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12301799 No.12301799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12301811
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>> No.12301831

Nice. Got a dense piece of knowledge in there worth sharing?

>> No.12301872

What do you like better, anarchism, socialism, communism or capitalism?

And why, Mr. Soldier?

>> No.12301943

These books are mostly step-by-step instructions in technical tasks -- use of small arms, creating defensive positions, how to react to threats on patrol or in camp -- and leadership development. The important stuff can be summed up as: maintain a neat personal appearance, do pushups/situps, lift weights, and go for runs. A leader is always leading, you are constantly being observed and judged by your subordinates, peers, and seniors. Part of developing a command presence is knowing what you're talking about, being able to teach others, and doing with your subordinates what you expect of them. Have a plan, and a backup plan, and assess risks. Don't be afraid to do anything.

tldr wash your penis

>> No.12301970

You should check out the writings of Carl von Clausewitz. I remember picking up a collection of his writings on military strategy in library many years ago. I wish I kept it. This dude has his field figured out let's just say. And you don't need to be planning a war to make use of it, with a little metaphorizing you could use the gist of it to plan anything.

>> No.12301973

Capitalism and democracy. No contest. But I don't mean the kind we have now. The further one gets from local government, the less say the individual vote has and the less accountable politicians (and the banking class they support) are to anyone. Burgerland is in a mess and economic collapse is inevitable. The government depends on a central bank (the Fed), and our currency is only worth something because of our debt. Anarchism, socialism, et al are not solutions.

If I had my way we would return to the ancient city-states of Greece. Town-sized communities is how democracy is supposed to work. Not nations of hundreds of millions.

>> No.12301986

I browsed through On War years ago. Seemed too much for me to study at the time. I'll give it a closer look, thanks anon.

>> No.12302065

Agh, thanks for that. That's actually applicable to my daily life. Fear on the other hand. The only aspect of fear I deal with my antisocial behavior. (hence 4chan) Which I've been trying to justify in the name of ambition lately... For better or for worse.

Do you/the modern American Military ever implement eastern philosophies like that of Sun Tzu's Art of War?

It's interesting, I mean I don't know in depth, but it seems like we have a very authoritarian role, whereas the east will work with symbols. For instance, America leads by example and shouts, whereas 600 BC, Tzu cuts off the chick's head to prove a point. (hardcore and dated) but Buddhism is pretty interesting. (And China is significantly older than The U.S.

>> No.12302087

The 2016 film 'Silence' says alot. Definitely Recommend.

I agree quite a bit on the localizing of government in regards to city-states. A close family member is actually taking a leading role on localizing the food system in order to create a more sustainable future.

The problem is, how do you convince the masses to pursue a more sustainable lifestyle. Is it even possible & even then, is propaganda ethical?

Also, due to picture in OP, I've been contemplating a more egalitarian ideology.

(Also, thanks for using your fear/trolling tactic to get me out of bed. lol. I actually kind of needed it.)

>> No.12302120

>Which I've been trying to justify in the name of ambition lately
Can you expand on this?

Fear is a good thing, it's part of your instincts. Just don't let it paralyze you, is what I should have said. Making a decision and implementing it and trusting that it will work out is far better than deciding nothing and doing nothing.

>Do you/the modern American Military ever implement eastern philosophies like that of Sun Tzu's Art of War?
I haven't looked at Art of War in many years. I'm sure some Army practices could be understood as influenced by it, but more likely they were developed out of generations of experience and study at war colleges.

>> No.12302138

>Can you expand on this?
Meaning, justifying antisocial behavior in order to study hard, or in this case between semesters, devour 4 books.

>Fear is a good thing
I agree, it can definitely push me far unless I become stunned.

>Art of War
Fair, I really enjoy it. I'm a pacifist, but my fellow civilians can often times exploit the nice guy syndrom, thus pushing me in a more Machiavellian direction. Leaving me to hope that my close friends don't fuck me over in the long run as well. Somehow.

What do you think of the United Nations? That's my backup plan. I'd have to join through the US Military, but I'd rather just go straight to Africa & help out the refugees/ be a pilot.

>> No.12302140

You made the same thread yesterday, OP....

>> No.12302147
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I did, with a different comment, and that is because this book is very very important.

>> No.12302217

>The problem is, how do you convince the masses to pursue a more sustainable lifestyle. Is it even possible & even then, is propaganda ethical?
Propaganda is a tool of statecraft. It is like a gun, a machine without ethics of its own. It can be used for good or ill. I'm pretty sure it's too late. Collapse is coming. Socialism &Co are masturbation and cannot be realized here. The deep state owns the house, and it will not be removed by voting.

>What do you think of the United Nations?
Like I said to other anon, the further you go up in government the further you are from the actual will of the people. The same People who, allegedly, are supposed to be in charge. The UN is a super-government, and does not make any kind of sense. It is a democracy of democracies, and therefore its decisions respect none of the member nations much less their constituents. I would disband it.

>help out the refugees
Don't know if you're baiting, but it should be apparent I believe in small democracies. Synonymous with ethno-states. Like Japan, or Sweden twenty years ago before the trucks of peace arrived. I believe ethnic/cultural homogeneity is necessary for a successful democracy, and there is no good reason for NGOs to be transplanting people from one nation into another without the consent of that nation or even having a vote first.

>> No.12302286
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>Collapse is coming.
Have picked a strategic location for relocation? Or are you actively w/ the military? Me & my folks have (Not living w/ parents w/ neckbeard) but I am in a very sustainable city. Though, the economy is dependent on the college & medicine, so it's not all that hot.

>The UN is a super-government, and does not make any kind of sense.
Now I will have to disagree to some extent. I absolutely understand where you're coming from, though in an ideological sense and also in regards to their mission statements, a fair amount of good can be done. Though, this is on an ideological level, whether or not that materializes in a healthy manner, I'm not sure.

>Like Japan, or Sweden twenty years ago before the trucks of peace arrived

>> No.12302329
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The dream

>> No.12302340

>Have picked a strategic location for relocation?

>Now I will have to disagree to some extent.
I understand. I disagree with my nation being a part of the UN, and spending billions of dollars there, without any citizens of my nation having a direct say in what our government does there. It's a step too far removed for me, and creates a loophole for unlimited exercise of power for the highest levels of government, which should always always always be held to account.

Or Israel, but they're kind of a synthetic example, as it was created by fiat of superpowers and pushed out the indigenous people in 1948.

>> No.12302358

Based solarpunk poster

>> No.12302382
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Never let this collective dream die friend.

It's fueled by the Tao. (And Bjarke Ingles)

>> No.12302440
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>These google image results