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/lit/ - Literature

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12309519 No.12309519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any comrades on here? We're reading Black Feminist Thought for my chapter's read in next week. What's going on at your chapters?

>> No.12309524

Give me the gist of Black Feminist Thought. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.12309525

I bet you thought this thread was going to be hilarious

>> No.12309535

>week. What's going on at your chapters?
> Anonymous 12/29/18(Sat)22:01:59 No.12309524▶
>Give me the gist of Black Feminist Thought. I'm genuinely curious.
> Anonymous 12/29/18(Sat)22:02:03 No.12309525▶
>I bet you thought this thread was going to be hilarious
I bet you think that genuine left leaning people don't post on /lit/. Why don't you stick to /pol/ with the other chuds

>> No.12309536

have great respect for black women, love chicken and waffles!

>> No.12309541

There are, and I'm one of them. It's obvious that you aren't one.

>> No.12309542

White feminists have historically not included black women, so Patricia Hill Collins formulates a feminism around the historical and material circumstances of black women.

>> No.12309547

/lit/ and /his/ are arguably the most left leaning boards. /mu/ and /fa/ as well Generally because while people may not have read the ideas of philosophers and thinkers, they're at the very minimum familiar with their concepts. Unlike /pol/ who gets their ideas from infographs, memes, youtube propaganda, and /pol/ itself.

>> No.12309550

Good on you for calling him out. I'm tired of this trend on here where people pretend to be anything remotely left to solicit 'funny' responses.

>> No.12309556

The Jew fears the infograph for it exposes his lies.

>> No.12309570


>> No.12309580
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>> No.12309592
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I am an expert on the topic, having taken part in extensive efforts to study and formulate /lit/ theory.
I won't get into details that you won't understand, but to put things simply /lit/ is one of the worst boards on 4channel.org and has the highest pseud-count per capita. This causes the native population of /lit/ to rebel against the rest of 4channel, which is why they appear to be more left-leaning. In reality, however, these posters are nothing more than the average 4channel user (e.g. predominantly white males between the ages of 10-15) and as a result are incapable of actual thought, like all other 4channel users.

However, /lit/ is rapidly evolving, see pic related (my own work) which shows the divide between old/lit/ and nu-/lit/. Fear not, I have conducted other studies aside from these two ones of relatively small sample size, but they are accurate enough to represent the overall trend. In conclusion, I would say to OP that yes, there are "comrades" on /lit/, perhaps even in this very thread.
p.s. fuck niggers

>> No.12309594

can you please go outside for once, nobody's fooled

>> No.12309598

Most people are too new to have been there, but /lit/ was basically the first “major” left space as far as I can remember. Honestly, the whole “post-left” anti-idpol sort of contingent you see on Twitter or elsewhere these days seems to me to be the old core of /lit/

>> No.12309600

>these are the people who spam "go back to /pol/" posts

>> No.12309603

what do people actually read in the DSA?

>> No.12309606

cringe and cringepilled

>> No.12309612

My local DSA is completely full of retards. I don’t know what a socialist is supposed to do anymore.

>> No.12309624

Do you have any stories?

>> No.12309629

Read "The Gulag Archipelago" and tell me why socialism is still relevant

>> No.12309638

the JBPoid arrives

>> No.12309641
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Comrade here, but i don't read the kind of trash you do.

>> No.12309651

I was called fascist-adjacent for saying that Huey Long was not a fascist.

>> No.12309658
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>i'm black and a woman so i'm more oppressed and therefore more important
We all bell hooks now.

>> No.12309660

both right and left wing politics are in complete shambles right now

>> No.12309662

fuck I look exactly like back right guy with blue hat except I'm not a fag. stop stealing the mid length hair + ungroomed beard look you hipster swine

>> No.12309666

When there's a communist revolution, what will you have to say for yourself at your trial for fascism?

>> No.12309673

imagine being so sheltered and pathetic that you'd unironically support socialism in america holy shit lmao

>> No.12309682

Is there a type of leftism that isn't based on
>you must hate who I hate, fear what I fear

>> No.12309683


>> No.12309703

i used to be part of the pcr-rcp

baeonce is a terrorist. trubae is just a colonial neolib puppet

>> No.12309706


>> No.12309713

what was it like?

>> No.12309715
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I remember lit 2016 and it wasn't nearly that autistic, just the natural influx of trumpposting that caused backlash. Back then the memes were fresher and lit felt like a distinct board, now it just feels like a r9k/pol dumping ground with shareblue psyops sprinkled in. At least the "which book will cure my depression" threads have been consistent since lit was made

>> No.12309721

Is there any ideology that does not do that?

>> No.12309743
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>Love even those that hate you
Now this is something new!

>> No.12309762
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The political test used is notoriously inaccurate, it only serves to show the evolution of /lit/'s collective ideology, not the specific aspects of the ideology. For example, I end up in the top-left quadrant despite me being fairly /pol/.

>> No.12309778

Every man a king.

>> No.12309796

pretty boring. a lot of meetings

>> No.12309867

So... being poor, dumb, and fat while also having children out of wedlock and not caring enough to prevent them from engaging in crime?

>> No.12309872

Primarily Facebook posts and Twitter screenshots

>> No.12309974

What a nice thought, if only Christians practised that

>> No.12309979

>t. turdpusher

>> No.12309986
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>Black Feminist Thought


>> No.12309987

They do, to a near suicidal degree. They are so tolerant of Jews, niggers and faggots that they are literally sending the societies their ancestors fought and died over careening off a cliff to prove how tolerant of Jews, niggers and faggots they are.

>> No.12310002

Left vs. Right is so outdated and myopic.

>> No.12310006

How Christian of you.

>> No.12310014

Fuck off kike. Nobody cares about your bad faith posturing.

>> No.12310015

If you refer to black people and gay people as "niggers" and "faggots", then odds are you're not actually loving them.

>> No.12310024

If you don't care about loving those who hate you, why did you make that post in the first place? If you're not that anon, then why did you respond to my comment?

>> No.12310025

sodomite are gross, anon.

>> No.12310028

I don't love you. I see you as a parasite, and I view the false love that the average liberal Christian attempts to extend to you as a weakness.

>> No.12310030

>love everyone, even those who hate you
>don't love gay people

these two ideas are contradictory

>> No.12310033

This is bait, right? I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.12310034

Really? You see me as a parasite? What else do you see me as? A pussy? A nerd? A monster? A woman?

>> No.12310042

You're not actually interested in talking about the basis of Christian morality. You're interested in a bad faith argument in which you attempt to hamstring people who you view as your enemy in order to gain power over them. I don't buy it, and the Christian love you deserve is to be hung in the public square as an example of what not to do.

>> No.12310046

>I don't buy it, and the Christian love you deserve is to be hung in the public square as an example of what not to do.
That's ACTUALLY not very Christian of you.

>> No.12310056
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>Huey Long was not a fascist
Prima facie, I would say that you are correct. He may have been dormant, though. I doubt Carl Weiss assassinated him for nothing. Fascism has many flavors, and Long may still fit the bill, though he does not conform to the standard homogeneity that outsiders generally use to try to confine their structure.

>> No.12310060

You aren't a monster. The international capitalists you fight along side and on behalf of are monsters. You are a lemming who has been caught in the middle of a battle you don't understand and are being used as a bludgeon against the normal people who question the cognitive dissonance they are fed in daily life. Your instincts towards protection of those who cannot protect themselves may even be a good thing in another time and place, but you will fight to the death against actual political dissidents to defend the status quo all the while insisting that you're actually the resistance.

>> No.12310065

Left vs. Right is at this point, if not from the very outset, a ruse.

>> No.12310078

Calling them niggers isn't what's hurting them. What's hurting blacks is white faggots like you dumping your psychic refuse on them via projection.

Because white femboys like you reject violence and sexism and all the negative things that come with being human you use blacks as a dumping ground and then have the guts to cover that up by being "anti-racist". Anybody that thinks of themselves as civilized or mild mannered in general is creating the problem in black culture, ie any white male who has an aversion to conflict, which is most liberals, since this repression of based instincts creates the need to project.

That's not to say open racists don't do this as well, but they are far less common nowadays.

>> No.12310081

Left wing politics aren't in shambles. They were used to subvert the system over the course of the last 100 years, and now have succeeded. Left wing politics are the status quo right now. You can be denied the ability to access Visa payment processing if you don't kiss the ring of open borders immigration and trannies of color being the next moral clergy. If you define "left" based on adherence to a certain economic platform, sure it's in shambles. The only people actually interested in labor conditions and functional public infrastructure are the "Nazis", so I guess in that capacity leftism is in shambles, but the left sold out economic concerns for unlimited sexual liberation and third worldism a long time ago.

>> No.12310097

That may be so, but blacks eschew all intellectualism, all sensitivity, all sensibility, all rationality, and make everything about conflict and brash hedonism. White cops are paranoid to the point of hostile, black criminals are hostile to the point of paranoia.

>> No.12310122

Love the faggot - hate the faggotry. It's pretty simple.

>> No.12310125

Do not think I have come to this Earth to bring peace. I have not come to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 26:52-54

That sword can and will be used against you. Love thine enemy is an extension of humanity to those who have previously mistreated you, not an endless suicidal quest to kiss the feet of every faggot HIV+ nigger who some Jew can smuggle into Minnesota.

>> No.12310129

well yeah of course they do, they are the refuse of the ideal white culture. All the character traits that we supress, which isn't to say that there isn't some genetic backing that makes them prone to stupidity/inability to function in white society, but that projection takes that lack of functionality in white society, and turns it into outright hostility and opposition. If you look at blacks in Quebec, for example, they aren't nearly as violent as blacks in the US and other english speaking countries. Anglos are the common denominator of black misbehaviour and this is so because they more than any other whites tend to repress and project undesirable traits. It doesn't even really matter if their targets are black or not, you also have violent northern english hooligans who stab and rape just as much as niggers in Detroit, they are also the psychic dumps of their upper classes.

>> No.12310135

Is "stop repressing base instinct" a way forward for you?

>> No.12310136

>but they are far less common nowadays
Hollywood tells me that this was once rampant, but I do not necessarily consider them a valid source.

>> No.12310167

What's hurting niggers is that they are held to a social standard which the vast majority of them have no reasonable chance of achieving. They are told that they are a part of this society to which they had no real contribution towards, and when they cannot integrate into this alien custom are given the escape hatch of blaming "racism" rather than genuinely confronting the reality that they do not belong here. Black people will never fully integrate, and the individual blacks who do, do so precisely by abandoning their "blackness" and adopting the behavioral patterns of another people, in a way which often brings them guilt and significant identity issues afterwards.

>> No.12310169
File: 213 KB, 326x365, smugdaphne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left wing politics are the status quo right now

>> No.12310174


>> No.12310180

great post

>> No.12310185

You can post your smug pictures all you want. If I were to publicly express my views, I would be run out of school, fired from my job, potentially have my bank accounts and assets frozen. There would be media hit pieces and combined efforts of multinational conglomerates and local DSA chapters to harass me and my family until I begged for forgiveness. Nobody gets fired from their job, publicly dragged through the mud by media giants, and protestors outside of their door because they support trannies or socialized medicine.

The fact of the matter is, your views as a leftist are fundamentally indistinguishable from the views of nearly ever corporate HR department, and where they do differ, those differences will not pose a threat to your ability to remain within society.

>> No.12310189

postmooters don't have any idea what terms like left or right actually mean

>> No.12310197

>in a way which often brings them guilt and significant identity issues afterwards
I have seen them go into this identity crisis. It is pretty painful to watch one go full nigger. Anyways, I seriously hold no real grudge against them, except for the fact that they cannot leave me the fuck alone. If they were gone tomorrow then I would likely never have an ill thought about them ever afterwards.

>> No.12310198

Yep. You are harming black people, and more importantly you are harming yourself by being an inverse nigger (ie a neurotic, conflict averse, image obsessed, obseqious man). You are creating the negative space that white and black people are both imprisoned in.

I haven't managed to stop yet, mainly because it's hard to do nowadays without getting fired. But ideally whites should be able to get into fist-fights and experience human emotions including anger, lust, and sadness at work or school without shame. We should be able to slap our wives within reason, settle scores with appropriate violence and accept other breaches of anglo decorum.

>> No.12310208

Having political views is not the same as being a retarded edgelord. If you tweet "Kill all cops" on your public twitter, you will be fired. If you write on facebook about how you are against socialized medicine, you will not. Regardless, the entire dynamic about being fired at all is inherently right-wing. If a capitalist decides to fire you to pander to the woke crowd, this does not make him left wing, you utter retard. He's still a capitalist.

>> No.12310212

Fuck fistfights. Bring back dueling. Check em.

>> No.12310213

I want them to live in a black society, where they can be themselves to the best of their ability, and where the few capable black leaders can actually bring their population to the best of their potential instead of integrating into the white suburbs. My "hatred" is brought out of forced exposure and resentment over needing to clean up their mess, not out of some irrational want to harm innocent individuals who just so happen to be racially negroid.

>> No.12310215

abhorrent post, probably made by a redditor

>> No.12310223

good thought, but i would add how this faggot is just engaging in the exact same idpol that he rails against, it's not a left-right issue at all

>> No.12310230

Is that attitude not creating a cycle of violence and fear?

>> No.12310248

I am not poster >>12310081 that caused this little furry but I generally agree with him if you correct his post to read "Marxist Divisionism" instead of "Leftism" (which I believe to have overlap but not to be the same thing). If the capitalist decides to fire me, though it have no bearing on his position on the capitalism/socialism continuum, the Marxist division is still there and it is what drives the social behavior.

>> No.12310258

Yeah, it seemed as though all "races" had their own expression --- or sublimation --- of base instinct, but since the anglos are chosen by the demiurge of capital they were the first to be denatured. I would think american blacks are adept in musical endeavors because of their closeness to the current of the basal, the primal. But this closeness is turning them into primates. Even if they were indeed subjected to the psychoprison of displaced human nature this does not mean that they are faultless.

>> No.12310259

You and I are pretty much on the same page. If you have not already read Henry Ford then I highly recommend it. His work really got me centered away from the hatred aspect.

>> No.12310265

Okay, sure. Shift the goal posts a million times over and pretend that Google and Visa are more my ally than yours. Have fun playing that game, and when you're done being delusional and are interested in actually looking at the current paradigm call me. It's actually pretty sad that your world view is based so deeply on needing to feel like the underdog that you cannot accept how insanely in control of the system people with your ideological bend are.

>> No.12310270

not if the violence is controlled in some way. Fist fights, not shootings. Right now your average white person in an office environment can barely raise their voice at a coworker, and they aren't allowed to be pessemistic or horny or any sort of anti-social thing. Only peppy and compliant. That creates a ton of repression that gets shunted onto blacks and poor whites.

>> No.12310278

I don't rail against idpol. I want straight white people to take their own side in the game. Democracy in a multi-racial country is a team sport and I'm trying to get my people to play to win, just as everyone else is.

>> No.12310280

They're neither of our allies, you absolute mong. I am pretty sure just based on how absolutely retarded you are that you are not a capitalist yourself. The only person a capitalist is an ally to is himself. You are the one who has deluded yourself into thinking that Google or Visa care more about "leftism" than making money.

>> No.12310283

Soltzenitzen doesn’t refute socialism, he refutes communism.

>> No.12310291

Well at least you admit you are as retarded as the average DSA member. That eases things.

>> No.12310304

They will lose money hand and fist and regularly do to appear more progressive. I know intersectional progressives and "leftists" aren't exactly the same thing, but you're sure as hell on the same team and good luck telling the frizzy haired mullatas at the DSA meeting otherwise.

>> No.12310312

Falling back on personal insults instead of argumentation is forfeiture of the debate.

>> No.12310313

Have fun with your PragerU videos you liberal bourgeois faggot.

>> No.12310316

do you want to fuck mullatas

>> No.12310323
File: 209 KB, 1000x902, 1544790549814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm more into the Khazar milkers desu. Honorary Aryans get a spot too.

>> No.12310339

This is true too. Jung really did so much towards understanding the race problem, and how he put it was that just as whites project their negative traits onto blacks, blacks project their tendancies towards authority and leadership onto whites, so that they are bound to follow white concepts of success that they have no hope of achieving. Your last sentence phrased it precisely.
> Black people will never fully integrate, and the individual blacks who do, do so precisely by abandoning their "blackness" and adopting the behavioral patterns of another people, in a way which often brings them guilt and significant identity issues afterwards.

>> No.12310346

>you're sure as hell on the same team
This is your fundamental misunderstanding. You pretend to believe (or perhaps you are sincere) that the Left co-opted liberalism for the express purpose of destroying it (and some retarded stuff about race and the jews to boot). In reality, the opposite is true. This sort of intersectionality-as-the-central-framework worldview that has emerged in this century is pushed by capitalists to neuter the Left. You are very close to understanding, but you refuse to address the central issue. The left is not the status quo in any capacity, the right still is and most likely always will be. Just because a capitalist draws a little black doll and put it on his hat, claiming that the doll is now telling him what to do, does not mean that he is suddenly a leftist. You suffer from the same problem that seems to affect the youth of this website in that you don't allow yourself to bring things back to the core of what the left and the right are, and to look at your own position as a member of your class. You still think that things like gay cake bakers and kneeling for the national anthem are the fundamentals of politics and not class-conflict.

>> No.12310352




>> No.12310358

>and how he put it was
Sauce for this, please. I have a stack of Jung - some read, some unread - and I do not recall this. I would like to give it a spin.

>> No.12310362

That's not a personal insult, retard. I'm pointing out that you're lost from the start because you are playing the idpol game just like the average DSA faggot. Only capitalists win this game. If you took offense to it, perhaps stop being a retard.

>> No.12310363

I would agree with all of this except for the codependency.

>> No.12310368

It's so true that it actually hurts thinking about it, but it is what it is

>> No.12310371


>> No.12310375

This is true to some degree. If you ever look at the stereotypes that get applied to blacks in America, you'll find they are pretty much the exact same ones which are applied to poor whites in the South.

>> No.12310382

It wasn't me, so it was not my offense to take. It was just my observation that you had no argument. You still appear to have no argument.
>Only capitalists win this game.
I agree that this is likely true.

>> No.12310387
File: 113 KB, 960x952, commies for trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will lose money hand and fist and regularly do to appear more progressive
This is a complete falsehood. You've painted yourself as a victim and a world that would do anything to stop you. Google has made a bigger and bigger profit every year for the pst five years.

Capitalists pandering to retards isn't a political issue. It's business. Get your head out your ass.

>> No.12310388

I literally just laid out my argument in a condensed form and you even claimed to agree with me. What exactly are you getting at?

>> No.12310392

I am not falling for your Socrates v Protagoras bullshit.

>> No.12310393

He's a based retard. He agrees with you after arguing the opposite lmao

>> No.12310396

Absolutely based

>> No.12310400

Mos of Jungs material on race is in collected works of Jung vol 10. I got that part in particular from http://www.michaelgellert.com/pdfs/jung-said-about-race-relations-in-america.pdf which is actually some guys analysis of Jung, but Jung discusses the "white complex" of american blacks in primary text.

>> No.12310403

meant for

>> No.12310407

It was this.
>Well at least you admit you are as retarded as the average DSA member. That eases things.
Edgy, insulting vitriol that is so tired that it fails to qualify as banter bores me. Apparently I agree with your argumentation when you present it. When you stray from argumentation you become boring.

>> No.12310425

They were both me so you tagged me anyways. Thanks, I will give it a spin.

>> No.12310430

we haven't even had sex in years m8

>> No.12310435

The right is in control of the status quo, but anyone willing to acknowledge the biological origins of racial/sexual differences gets removed from society. Seems legit bud. That sounds like a really effective white supremacist system there, you know the kind that actively seeks to suppress white birth rates and import third world peasants to devalue white labor. The right wing white supremacists are totally in control, which is why every college in America is a hot bed of leftism, there are no dissident right publications allowed within mainstream discourse, and the closest the right gets (Tucker Carlson) can get his front door kicked in by leftist protestors with full support of nearly every modern media company. The right is totally in control, which is why it is exclusively right wing political dissidents that are political prisoners at the moment, and why James Alex Fields was just sentenced to life plus 419 years for premeditated murder of a woman he literally never met after being forced down a one way street during a state of emergency. The right is totally in control here guys, we live under fascism, which is why we literally can't put up posters saying "It's okay to be White" without people going fucking ape shit and right wingers getting physically assaulted and fired/deplatformed.

You're so full of shit it's ridiculous.

>> No.12310445

I just entered the thread and I don’t know who you’re responding to but companies go in the red all the time to support ideological positions.its just like anything else venture capitalists take on, they’re investing and hoping to regain money, a great example of this is Uber or YouTube which have never made money but are waiting out the taxi industry so they can hold a monopoly. Millions of dollars is nothing to these people. The Koch brothers and others were very publicly named during the bush years for consolidating information and news outlets for political gain.

On the issue of progressive publications; many do run at an extreme loss. Some make money like crazy for example CNN is breaking their records right now. Some of these smaller sites that fit demographics live Vox or Buzzfeed are usually owned by larger more adult magazines. They tell them to take on certain issues at certain times. Vox just had to cut a huge amount of its staff. Frankly the market for that kind of reporting is saturated and every conglomerate jumped at the same time to be the next Facebook site that was shared by young people. Salon is running in the negative, a number of others are as well. They are a profitable enterprise when they had better writers and the culture was different in a post 9/11 world. All of these places are trying to write the society they want Into existence IE: one where people are engaged in public discourse and crave progressive news. Every late night show around is already saturating the market. Some outlets are booming simply based on trump alone. So you’re right that ultimately it is business but it’s fluid and people will absolutely feign political ideology as it’s just another commodity.

>> No.12310447

and the last time it happened all we got was elvis

>> No.12310455

Also, you don't care about "class conflict" in any meaningful sense. Leftists hate poor whites (the majority of the "working class" in the US). If the options were socialized healthcare, free college, and strong unions but closed borders and nationalism, or open borders and everyone gets a global capitalist pleasure box, you'd pick the Amazon prime dildo package in a heartbeat. If you gave a fuck about the conditions of the lower class you'd be against mass immigration as a mechanism to devalue labor you disingenuous cunt.

>> No.12310466

Your entire argument is based around a political system that you dreamed up in which the right is white supremacy and the left is trannydom.

>> No.12310480

>Leftists hate poor whites (the majority of the "working class" in the US).
No they don't retard. RadLibs do, and have had the pleasure of being propped up by capitalists, as I said above. Most modern actual left-wing thought agrees that modern open borders globalism is a capitalist ploy to devalue the workers of the first-world and not actually the internationalism of traditional left thought. You're angry because you have been only trained to argue with retarded radlibs you see on the internet, but have no teeth when it comes to any argument that strays from the path you have prepared for. That's why your only recourse in the end was a quite-frankly embarrassing attempt to frame me as a liar.

>> No.12310482

Come you dumb bitch Christ is talking about using the sword on you, and cutting the fat and decay that defiles your soul. Christ brings internal struggle with your own evil nature, he is definitely not talking about people taking up arms to fuck up sinners they don't like.

>> No.12310500

>but have no teeth when it comes to any argument that strays from the path you have prepared for
Not him, but I have even found myself guilty of this. We all need to get out of the basement once in a while.

>> No.12310506

It is this kind of thought which perverts any worker's revolution. These leaches lack a critical analysis of the system and claim that those who are not the beneficiaries, of said system, are guilty of being the masters of it. The attempt to fix racism and sexism makes no sense as a goal as if material pressures are relieved, then those mechanisms that drive said isms vanish. With time the isms will become relics of the past.

>> No.12310507

As it stands the left is trannydom, and the only right that actually stands for anything is white supremacy/sovereignty. The left-right distinction is fundamentally about the distinction between accepting the limitations of natural existence and using tradition and multigenerational adaptation to survive, vs liberation from the terms of natural existence and revolution against them. Whether this liberation is brought via Amazon selling you the dildo, or the Red Army delivering rations of dildos to your house doesn't particularly matter to me. The left doesn't actually stand for anything but the dildo at this point, and has long since abandoned realistic economic policy aimed at helping the lower class for tranny bathrooms, infinite third world immigration, and wealthy college kids reading Kropotkin outside of their favorite bourgeois college town coffee shop.

>> No.12310516

The left must liberate us from our wretchedness.

>> No.12310523

What do you think that quote is about?

>> No.12310525

You can argue with well over a thousand years of militant Christianity, and significant periods of time where sodomy or adultery were punished by death a la Saudi Arabia. Christianity is much more bourgeois now, but fucking up degenerates is not exactly outside of it's historical repertoire.

Tbh, the real jihad is against your own temptation and faults, but Christianity isn't the gay pacificist nonsense that it has become the last 70 years or so.

>> No.12310533

I agree with all of your general points. I fear that staying adherent to the Left/Right Continuum might hamstring you, though. Politics is more like the big faggot quilt than it is like a line.

>> No.12310548

>isn't the
>it has become
You need to weave your thoughts a little tighter. Maybe something along the lines of:
>Christianity isn't the gay pacificist nonsense that Establishmentarian Christians have embraced for the last 70 years or so.

>> No.12310550

If you call getting the long dick of slave labor to Amazon to pay for infinity niggers liberation, sure. You have fun with your universal basic income, and I'll try not to make fun of you for buying into techno-feudalism because it involves formalized redistribution this time around. You have fun with your state enforced homosexuality, I'll be over here waiting to get Waco'd by the "right wing" status quo for wanting to live a traditional life in a white majority area.

>> No.12310553

i dont think there are that many zoomers on here, idk what zoomers do online but 4chan is basically a boomer site at this point

>> No.12310555

I'm also exhausted at this point and not super concerned about making sense anymore. It became apparent well over two hours ago that no parties here were engaging in good faith discourse. Sorry for being a bit of an incoherent moron, comes with the territory sometimes.

>> No.12310562

why do you think leftism and amazon are linked? why do you keep describing how much capitalism is shit and then call it leftism?

>> No.12310567

>Tfw Warren Buffet supports income equality and socialized healthcare.

>Tfw those who become wealthy are wealthy because they deserve it and are going to do that which is ethical with their wealth.

>> No.12310568

>I don’t know what a socialist is supposed to do anymore.
what they're told

>> No.12310574

Join Model United Nations Comrad.

>> No.12310584
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>> No.12310586
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Digits confirm.
>It became apparent
Dude - OP was a shitposter. There was never any opportunity for this to not go sideways. We were just habbing a good time. Stand fast - and lighten the load a bit.

>> No.12310590

Best post, great timing.

>> No.12310591

model un is lit faggot

>> No.12310592

based. i wish they would see it and just hug already, this play has gone on long enough

>> No.12310599

Dude, I proposed "Transcending our dependency on the monetary system" and name dropped "Jaq Fresco from The Venus Project, post hoc during a speech at the opening ceremony by a politician. 600 fellow delegates. SRMUN in Atlanta LOL

>> No.12310609

Everyone clapped. It was beautiful. I made sure to emphasize harmony & equality.

>> No.12310610

the world is fairly gay i agree

>> No.12310611

Bezos directly owns not only one of the largest mainstream left leaning news organizations (Washington Post) but is heavily involved in funding many leftist NGO/Activist organizations. The ties linking leftist activism to both capitalism and state run intelligence operations nearly everywhere. Pro-publica which collaborates with Unicorn Riot to doxxx and deplatform right wing activists is nearly entirely funded by Wall Street hedge fund management, and DSA literally has operatives all over both the federal government, and the four major tech monopolies. I mean for fucks sake Chapo Traphouse got NPR play and featured in every Barnes and Noble in America when their book came out, and the dissident right can't operate without risking getting their personal checking accounts seized and personally embargoed from using Visa/MasterCard (to which there is no real alternative at the moment aside from person to person cash transactions).

>> No.12310617

>just hug already
Is that the kind of hug where both dudes are facing the same direction?

>> No.12310622

Jokes & trolling aside, I was pretty passionate about it.

>> No.12310630

>Bezos directly owns not only one of the largest mainstream left leaning news organizations (Washington Post)
The Washington Post is not left-leaning.
>Pro-publica which collaborates with Unicorn Riot to doxxx and deplatform right wing activists is nearly entirely funded by Wall Street hedge fund management
This is capitalism.
> DSA literally has operatives all over both the federal government, and the four major tech monopolies
> dissident right can't operate without risking getting their personal checking accounts seized and personally embargoed from using Visa/MasterCard (to which there is no real alternative at the moment aside from person to person cash transactions).
This is quite obviously capitalism.

>> No.12310636

I trolled some faggot IRL. As the argument progressed, I kept ratcheting my emotional involvement - until I got bored.
>nah, I'm just kidding faggot - I agree with you
That emotional investment really snows a lot of people.

>> No.12310645

>The Washington Post is not left-leaning.
what meme reality do you live in

>> No.12310646

So I should have been less passionate and more like Stalin or Hitler?

>> No.12310648

So what is the left then? If nearly everything associated with liberalism, progressivism, intersectional tomfoolery, DemSoc and Antifascism are all not left leaning and are all capitalism, what the fuck is leftism by your definition?

>> No.12310656
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The wellbeing of our society, civilization & planet.

>> No.12310658
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Harmony. Equality in a harmonious manner. Environmental sustainability.

>> No.12310664

The problem with Democratic Socialists is that they support the same forces that are actively destroying their intended goals. They want an egalitarian society that if we are to assume they want "to each according to their needs and from each according to their abilities". Meanwhile the university system, welfare state, medical and other professionals have actively replaced the family and the small community that historically allowed local ownership of the means of production and communal living. They support bizarre sexual vices that have arisen in late capitalist society and do not seek to prevent or treat them in a humane way, instead indulging in fantasies of transgenderhood and lesbianism. These are just some issues with the Democratic Socialists of America.

>> No.12310666

Go fucking kill yourself you disingenuous faggot. Nobody cares about your fully automated luxury gay space communism fantasy. That isn't a serious approach to anything and is effectively equivalent to me saying that nobody but esoteric hitlerists are right wing.

>> No.12310670
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>> No.12310675

ya holding it down?

>> No.12310677

You don't know the first fucking thing about "environmental sustainability", and your meme idea of equality has been sold to you by the very same liberals you decry as capitalists. Equality in a harmonious matter is great masturbation until you actually have to deal with the consequences of having a society with niggers and people who aren't with the program in it.

You are a non-serious person and I feel bad I ever wasted time talking to you.

>> No.12310678

>So I should have been
I just roll with the moment. I never really know what tack I will take until I see the first reactions - then I steer a course based on what I see.

>> No.12310679

>You don't know the first fucking thing about "environmental sustainability"
To an ANON

>> No.12310680

Jump off a bridge you worthless faggot. If you want environmental sustainability so bad, turn yourself into some organic fertilizer.

>> No.12310681

>democratic socialists

Fuck off, liberals. Come back when you understand Kropotkin.

>> No.12310682
File: 19 KB, 298x390, https___upload.wikimedia.org_wikipedia_commons_3_3b_JillStein_Tar_Sands_Blockade_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so mad.

>> No.12310683

The worst crime on Earth is forcing someone to pay for something they don't want because you think it's good for them

>> No.12310684

Kill yourself you bourgeois faggot. Anarcho-communism is gayer than an HIV+ condom in the east village and nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.12310689

This thread has descended into primalism.

>> No.12310691

I am mad. For a second I thought I was dealing with someone who maybe knew a little bit more about what they were talking about than I did and maybe I'd have the opportunity to learn something. Instead I got some meme cartoons from an 80 year old scam artist.

>> No.12310694

This is a different poster.

You have a right to know this.

Sorry, I hijacked the conversation.

>> No.12310696

Don't call me comrade, traitor. Come back when you've read all of Marx and Lenin's works.

>> No.12310701

The clenched fist of Communism used to exude power. Have we all noticed how faggy it looks now? They all seem so afraid of displaying any strength for fear of offending someone.

>> No.12310703
File: 30 KB, 480x364, 1546103274535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nigger faggot

>> No.12310706


>> No.12310709

There was no descent.

>> No.12310712
File: 143 KB, 952x952, 1546102621450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the stazi come kick my door down for calling some nigger faggot a nigger faggot I'll call them nigger faggots too you god damned nigger faggot

>> No.12310718

Fugg - did we ban accordion posting when we got channelized?

>> No.12310720
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>> No.12310722

I'm just kidding, I didn't report.

I just figured it would make a top kek to close the joke.

>> No.12310724

You're absolutely stupid since you are arguing about left and right wing posturing of various multinational corporations. These terms are extremely nebulous, corporate America or corporate globalism is best defined as such, since "right wing" is clearly a stupid term for little thinkers. (You seem to think right wing is in support of capitalist status quo, conservative would be a better description, since establishment conservatives have displayed an extreme willingness to support global capitalism to quench radical and commonsense critique). The managerial class is clearly not aligned with the average American or European radical who wishes to restore order to the social system and preserve the middle class.

Different question, is left/right-wing descriptor ever used by serious thinkers? I don't think so, mostly this is something you see from middlebrow TV-pundits and their horrible books they publish.

>> No.12310729
File: 301 KB, 962x618, plastic-island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone hijacked the joke, just like hijacked the Marxist vision in the name of personal power!

>> No.12310734

I'm about ready to run through the street playing my accordion as loud as I can while shouting incoherent slurs at people's houses. This is what happens Larry

>> No.12310746

Calm the fuck down, Walter.

>> No.12310749

I regret nothing.

>> No.12310752


Walter? Larry?

Ya'll ain't from around these hip, sustainable, progressive college towns are 'ya folks?

>> No.12310760

Funny story, did you know that 90% of the plastic in the oceans comes from 10 rivers, 8 of which are in Asia and 2 in Africa? It's almost like environmentalism in the west is a total joke and if we actually want serious change we need imperially to impose western environmental standards upon non-western people.

>> No.12310763

Yeah, third world nations to produce a lot of waste.

So do my ghetto roommates that I'm living with temporarily to do my part in dissolving racial tensions.

They're not actually ghetto (that's mean)... But they don't eat organic or recycle.:/

>> No.12310764

No, I'm from Darwin Australia and I just sit in my mud hut and drink petrol all day while shitting in a hole I dug in the wall.

>> No.12310767

This is wrong, I appreciate your attempt, but the "right" as you call it is not in control of the status quo. You must elaborate, and make an earnest defense of this assumption. The status quo is run by a select class of government bureaucrats and managerial elites in the private sector. I would assume these people have similar worldviews and agree on most major issues because of the tendencies these large entities promote. They are a class of narcissists with little connection to the rural country and working class. As Christopher Lasch put it, this is an elite with an "anti-elitist" ideology. In the open they defend and support organizations such as the DSA, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocassional-Cortex and their ideas (so long as it does not involve a serious threat to their position or large restructuring of society). These institutions have shown a willingness to lose money in support of various political causes, most likely because the managers are on some level disconnected from the consumers (examples are Yeti Cooler, and Dick's Sporting Goods not supporting gun rights despite their customer base supporting this). Your debating a phantom, and your solutions are attempting to defeat this phantom, but will only compound the problem as you do not understand it, and thus, can not address it.

>> No.12310771

So... You live with black people, and they behave like black people... And you're surprised?

>> No.12310773

Well thank you for voting conservative. You're the backbone of our nation, and without you supporting our troops... Well, we conservatives wouldn't have... troops. So thank you.

>> No.12310775

Shut up, Donnie. You're out of your element.

>> No.12310776

They think I'm rich because I eat organic.

Even though I pay $369 a month.

>> No.12310777

Vote Blair Cottrell for most swol shit poster to ever wear flip-flops

>> No.12310786

>Lucky Trips

>> No.12310788

Yeah, that's one thing that does really erk me about the more low info right, that the alt right is surprisingly good about. It's pretty funny because a while back the Daily Stormer declared Whole Foods the official grocery store of the Alt-Right. If you're not eating organic/local when possible, you're a goober no matter your professed political alignment.

>> No.12310792

Damn man, this is the second time I've gotten trips in this thread. I must be on to something

>> No.12310797

I thought organic food was left?

The underground countercultures have always known to be left.

What even is left & right anyways?

>> No.12310806

>supporting the capitalist machine by buying food
>not seizing the means of production by growing your own


>> No.12310808

Tried it.

Macroeconomics 101
Sacrificing quality of life for off the grid living.

>> No.12310816

Most within the alt right unironically are pro sustainable organic farming. Uncle Ted is pretty well liked within many on the dissident right (even though Ted was very critical of fascistic/nationalistic causes in his own ways).
Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin, Red Ice Tv and David Duke all heavily encourage their followers to eat exclusively organic.

>> No.12310820

>Using the internet
>Supporting the exploitation of Congo for Coltan
>Contributing to the deaths of young africaneese children

>> No.12310827

See, The highly Conscious liberal left must be coaligning with the alt-right.

I propose this theory because the dude who started Vice News says he 'started' the hipster culture, and is a big part of the alt-right.

I'm surrounded by hipsters, but I'm in a University town & very sustainable liberal 'bubble'.

When I first heard alt-right I thought Neo-nazi, and I'm not about that life.

>> No.12310830

>What even is left & right anyways?
Do not bother trying to master this. The Left/Right continuum is a ruse meant to distract you.

>> No.12310832

>Supporting the white supremacist conspiracy to deprive the POC of air by using it yourself

It's almost like you want disabled trans-POC gender non-conforming people to die you fascist!

>> No.12310835

True, and I guess trying to decipher this duality is like literally trying to undo God's master plan of universal oneness.

>> No.12310841

The Alt-Right are puppets.

>> No.12310846

Its been a while, I completely forgot how great this place is.
>4chan that is
The Hive.

>> No.12310847

Gavin McInnes is not Alt-right. He spends more time denouncing the Alt-Right than he does actually arguing for whatever his weird totally not racist "Western Chauvinism" is. Gavin's just a neo-con Reaganite with a beard and a Pinoy wife, not an Alt-right hipster fascist.

>> No.12310851

Whomst is pulling the puppet strings o wise one? For being puppets they sure seem to get quite a lot of fire directed against them by all the right liberal capitalists.

>> No.12310852
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Didn't he start the proud boys or something?

>> No.12310861

I suspect that there will be some clarity soon and "Left" and "Right" will see common ground - and a common enemy will be at least partially revealed. If that ever happens behind a charismatic leader then a big change will come. Regardless of who you are, and where you fall in the political tapestry, we all have some common goals, which attempts towards are effectively thwarted by the current establishment. Once everyone sees this, it is game over for the status quo.

>> No.12310863

The Proud Boys are the most racially inclusive and gay friendly band of Neo Nazis I've ever seen. They are a kind or mannerbund almost, but they are certainly not Nazis (unfortunately). The Proud Boys literally are the kind of people who argue that "the west is the best" because the west protects women's rights and allows homosexuality. In a way their liberal ideological mushiness was a sort of shield for a while that allowed them to be more rowdy in the street because they actually legitimately aren't racist in any real sense.

>> No.12310866
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And by Status Quo you still mean universal oneness right?

>> No.12310868

>Whomst is pulling the puppet strings o wise one?
I cannot tell you this but I do recognize ingenuousness when I see it and leadership of the Alt Right just smells weird.

>> No.12310878
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It's a great time to present the new addition to the family!

(The book in the middle)

>> No.12310879

>universal oneness
Please, elaborate.

>> No.12310883
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I mean, Capitalism can be used for good.

I.E. non-for-profits, Whole Foods, Charity, etc etc. Tai Lopez supports this, so does Warren Buffet, ^^^John Mackey, and many many others.

Where do you think most of them get their inspiration to become significantly wealthy? From their higher purpose. From God, From their desire to give back. (Not always, but often)

Nobody is excluded in the eyes of unconditional love & universal oneness. Just ask 'ja boi Jesus.

>> No.12310889

Well, as it stands there really isn't any leadership anymore. 2018 basically ended the ability of real logistical organization within the Alt-Right. They saw consistent losses in court, had federal informants infiltrate their ranks and dox their people to corporate media organizations and leftists activists, and basically came to the conclusion that anyone who was doxxxed was going to be permanently unemployable and reliant on a basically non-existent support network for help. The wall street funded Pro Publica has essentially been engaged in counter intelligence against the Alt Right and has released the personally identifying information about over 10 major Alt Right figures, and none of the right wing press has backed them up and if they get any attention they're thrown under the bus.

The closest you could call to a leader is Richard Spencer, who has spent pretty much all of his family money in frivolous lawsuits over things he had nothing to do with, and has had his ability to fundraise basically completely eliminated as he has been personally blacklisted from PayPal, Stripe, and Visa. He's had multiple personal checking accounts shut down after leftist activists called the local bank in whitefish he used. The guy has been assaulted multiple times with no genuine effort on behalf of law enforcement to investigate. If he's an asset of some kind, they certainly aren't treating him very well.

P.s sorry to sound like a black piller if there are any alt righters reading this post, just a dose of realism every once in a while.

>> No.12310906

I am pretty much on track with your idea. I do not pretend to know the future but I can certainly feel a sense of flux. Capitalism can inspire - but can also devolve into evil. Socialism is naturally evil - but I see true well meaning within the hearts of many socialists. I see myself finding common ground with adversaries and I do not think that this is very isolated. Change is afoot.

>> No.12310907

I'm an uniroic Socalist (I can post my membership card if you want), and I think the biggest missed opputtunity for the left this century was allowing all the online edgy online counter-culture communities to be infiltrated by some literal neo nazi's and lots of neo cons. It's bizzare to think that 4chan is actively in support of the reblublican party and defends Fox News talking points.

Ironically posting Nazi stuff, and slow infiltration by outside forces made a community of shitposters into useful idiots for the people most responsible for the shite state of the world we currently find ourselves in.

I reckon 4chan could have just have easily been turned communist if the far-left had gotten in first.

Imagine if /pol/ was an autistic quasi death-cult meming Socalism (proper socialism, not this Bernie Sanders slop) into the mainstream instead of peak Neo-Con which is Trump.

Liberal "progressives" have taken the thunder of true leftists making identity politics the only issue, while letting the fundamental problems continue and worsen. Worse yet the left has demonised and excluded the majority of the working class, who should be the backbone of societal change. So instead they went to the Right, who's robbing them blind but at least pretending to care about them.

>> No.12310912

Think of socialism less as a black and white concept and more of a pushing of the spectrum. As in social pollicies.

i.e. helping those in need. Personally, I prefer holistic incentive programs rather than welfare. (Teaching a man to fish)

Obviously America's educational system is shit. It's going to take a healthy dose of social policies to make sure our educational system is more fit. By making sure our educational system is more fit, we will be empowering the next generation to build the strongest tomorrow possible.

>> No.12310923

>It's going to take a healthy dose of social policies
The educational establishment is happy with its current tack. No social policy will help without cleaning house. I do not see the kind of necessary deep scrub happening without literal violence erupting.

>> No.12310930

Mein gott. I'm so glad I'm not one of you faggots any more.

>> No.12310931


Meh, have the kids read the Tao Te Ching and meditate for a period of time and give them some early age philosophy.

Right now its just industrialized cramming.

>> No.12310942

And make sure the teachers have a good quality of life / wellbeing as well.

Those are public servants molding the minds of our next generation.

>> No.12310948

I don't think there's something I hate more in this world than social Democrats.

>Let's change how the system works while working under the confines and supervision of the system!

Jesus fucking Christ, thanks for ruining the mainstream left forever

>> No.12310956

That is pretty ironic though.

>> No.12310962

>And make sure the teachers have a good quality of life / wellbeing as well.
This is not possible under the current system. We keep giving the system money for this and it mostly goes into management. As individuals, we have no control over this.

>> No.12310966
File: 145 KB, 1003x915, discretionary_spending_pie,_2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, I want you to look at this chart.

>> No.12310972
File: 188 KB, 868x881, Genuine-Progress-Indicator-041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And after your chart, I want you to realize.

GPI is more important to the wellbeing of our civilization than GDP.

And, not only that. GPI does NOT neglect the economy.

If you don't pass on this information anon. Noone will.

>> No.12310981


No matter what, this is a democracy.

Democracy & existentialism mix very well.

>> No.12311000

>I still think this is the best post in the thread.

>> No.12311028

He's right though

>> No.12311034

I love black women for their bodies, proud spirits and being based and redpilled about the ain't shit nature of nigger males. Very powerful demographic and I suspect they will ally with white males against the mud hordes in due time

>> No.12311043

He also got mad trips