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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, Top_100_2018_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12311583 No.12311583 [Reply] [Original]

By now I'm sure you've seen /lit/'s top 100 which another anon did, and I'm also sure you've noticed that out of the 100 books on the list 81 are novels or novellas.
Because of this I am going to run four lists.
>Top 10 Plays
>Top 25 Poems
>Top 50 Short Stories
>Top 50 Non Fiction Books
All the plays, epic poems and non fiction books that made the full list will automatically be at the top of the list. This means you do not have to vote for Hamlet, The Odyssey, The Bible etc. Each section of the form will tell you explicitly the books you do not need to vote for.
Please read the descriptions before nominating your choices ESPECIALLY FOR THE NON FICTION BOOKS.
This is an experiment that could either be great or terrible. Don't be an ebin memer faggot and we could have some useful lists on our hands.
Vote here
Voting will be open from the 30th to the 6th of January. Please do not let this thread die during that period. Once the first few votes start coming in I will post a read only link to the spreadsheet.
I will post the final charts some time after voting ends, and hopefully some helpful anon can make the visual charts.

>> No.12311606

Don't forget to nominate Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey
The father of the alt-right

>> No.12311624

Interesting idea, anon. Already submitted.

>> No.12311626

too much rules

>> No.12311634

/Mein Kampf

>> No.12311643

Seriously, by begging people to not put Mein Kampala, you’re basically condemning yourself to only receive Mein Kampf as an answer.

>> No.12311650

Anybody who puts Mein Kampf or a meme book by a living author (Culture of Critique, How To Win Friends and Influence People, The Art Of The Deal etc) has their response and all their other nominations deleted. It takes five seconds, I don't care.

>> No.12311653

We should add a book here that explains John Mackey may have given birth to the alt-right.

>> No.12311662

Actually sir.


>> No.12311663

maybe someone else should try this

>> No.12311690

>want to make a /lit/ top-X list, but for non-novels
>introduce personal, arbitary criteria in order to distort the distort the real picture
Doesn't work like that, faggitor.

>> No.12311693

Do you want The Culture of Critique and Mein Kampf shitting up the chart? It's not because of their politics its because they're memes. Therefore I had to think of a way of filtering memes without specifically banning too many books, so I went with banning living authors. I would have been fine with Sowell's books ranking high, it's not a politics thing.
Even if the non fiction chart fails miserably the plays, poems and short stories charts will still be worthy

>> No.12311696

Someone should make a youtube video and throw him in under the same category we did as Jordan Peterson.

>> No.12311707

That's not your decision to make, you pathetic shitstain. Get lost.

>> No.12311709

Already voted. Left poetry blank because I don't know enogh to cast a vote. Also, non-fiction is too big a category to provide any meaningful results IMO. And short stories and poetry could be grouped inside collections or authors instead of standalone.

>> No.12311719
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Its a complete rebranding of the alt-right!

>> No.12311730

I can always change the rules to accept anything, and if enough people want that then I will consider it, but then the list would be much worse and you know it.
I could also just scrap the non fiction chart altogether and just do plays, proms and short stories but if the memers fuck off we could have a really good non fiction chart.
If you can name enough non meme books by living authors I may change the rules

>> No.12311759

Keep the rules anon. Do not give in to the /pol/tards

>> No.12311763

where's the original thread for 2018 top100 discussion? can't find it.

>> No.12311773

By the way, the only reason I have it as 10 plays is because I expect that 90% of responses will be Shakespeare, but if there's enough variety I am willing to extend it to 15 or 20. Same applies for poems

>> No.12311824

Submitted. Hope you get some interesting results out of it, anon.

>> No.12311827

I didn't even consider Shakespeare for the plays given that he's already well represented on the overall list.

>> No.12311845

This doc records people’s emails...

>> No.12311895
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No it doesn't
They're way more varied than I thought they'd be, I thought the short stories would all be Joyce, Borges or Chekhov and they aren't, I thought the plays would all be Shakespeare and they aren't, it's looking good. And only two people have nominated things already on the chart (one person nominated Montaigne's Essays and one nominated Paradise Lost)

>> No.12311905


desu you probably should have made it favourite poets instead of individual poems.

>> No.12311912

>I'm sure you've seen /lit/'s top 100 which another anon did
Those were better days. Alas, today OP was a triggered bitchfaggot who arrogates to himself the right to dictate which book is or isn't allowed on official /lit/ lists. Remember lads, sage goes in all fields.




>> No.12311937

If the other chart hadn't been moderated the top 3 places would have been The Fat Rabbit, Poo Poo and Hamlet by miles

>> No.12311986

Is The Metamorphosis a short story or a novella? If it's a short story then it's automatically #1 and you don't need to vote for it

>> No.12311997

maybe this form will make a few anons actually read a poem.

you shouldnt accept submissions from people who cannot fill the form

>> No.12311998

Hey do you have a link to the results so far?

>> No.12312002

>he never read Borges

>> No.12312009


>> No.12312167


>> No.12312279

Barleby the scrivener gang better lock in for the short story nomination

Best short story of all time

>> No.12312280
File: 8 KB, 250x229, D7EC3FCA-3FC8-489F-B05B-5D3780D72D44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Bible is nonfiction

>> No.12312346

Bartlebe seems to be running away with the short story cagetory (4 mentions so far).

Also, Sophocles is deservedly getting lots of love in the plays section.

>> No.12312351


>> No.12312357

non /lit/ here, what would The Bible actually count as? is 'religious text' a category of its own?

>> No.12312373

I don’t know. It’s a really unique book.

>> No.12312418

lick my cock retard

>> No.12312436

the aeneid also made the list and is a poem

>> No.12312461

This, it’ll only be epic poems now

>> No.12312594

Why not?
Yeah, and what about nominating one movement/act of a symphony/opera, retard

>> No.12312615

>not accepting mein kampf
why not just rig it altogether if we can only vote for things you like OP

>> No.12312668

>the aeneid also made the list and is a poem
You OP? not even a couple dozen votes and you already are drafting the list???

>> No.12312674

It's really sui generis — keep in mind it's basically a library of (depending on your Church's canon) 66 or 73 books that are mythological, historical, pseudohistorical, prophetic, poetic, sapiential, epistolary, or theological in nature, or a combination of these.

>> No.12312684

fuck ulysses,lolita,gravity's rainbow and infinite jest.fuck pynchon fuck DFW.

>> No.12312701

>someone even said it's "Baby's first reading list". That can't be serious.

No, someone didn't. Someone said that "it's very 'Baby's First Hipster Reading List'". The "hipster" distinction is important.

>Who in their right mind thinks Dostoevsky, Woolf and Joyce qualify for that?

But you've just given the reason why they do qualify: they're immediately recognizable indicators of intellectual difficulty. That's why you picked them. And that's why they picked them. Dollars to donuts, not one in a hundred of the /lit/ 4channers have read Ulysses cover to cover, let alone Finnegans Wake, but they still get circlejerked for their reputation as difficult books. The same reason is why Infinite Jest has been on every iteration of this list since the year dot. Hence why I say that this list is aspirational literature for would-be hipsters. They don't care about the literary quality; they just care that they be recognized for being highbrows. That's how they can excuse a list that includes Plato but has no Aristotle in it. Understanding, knowledge, and a broadening of their perspectives is not the point. Indeed, it seems impossible that any broadening worth the name could take place with a list so biased to Americans, against women and writers of color, and to anything written before the 19th and 20th centuries. Even when they examine 20th century authors, their list is incomplete because lesser-known but equally heady and difficult books like The Death of Virgil by Hermann Broch and Nightwood by Djuna Barnes wouldn't suit their purpose, which is to be recognized for being intelligent rather than genuinely appreciating these works for their own merits. That's because these works are too little-known among the lay public and their fellow hipsters, who are largely ignorant of developments in Continental literature. (Barnes, though American, lived in Europe (mostly in Paris) and North Africa and was responding more to literary developments there than in her home country.)

>> No.12312703

Because they're hipsters, they also have a fetish for the new, which accounts for why only 15 of the 100 books date from before 1900 and omit even such major works as the plays of the Greek tragedians, the works of the Greek and Roman historians (indeed, ALL histories, the only nonfiction being written by philosophers or religious scribes), Beowulf, The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, any of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, The Song of Roland, the Norse and Icelandic sagas, The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory, etc., etc., etc. There are only three plays by two playwrights, Goethe and Shakespeare. There is NO lyric poetry. At all. And yet you want us to believe that this is "a list of the highest and most sublime works of art known to man". Then all I can say is that it's too bad poetry is such a washout. Personally, I thought Goethe wrote some fine verses, but unless they're recited in the context of a play they don't count. For that matter, it seems that most theater doesn't measure up either, and all history is a dead loss. Pity poor Thucydides: his recounting of Pericles' Funeral Oration became the model for the next 2,500 years of public speaking, but it just doesn't quite measure up to the standard set by Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun. And old Plutarch must be feeling chagrined, given that his Parallel Lives was the main source for Shakespeare's Roman tragedies, sometimes in near word-for-word borrowings (as in the famous description of Cleopatra by Enobarbus).

The point is not whether they read one book or another, but rather it's the recognition that what is on this list is NOT unambiguously the greatest literature ever. That the list omits much that a more serious source would definitely include, and that equally good cases could be made for hundreds or even thousands of omitted titles from every era. It's just a bunch of shitposters showing off.

^Is he right /lit/ ?

>> No.12312725

not OP, he just said that the poems that made the top 100 will be automatically in the list but it seems he did not count the aeneid

>> No.12312740

Someone should tell this stupid nigger that the charts are made for our own amusement and not for getting epic reddit reputation for being hipster

>> No.12312755

I missed that and have added that, the top 5 poems will be Iliad/Odyssey/Comedy/Paradise/Aeneid.
Thanks for pointing that out, luckily only one person nominated it anyway
>Why not?
For the same reason that The Fat Rabbit wasn't accepted in the other list

>> No.12312772

It's just people's favorite books on here rather than a syllabus, he's angry over nothing

>> No.12312856
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, 643564514436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, pic related is the error-free top 100. The original said "Fagles" was the author of the Odyssey. This one fixes that. The file name begins and ends with 6, that's the good version.

>> No.12312967

Already voted! I hope you get enough responses OP.

>> No.12312982

No one has voted for Borges' Collected Fictions? Shame.

>> No.12312992

Oedipus Rex and Oedipus the King are the same play, OP, don't get confused.

>> No.12313045
File: 113 KB, 600x800, Mariner_deathfires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice idea but you should have increased the ability to vote for more on each category to like 10, because unlike the big and ambitious world of novels /lit/ is going to be lost in the dark with the variety of poems, stories, plays, etc. that we never talk about

Still voted

>> No.12313055

I tried Dostoyevsky as my introduction to Russian classics starting with TBK and Demons and I basically lose interest around half way in. What am I doing wrong lads?

>> No.12313062

what about lyrics for songs? thats the best poetry made today thats available to the masses

>> No.12313132

Look at this big boy polyglot with all his latin knowledge

>> No.12313141

You're being too much of a plebbitor, perhaps.

>le rap is poetry meme
Fuck off.

>> No.12313163

You have to go back

>> No.12313195

You’re supposed to start with Crime and Punishment, not just jump straight into Brothers K. Try C&P and then revisit the other two.

>> No.12313217

Are Chartfags the worst cancer on /lit/?

>> No.12313220


Thank, I'll try this.

>> No.12313249

Bro, my advice would be to read notes from the underground if you haven't already, before you jump into crime and punishment. You could probably read crime and punishment first and be fine but imo reading notes from the underground first added a lot for me bro

>> No.12313267

Why do the non-fiction authors have to be dead?

>> No.12313268


I've read Notes from Underground years ago, I actually loved that book. I'm going to try Crime and punishment, thinking about getting the Garnett Translation because the copies of Demons and TBK I have up on were translated by that couple - P&V? - hopefully this will help.

>> No.12313278
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>> No.12313297

I read the David McDuff translation of crime and punishment and brothers k and I thought those were pretty impressive. So that's my rec, but I'm sure Garnett is pretty good too

>> No.12313373

imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.12313413

OP got buttblasted about people voting for books he doesn’t like so he’s trying to ban some of them without banning specific titles
Except he still had to ban one speficially so I don’t know why he’s even trying to be sneaky about it

>> No.12313415

Not OP, but I'm pretty sure he wants to prevent Jordan Peterson from dominating the list.

>> No.12313431

Jordan Memerson

>> No.12313456

Infinite Jest and Lolita in the top 10, yeah this list is shit.

>> No.12313458

What if the author is imaginary? Or if the author is actually a group of people, and some of them are dead, while some aren't?

>> No.12313479

2014 list literally had harry potter and hitchhikiers guide, 2018 is the best list in years

>> No.12313604

Drop the rules mate, if people are dumb and want to meme then we need to have a dumb meme list. Any other forced "good" list is hardly representative of anything. Also, why dont you consider Das Kapital a meme too?

>> No.12313612

>Also, why dont you consider Das Kapital a meme too?
Because it's a serious book.

>> No.12313618

Unlike Mein Kampf and books by living authors?

>> No.12313623

Mein Kampf is a Nazi book. Memerson writes self-help.

>> No.12313633
File: 6 KB, 234x216, IMG_2769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO that doesn't mean /lit/ is better read now than in 2014, just that it's more self conscious about seeming well-read

Board quality was more variable when I started coming here in 2015, but it had much higher highs and more interesting individual posters. I think /lit/ now has become a lot more of a mediocre mush of well-read but fairly uninventive and unoriginal posters. All I'm saying is don't judge old /lit/ by the chart, it was a good place to be at the time my nigga

>> No.12313647


>> No.12313662

Storm of Steel is non-fiction, it should be at the top with the rest.

>> No.12313673

Can someone remake the image but with every cover replaced with the Wordsworth’s classic version

>> No.12313704

>only voting from mathematical texts in non-fiction
Absolutely Based

>> No.12313717

>What if the author is imaginary?
>Or if the author is actually a group of people, and some of them are dead, while some aren't?
Case by case, obvious spam is obvious spam but I will still consult the thread
Marx is a political philosopher whose works are taken seriously even by those who disagree, Mein Kampf is a book that people meme because hahaha Hitler wrote it.
Banning living authors was the most efficient way I could think of to filter most of the books people would meme otherwise like The Culture of Critique, How To Win Friends And Influence People and Jordan Peterson.
This is not a politics thing, this is about whether they are complete memes. I would have happily accepted Industrial Society And Its Future and Basic Economics but unfortunately they get caught in that filter and I don't want to be picking and choosing too much. I am accepting works by Leo Strauss (I don't know if The Prince counts as right wing but I'm accepting that). I would have removed SJW books if they were memed onto the chart, it's just that /lit/ doesn't meme SJW books.
If I wanted /pol/'s favourite books I would ask them.
Correct, will fix it

>> No.12313734

Oops, Nick Land is alive

>> No.12313754

i agree, what’s even the point of a lit list if we can’t have any memes on it. plus you’re banning a lot of legitimately good books just to keep the memes out. it’s a fun idea but this chart will be boring

>> No.12313772

>How To Win Friends And Influence People
It was published in the 30s, its author is dead. It's the originally self-help book so I get your meaning.

>> No.12313784

The original self help book is Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.12313792

So can people vote for that or is OP going to delete those votes anyway?

>> No.12313799

vote for Montaigne

>> No.12313808

Oh shit, I genuinely thought it was a recent book like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. My mistake, I will now have to accept it. That's one meme that got through but I don't want to pick and choose individual books if I can help it, Mein Kampf is banned but How To Win Friends... is not. For the same reason I am not going to let Industrial Society and Its Future in even though I would have been fine with it ranking high
Yes, people can vote for that
Montaigne will already be on the list at #3

>> No.12313844

And, of course, Ted Kaczinsky is still alive

>> No.12313855

Montaigne should be #1 in nonfiction and #3 overall. I hope someone fists your dickhole.

>> No.12313943

It's not my fault, I think he should be #1 non fiction as well but this is the will of /lit/ so he must be #4 (not 3, I remembered incorrectly)
This is an experiment, I would be willing to also do a non fiction chart where anything and everything is allowed but I don't know if /lit/ would care by then and if there's only going to be one I'd rather have one with fewer memes. If they will and this time goes well enough I may do it, although if I do there will probably be even more memes just to spite me. But the whole point of doing another non fiction chart is to see how well the must-be-dead rule stops /pol/tards and if having Kaczynski, Land and Sowell, who I think should be on the chart whether I like them or not, is worth also having Peterson, Ben Shapiro and Hitler as high as memers can get them

>> No.12314054

THIS OP >>12313045 . I can only put in 3 names for poetry. The only short stories I've read are The Stranger and a fucking truckload of children books.

>> No.12314066

>OP: Oh god think about the reddit points I'm trying to get here goy!!!

>> No.12314078

Just leave fields blank if you have nothing to nominate.
This is just an experiment, and I can see that >>12313045 is right. I didn't think there would be as much variety as there is in the responses. If we ever do this again then the number of nominations has to increase.
I would have done a Ranker list if it hadn't stopped working in the EU after GDPR

>> No.12314091

OP here, I didn't write that. The problem is not the politics, it's that it's a meme.

>> No.12314097

I am the nigger

>> No.12314120

>poems of any length
>no collections
What the fuck? It's just going to be more epic crap if you prevent people from voting for Leaves of Grass etc.

>> No.12314193

Lmao das kapital in top 11 kys

>> No.12314210

Alright /pol/niggers, here's a compromise. Once this list is done I am willing to do another non fiction list where there are no rules apart from the top 11 being the books on the full chart. I will accept Mein Kampf and Peterson, and there will also be genuinely good books that got caught in the filter. Both charts will exist. The only problem is I'm pretty sure by then nobody will care. If people genuinely would vote in that one I would do it, and if we turn out with a better list then by all means that's what we'd do in the future.
What about in the future one chart for epic poems and collections and one for individual non-epic poems? Everyone knows the top collections would be Leaves of Grass, Four Quartets and Canterbury Tales, but the problem is that most of the others would be Complete _______, which isn't as helpful. I would still be willing to do that in the future, though.
Also, am I right in thinking I shouldn't count Pale Fire as a poem? If it does count then it's automatically #5 but I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
Not my choice faggot

>> No.12314230

Ignore the /pol/tards OP

>> No.12314268

>What about in the future one chart for epic poems and collections and one for individual non-epic poems?
I think that would be better. I already voted for your current poll and I'll definitely vote if you do another poll with this method for poetry.
Also you could just make a rule about poetry collections have to be original works contemporary to the author, and not anthologies decades/hundreds of years after the author's death.

>> No.12314271

Where my muh fuckin chart at bix nood

>> No.12314321

Your rules for non-fiction are shit you should quit doing this.

>> No.12314617

>I think he should be #1 non fiction as well
This singular statement has absolved you of any wrongdoing in my mind. Montaigne is God. God bless you.

>> No.12315843

So chart when?

>> No.12315844

lmao That moron is just projecting. He complains that we omitted great literature, but there's only 100 spots. No matter what was included there will always be great books left out. Calling people hipsters because their taste in books is getting more attention than your own is a great show of insecurity.

>> No.12315923

After the 6th of January i would assume.

>> No.12316809


>> No.12317193

If you want a list that is representative of the state of /lit/ then you can't discard meme books (or rather meme books that you don't like).

>> No.12317223

that is fucking retarded

>> No.12317226

what the fuck? literally why

>> No.12317241

because there are plenty of good non-fiction books written by living people that come close to being my favourite. shit written by john lukacs, george steiner, galen strawson, anne fausto-sterling, alasdair macintyre, etc.. this is fucking embarrassing. OP didn't even know that how to win friends and influence people came out in the 1930s.

"when i hear the world culture, i reach for my holster."
-- OP

>> No.12317249

oh sorry you probably meant "literally why" to the retarded rule

>> No.12317354

OP I think you should accept alive authors since many of them are representative of /lit/'s state (Nick Land, Ted Kaczynski, etc...), meme answers won't be as common as you think they will.

>> No.12317588

It's too late now but I'm willing to try another list where anything goes except for the 11 books that are automatically at the top and see how that goes.

>> No.12318242

Doing god's work, OP. Honestly, /lit/ may be trash but the charts are surprisingly really good. Maybe because no one here reads and just wants to signal that he's a cultured man, so they spend time researching books that makes you "well read" instead of actually reading them. Either way, the results are good.
Regarding the "no alive authors" rule, i think you should just apply common sense. There's no reason to not include something like "After Virtue" or "The Theological Origins of Modernity" or actual good contemporary books because of some anos who are "haha i'm such a goofster i'm gonna vote for bell curve xd". Just apply common sense and remove obvious trash like Memerson, Ronald Macdonald's and so on.

>> No.12318263

I don't want to pick and choose which books get in other than Mein Kampf so I have to be consistent even if I'd want Kaczynski to be allowed.
I will do another chart where anythings allowed afterwards if people still care
>OP didn't even know that how to win friends and influence people came out in the 1930s
I'm not American so I've only ever seen that book in the context of Redditors recommending it and people putting it on their shelves ironically

>> No.12318642

just fucking let mein kampf on or just delete it and only it!! i get the feeling you're only making this chart because you want to impress redditors.. too sycophantic an attitude...

>> No.12318794

>To fill out this form, you must be signed in. Your identity will remain anonymous.

>> No.12318799

How many responses are you waiting for OP?
kys faggot.
OP fighting against a meme lsit is resepctable.
Mein Kampf being not allowed is totally fine, since edge lords would only vote for it to have that work on a top literature list.

>> No.12318836

Borges is truly a based short story writer.
Seems Library of Babel will win.
>tfw plebs think Metamorphosis is a short story
>tfw I don't like a single poem
Great idea OP, this list is more useful then the novel one. Finally gonna read a good selection of short stories and poems.

>> No.12319006

I hope Borges wins a spot.

>> No.12319022

>Culture of Critique
>meme book

>> No.12319041

>muh jewwwwwes
back to /pol/

>> No.12319131

>only two votes for The Robbers so far

>> No.12319363

2016 was the best list

>> No.12319446

I'm actually pretty interested to see how this turns out. Is the dead author rule just for limiting memes?

>> No.12319476

Why don't you just make your own list, faggot, if you are going to have so many rules?

>> No.12319495

>don't pick this stuff because it was already picked for the main list and will carry over
>just make your own list then!

>> No.12319499

>rule just for limiting memes?
its for ensuring quality

>> No.12319530

I posted my responses but I have to wonder whether the reason you guys are doing this is because the /lit/ 2018 list got "called out" by some sperglord on Reddit who has a hard on for Djuna fucking Barnes of all people?

>> No.12319549

Nah, the interest for this list predates the plebbit fiasco. Fuck plebbit, though.

>> No.12319558

>no living authors
>no 'meme' books, op decides what is and isn't a meme book

>> No.12319718

look fuckhead your grocery store sucks dick whole foods is the ethnostate inshallah

>> No.12319852

Just a heads up, the plays list will probably be 15 or 20, not 10, the variety has been way better than I expected.
I wonder what the results would be if it was a top 100 and you just vote for anything that isn't a novel, meaning short stories, short story collections, poems, poetry collections, essays, essay collections and non fiction texts are all on the same chart against each other (with the ones from the full list carrying over). There are so many directions this experiment can be taken in, but not now. I appreciate that most people will not have the patience to submit responses over and over again.
>>no 'meme' books, op decides what is and isn't a meme book
I did that for 1 (one) book
Nope, I suggested this list during and before the voting for the main list was open
I'm waiting until 6th January unless the thread dies and a repost gets no responses

>> No.12319853

You're doing gods work OP

>> No.12320332


>> No.12322068

Whoever made the 2018 chart sucks at designing them. You chose the least aesthetic covers you could. Half are shitty Penguin Modern Classics covers.

>> No.12322828


>> No.12323168
File: 10 KB, 223x226, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 works by women in the top 100
>reddit complaining there aren't enough works by women
>in reality there are 2 too many works by women in the top 100

>> No.12323996

Bump, nearing 100 votes rn

>> No.12324302

you are so cool

>> No.12324340

OP, are you gonna have a second round of votes for the pool that will make up the lower seed in the lists, instead of choosing the ones you prefer best?
The pool of 3-5 votes works is most likely gonna make a huge portion of a lot of these lists, so you should have a second round where people vote on these to fill in the list's lower seeds.

>> No.12324401

Yep, I'll do another Google Form to deal with ties.
Also, if the guy(s) who voted for The Oedipus Cycle see this, I'm going to count your votes as votes for Oedipus Rex for simplicity's sake as the full Cycle is clearly not going to make the list but Rex will rank really high (I'm pretty sure the top 3 after Hamlet/Faust/Lear will be Oedipus, Macbeth and Waiting for Godot in some order). Votes for poets instead of poems will not be counted because I think I was clear enough in my question.

>> No.12324429

>Votes for poets instead of poems will not be counted because I think I was clear enough in my question.
Sucks for the guy who voted for 4 different Keat poems
>inb4 that counts as 4 votes

>> No.12324564

I said poets instead of poems, not poems instead of poets. Each of those Keats poems will get a vote. What I meant is the guy who put E. E. Cummings, Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsburg, Yeats and Crowley did not actually vote for any poems like I asked so his votes are invalid

>> No.12324580
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, 643564514436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed some. Here.

>> No.12324632

Improvement but it would be better if one changed out ALL Penguin classics covers for something else, and oxford classic should be removed as well.

>> No.12324639

well I changed the books I cared about, I'm not the original creator, but you can do it, too, anon, like I did.

>> No.12324648
File: 31 KB, 396x385, 1500237001271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you can do it, too, anon, like I did.