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/lit/ - Literature

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12308589 No.12308589 [Reply] [Original]

Perfect artists to read whilst on nofap?

>> No.12308685


>> No.12308692

Late Tolstoy

>> No.12308696

>calling abstinence "nofap "
not gonna make it

>> No.12308738

nofap is a meme
masturbate but don't do it while watching porn or viewing pictures

>> No.12308776

Semen retention has been practiced for thousands of years, and by some of the most remarkable individuals who have ever lived. It's no meme. The benefits are real and better than CNS stimulants.
Nofap as a forum is a meme because of their tepid lukewarm approach and vulgar speech which only induces one to failure.

>> No.12308792

>The benefits are real
what benefits

>> No.12308982

Your balls get like really really heavy

>> No.12309058


>> No.12309064

probably Tylo B. Chillin

>> No.12310224

pope burp

>> No.12310238

god please post a selfie already popefaggot. i need to know the face of the man haunting my dreams.

>> No.12310554
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>> No.12312206

pope burp

>> No.12312230

unironically this, Kant is amazing on nofap

>> No.12312232

you get aggressive and lose your chill which makes you motivated and ambitious.

>> No.12313027

>by some of the most remarkable individuals who have ever lived
Such as?

>> No.12313535

Pope and Kant

>> No.12313543
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This prince of chastity.

>> No.12313547

Almost all writers living prior to the 20th century bruh

>> No.12313556

Is reading Kant aided by caffeine, cigs and nofap the peak of the literary lifestyle ?

>> No.12313609

Kant, Tesla, Pythagoras, Newton, etc

>> No.12313620

Yes. Inject cerebroylsin cyclically on top of that and you'll ascend space time.

>> No.12313641

Has anyone (e.g. Evola) written about semen retention?

>> No.12313691
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>> No.12313735
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al-Ghazali resonates with me

>> No.12313908
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>> No.12314152
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The balls don't get heavy with abstinence, and to think they do or even laugh at this is an ignorant view of anatomy and physiology. When you ejaculate your scrotum does not "empty"; it is not a bladder. Only 3-5% of the semen is comprised of sperm, which comes from the testes within. "Blue Balls", vasocongestion, only arises during prolonged arousal where the body gears up for release increasing the production seminal fluid and speeding the migration of sperm up the vasa deferentia in expectation of soon release. The discomfort experienced, is from interrupting this, effectively leaving the systems temporarily overloaded, which is best remedied with release. Had abstinence been practiced mentally and stimuli avoided, the entire episode could have been averted. It arose, not because of an accumulation of semen but rather the process of arousal, which was provoked and entertained by the individual, and such actions defeat the point and benefit of abstinence in the first place.
One can be abstinent indefinitely without any discomfort. The genitals actually feel lighter with prolonged abstinence.

>> No.12314171

I genuinely feel sorry for people who fell for the NoFap meme. When you get so desperate about the state of your life that you actually believe not touching your dick will change anything. It's like a 7 year old little kid with cancer putting all his faith in astrology
it's sad

>> No.12314182

I agree with you

>> No.12314285
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>When you get so desperate about the state of your life that you actually believe not touching your dick will change anything.
Sexual activity is the most important goal as far as evolution is concerned, which is why it provokes immense pleasure; behind that pleasure a cocktail of neurochemical, hormonal, and physiological changes occurring behind the scenes, affecting the body and mind more profoundly than any other "natural" action. Arousal itself affects working memory; sexual activity squanders limited dopaminergic pathways to be obsessed with something that is never satisfied beyond 30 minutes, and in fact, often is reinforced, until most people are but worthless dicks for brains; after the act is completed, there is a rebound of prolactin, which remains substantially elevated for 16+ hours following release, where it continues to adversely affects dopaminergic neurotransmission in prefrontal cortex long after the refractory period has subsided.

You are a fool to think that nothing happens and that sexual activity can be engaged in with impunity. Not touching it, and eschewing all sexual activity, is a life-changer.

Quitting this has been the biggest burden lifted in my entire life. The benefits of sexual abstinence are more profound than CNS stimulants.
Before, I had dozens of books that wanted to read but didn't. Sure, I got through life just fine but I accomplished very little beyond what I had to do, and whatever I did do required mostly discipline. With resolute sexual abstinence, I do not need discipline. I have boundless motivation and energy. I can write, I can read. I listen to courses. I do many things. When I'm not abstinent, I do very little, my entire life is a frustration that gets in the way of momentary release. You have never experienced the immense benefits it provides and are left bewildered. You are a carnal bugman who cannot even begin to contemplate why anyone would want to give this up, or how it possibly can make a difference.

>> No.12314405
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>> No.12314416

yeah dude you totally does not sound like one of those autists who spend too much time on the internet and none outside

>> No.12314504

He is/was a medical student.

>> No.12314516
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>reading peacefully
>perfectly confident that slowly but surely I will attain to unification with the godhead on account of my blooming erudition
>suddenly, without warning, struck by a tempest of residual lust from ten years of masturbation
>immediately cease concern for whatever I was reading, it doesn't matter now
>inwardly cry for help, knowing that it is futile
>think of important figures for strength and all past resolution to overcome the flesh
>just adds fuel to the fire
>see a timeless, glorious future dashed to dust in an instant
>obediently, like a slave called to his master, succumb to the cruel fate
>berate others on /lit/ to soothe my wounded pride

What books will literally cause my dick to shrivel off so that I never have to face temptation again?

>> No.12314531

De Sade