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12302549 No.12302549 [Reply] [Original]

>"Uruk shamans were versed in the art of healing as well as battle."

Shit, they actually were supposed to be Africans.

How did this get past the PC police?

>> No.12302683

Tolkien was pretty adamant that nothing in the book was allegorical

>> No.12302689

They’re supposed to be mongoloids, Sibero-mongoloids have shamanistic religious hierarchies you fucking retard.

>> No.12302693
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>> No.12302759
File: 87 KB, 882x640, apususpicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what of the Jannie Question?

>> No.12302767

there were no PC police back then
at least not in the sense that there are now

>> No.12302804
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>> No.12302809

why did this make me chuckle

>> No.12303797

shut the fuck up "muh author" fag

>> No.12303897
File: 250 KB, 1238x1312, apuballoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frogs are cute

>> No.12304203

>not allegorical
so.... literal?
didn't realize he was so overtly racist.

>> No.12304215

Turkic people not Africans.
"uruk" literally means "tribe" in Turkish.

>> No.12304229

I'm pretty certain Tolkien didn't write that. Where's it from?

>> No.12304309

not op, but i do remember reading somewhere in History of Middle Earth that orcs had some knowledge of healing arts, though it wasn't on par with the elven, and was crude.
although, i don't remember them being referred to as shamans, but it's possible they were.

>> No.12304315

Please, think of the advertisers.

>> No.12304593

muh authors intent!

>> No.12304602

Nice cop out from Tolkien
Entire fucking trilogy is allegorical

>> No.12304673

or... neither?

Did you not stop and think that a fantasy race needn't reflect one IRL?

>> No.12304710

now...I can't?

>> No.12304732

i knew some massive faggot would come in here and post this before i even clicked on the thread

>> No.12304744

Why is a healing shaman specifically african? That's a vital part of any shamans role in any culture, eg rain forest bois and the Sami of Scandinavia
That being said, I think he based the orc cultures on primitive Siberian/Mongolian tribes iirc

>> No.12304747

Africans were Númenóreans, the once mightiest civilization (Reference to the black kings of Egypt etc.) and in later times there were only black Númenóreans left because of the curse that made their skin blackish as the night without Silmarils

>> No.12305138

With this logic, it could have been Vikings, Mongolians, ProtoSlavs or ANY TRIBE IN IT's beginning.

Take your racism and choke yourself on it.

>> No.12305183

in the chapter Uruk hai in the two towers the orcs use some healing salve and some invigorating liquor on pippin and merry while taking them to isengard

>> No.12305229

He wasn't stupid. He knew the implications the truth would have on the legacy of his work.

>> No.12305254

So, evil Wakanda?

>> No.12305258

Ooga booga dumb nigger

>> No.12306286

except that, clearly and unequivocally there are historical references all throughout the books, so that shoots your theory down.
e.g. Gondor = Eastern Roman Empire; Arnor = Western Roman Empire; Tolkien himself wrote that Numenor is a retelling of the Atlantis myths

>> No.12306422

Write book about destructive world wars in europe that are antigerman, if anything. Stupid americans make it about race.

>> No.12307878


why is it less racist to insult mongols than africans?

>> No.12308231

mongols repeatedly raped and enslaved all of china and parts of eastern europe.

africans literally didn't do NOTHIN'

>> No.12308605

Is every board on this website just a /pol/ copy?

>> No.12308644

>And then the big lipped spear chucking Uruk Hai came charging down the field against our valiant heroes.

What did Tolkien mean by this?

>> No.12308645

as of the 2016 r/MAGA flood, yes

>> No.12308662

I don't care about being racist, I'm annoyed that people think the Orcs and Uruks were niggers. Niggers refreshingly absent from the LOTR universe, Tolkien hated mongols and turks. He was a Catholic European cultural fetishist not a nigger hating nazi.
Racism both ironic and sincere has been a part of the site's culture since its inception it was just muted and less political since there was no political movement to co-opt it. You can find people calling each other niggers disparagingly and endearingly on the archive going back a decade. the original flavor was simply anarchy, recalcitrance, and irreverence which are anathema to most of the rest of corporate internet culture like reddit and youtube much less social media sites. The really depressing distinguishing mark of the new posters is taking things far too seriously and blog posting.

>> No.12308849


>> No.12309025

Arguably, racism was accepted for almost a decade on 4chan. However, this is not 4chan anymore, this is 4channel. We don't defile ourselves by the use, or the tolerance of use, of racial slurs and epithets of any kind. Please stop using words such as "n_gger", "m_ngols" and "t_rks". They have no place here.

>> No.12309103
