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File: 28 KB, 470x630, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12302201 No.12302201 [Reply] [Original]

write a short story about this image

>> No.12302206

Baby shoes
Never worn
Cause You're a virgin

>> No.12302308

expired condoms
never used

>> No.12302315

buying gf

>> No.12302349

Keyboard and mouse greasy
Minecraft the only thing on his computer
Chair seat brown from unwashed shit

>> No.12302357

would there be some improvement if the shit were washed

>> No.12302364

Right hand bandaged from
Jacking off too many times
And clicking m1

>> No.12302746

Today I met a man who will never accomplish anything. I was told never to associate with fuck-ups. Too late I understand those words.

>> No.12302748

selling rune scimmy

>> No.12302779

buying gf

>> No.12302786

triming armor, doubling money

desu I was scammed off a fury before back in 2010 fucking still bothers me

>> No.12304062

Not your
personal army.

>> No.12304070

Ruined Ape
Society of the Spectacle
Lit memes
Broken dreams
I can't stop touching my testicles

>> No.12305574

Playing runescape, in my own little world
another night in with my own little sword
might chop some wood, might kill a dragon
another night indoors, another wank alone

>> No.12305589

you're a faggot
the end

>> No.12305773
File: 33 KB, 530x444, 1409490407287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light of sun
He will not see
Account is hacked
And so is he

>> No.12305781

My hand is dead
So now i'm buying a gf
for 5gp

>> No.12305829

well done

>> No.12305877

Panoplied motions of mundane bliss have been reduced to comedic stasis; a bandaged extremity post-autotomy points,anfractuous, at nondescript atmosphere; the astroblemes of temporality have settled, in ashes & ashes & the simmering borborygmus of ashes, amongst the verbal carphology of a constellation of imageboard dwellers in constant coprolalia; a cantillation (a bruxism!) of fuss ensues.

>> No.12305880
File: 276 KB, 540x540, here he goes again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12305884
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1453522873848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12305983

how's puberty going? must be tough

>> No.12307142


not knowing he never did
not knowing he never hid

>> No.12307581

Reeling from yet another night of mindless drug abuse, the man stumbled into his room to gorge himself on equally mindless entertainment. He dragged his aching legs to his computer chair and sat down, stricken with vertigo.

"Yo, Anon!" said his roommate. "Let's smash as many Bud Lights as we can like we did last night! I bet we can beat 30 each this time."

Anon mumbled incomprehenively. He had work to do. In an intoxicated stupor, he had accidentally sold his most prized Runescape possessions to scammer earlier in the day. If his life was to regain any semblance of meaning, he would have to earn it all back the hard way. Countless hours of grinding and questing were on the horizon, but the pills he had just taken with 5 shots of Jager were going to kick in soon. He knew had, at most, 20 minutes to redeem himself.

Just when Anon was about to start his mission, his roommate turned to him and said "Anon, you're so fucked up. Let me get a pic of this to post on 4chan." His roommate took a pic while Anon sat in his chair, dazed and half conscious. "Write a short story about this image" typed the roommate, seeking pleasure in his friend's humiliation.

"Lol, my life is so much better than his" he thought. Then, he fell back under the covers on his worn-out mattress and proceeded to drink himself into depression. He fell asleep humping his Male body pillow, wishing his roommate would get out of his chair and put his atrophied cock in his mouth like he used to when they were children. Then he fell asleep, knowing the only thing he had to look forward to upon waking were posts in his thread about his roommate's stupid appearance.

>> No.12307687

Is it because he's a reckless chad who is always rawdogging sluts, or because he never had the opportunity to use them?

>> No.12307743 [DELETED] 

He not touch he peeped
He peepee touch him ; -;

>> No.12307750

He not touch he peepee
He peepee touch him ; -;

>> No.12308658

Dude! I remember getting trade scammed my whip in like 2009

>> No.12308663

For sale: Condoms, never used.

>> No.12308671

why do they literally live in the same bedroom? are they college aged? you can't drink in your dorm room you know that right?

>> No.12308676

The faggot sits at his computer.
Runescape online.
Then mummy finds his porn stash and tans his behind.

>> No.12308677

got em

>> No.12308733

Money longer

>> No.12309074

A reflection: unconsciously existing. A life that is made of time wasting will have been a waste of time. A quiet nagging of the passing of hours deferred. The curling of limbs which long to move and dance under the duress of body confined to a preperation for the occurance of eternal laying, perhaps in some field and without a stone to mark, after a bolder has fallen from the sky, twisting us down into the earth to avenge us for squandered time.

Oh that is a heavy burden to consider, crunching elbows and turning heads, underneath some weighty stone and soil. And thinking it rather too much I prefer the gaining of points, however imaginary, whilst periodically I can see intrepid age settle underneath my eyes, that same force which raised me up from the unspeakable shadows now pushing me through a carnival, a Saturday evening in grave danger of darkening to Sunday morning.

But here I stand, at the doors of a booth, and laugh like a child, and like a child cry over toys, and scream out with my fists lunging into the air that sustains me, and long for the easy coax of an embrace, to return to infancy and to womb, to lose moment by moment my capacity for language, my shame of bodily oozing and urging, my recognition of the things in this world. Hope in the lights of a booth to see myself dimmed, to be unbaptized in the natal fluids, to curl into a ball and shrink steadily into a peanut, a dot, a whisp of unlikeliest being.

>> No.12310306

By dawn another increment of progress will have calcified.
The hours he exchanged so easily and with such abandon for it, like that rune plate lost in a simple scam years ago, could never be reclaimed. The scam incident still haunted him, although he'd never gather the humility to realize this. It would always haunt him, demanding, even as his meek Pennsylvania life began to tatter, that he log on for at least an hour of skill training before rest. Often more. In a deep, forgotten chasm of this man's psyche, a child sits crying and will never stop.
He can not run. There is no escape.

>> No.12310390

No pussy: the facial hair

>> No.12310416

what kind of monitor is that

>> No.12310446

My broken hand didn't give no fucks, it clacked away as I continued to delve deeper into my hopeless digital escape. The draftless room bounced the sound of my awkward keyboard strikes and mouse clicks, plastic intercourse. Playing to the tune of a cooler fan.
I looked up from the screen and took in the darkness flooding in from my window.

Then my whore girlfriend took a picture from her damn camera with the fucking flash on. I already broke my hand from smacking her. I might have to break my other hand tonight.

>> No.12312155
