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/lit/ - Literature

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12298493 No.12298493 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we like him?

>> No.12298496

His writing is boring

>> No.12298499

But I do like him tho

>> No.12298503

Because normies era him an we know not what we are it we know we are not normies

>> No.12298507

Who the is 'we'? I'm not your boyfriend, we are not dating

>> No.12298514

can you be mine

>> No.12298520

He's too simple. He's post-modern but he's not complex. Not quite /lit/'s tempo.

>> No.12298521

Love him. Only fags don't like him.

>> No.12298530

hes alright, nothing discussion worthy

>> No.12298543

I would love to if it were possible

>> No.12298551

His prose is simple, but his themes aren't.

>> No.12298561

is this a samefag

>> No.12298562

/lit/ has a very "you've probably never heard of them" hipster mentality underneath it all.
Personally I had a phase where I liked him, and I still think of him fondly.

>> No.12298581

Doesn't that mean you still like him?

>> No.12298582

I like him, but I wouldn't call myself an avid reader though. His books were entertaining and easy to digest. They served to get my feet wet and get me into reading. I plan on re-reading some of his stuff when my catalog has increased to see if it still holds weight

>> No.12298586

I like him

>> No.12298592

You'd have to be a pleb to not at least like Mother Night.

>> No.12298594

Me, as a college freshman:

I guess I'll read A Tale of Two Cities.
Wow, reading is fun.
Slaughterhouse Five is also in the library.
This book is cool!
Let's rent Breakfast of Champions.
That was nice, but a little indulgent I think?
Okay, the library also has God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.
Holy shit what even is this I can't stay awake. Reading is awful now.

>> No.12298619

Why is cats cradle not in this list?

>> No.12298623

No, I would never.

>> No.12298624

I liked the concept beind S5. Are his other books more of the same or are they different from one another?

>> No.12298648

It's just the order I rented them from the library. I didn't do any research. I'd heard of Slaughterhouse Five, and the phrase "Breakfast of Champions."
Fate merely conspired that I would get God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater and end my Vonnegut streak.

>> No.12298715

His themes are the simple part. That's why he isn't good.

>> No.12298720

Sirens of Titan is the only one worth reading. Cats Cradle is a childish analysis of religion from a man who very clearly hates it and can't keep that bias out of the work.

>> No.12298783

From what he's personally expressed he holds appreciation for some Christian values (specifically the Sermon on the Mount).

>> No.12298787

Vonnegut's simple syntax makes it very easy to go from one into another. Anybody who reads more of his after Slaughterhouse-5 would probably do the same.

>> No.12299300

Was one of the first writers i really got into as a kid. Thought his imagery was funny. Made me laugh out loud a couple of times. Mother night is underrated. Kilgore Trout is a wholesome character. Thinking back on his universe makes me smile

>> No.12299306

I like him. In fact I like Player Piano way more than big antiutopias - 1984, BNW and the rest of the bunch

>> No.12300058

Good one. Defenders of capeshit movies say the same thing.