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/lit/ - Literature

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12306526 No.12306526 [Reply] [Original]


how do you not get burned out from reading? For example I try to read as many as books I can but sometimes you get confused or burned out or lost.

How do you deal with this, /lit/?

>> No.12306555

I don't read, lol.

>> No.12306576

how can anyone give you advice on the matter when everyone has different stamina? bloom can read through a fucking library and not get up to take a shit, his colon just packs it in like a bag of holding until he's done.
if you're burning out then maybe read for less periods of time and more variety. don't just do one book at a time, nigga, you can hold multiple narratives in mind at a time, nigga. just close the book and walk away, niigga.

>> No.12306580

Use the 25min read - 5min break method.
I sometimes walk on my treadmill while reading or I do reps with as a break.

>> No.12306615
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Some books requiere time to process.
Forcing through just makes you stop thinking them through, leaving you with less than if you had taken a break. Mainly with academic books, obviously, but some narrative demands a bit more than you're used to.

Respect your material.

>> No.12306713



do i need adderrall pill to suck up all the information as i can?

>> No.12306728

I don't get burned out by reading because I have an attention span

>> No.12306738

I just read more because I always want to
Sucks to be you lol

>> No.12306756

I don't really know about adderall, we haven't legalized meth in my country. Learning new stuff isn't just the time it takes to consume the words, it takes thinking about it, discussing it, applying it, and so on.

That's why you have so many professors and theoretically smart people who can't make simple deductions or syllogisms. All they know is blotches of knowledge floating in a sea of selfpitty and binged tv show

>> No.12306814

for example, i wanna finish reading and understand the concept of "richest man in babylon" book but so many terms are archaic and hard to understand

how do i deal with this? English isn't my first mother language, btw.

thanks in advance.

>> No.12307061

i dont force myself to complete books i dont feel like completing, if a book bores me i just stop reading it and get a new one

>> No.12307104

Maybe try and find a dictionary or glossary of terms from ancient Babylon. There's probably something online.

>> No.12307678


Easier to use ereader or tablet for dictionary. But still debating which to buy. Might try on my smartphone. Thanks anon.