead

>> No.12314711

t. Gen Xer seething over not being a based zoomer chad

>> No.12314725

Ah yes, please tell is how it was better back in your day.

>> No.12314726

remember when gen xers were convinced that they had to be ironic and detached while letting boomers take away all control?
Probably the most pathetic generation the US had.

>> No.12315087

America is a huge country. The nearest town to me is twenty miles away and no more than five hundred people live there.

>> No.12315115

>"sjws" vs "altright"
The alt right is not a political force and no one cares what they think about anything. I'm not saying this as a put down but absolutely no one is afraid of disapproval or controversy coming from their direction.

>> No.12315170

Well, time goes on, things change, and eventually might dissappear. If you revolve your life around any of this movements, or images of the current age, you will cease to exist as well.

I think as fellow ones who aren't comfortable in this era, must find a purpose or motive to keep living on under own our terms, it is difficult without resorting to others advice of comfort (who might as well be products of their time and fuck know anything), something like that.

>> No.12315187

if I know one thing it's that if I don't get any pussy in 2019 the gamers will rise up

>> No.12315206
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the nostradamus of our generation

>> No.12315230

>left right dichotomies are for brainlets
>libertarian authoritarian dichotomies are for brainlets
>dichotomies are for brainlets
ok then faggot, what's the enlightened way to look at politics?

>> No.12315348

Yikes OP, why did you copy and paste my comment here from the other thread regarding Indian philosophy and the funny Zoomer meme he posted it with?

Are you mocking my views, and this post is meant to be like a copypasta? This is plagiarism OP, and if you don't answer my question I will call the mods on you!!!! >:(

>> No.12315394

I am zoomer, everything has become an ironic joke. Most of my friends just don't care. NPC's are everywhere.

>> No.12315414

I'm 18 and I can tell you nobody cares about anything. I don't mean that in a sense of goofy teenagers or trying to sound old and wise. My younger brother is 16 and his plans in life are to drop out of school and become a youtuber. Talk about minimal effort.

>> No.12315421

guys like this make me want to go straight

>> No.12315433

We know you’re straight butterfly but you’re just saying that to rustle people’s jimmies. You shouldn’t be attracted to someone based on looks alone.

It’s how they feel that matters most.

>> No.12315441


>> No.12315445

holy fucking chad. chad me the fuck up, chad.

>> No.12315477

Live in a town of 2,000. Same shit there it's just smaller scale.

>> No.12315585

submit to me

>> No.12315611

Guys, OP stole my post from an earlier thread. He didn't write the passage in OP, I did. What do we do? Can any of you help me to hound him about it?

See for yourself in my comment here:

I just feel so sad, because I think he's making fun of me. Everyone in my life is always being mean to me, yet I have only ever shown Love to people. Everytime, you or someone else has to ruin my day with insults that I don't think I deserved to receive. :(

>> No.12315618

op STOP THIS RIGHT NOW you are hurting anonymous' feelings

>> No.12315622

chill negro

>> No.12315637

The alt-right barely qualifies as a singular ideology, it’s more like a social group so far removed from the SJWs’ restrictive mores that they have higher susceptibility to extremism. It’s not that they are all Nazis, they’re just far more likely to consider national socialism.

>> No.12315642

fuck you. THis is a literature board.
OK, my view is that ours is only a brief period in what will be a much longer time in which humans will roam the earth. What we're seeing is just a stage, as humanity tries to cope with its discoveries like a teenager coping with their hormones.

>> No.12315648

you bastard. you did NOT write the passage in OP.

>> No.12315652

>it's not that they are nazis, it's just that they are more likely to be nazi sympathizers
I wonder how you imagine germany in the 30's. Like, in your head people were either going around in SS uniforms or regular aplotical people?

>> No.12315659

It’s shit but you get used to it
Or don’t, so you start taking Prozac to cope
t. Zoomer, turned 18 last month

>> No.12315671

The Nazi Party was a formal political party. I haven't seen any alternative right politicians.

>> No.12315696

Thank you guys so much, such sweet anons you are.

>> No.12315789

Valid retort, since Weimar/Nazi Germany’s political climate was similar to the one we have today. Move along, chimp.

>> No.12315803

what's an alternative right outside of the current US?

you misunderstood
my question had more to do with the difference between a party member, a sympathizer, and a more or less sympathizer. First of all how you draw the line, but also if he gives the same level of variety to current politics and older ones.

>> No.12315838

Brainlet tier understanding of history

>> No.12315851

Care to explain?

>> No.12315906

The more extreme tendencies of Weimar Republic politics were a result of Revanchism, hyper-inflation/genuine economic depression (current bear market is complete pussy shit compared to what was going on in Germany in the 20’s and 30s), and divisive regional differences such as catholic Bavaria vs Protestant Prussia. US politics are incredibly moderate in comparison and there is little to no support for a genuinely far right or far left political movement. Trump is the farthest right the pendulum will swing and he’s the Diet Pepsi of real reform and the farthest left the pendulum could swing would be a European style socialist like Bernie who still believe in the general principles of a capitalist economy. The only similarities are extremely generalizable characteristics like both locations and eras Conservative parties catering to traditional “family values”, and that’s only the same because it’s an easy way to gain votes.

Anyone who thinks an extreme ideaology is going to come out of the current social-economic dynamic in the US seriously underestimates how shitty things have to be for people to be drawn en mass to such beliefs. The entire system is constructed to keep people happy enough for such a revolution to not happen so that the status quo can be largely maintained and companies can keep making money. Just look at how disasterous a relatively small economic change can be for a politicians reputation here, like the Trump tarriffs.

>> No.12315910

My initial remark had little to do with that, to be honest. I was just making the observation that alt-righters are more likely to consider far-right ideology because they already inhabit politically incorrect environments.

Whether they sympathize, become fascists, or oppose it is entirely determined by the results of their examination of these ideologies. The main point of distinction between alt-righters and normies is that the latter will never look to fascism or nazism as a valid, debatable belief system. In other words, they never even CONSIDER it. For them, terms like ‘fascist’, ‘nazi’, and ‘reactionary’ are pejorative.

>> No.12315952

Nothing I said or implied was mutually exclusive with your statements. Quite the opposite, actually.

>> No.12315964

wow it's really like nobody who posts here is older than 34

>> No.12315990

Of course, but my point is, at the end of the day they are just reactionaries from our political time trying to restore the old (idealized) world order or something. When you subscribe to a political idea, you might grow and learn along it, but what I fear is, eventually you become an echo chamber, parroting other people ideas and become comfortable inside a group with clear enemies and what not. You may grow out of it and develop your own ideals, at least in my case, I wish to remain myself whatever direction the time pendulum swings by.

>> No.12315993

Really? Because you said that the Weimar Republics political climate is similar to the current political climate in the US, and then I listed 3 major reasons why it is not.

Enjoy being a schizoid who genuinely believes that “the day of the rope” is gonna happen sometime in your life I guess.

>> No.12316013

>implying I give a fuck what subhuman monkey-brains think

Stop giving them attention is the first step. Live your life the way you think life should be lived. It's literally the only thing you have control over.

>> No.12316097

I was being sarcastic. I was calling him a dumbass (chimp, specifically) for basing his retort on that assumption. Turned out to be a misunderstanding on my part.