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12301374 No.12301374 [Reply] [Original]

How accurately does this describe the modern-day USA?

>> No.12301384

not at all

>> No.12301385

Not very since it's set in what used to be England

>> No.12301387


>> No.12301435

The content of the book in and modern day USA are similar in the way that:
-both seem to be set in a Universe with similar laws of physics
-both appear to me set on the same planet
-both have humans in them, who act in certain ways
-both contain non-living things humans can and do interact with
-sometimes things happens which some certain group or person doesn't like

>> No.12301484

>NSA watches your every move
>CIA makes you disappear
>police can kill you for dubious reasons such as being black

>> No.12301493

yes and no
there are no black people or mexicans in 1984
movements such as black lives matter would be immediately suppressed in Airstrip One
constant surveillance certainly does exist in the form of the NSA. there is also a type of surveillance not done by the government, but by citizens in search of likes and subscribers. mark zuckerberg is big brother.
memory holes certainly exist
2 + 2 = 5? well there's common core i suppose
there are certainly thoughtcrimes, although again these are not usually judged by the government, but by twitter

really the usa is more like brave new world in that there is the illusion of freedom but on closer inspection there is only oppression

>> No.12301499

NSA only watch you if you get flagged. Agents have ever been like this through history, it's just more sophisticated surveillance technology nowadays. ynr the ham police in spain

>> No.12301509

>memory holes certainly exist
I had an 1986 almanac which showed two interesting facts: AIDS was for homosexual men, and Iraq was 65% sunni

>> No.12301515

1984 was a socialist authoritarian regime so not at all

>> No.12301521

not at all and anyone who says we're living in 1984 hasn't read the book

>> No.12301522

>>NSA watches your every move
Barely, I doubt they really care that much.
The *real* censorship and surveillance is coming from google, facebook and Co.

>>CIA makes you disappear
No, they really don't, unless you are someone who probably should disappear.

>>police can kill you for dubious reasons such as being black
Based and redpilled, but false.
This is just one of the side effects of living in a country with so many guns, police has to be careful because not shooting has a significant risk of dying.

>> No.12301525

that being said, modern england certainly draws parallels

>> No.12301624

It describes modern China much better than England or america

>> No.12301625

How the fuck is the Big Brother regime socialist?

>> No.12301633


>rewriting history

>surveillance in home

>torture/black sites

>perpetual war

>24/7 "the other" propaganda

>planned obsolescence/manufactured scarcity

>ruling elite/gated communities

>> No.12301640
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>> No.12301646

>>rewriting history
Happens everywhere at all times.
>>surveillance in home
People CHOOSE to do this.
>>torture/black sites
Happens everywhere at all times.
>>perpetual war
Just some fucking around in some desert nobody cares about.
>>24/7 "the other" propaganda
Happens everywhere at all times.
>>planned obsolescence/manufactured scarcity
>>ruling elite/gated communities
Happens everywhere at all times.

>> No.12301650

It isn't, people forget that Orwell was a libertarian socialist who absolutely hated Stalinism. If it is a critique of a specific type of system besides generic totalitarianism it's a critique of state capitalist governments like the Soviet Union or modern China

>> No.12301653

>but all of my friends are Nazis too

>> No.12301655


>> No.12301661

The fact that other countries do the things America does doesn't anyhow negate those things

>> No.12301663

I know it's the same retards that think NatSoc are socialists. A little knowledge is dangerous

>> No.12301671

You don't need a union until you need a union

>> No.12301676

many countries have cctv on public transport, including the usa
otherwise where would we get all those videos of lawyers, scientists and doctors punching bus drivers etc

>> No.12301679

>The fact that other countries do the things America does doesn't anyhow negate those things
But it negates any specific meaning of that. If "most" countries are like 1984 because they possess some very common characteristics found everywhere in History, then "being like 1984" is just meaningless.

Just like arguing that someone is a Fascist based on him drinking water or eating bread LIKE THE FASCISTS.
1984 describes something *specific* not something generic you are pointing out.

>> No.12301684

What does that have to do "with my friends being nazis too"?

>> No.12301709

They say the surveillance isn't a problem because the govt aren't looking for me, I'm not a terrorist so I'm not worried. That is until the govt decides that you are. If our phones are tapped and we're all wearing rfid chips, again no problem because we did nothing wrong, that is until the govt decides that we did. But it's ok because all my friends are Nazis and I don't need a union so I don't care the govt can do whatever it likes.

>> No.12301714

>They say
Okay, but who cares?
I didn't say that.

>> No.12301716

No anon, that means the whole world is like 1984. Much worse.

>> No.12301729

Ok you aren't they then that's fine go back to playschool. I didn't mean it as (((they))) either btw. Fuck it don't worry. I'll pray for you right now, anon.

>> No.12301741

>No anon, that means the whole world is like 1984.
No, it means the world ALWAYS was like 1984, neither surveillance nor perpetual wars nor torture are inventions of the 2th century.
Its just a generic description of the world, like:
What is a Fascist:
-He eats bread
-He drinks water
-He wares clothes
-Sometimes he wears more expensive clothes
-He loves some people
-He hates some people
-Sometimes he reads the Newspaper
This is just a generic description. Everything is true, but I have said nothing, given no special characteristics and thus I have actually described nothing. Orwell was *specific* but you just state random facts about the world which are pretty much generally true, for most of history.

>> No.12301743
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Brave New World is a lot closer to what we're seeing today, at least in the west.

>> No.12301814

Are you one of those postmodernists?

>> No.12302021
File: 2.87 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20181228_235828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12302054

The department of war was renamed to the department of defense after WW2. Rhetoric at its finest.

>> No.12302081

It is socialist (and so is national socialism, obviously), they're just authoritarian versions of socialism. Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.12302099

State capitalism isn't socialism.

>> No.12302149

>AIDS was for homosexual men
Yes, AIDS research was pretty poor in the 80s. There was a whole thing about Reagan with it. Not really a memory hole, more like information on the disease was updated. This happens all the time in medicine and calling HIV a memory hole is similar to claiming big pharma memory holed leeches.

>> No.12302711

I'm more afraid of tech companies than I am of the government. Also, we're closer to Brave New World desu.

>> No.12302730

It destroys the narrative contemporary ""socialists"" have been attempting to cultivate.

>> No.12302813

>calling HIV a memory hole
But I didn't say that. What I said was that according to the 1986 Almanac that I had in my possession, AIDS was a disease for homosexual men. In 1986 in Australia, 88% of persons infected with the AIDS were homosexual men, 10% were drug users. I think it qualifies as a memory hole because people don't remember that perception of AIDS being a disease for actual faggots, a disease contracted and spread by their degenerate lifestyle. AIDS is not seen today, in the wider community, as a homosexual issue caused by homosexual men fucking with each other.

When I was a child and first heard about AIDS, my initial thought was that it is God's wrath falling upon the sodomites. Today the homosexual men are seen as victims of AIDS, charity and awareness for them. Maybe they shouldn't be actual faggots and then they won't get AIDS.

>> No.12302830

IngSoc is, possibly, corrupted socialism. It's certainly not real socialism, like how Animal Farm is not real communism but a depiction of that system being corrupted. Believe what you like though.

>> No.12302843

holy cringe

>> No.12302882

Nice refuttal. It's bothering me, I've read Orwell and I'm fucking telling you that 1984 is not a dystopia of what happens when socialism wins. I'm assuming that all you stupid cunts are just trolling by this stage. It's like that puppet film Team America has these unironic supporters of 'Murica Fuck Yeah! There's probably a German word for when satire crosses the line and is taken as legit and it's usually the naive and impressionable that fall for it, the one's who think they're smarter than they actually are but it's like the fish in the ponds and they've no idea about whales, like an ant biting an orange.

>> No.12302985

Of course IngSoc is not an example of socialism "winning," you buffoon. The whole point is to demonstrate that socialism, as with other ideologies, has the potential to be misapplied, and thus, corrupted. It's that simple, and shouldn't be such a challenge to your idealistic picture of "real socialism."

>> No.12303796

The "patriot" act basically makes us live it.

>> No.12303967


>> No.12303983


>> No.12303988

Its "in the name" IngSoc, English socialists.

>> No.12304159

you sound like a real dick anon

>> No.12304470

It doesn't. The world of 1984 had a functioning government.

>> No.12304538

>there are no black people or mexicans in 1984
>movements such as black lives matter would be immediately suppressed in Airstrip One
Is Oceania, dare I say it, based and redpilled?

>> No.12304641

>if socialism doesn't work it isn't real socialism

>> No.12304713

It doesn't. The reality of it is much worse, much more insidious and layered.

>> No.12304730

Can you even algebra

>> No.12304807

I have a mathematics minor

>> No.12305312

It describes modern day China almost perfectly. Hell, China is even worse

>> No.12305316

I dont think that is necessarily double speak. After WW2, the goal of nations was cooperation and to prevent mass wars from happening again. The priority was not war, but reducing war.

>> No.12305325

>Winston has a forbidden Tryst
>Eventually get caught in a sting operation
>Gets tortured until his love for Julia is replaced by a love for big Brother
>Reintroduced into society
Is that it?

>> No.12305338

I remember driving home with a childhood friend, he's pretty unpolitical, not very studious, or anything else like that.
Seemingly out of nowhere he started telling me that the US government created AIDS to fuck with black people, it was pretty weird desu.

>> No.12305373

Department of War is more fitting as they hardly defend anything.

>> No.12306214

read BNW