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/lit/ - Literature

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12306300 No.12306300 [Reply] [Original]

One of the keys to reading is getting into a position where you're not shifting every 2 minutes. What are the most optimal arrangements? My parents have the TV on downstairs, should I invest in a pair of ear plugs?

Bonus points for recommending a position where you're not hunched over.

>> No.12306343

Sit up straight at a desk. Wear headphones with white noise or ambience, do not listen to music or anything with vocals or repetitive patterns. Coffee optional but encouraged. Have a pencil and some paper nearby, requiring yourself to annotate and take notes while reading makes it a lot easier to focus on and retain what you're reading. Don't touch your dick.

That's all I got.

>> No.12306365

>Don't touch your dick.
Terrible advice.

>> No.12306475
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Have the book in front of you on the desk, and turn the pages with your toes. Use both hands to touch the dick. Play black metal on the background to create good reading expirience.

>> No.12306537

I use ambient recordings on youtube like 'rain on roof' or 'train ride' to keep my concentration

>> No.12306558

For some reason I’ve found laying on the floor flat on my back works very well

>> No.12307108

I sit in a comfortable chair, reclining, and pile cushions onto my lap or stomach to perch the book upon. I also find hardbacks to be more comfortable to handle, though I think that's a minority opinion. Always have lots of light, buy a new lamp if you need one, just for reading. Squinting because it's just a little bit too dark can give you a fucking big headache after a while.

>> No.12307124

Any good reading chair recommendations? So far the best reading chair I've found is the chair in my commuter train, but they aren't for sale.

>> No.12307127
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Either laying on my stomach on my bed, or sitting up straight, legs crossed. I think the second one is probably better for your back.

>> No.12307150

i have used ear plugs in the past. a fan will also blur all ambient sounds into one white noise.

>> No.12307412
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take the treepill

>> No.12307416


>> No.12307449

Don't into the woods covered in honey/semen and the ants should leave you alone.

>> No.12307465
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>Don't go into the woods covered in honey
>Don't go into the woods covered in semen
why do you hate life so much?

>> No.12307469

you know i can't do that

>> No.12307474

>Don't go into the woods covered in semen
haha, no

>> No.12307485

There goes my post-shower routine

>> No.12307487
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Hey I never said you couldn't emerge from the woods drenched in it. That implies something more fun.

>> No.12307652

>Wear headphones with white noise or ambience, do not listen to music or anything with vocals or repetitive patterns.
Would this be ok?

>> No.12307667

I'm more concerned about birds shitting on my books.

>> No.12307677

>My parents have the TV on downstairs, should I invest in a pair of ear plugs?
Do you mean should you ask your parents for some money to buy earplugs? Or do you mean should you invest in moving the fuck out of your parents house like a grown man? Either way the answer is shut the fuck up retard

>> No.12307701

>be a man and abandon your parents and waste money living alone

>> No.12307708

Number one is laying down on my stomach before bed next to the beside lamp. When I am reading at the table, I use a cookbook stand, to maintain straightness in my neck while reading. Another pro tip (DIY standing desk) is sometime i put my chair on my table and read standing for a bit, extreme circulation for superpowered reading. thank me later okpzoutbye

>> No.12307738


Read pdfs on a simple stool. If the text is worthy of you it will alleviate your discomfort.

>> No.12307739
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I'm worried about them stealing my books and using them to make a nest (or just laughing at my poor taste in literature)

>> No.12307740

you'll understand when you grow up

>> No.12307763
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>> No.12307776

What if the cheap Chinese plastic snaps and the holder falls on my rock-hard erection and fractures it

>> No.12307826
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What are some ways to keep from getting sleepy while reading?

Maybe I just lie down too much while reading.

>> No.12307838

read more
it will make reading easier once you recover lost sleep

>> No.12307855

read until you fall asleep with the book in your hand, then wake up and continue reading

>> No.12307874

I use an app called realax.io which lets you mix different ambient sounds together. It's really nice.
I've found that shifting my daily activities so I read during the day/daylight hours helps, along with >>12307838.

>> No.12307926

Divine punishment

>> No.12307935

Just fall asleep reading where you lay. It might make your dreams more interesting.

>> No.12308410

Would this be ok?


>> No.12310026
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Tbh I just get on the train in the morning and stay on as long as I want to read. Then I hop off, switch tracks to head home, and write until I get back.

It's comfy, especially around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

>> No.12310570

This, except I can't afford so many train rides so I read on station platforms.

>> No.12310621


Sitting up is good for this. Laying down or reclining while reading also makes me drowsy.


I generally agree with and support this FPBP, though I'm not a coffee person. I also find music and vocals to be a total distraction, though certain kinds of ambience are acceptable as background noise. When I actually mean to read something and read it well, I keep things quiet.

>> No.12310628
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>I can't afford so many train rides
I feel you, I've got a student pass right now so I can ride as often as I want for free, but as soon as it expires I'll have to find another way.

>> No.12311910

I've never heard music that manages to sound louder than it actually is before.

>> No.12311959
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>> No.12311975

Love reclining and relaxing with a big book of formulas.

>> No.12312342

Free train rides for students? You don't happen to live in Gypsyland, Eastern Europe, do you?

>> No.12312375

worst girl

>> No.12312384

Read heavy books

>> No.12313334
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Chicago, USA. A lot of the universities here include an unlimited train pass in their tuition, because you have to commute to different parts of town depending on which kind of class you're taking.

>> No.12313559

Any more gondolas, Chiraqi?

>> No.12314554
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Yeah, I've got a little collection going. Hit me with some of yours if you have any.

>> No.12314592


>> No.12314613

A good quality book is a must. I've been reading a fair bit of science fiction in recent times and the low quality mass market paperbacks make me want to kill myself.

>> No.12314670

bit cold out

>> No.12315273

>finger strong enough to balance the whole book

can I learn this skill?

>> No.12316132
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I got a few

>> No.12316140
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>> No.12316159
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Trying to put out my more rare ones

>> No.12316212

I have a hard time getting good lighting while also being comfy. What do you guys recommend? Also for reading in bed how do you get the right amount of light while still allowing yourself to get sleepy?

>> No.12316594

You Americans are retarded

>> No.12316608
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Read by the fire with your sweetie, then.

>> No.12316629

this is technically hunched over but I read sitting in a chair with the book on the floor between my feet and my head in between my knees, back straight, bent at the hips. it's idiosyncratic to me, I know, because I used to fall asleep while reading at a desk normally and started doing this instead.
anyway, the best position is one you fall into yourself. you can improve your position the same way you improve your posture: gradually and with constant conscious effort. the muscles will pull you into a better position if you develop them.

>> No.12316760

Invest in something that costs 50 cents. That's really an investment, dumb dumb.

>> No.12316776
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I’ll usually have a warmed fair trade coffee while sitting on my hand sewn Bean bag chair; it’s the only comfy place I can read culture of critique while feeling like I’m living a sustainable lifestyle. I do all of this preferably in the corner of my local Whole Foods market but only till they run out of free pomegranate incense. I learned everything I know about comfort ( and reading ) from The big kahuna himself, John Mackey.

>> No.12316790

meditate before reading. start with the breath counting excercise

>> No.12317333

Depends on what I'm reading, and how seriously I'm reading it. If it's a serious book that deserves my attention, I basically do >>12306343. If it's less serious, I'll either find a comfortable spot in the park near my apartment during nice weather or sprawl on the floor if it's not.

>> No.12317342
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