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12304343 No.12304343 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12304350

>we could save the world if only everyone followed me

>> No.12304355

Isn't that like a quote from Jesus or something?

>> No.12304371

can this statement be proven wrong? i'm not sure it can.

>> No.12304415

Does he really say this? Also, anyone else read the book? Is it any good? Not a fan of Western rebrandings of Eastern mysticism, but just curious since this thread was made.

>> No.12304544
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Oh its an excellent book. Just finished it for my second time the other day.

>> No.12304560

What kind of crystal do you wear?

>> No.12304631

I don't. I fell out of that scene. It's not all that fashionable in the socioeconomic class that I'm currently in, in fact, it often gets mocked. But when I was in that scene, I was very happy.

>> No.12304757
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alan watts: spirituality for boomers who like to read about other cultures and traditions but are perennially incapable of shedding their naive optimism and having a more than superficial view of things

eckhart tolle: spirituality for gen-x'ers who work soul sucking corporate jobs and need an easy fix to C O P E with their meaningless lives; too lazy to meaningfully engage with actual spiritual traditions and the vast literature on the subject, but at least not as hypocritical as their boomer parents

rene guenon: spirituality for millenial social rejects that want to feel superior to their braindead peers. intellectually more rigorous than their boomer grandparents, but insufferably snobbish

julius evola: spirituality for zoomers who want to distance themselves from their limpwristed older millenial peers. well meaning, but basically just edgy posturing

>> No.12305065

Good post

>> No.12305231

You sound like you smell nice

>> No.12305249

adding some extras

ram dass: spirituality for washed-up 60 year old hippies still hoping the counter-culture will make a comeback (it wont)

aldous huxley: spirituality for college drug-dealers to read in between sessions of taking LSD and making trance music

aleister crowley: spirituality for middle class ex-christians who want a sense of dogma and structure whilst also being able to indulge in their occult ideas

>> No.12305256

Ouch, the Guenon one kinda hits home.

>> No.12305263

more like indulge their cock and vagene