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1231144 No.1231144 [Reply] [Original]

>With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world Tolkien began to reveal.
- The New York Times

>> No.1231192

*tugs braid*

>> No.1231195

what does that even mean

>> No.1231208


*boxes ears*

>> No.1231213


Blood and bloody ashes!

>> No.1231214

*smooths skirts*

>> No.1231216

is this shit fucking out?

btw that whole tugging braid this was completely overused

>> No.1231223


good, stout wool.

>> No.1231230

Oh New York Times. Rand-land is not Middle Earth!

You are so silly.

>> No.1231269
File: 574 KB, 295x221, enough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the first three books

mfw when I finished the third book

>> No.1231275

finished great hunt 1 hour ago
this is what i am feeling
i will still attempt to finish series before last book comes out next year

>> No.1231283


They're not bad books, they could just be half the size. Jordan cold have used a better editor.

>> No.1231285


lol'd so hard
i've read up to the end of book 11 because by the time i hated myself for getting that far there was no point in stopping

but those posts are the bulk of content in the books
i skip entire passages describing things that don't need entire passages dedicated to them and you miss exactly nothing. when theres a page with lots of dialogue i would just read through it because it could tell you 100% of what you needed to know

>> No.1231294

Seriously, these books make no sense. Since when has any ranga gotten with three girls who all love him?

>> No.1231310

*adjusts shawl*

>> No.1231323

*fingers belt knife*

>> No.1231328

That really burns me

>> No.1231329

>With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world Tolkien began to reveal.
>book not written by Robert Jordan


>> No.1231338

Light burn you!

>> No.1231341

*incredulity at the disparate nature of the opposite gender*

>> No.1231352

I don't get the book, seriously. They can teleport for fucks sake, why can't they just go to the other people and be like "ohai guise, look this is what is happening, i'm not trying to undermine you like Jordan wants to spend 20 pages writing about"

>> No.1231353
File: 53 KB, 624x488, no..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world Tolkien began to reveal.
The Worm Ouroboros - E.R. Eddison, 1922
The King of Elfland's Daughter - Lord Dunsaney, 1924
Conan the Barbarian - Robert E. Howard 1933
Jirel of Joiry - C.L. Moore, 1934
The Island and the Mighty - Evangeline Walton, 1936
The Once and Future King - T.H. White, 1938
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser - Fritz Leiber, 1939
Titus Groan - Mervyn Peake, 1946
Three Hearts and Three Lions - Poul Anderson, 1953
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954
and keep in mind it wasn't published in America until the 1960s, during which more superior fantasy was written.

>> No.1231368

because if everyone worked together then half of jordans sub plots wouldnt exist and he could have finished the series in 4 or 5 books

>> No.1231369

99.9% of fantasy is not based on any of those except Tolkien.

He created a genre. It's indisputable. He credited his sources and was very open about that, but pulp and Arthurian shite was not especially influential whereas Tolkien carved out a huge niche in which he is duplicated, opposed, and everything in between.

Seriously, that was a really dumb post made by an ignorant peon.

>> No.1231377

*brushes teeth with soda and salt*

>> No.1231384

*assume something is impossible, even though people used to be able to do it*

>> No.1231410

>is derivative of Tolkien
>Tolkien carved out a huge niche in which he is copied
fix'd, Sword of Shanarra on Line #1 please pick up.
>opposed, and everything in between.
and fawned over and defended...
>He created a genre. It's indisputable.
the list of works predating him might dispute it
popular consent =/= historical record
>but pulp and Arthurian shite was not especially influential
>implying Conan the Barbarian has not been influential
now you're making things up
>implying Arthurian is not massive
oh please
And then there is the indomitable Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser: set the tropes and landscapes that fantasy has since adopted as standards, you can thank Mister Leiber for thieves guilds for example.

>> No.1231419

You didn't even respond to any concept I actually put forward, you just typed a message to see your own words and feel pleasure at looking at them.

>> No.1231422

*brushes mustache*

>> No.1231433

ERB had an Assassin Guild in his Barsoom stories.
>I'm implying that those were fantasy rather than sci-fi...oh yeah, I went there

>> No.1231438

I responded to everything: just because people like to insist until the are as blue in the face as Evangeline Walton that he did it all, that doesn't make them right
And the idea that none of those works have been influential, especially the of Conan and Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser, is laughable

>> No.1231445

I said thieves
'Assassin Guild' would go back to the real Hashshashin of medieval times

>> No.1231448

It wasn't so much that Tolkien created the CONCEPT of fantasy. The way he went about it is very distinct and that's the way that has been copied so much. Right down to "dwarves and elves dislike each other."
Hell even the SPELLING of 'elves' and 'dwarves' is pure Tolkien.
Eye of the World was just a retelling of Fellowship of the Ring.

>> No.1231454

..Are you saying that Conan wasn't influential? Oh my God.

>> No.1231459

>The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954
Only one of those others that is even somewhat mythopoeic is Titus Groan, and that's on a much smaller scale. And don't forget The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1937
>and keep in mind it wasn't published in America until the 1960s, during which more superior fantasy was written.
shows what you know. american first edition of The Fellowship of the Ring was 21st October 1954. The first /paperback/ edition was in the 1960s.

>> No.1231462

No, you quoted what I said and then just typed a bunch of shit after it. We're through here, troll.

>> No.1231465

no, no, it's:

*blows out moustaches*

>> No.1231470

I remember it had something to do with blowing and mustaches, but I couldn't remember the exact phrasing.

>> No.1231482

*folds arms beneath breasts*

seriously, what was the point in saying that they fold them beneath their breasts? why not just say folded her arms

>> No.1231488

*admires the ageless quality of the Aes Sedai*

>> No.1231500

*dandles girl on knee*

>> No.1231506

*is relaxed, at least as relaxed as a stalking wolf looks*

>everyone looks like a stalking wolf to rand

>> No.1231510

*floats inside void*

>> No.1231513

depending on how huge and/or saggy they are they could be folding the arms over their breasts... ?

>> No.1231517

nah but he never says that
they always fold them below their breasts or just adjust their shawls

>> No.1231535

draws attention to their chest to help give weight to their argument?

>> No.1231545

no for that they:

*breathes deeply around men*

>> No.1231728

*complains about how little I know about women compared to my friends who complain how little they know about women compared to me*

*Has three girlfriends*

>> No.1231739

*Bares breasts to prove womanhood*

"Proceed with the spanking!"

>> No.1231751

"He must not be so hard, or his victory will be as bitter as defeat."
>is prophecised to die in order to achieve victory

>> No.1231833

*feels the thrill of the One Power in ham-fisted metaphor for drug addiction*