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12311924 No.12311924 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw reading genre fiction (erotica)

>> No.12311938

>reading somebody’s masturbatory aid
I’ve identified the issue, anon.

>> No.12311949

Erotica is poison for the mind and associates the act of reading with sexual arousal which is detrimental to intellectual endeavors for the hypofrontality induced.

>> No.12313686

This is a prime example of how sexual excesses rot the mind and corrupt the linguistic faculties. Wernicke's area is more recessed and intertwined with the primitive instinctual faculties. If you've watched enough pornography, or read enough "erotica", this makes connections to the hypothalamus and medial preoptic area, rather than the prefrontal region so as to associate many words, patterns and their interpretation with sexual arousal rather than the intellect. The moment arousal occurs, you are instantaneously distracted and prefrontal transmission stops. It almost defeats the entire point of being literate only to have reason hijacked at will by the primal regions intent on seeking release, which after being done leaves one depleted, unmotivated and fatigued.
You think you're making a joke here but the joke is on you. Your brain is damaged from sexual excesses. You can't even sit down and read without a pairing of words reminding you of some arousing situation or other series of words. This is hell.