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/lit/ - Literature

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12309321 No.12309321 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books to begin reading Nietzsche?

>> No.12309325

should say hegel or stirner, very few traps seem to like Nietzsche

>> No.12309329

It depends on your interests and temperament really. If art is really important to you and you like the Greeks the Birth of Tragedy is great.

>> No.12309486

Someone should make a chart if they haven't already, and maybe even sticky it. I feel like we have this thread multiple times a day.

>> No.12309499

Dante's Inferno needs to be updated for modern degeneracy

>> No.12309504

I don’t know how well read OP is but probably not very since he has to be led into Nietzsche by people on a message board. It’s a shame that Nietzsche is the introduction to philosophy for so many people. A mediocre critic of philosophy being how you tackle phillosophy is a bad foot to start on.

>> No.12309527

I had tye reverse experience of that pic, does that mean i've ascended or have i regressed?

>> No.12309561

As Deleuze points out, Nietzsche's work is a rhizome. Just start anywhere and you'll be ok. People seem to like BGE.

>> No.12309565

It means you got too old to look like a decent trap and moved on to something else

>> No.12309583

I would recommend either Twilight of the Idols, one his shorter later works that includes much of what he thought, or the Blackwell Nietzsche Reader. I would not recommend starting with Thus Spoke Zarathustra, as it can very easily turn someone off him
shut up nigger

>> No.12309595

I had a good experience starting with the gay science, then genealogy of morals and beyond good and evil together. I've read a few others of his including the birth of tragedy which is great, and thus spoke Zarathustra, which to me could be skipped. It touched on topics he hit on in other books, but all in a strange prose I disliked. Maybe the English translation just didn't do it justice though!

>> No.12309601

>>12309321 Honestly chronologically from Human, All Too Human is a pretty good strategy. Probably should circle back to The Birth of Tragedy before Zarathustra.

>> No.12309615

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is where I started

>> No.12309627
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That picture is the most real thing I have seen in a long long time. Honestly. From discovering at 16 that life has no meaning to browsing /gif/ for hours on end, to browsing obscure blogspot sites for bootleg Tram-Pararam pictures to unintentionally convincing everyone that I know that I'm trans even though I'm not, I have lived that story. It's been a long journey of recovery, from intermittent no-fap to reading The Old Man and the Sea (the greatest book of all time in my opinion) I have come to see that I am not a girl and that's okay, despite what the Zog will tell you. It's a confusing world, but I try to remember that we're all made of star stuff and that's okay too.

>> No.12309675

Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, ironically.

>> No.12309924

Start with:
>Human, All too Human
>The Birth of Tragedy
Next up:
>The Genealogy of Morals
>The Twilight of the Idols
>The Anti-Christ
>The Gay Science
Then Move on to:
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
And finish with:
>Ecce Homo

>> No.12310041

start with the greeks, then read at least a little bit of bible and zen buddhism. once that's out of the way, read zarathustra and have a chuckle b/c you'll understand what he's responding to and how good his bantz are.

>> No.12310072

>man inspires Hitler, Heidegger, post-moderns and countless pieces of artwork dedicated to him
>had impeccable taste in literature and music and was extremely well versed in greek theater, poetry and art as well as the romans
>wrote one of the greatest pieces of prose of all time
>wrote in an aphoristic style and eschewed the turgid dialectical and even more lifeless formal logical styles of the philosophers of his age
>went against his own government the prevailing religion of his civilization and went even further by attacking the ascendant alternative to the aforementioned religion
>made extensive use of complex stylistic devices and contradiction as a form of depth which succeeds in beautifying the Christ and Socrates in a way none of the proponents of either have succeeded in matching
>was a student of Schopenhauer and thus was intimately familiar with the German Idealist genealogy
>made a name for himself as a poet as much as a philosopher and was an above average poet in his own right something most philosophers and writers cannot claim to be
>anon who has published nothing and likely fawns over Kant or Hegel or analytic autism calls him “mediocre”

>> No.12310079

Don't. Nietzsche is a faggot. But if you do, start with his appropriately titled "Gay Science," particularly aphorisms 108-125. I should know, I'm a graduate student doing extensive research on N-boy.

>> No.12310085

what’s wrong with Nietzsche Mr. Scholar Sir?

>> No.12310099

He's a faggot. Dare I go into some enlightened critique that really serves to spoonfeed the brainlets who haven't bothered to read one of the most readable philosophers in the Western canon?

>> No.12310108

If you can’t come up with a cogent response I will assume you are a typical academic termite. Just tell me what bothers you and why he’s a faggot, im sure you can produce something i’ll have to partially agree with. Don’t be defensive when you haven’t lost anything yet.

>> No.12310126

No you raging faggot. Why should I care to impart my knowledge on you, let alone while i'm drunk as fuck on a Sunday night? If you can't take my word in good faith why the fuck are you pretending to seek knowledge on Nietzsche by coming to fucking 4chan of all places when you could as easily go read Kathleen Higgins, Robert Solomon(rip), Tanner, Keith Ansell-Pearson, or Brian(Bryan?) fucking Leiter of the goddam Leiter Report? Like holy shit are you that ill-equipped academically.

>> No.12310148

why would I seek out critiques of someone I already disagree with much less women or jews opinions about Nietzsche? You think i simply accept most of what he says about mechanics or politics or aesthetics? You called him a faggot and gave no reason, not even convincing or amusing rhetoric to support what you said. Offering nothing while being a stain on a relatively benign thread, all I did was provoke you and try to bait out something like a real response or critique. Everything about you is repulsive. You’re drunk on 4chan on a weekend, you make recourse to other people’s thoughts, you wag your little penis at us by stating you’re a graduate student and accusing me of being a poor scholar (which I accused you of being already, and nothing but a scholar as it turns out), and your reason for this kind of arrogance is the assumption that everyone who enjoys a thinker must be a slave to their principles and truths, that they would necessarily not have wrestled with their ideas and produced alternatives or critiques. Literally everything wrong with academia and with philosofagging. Fuck off

>> No.12310154

And yet you dance to the "wag of my penis." Get a load of this guy.

>> No.12310156

wow anon, you sure do sound like an insecure, pretentious faggot.

>> No.12310166

samefagging cringe

>> No.12310171


>> No.12310184

you do realize i answered your question you insufferable retard. google the names i was kind enough to list or kill yourself lmao

>> No.12310264


>> No.12310277

lol spam my advisor instead https://philosophy.princeton.edu/content/alexander-nehamas

>> No.12311274
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>> No.12311950
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In chronological order, without skipping a beat.

>> No.12311965

Early Nietzsche was mostly influenced by Schopenhauer. Middle and Late Nietzsche took in a bit more influence from Spinoza and Hegel.

>> No.12312036

>beautifying Socrates

There’s really nothing written about Socrates more goosepimply than the last part of The Problem With Socrates