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/lit/ - Literature

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12303125 No.12303125 [Reply] [Original]

So what are your /lit/ related goals for 2k19

>> No.12303131

To learn how to use the catalog.

>> No.12303133

start reading again after being intelectually and mentally destroyed by college

>> No.12303320

College is so fucking evil, it breaks my heart when people go there.

>> No.12303335

i dropped out of law despite finishing most my exams
now im going to study something totally unreated to intellectualism, not to catch the cancer from contemporary institutions

>> No.12303354
File: 60 KB, 500x654, 2b44b7fc-a7e0-4c28-b725-ec6792eb7f45[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to really explore archaic english words and implement as many as can be understood through context into my fiction writing. if anyone has any recommended reading to assist me in this endeavor, i'd highly appreciate your efforts.

>> No.12303393

Seriously you need to buy Samuel Johnsons Dictionary. The Introduction where he pulls samples of archaic English poetry and slowly works his way up to Chaucer with chronological examples is absolutely phenomenal. It could keep you busy for months.

(Its available online but having a hard copy at your disposal for reference while you study offline will be a great resource)

>> No.12303438

very excited to check this out. thanks, anon.

>> No.12303510


Re-read Descartes' Meditations at work and then finally bring that Rationalists reader home, it's pretty beat up which is a good thing I guess, need something else for work to just read through leisurely without bringing my A-game attention to it, and which also isn't one of my edgy controversial books that I read.

-that commentary on Society of the Spectacle by Debord that that one anon keeps insisting is so damn important, maybe re-read Society of Spectacle.

Home: Che Guevara, Guerilla Warfare
Get a fair way into the complete Euclid's Elements, insisting on starting with the historical analysis which is largely irrelevant to the math (I gave up on this part about 150 pages in as a kid but now I have the fortitude for that part)

-maybe Descartes:Geometry

-that pre-socratics reader (Whitefield)

A big backlog too but the above is realistic.

>> No.12303547
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meant to attach a bit of fun.

>> No.12303559

You guys are cute

>> No.12303653

what you studying?

>> No.12303664

Improving my genital Hygiene.

>> No.12303667

nothing yet, on a pause until next academic year, intend to get into ecological agriculture

>> No.12303693

You had a terrible time with law school, have cursed university, and have now decided to go back to school and study something else?

Are you fucking stupid? What is this, some kind of vague back-to-the-land idea, that you should just go farm to get away from societal forces making your belly sick?

You dont need a degree to be a farmer you moron. Stop dragging your feet! GO!

>> No.12303710
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Read Suicide Note

>> No.12303711

>You dont need a degree to be a farmer you moron. Stop dragging your feet! GO!
i could always get in regular agriculture business, which is a normal thing where i live, but i would like to know more about the way it was done before, permaculture, organic and such which is pretty much not something you can find out just like that

>> No.12303736

There are tons of books on homesteading, organic farming etc.

Do you even have a garden? Does that not strike you as somewhat insincere?

You can spend as much time as you would like WWOOFing around, there are tons of organic farms, homesteads and organizations that take interns, fees them, and teach them how to farm or raise animals.

There are thousands of people doing this without either money or a degree.

>not something you can find out just like that

No snit, it takes a lot of time, commitment, passion and effort. Apparently you lack the latter three.

Snap out of it dude, you're coasting along in this college bubble thinking life starts at the other end of the degree requirement list, and that in the meanwhile you can coast. I did the same shit for years, you have to stop. You're burning up years of your life and wasting tons of money on tuition.

>> No.12303761

>Do you even have a garden?
more than one actually, my family has a decent bit of land
>You can spend as much time as you would like WWOOFing around, there are tons of organic farms, homesteads and organizations that take interns, fees them, and teach them how to farm or raise animals.
perhaps in the west, this is not as well connected place where i live, but ill look it up, ive never really heard of such things due to relative backwardness of place i live in
>No snit, it takes a lot of time, commitment, passion and effort. Apparently you lack the latter three.
yes and if theres some kind of college which could show me how to do it without all this modern garbage my family is doing it now id be happy to attend
>you're coasting along in this college bubble
meh, im working currently and i hardly got into college life since i wasnt interested in it and it was smothering me as i said
>You're burning up years of your life and wasting tons of money on tuition
luckily college year costs about a 1000$ where i live

>> No.12304370

>Dropped out of law
Can I ask why? I started law school this year hence a little bit curious.

>> No.12305821

>You can spend as much time as you would like WWOOFing around,

basically modern slave work, no thanks

>> No.12305961


I want to stage my tragedy, Malalai. I met a theater professor who thinks it is possible to do it, although we will need to cut a lot of material from it (the complete play is of the same length as Hamlet).

Next I want to start and finish a comedy in 5 acts. I am now reading material to write a small short-film script, and after that I will focus entirely on the comedy.

If I complete the comedy this year I will start another tragedy.

Other goals are reading more, annotating daily material that I can transform in poems in the future and finishing my masters degree project.

I’m also thinking in searching a publisher for Malalai, but my changes of success are near zero. I’m coming to terms with the fact that I write in an out of date style in a semi-dead art-form (drama). Maybe if I were from the English speaking world and working in NY or London things would be different.

>> No.12305967

This year I read about 60 books but a lot of them were short. 2019 there are some longer works which I would like read (isolt, life, the tunnel, etc).

>> No.12305995

Finish writing my book. Only 165k words or so to go.

>> No.12306021

Read the plague by Camus
Read naked lunch
Probably more