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12308558 No.12308558 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of Pewdiepie's transition into Booktubing?

>> No.12308601


He's at least got some semi-decent taste even if he did get most of it from /lit/ but nice seeing he didn't resort to YA crap.

>> No.12308646

I definitely don't see enough threads about it, thank you

>> No.12308674
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It kind of feels forced.Like he just randomly transitions from making from YLYL videos to reviewing Don Quijote. But thats just my five cents.

>> No.12308682

Either he enjoys multiple things or he uses the former to fund the latter. Kind of like how some online sites use clickbait articles to fund actual journalism

>> No.12308686

He very obviously started browsing /pol/ got curious because of meme'ing of mishima and junger and then came over here, lurked, saw that people had premade charts for him to skim, had excessive time on his hands since his job takes him maybe 2 hours a day and he is a millionaire from a rich family with nothing to do but play games and have sex with his gf, took up reading in earnest, figured he could pump out more content and "engage" his young viewers with an unorthodox angle of attack via book reviews and then eventually became an avid reader with a somewhat noble appreciation of the canon. He's a stupid boring faggot but he has alright taste now and is probably less insufferable to talk with because of this board. I doubt its had a marked effect on his viewers besides driving more newfag shitposting traffic to this site.

>> No.12308691

>from making from YLYL videos to reviewing Don Quijote

Fuck, that was an even worse tease than the Culture of Critique review

>> No.12308699

I'm not interested at all. Frankly you should stop making these threads and get a job.

>> No.12308731


None of this feels natural I agree. He's just doing it for attention and maybe to change his image a little but if he did it quietly for a year or two and not straight away by doing videos on how he is such a bookworm now then maybe they would be more interesting.

>> No.12308737

He's an adult calling himself Pewdiepie.

>> No.12308742
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>pewdiepie is reviewing books to gain popularity

That's the most retarded thing anyone could possibly say on the matter.

>> No.12308749


And to loose his image people already have of him. Do you think the kids from Home Alone or Harry Potter would want to be remembered for those roles their entire life? Imagine it must be some sort of hell for them.

>> No.12308782

I know this is sarcasm but GOD when will 7yo kids stop posting about him

>> No.12308788

Like Buzzfeed? I have heard Buzzfeed News is bretty good.

>> No.12308795

he should do it more often, weekly or bi-weekly

>> No.12308814
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Pewdiepie is already being rebranded by the MSM. If his endgame is to distance himself from the brofisting image he established his channel upon, he literally doesn't have to do anything at this point.

>> No.12308832

>Do you think the kids from Home Alone or Harry Potter would want to be remembered for those roles their entire life
Daniel Radcliffe has already branched himself out from Harry Potter through hard work and talent and become an established actor, its the cunt Emma Watson who'll forever be Hermione because she's a shit actress.

>> No.12308843

fuck off pubeypoo

>> No.12308855

Incel alert.

>> No.12308857

Fuck off Zach.

>> No.12308859

Underrated roast

>> No.12309004

Regardless of whether it's disingenuous or sincere, I think it's a good thing. However you feel about him, he has an absurdly large audience. He's probably inspired tens of thousands of people to pick up Mishima this year (I'm one of them). Teenagers are picking up reading as a hobby, and people who like reading are getting exposed to some decent books. If you check the subreddit for his book club thing, you see some recommend 1984 like every third post (even though he openly stated hating it). Maybe they'll find a book they like that wasn't required reading in high school.

>> No.12309022
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A list of my thoughts :

This is what I'm talking about, the inability to understand basic and rudimentary posts and instant offense on insult because he sees a post that doesn't automatically spout that Jews should all die and they need to be gassed. This is the exact post that my reply was about, showing the inability to articulate coherency, ability, nuance or tact. You are nothing but a buzzword spewing shitposter who has infested the site with obnoxious rhetoric that would be favorable to people if put in a coherent or intelligent way, but is extensively off-putting because such a lowly animal is screaming at the top of his lungs about Jews. You have ruined everything /pol/ once was, I bet you think that Blacked threads and five word OPs were the baseline and blood of what /pol/ once was. You're nothing but a shitposter, and it's why I and many others migrated here to escape you mentally handicapped rebbitors and facebook retards. Your ilk ruined the entirety of /pol/s reputation. Thank fucking God you haven't found (rescinded), I would track your IP and shoot you myself if that were t

Took an immense amount of time to write it. The anon is an autist. He's also clearly new himself, since 4chan has always been shit.

keep repeating the word mind though when you mean entire being. and then just stop there, since you've never studied any scientific field in your entire life you can't actually address or understand what i am talking about (remember you're still stuck in a false separation you've imposed on your own identity between yourself and yourself, how can you even begin to understand the lack of separation between you and others or humans and their environment?).... so the other stuff i wrote went over your head, sorry i mean mind.

>> No.12309024


Pewdiepie the next JK Rowling. I wonder if he'll ever consider writing a fantasy series. Curious to see what it would be about.

>> No.12309159

Nice, he learned a lot of subversion, a true pol`s son

>> No.12310087

Why would it be disingenuous though? What would he gain from doing book reviews? Those videos get a lot less views than he's other videos.

>> No.12310106

Yeah, this is what I don't get. /lit/ is actually retarded enough to think he has some ulterior motive or angle and he's reviewing fucking books.

>> No.12310123

Yeah. He just grew up and started reading more. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12310159

why do retarded crossboarders love this retarded finnish neet so much

>> No.12310173

I didn't mean to imply that I thought it was disingenuous. The posts above seemed to pointing at the idea that pewdiepie was doing this for ulterior motives. But even he was just pretending to like books to change his public image or whatever, it's still has positive effects.

>> No.12310199

he's based one of us redpilled

>> No.12310254

hes based and redpilled

>> No.12310260

Yay, more normies ruining the books even further.

Mass literacy was a mistake.

>> No.12310261

he is one of basedpilled

>> No.12310286
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Normies don't like Pewdiepie, their facebook feeds tell them he's bad.

>> No.12310317

>you see some recommend 1984 like every third post (even though he openly stated hating it)
I don't remember that. He openly hated Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 showed up as an alternative for a better dystopian book in the latest video.

>> No.12310328

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12310331

Because eceleb shillers are retarded

>> No.12310349

>literally God of Normies
>b-but he's /ourguy/ cause he said the n-word

>> No.12310354

r*ddit called

>> No.12310360

You can't say the n word though that's racist

>> No.12310370

The only thing more embarrassing than his book "reviews" is the blatant shilling from obvious crossboarders.

>> No.12310372
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with private browsing, one of top results searching pewds is him saying nigger

>> No.12310378

I wouldn't care except for the fact that by aping /lit/ he's actually exposing a ridiculously large audience to actually good literature and the idea of reading being a fun thing to do

even for a cynical bastard like me, I can't be mad about that

>> No.12310411

go to bed, felix

>> No.12310419

>believing he's read any of them
He never goes beyond talking about them in the vaguest way. He doesn't even give any quick rundowns of the plots.

>> No.12310473

This post is the purest Ressentiment I've ever seen.

>Waaah Pewdiepie is rich and handsome, doesn't have to work hard for a living, has a beautiful gf

>> No.12310488

>u jelly
Very intelligent
Not that guy btw but I'm also very doubtful that he actually reads. You can't read 70 novels in your apparently first year of engaging with serious literature and actually understand any of it. You certainly wouldn't be parading your new hot hobby around like you just found some fucking goldmine. And yes, he never discussed any of the books at length apart from shit you can skim on wikipedia.

>> No.12310530

>You can't read 70 novels in your apparently first year of engaging with serious literature and actually understand any of it.
He doesn't read academic textbooks, he reads middlebrow-core, here's a sample of his reading list through what he's discussed on youtube:
It really isn't that impossible that a 29 year old can read a few books like American Psycho or Kafka By the Shore in a year if one's consistent throughout the year, especially counting novellas and short stories.

>> No.12310545

I just heard him expound of the works of Mishima with at least a midwit level of comprehension. I think it would take more effort to pretend to read these books and then comment on them than to actually read them.

>> No.12310571 [DELETED] 

Fuck up nigger
I do what I want.

>> No.12310579

>I just heard him expound of the works of Mishima with at least a midwit level of comprehension.
so you'd say he performed admirably for the level his audience is familiar with. very good.

>> No.12310583

Literally everyone only knows Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter. Emma Watson is at least moreso known for being cunt irl than she is for being a cunt in fiction.

>> No.12310601

maybe he just likes reading.

>> No.12310614

aww such a cute kitty!

>> No.12310717

>european "christian" man goes on about how frickin' based buddhism is for valuing self-control, the rejection of vice and meaningful suffering
>idolizes mishima and murakami
why you wouldn't want to be familiar with the most amazing literary tradition of all time in favor of chink trash is beyond me

>> No.12310809

i wish hed fucking do anothe rone

>> No.12310871
File: 124 KB, 676x810, A64E3479-1F2C-4102-9799-D6739C7F089B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The most popular account on YouTube is repellent to normies

>> No.12310873

how does it feel to be cucked by Big Buddhist Cock, christian boi?

>> No.12310876

it's kind of insane that the most popular account is some swedish guy who just talks about random shit

>> No.12310899

People who shit on Pewds are NPCs.
I think he's fun and a good influence.

>> No.12310944

>implying people bother to unsubscribe

>> No.12310949

No its really not if you realize >>12310899 is most people on Earth

>> No.12310957
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Pewdiepie's move to booktube allows me to forgive myself for introducing my son to meinkraft - therefore I'm for it.

>> No.12310958

He's redpilled against degeneracy just like me.

>> No.12310963

>all these underage that defend him/got into reading because of him
No wonder this board has gone from shit to worse lately. Fuck all of you.

>> No.12310984

>People who shit on Pewds are NPCs.

Dunning kruger effect.

>> No.12310989

suck me

>> No.12310993

nah /lit/ was ruined by many things, JBP is the single most damaging human meme besides the Deleuze-Land shit which at least brought intelligent faggots here.

>> No.12311017

He's a swede, a cuck by nature.

>> No.12311047

this is the only good booktuber

>> No.12311074

More like Swedish vikings cucked the world. Bet you're a Brit salty over the fact that your ancestors got enhanced with superior Nordic DNA or a Dane.

>> No.12311082
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>enhancing anything

>> No.12311084

>Deleuze-Land faggots

>> No.12311097

because Pewdiepie is Aryan
relative to JBP spammers and the people falseflagging as JBP spammers to bait JBP spammers and people who hate them, yes.

>> No.12311108

Is Pewdiepie like Peterson for 10-20 crowd?

>> No.12311129

Do you burgers only hate that book because you were forced to read it in high school? How many of you have actually read it?

>> No.12311224

I think he's read most of the books through audible, the ones not there definitely, and some of the ones he's actually bought he might half listen, listen or read the book and that is why he appears to give a wimpy brief on them. Or maybe he's talking to his audience.

>> No.12311389

He sounds like his hymen is fully intact.

>> No.12311409

I think he should become enlightened of the fact that John Mackey may have given birth to the alt right.

>> No.12311477 [DELETED] 

That wasn't the point, retard.
>muh mass literace was le mistake xDD

>> No.12311482

That wasn't the point, retard.
>muh mass literacy was le mistake xDD

>> No.12311503


>> No.12311614

I've read it twice and I dropped out of highschool.

>> No.12311644

He's only popular with the subset of the world population that spends a lot of time on the internet, actual normies either don't have youtube accounts or are the kind of people that would unironically subscribe to Youtube music or T-series or whatever.

>> No.12311680
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Will Pewdiepie review books with his sister? Pic related.

>> No.12311713

Can't speak for non-burger pewdiepie, but the I think we mainly like it unless we just hate all books. I didn't particularly like reading at that point, and I finished it in a night.

What I don't like is that it's the only insightful book a lot of people have read, and people just blindly recommend it always. I'm not sure there's anyone left who hasn't read it.

>> No.12311744
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>culture of critique wasn't a photoshop
What the absolute fuck? What video was that from?

>> No.12311818

yea absolutely, honestly i like the new pewds he's doing what he wants who fucking cares

>> No.12311825

normies dont watch pewds fag they dont even know how he is
>muh if he inspire normies to read i wont feel speical anymore

>> No.12311828

I wish he’d stop making threads about himself on /lit/.

>> No.12311831

I think he's just doing what he wants to do, its only a minor fraction of his content only once every couple of months. Honestly if he wants to expand his knowledge via literature and inspire other people to pick it up good on him. I wont bitch about muh e-cleb like some people here

>> No.12311880

Calla serrano, ctm