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12306737 No.12306737 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder: Nietzsche went crazy because he knew he was wrong about God and poisoned the minds of the world. If the Divine Comedy was written today, Nietzsche would be writhing in Satan’s mouth

>> No.12306768

>If the Divine Comedy was written today, Nietzsche would be ejaculating in Satan’s mouth

>> No.12306942
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>ChristLARPers on 4chan

>> No.12306970

He'd be in purgatory desu senpai

>> No.12307020

he had syphilis in the head

>> No.12307044

Actually he went mad because he knew how RIGHT he was about everything and how all the BRAINLETS like YOU would misinterpret his works of genius just because they were too WEAK to fucking comprehend what he was doing.

Go fuck yourself. Nietzsche is the closest thing the world will ever have to an atheist saint since he dealt one of the killing blows to the brain disease that is religion and slave-morality based ideologies.

>> No.12307045

>syphilis in the head
It's called brain cancer today.

>> No.12307051

what am i looking at

>> No.12307054

please i hope you and your closet homosexuality choke on a dick

>> No.12307078

Do you realize that the death of god isn't a good thing? Do you realize N consider it a crime by our part?

>> No.12307310

*tips fedora*

>> No.12307703

I hope this is bait. If you've read The Gay Science, you should know that Nietzsche had no problem with faith. He criticized everything which imposed structure on the world, but he did so in an attempt to reach the goal of achieving an authentic life; a life lived for it's own sake, with value itself being the sustaining element thereof. Nietzsche lauded the pre-Socratic Greek civilization for its focus on living life for it's own sake, which was strengthened by the great tragic plays they wrote and by their close affiliation with war and other dangers. He liked their polytheism precisely because it was believed without question, reflecting the Greeks' authentic desire for greater living not restricted by dogma or distorted by the will to truth or the will to meaning.

Actually read Nietzsche maybe.

>> No.12307717

where does this nietzsche hated god meme come from

>> No.12307719

Actually, Kant is the most evil man who ever lived. We would have conquered the galaxy by now if he was never born. He set us back about 1000 years.

>> No.12307747

Those are some pretty wild claims, care to support them?

>> No.12307759

Thanks for the great synopsis Anon, really helps my current reading of Thus sproke Zarathrustra.
P.S. For any Dutch people, pick up the Wereldbibliotheek Dutch translation

>> No.12307774

This pls

>> No.12307799

Before Kant, it was common knowledge that non-whites were lesser races, and he was the first to really suggest that all humans are equal. This of course led to Hegel, which led to Marx, communism, wanting to abolish nations, modern leftism and all the problems we have today.

Now we have gay Muslim tranny women going into space and shuttles crashing every other week. We will never progress as a species if we keep up the charade we are all equal, and Kant unleashed this poisonous concept onto the world.

>> No.12307815

>these are the people who fill up philosophy threads with their multi-paragraph essays about what a specific philosophy *really* meant
stick a fork in it, this board is done. kaput.

>> No.12307830

What I said must have struck a nerve. The truth is usually unsettling to people on this board.

>> No.12307862

For someone who's called a radical and profound thinker, he didn't manage to actually come up with anything world changing. He isn't close to on par with Webber, Marx (idealistic and material conceptions of human progress) or ellul or Hi-nigger (role of technics).

He seems like an athiest Kierkegaard desu, in that he doesn't really say much, but his emo "I cut myself and bathe in the delicious suffering" aesthetic draw people in.

>> No.12307888
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>The Negroes of Africa have by nature no feeling that rises above the trifling. Mr. Hume challenges anyone to cite a single example in which a Negro has shown talents and asserts that among the hundreds of thousands of blacks who are transported elsewhere from their countries, although many of them have even been set free, still not a single one was ever found who presented anything great in art or science or any other praiseworthy quality, even though among the whites some continually rise aloft from the lowest rabble, and through superior gifts earn respect in the world. So fundamental is the difference between these two races of man, and it appears to be as great in regard to mental capacities as in color.

>> No.12307914

Nothing Nietzsche tells us to do would have us sent to hell though.

>> No.12307915

nietzsche was so attractive that i'd become gay for him. books for this feel?

>> No.12307939

Just read nietzsche, but imagine his hot breath and bristling moustache while he whispers the words in your ear or as he kisses your neck.

>> No.12307945

> but in short, this fellow was very black from head to foot, a clear proof that what he said was stupid.
fucking kek

>> No.12307972

Read Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks before reading Zarathustra, because Z is a new philosophical archetype, viz., the tragic philosopher. See how N treats old philosophical archetypes in PTAG for a sense of how you should orient yourself towards Z.

Webber was in responding to Nietzsche. Pay attention. Nietzsche and Kierkegaard are antithesis to one another.

>> No.12308060


>> No.12308128

Nietzsche descended into madness because of the sudden trigger of a clinical condition, maybe a bit exacerbated by his bad luck in life.
God does not exist, and organized religion will eventually drift into irrelevancy.

>> No.12308159

>Nietzsche had no problem with faith
Yes, yes,
changing the definition of faith (christian faith) that the previous poster was referring to to ancient Greek "faith" does not a rebuttal make.

Christian faith has nothing in common with the ancient Greek polytheistic religions besides just being a belief in fictional deities. You trying to reconcile Nietzschean philosophy with Christian dogma is just a massive cope