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/lit/ - Literature

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12308633 No.12308633 [Reply] [Original]

How goes the writing career, /lit/?

>> No.12308643

Better then yours

>> No.12308649

I quit my day job

>> No.12308790

Awwww, so cute! I want to kiss his/her little nose :3

>> No.12308819

Shut the fuck up!
It's starting to come together.

>> No.12308825
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>> No.12308862

its coming along really well but I need to disclose that I've only written 500 words and been stoned for the last 9 months

>> No.12308886

what magazines/journals do you guys submit short stories to?

>> No.12308943

It begins sometime soon, i was hoping today but i don't have enough beer...

very nice cat too

>> No.12309219

You want to quit or are you a moron?

>> No.12309444

dropped it for a stem degree

now i don't have any head hair

>> No.12311387 [DELETED] 
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>Me on the top
>You inside the car

>> No.12311489

we should have a proper writing general instead of this tease thread

>> No.12311495

please be my gf PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

>> No.12311551

You're cute

>> No.12311567
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>then yours

>> No.12311689

No you do not.
You can't get your face near a female cat. They do not engage in, nor reciprocate head-butting behavior, and frequently mistake a head in close proximity as some sort of affront, which can end in disaster. Not only is kissing the nose unsanitary, and risks the transmission of bartonellosis among other zoonotic diseases, but putting your face against any female risks at least a small pawing to the head to a full-blown scratching. You can tell by the cat-phrenology and patterns that that one in question is indeed a female. This is to say, they exhibit a lower degree of inhibitory control, likely owing to some maternal instinct. Contrast it to the male, indeed, even a feral one, which is less, well let's say 'schizo' than a female cat. I would feel more comfortable getting may face close to a wild male cat, and giving him a headbutt than kissing the cat in question (OP cat) on the nose.

>> No.12312852

Aw, what a sweetie.

I'm a guy, anon. Sorry. I yearn for a Mommy GF of my own, too.

Sorry anon, but see above.

Wow, thanks for the information cat-anon. I will keep this in mind for any future cats I find. Sad though, because the one in OP is so cute I just want to kiss her little nose so badly.

>> No.12312866

KILl DA CAT!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12312922

Just got rejected by Clarkesworld, feelsbadman.jpg
I'd be down.

>> No.12313281

>I'm a guy, anon. Sorry. I yearn for a Mommy GF of my own, too.
Why do we have this sudden increase of mommyposters across most of the threads.

>> No.12313289

It's just me, anon. I don't think there are any others.

>> No.12313337

god being on here is like being around my parents sometimes

>how goes x

shut up worry about yourself gay nigga

>> No.12313361
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Your obsession is contagious.

>> No.12313379

Where do I even submit poetry? I have won some online contests and am thinking of submitting for money.

>> No.12313500

Do you mean you never wanted a Mommy before, but do now?

>> No.12313532
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My mind was clouded by mere lust, but not until recently. So more or less yes.

>> No.12313677

Well, to be perfectly honest, it's going nowhere.

I got distracted halfway through the year. Writing has stalled. I am, however, getting reasonably proficient at small animal taxidermy.

>> No.12314122

like....everywhere? Fuck, even newspapers will publish poetry.

Get on submittable. Btw, the only places that take poetry that actually pay decent are contests. Most magazines pay nothing at all, or very little, but the main reason you submit to them is to just get your name out there, show yourself off.

>> No.12314483

flow my tears

>> No.12314507

Career has nothing to do with it. I write because I’m severely mentally ill and channeling the three-dimensional chaos of my mind into an exactly linear single file ordering of words is therapeutic. I had to drop out of college on a medical withdrawal because the hallucinations and the mania weren’t compatible with school. I actually just got out of a mental hospital on Christmas Eve. But I always come back to writing. I probably knew I was going to do this for the rest of my life around 2014, when I posted some poems in a critique thread and some anons traced it to my tumblr. Writing has been good to me since. I got three half-hour scripts produced as part of a screenwriting incubator at my university, I got a short story published in a shitty lit mag, and I did a lot of living and a lot of thinking in the four or five years since posting here. I wrote three novels and destroyed them all in psychotic fits, which is fine because they weren’t up to my standard anyway and the good snippets were either worth remembering or worth recovering. It’s my favorite thing I’ve ever worked on.

>> No.12314509
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Mines going good, I write poetry not stories though, only really hear good stuff when I get opinions from my close friends, just wish I had more attention, maybe give my gran a look over, some of it’s just aesthetics and stuff like that but I do have some writings on it

>> No.12314571

have some stuff published, getting another one published next month, placed in a few contests, have a bunch of submissions floating around out there, and a few stories I'm sitting on or need to polish up. I have one book I'm trying to sell at the moment, no real word on that yet. I have two other completed ones I could try to sell also, but am focusing on the other one first as it's the most "literary" of my projects, and the other two are sort of commercial lit type stuff. I figured I'd at least like to be known to have a little artistic cred before I unload all my commercial ideas on the market.

Other than that....I got a self published book that has yet to sell a single copy besides the few people I personally know who wrote it. I'm kinda proud of that, I mean most utter shit books even sell a few dozen eventually.

>> No.12314599


>> No.12314636

I'm a bipolar alkie with a small drug problem who is nearing 30 and hasn't written more than a few notes to myself at a time in years, so I guess I'm off to a good start.

>> No.12314654

Honestly, yeah probably. You're light years ahead of any MFA faggot.

>> No.12315758

I sold TWO books on amazon today, holy crap this is an amazing day

pls don't return the books, buyer, I will be sad,

>> No.12315904
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I sold two books since I published the other day, and only ONE of them is from someone I know. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

>> No.12315915

Darn you OP, I'm this >>12308790 anon here and I just keep coming back to your thread only to look at that cutie kitty cat again and again :3

You got me this time OP, but tomorrow I'll be stronger.

>> No.12316144

I don't blame you. It is an impossibly cute cat. I've got a gift for you, though - a Christmas present. I give you permission to save that image. Please use it wisely.

>> No.12316196

we're high rollers now

>> No.12316242

I actually managed to complete a first draft of a short story instead of losing interest and abandoning it halfway through like all of my previous attempts.

It's a start.

>> No.12316307

OP, you are a saint. Thank you graciously for the permission. I have just saved it and will use it justly in the future. Happy New Years to you.

>> No.12316356


>> No.12316397

I'd like to kiss your nose

>> No.12316410

i was legit hyped for you but then i reread and noticed it was a short story and not a book. still cool though.

>> No.12316438

me on the left

>> No.12317937

how many books/short stories/poetry do you write a year?

>> No.12319027

And a Happy New Year to you too. May reaction images of cats follow you wherever you go.

>> No.12319103

Nice anon, I didn't really understand that fully but either way good job. I want a Mommy so bad and hopefully one day you and I will both have one. For now, I just watch videos of ASMRfu's and pretend they are my Mommy. Do you want to see some? Here, I'll show you.

(Watch from beginning, sadly my link starts partway through)



These girls speak to me so sweetly, and comfort me whenever I'm feeling lonely and sad. I hope they can do the same for you. Please don't be mean to them in the comment sections, harassing them like the many rogues on /lit/ have done to other girls in the past.

>> No.12319121

Thanks a lot anon, that cutie cat you have shown to me, and subsequently let me save, has genuinely lifted my spirits of the past two days. :)

>> No.12319626
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>mfw ive had one sale every day since the new book was released