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/lit/ - Literature

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12311007 No.12311007 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ like hard sci-fi?

>> No.12311508

I really like Peter Watts. Blindsight is the closest thing to a contemporary 2001 IMO.

Echopraxia isn't as good but is still solid. It features monks who attain an enlightened, super-intellignet hive mind by having their brains replaced with controlled tumor-brains so that they're literally sentient cancer. It's interesting because I believe there is a theory that cancer might be some weird form of competitive evolution on the cellular level. Not so far fetched if you understand endosymbiont theory.

>> No.12312535
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I'm for it.
What does /lit/ think of Greg Egan?

>> No.12313126

>Dragon's Egg
This book is practically impossible to find in Spanish

>> No.12313322

Great when short stories
Cringe when novels
What the hell happened with Zendegi?

>> No.12314440
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That's your first mistake bad hombre!

>> No.12314464

>That's your first mistake, Hombre.
>Very Bad!

>> No.12315735

Ring by Baxter is pretty badass. Also Infoquake.

>> No.12315772

I read a lot of it as a teenager and have recently been coming back to it. It's a completely different experience to reading literature but it's very enjoyable nonetheless