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12314449 No.12314449 [Reply] [Original]

Post you’re favorite album and book. I’ll start
>Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.12314469
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>this or hex enduction hour
>war and peace

>> No.12314475

/mu/fag spotted.

>> No.12314497

Choirs of the Eye
Either If on a winter's night a traveler or Amsterdam Stories, not sure.

>> No.12314518
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Pedro Paramo

>> No.12314537
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>> No.12314633

>The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me
>Anna Karenina

>> No.12314803

It’s an unironically good album.

>> No.12315097
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Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey...

You know, the father of the alt-right.

>> No.12315120
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probably the Recognitions. Suttree is definitely up there as well

>> No.12315128

why not "King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard in the Blizzard"? wasted chance

>> No.12315980

>picking a 2018 album as your favorite
>picking /lit/ meme canon as your favorite

honestly sad because you clearly don't have individual taste. i'm not denying their quality, but clearly your choices are no accident.

>> No.12315982

yeah nigga

>> No.12315985


>> No.12316038

OP is a zoomer who has never listened to the original post punk movement and thinks this album is good and not extremely generic and derivative.

>> No.12316065
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>> No.12316105
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>Catch 22

>> No.12316107

>I'm new to 4chan and base my taste on whatever people are currently talking about

>> No.12316108
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>The stranger
I'm pretty new to reading, should I read Either/Or? I don't feel ready yet. Or how should I prepare for it?
Pic unrelated

>> No.12316540
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why are you so insecure?

>> No.12317130
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>> No.12317135

Joanna Newsom - Ys
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12317146
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el-p - cancer 4 cure
bruce sterling - islands in the net

>> No.12317150

>muh collectivism

>> No.12317158
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Book: The Horse and His Boy
Album: I listen to a lot of music, it would be difficult to choose one. But lately I've been blasting this all day.

>> No.12317162

is that her left arm or her left breast visible on the bottom right

>> No.12317165
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Celine- Journey to the End of Night

>> No.12317170

I thought it was her left boob but I'm not sure.

>> No.12317178

Great album.

>> No.12317187
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Probably East of Eden or Against the Day

>> No.12317194

>not live in tasmania

>> No.12317200
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Notes from Underground.

>> No.12317213
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Philosophical Investigations

literally me 4 years ago

>> No.12317219

Crime and Punishment
Album: No Drum and Base in the Jazz Room, by Clever Girl
2nd favorite album: Hi-fi Anatomia, by Sōtaisei Riron
Both of these albums got me through my Junior Year of high school, especially through the all nighters I had for ap chemistry. They're super comfy.

>> No.12317339
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Too Loud a Solitude

>> No.12317380

Hard to decide.

Book: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson or Kiklop, Ranko Marinkovic

Music: Chet Baker and that black guy with a norwegian name, No Problem (discovered this recently, there are other possible answers as well)

>> No.12317401
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Finnegans Wake

>> No.12317438

>Kiklop, Ranko Marinkovic
baziran i crvenotabletiran
not even among the best 3 albums of that mediocre band

>> No.12317741
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I've been listening to that album for the last few days and it has already became one of my fav albums. What a fucking AOTY.
Fav album is pic related and fav book is either Anna Karenina or The Master and Margarita

>> No.12318387

The Glow pt 2
Music for Airports

If On A Winter's Night a Traveller;
Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.12318395
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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.12318420

Read Trout Fishing In America

>> No.12318571

Great album anon