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12304057 No.12304057 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about this book? Everyone talks about how amazing it is but I’m finding the writing terrible and none of the characters talk or act like real people.

>> No.12304137

>none of the characters talk or act like real people.
because they're aliens, duh

As a general rule, SciFi is more interesting for themes and ideas than for masterful prose.

>> No.12304144

It seems like something that I should love, but I've tried to get into it twice now and given up out of boredom both times.

>> No.12304147


You would have space aristocrats speak like American teenagers?

>> No.12304221

and inner monologue as a literary device is lame. also he only provides that for people with "white" names.

and plays heavily into the Orientalist ideas about the East.

This book cannot exist in Arabic language and it's pretty funny rather than epic in Turkish.

>> No.12304237

You need to read 120 pages at least for the story to get good and interesting, it's so hard at the start but after you'll feel satisfied

>> No.12304241

>and plays heavily into the Orientalist ideas about the East
That he took the Muslims seriously at all and based a fascinating alien race on them speaks much louder than any supposed "Orientalist" stereotypes.

>> No.12304279

The gist is that it's "fascinating" for Americans, it's "alien" to the British, it's daily life for Middle Easterners.

I had to stop reading and laugh all my way to the kitchen when he started talking about alien Fremen eating baklawa.

I have this shit for dessert every week.

If you need a comparison, imagine reading a scifi novel about an alien race and learning that they have donuts for dessert.

>> No.12304312

fun read. it's not high brow literature, it's got very little to dig into, but it's one of the most entertaining pieces of genre fic I've read.
the characters do kinda suck and they don't get better. everyone's some kind of chess master logical actor (a bunch of characters are literally born to be computers in the lore) and it's a pain from the start. but it's got cool imagery, i dig the whole desert half-future half-primitive thing. like all scifi, don't expect some kind of brilliant soul-touching examination of the human condition in it.

>> No.12304442

fuck you lil bitch

>> No.12304449


>> No.12304565

I'm just over half way through the first book. I have enjoyed it immensely so far. The early bits can be a little frustrating but once on Arrakis it gets really good. Also I don't think the characters ARE meant to sound like real people, since many are either mentat, bene gesserit or fremen.

>> No.12304592

They talk like any other story dealing with Dukes, Barons, and Emperors.

>> No.12304644

That would be extremely fascinating: imagine discovering that the donut shape is not a product of the human mind but instead a universal, ideal concept shared by many species in the galaxy which entirely based on instinct or divine inspiration decided simultaneously decided that the ring was the optimal shape for a dessert.
The entire galaxy united behind the common denominator of the donut...we can only hope

>> No.12304647

I too, visit reddit.

>> No.12304692

Hell yeah. Fuck genrefic

>> No.12304737

>alien race
>alien Fremen
>many species in the galaxy
are you all fucking retarded? there's no aliens in the book, the fremen are just muslim space colonists.

>> No.12304756

>like all scifi, don't expect some kind of brilliant soul-touching examination of the human condition in it.
Surely there is some sci-fi book that does incorporate this? Or does it cease to be sf when it does so?

>> No.12304763

Androids is still considered scifi, is it not?

>> No.12304781

>If you need a comparison, imagine reading a scifi novel about an alien race and learning that they have donuts for dessert.

You make some good points, but I still don't see the problem. I'd love reading a book written by a Chinaman where the exotic alien other of the book is informed by a distorted understanding of America, or any other country for that matter. It'd be double-interesting.

>> No.12304794

It’s the end game phase of the human race, there are legends and myths about Earth and the golden age. They still call their holy book the bible.

It isn’t a bunch of aliens, I thought that was made pretty clear.

>> No.12304814

>It isn’t a bunch of aliens

Alien just means foreigner brother.

>> No.12304832

Not a bunch of aliens? do you know anyone from Caladan?

>> No.12304844

not in the posts above it doesn't. the guy who thinks it's incredibly comedic for "aliens" to eat baklawa/donuts is clearly thinking of space aliens because why would it be ridiculous for colonists from earth to remember earth food?

>> No.12304851

they're far-future colonists from earth. they remember greek myths. you're just doing damage control to hide the fact that you completely misunderstood what's going on in the book.

>> No.12304862

When I say alien I don't mean ET. I mean, alien to the author/reader

>> No.12304868

and you can find this Orientalist outlook in its most concentrated form when he describes the "prophet" of the Fremen as the Third Maometh* (a combination of Mohammed and Mao Tse tung). Basically Middle-East-to-China condensed into a single word. That's how author sees Non-westerners.

*taken from the Dune Encyclopedia -authorized by Herbert himself.

>> No.12304914

Too bad they don't talk more about the harkonnens, they just suit the bad guy's and that's all

>> No.12304976
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In the second half of the book, the word "presently" is used basically every page.
Also the overall pace of it goes to shit at the end. By the first half, he's escaped the assassination, and is hiding out in the desert. In the second half he becomes ruler of the galaxy. I expected it to end with him killing the baron, not the fucking emperor

>> No.12304983

>Everyone talks about how amazing it is

Some people within the sci-fi ghetto talk about how great it is (and even then, it's often more about its ideas, ambition and subsequent influence than the actual book itself).

But I don't think I've ever seen anyone rating it seriously as great literature.

>> No.12305000

>it's often more about its ideas, ambition

Those things are the only areas where SF can really excel

>> No.12305082

"maometh" has nothing to do with fucking chairman mao, you made that up. "maometh" is supposed to have been a prophet of a muslim-buddhist synthetic religion and herbert's goofy musings about future religious development do not conform to the pattern you attribute to him, as in the same sentence that he introduces "maometh" he also talks about "mahayana christianity" and "zensunni catholicism". so the point isn't to lump non-westerners together. according to your own logic the space empire is not western in nature but a "condensation" of both european and middle-eastern imperialism as their leader is called a "padishah emperor".

you were also wrong before about only the "white" characters getting inner monologues. later in the book there is, for example, a chapter written from the perspective of chani.

>> No.12305087

Hey it’s fucking space muslims

It’s intergalactic jihad

That can’t not be cool

>> No.12305124


>> No.12305665
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it´s funny how the dude thinks dune is above star wars even though they´re the same shit,

>> No.12305708

its written for kids not edgelords. frankie is right about one thing:
'Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.'

>> No.12305779

star wars ripped off dune
so of course if you ripp off something shitty it is bound to be worse

>> No.12305795
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nice bait

>> No.12305936

Star wars ripped off dune.

>> No.12306031

Besides, everyone zipping around space is an alien. "Alien" only has any real meaning while we are still on Earth.