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File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-lust-indulged-became-habit-and-habit-unresisted-became-necessity-saint-augustine-76-74-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12298388 No.12298388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am 5'2" and I will never have the love of a pretty girl because of my height. Rather than mope over this any longer, I want to overcome my carnal desires. I don't mean this in a negative sense (that women are all whores or aren't worth it or something like that, I don't blame women for my own shortcomings) but rather I sense that there might be a greater peace and happiness beyond just the genetic impulses of procreation and sex-seeking. Even that of domestic bliss, which I fear might be out of my grasp as well.

I've considered monkhood, but I come from a poor family and since I'd like to take care of my parents when they get older, secluding myself in a monastery will not do.

I've already taken some steps to free myself of my carnal desires, I've quit porn and masturbation for good (and am beginning to realize, due to the intensity of the cravings, how much I was addicted to them--and it's only been two weeks or so). I've picked up reading again, initially with genre fiction which I had to drop because most popular books seem to have explicit sex scenes.

Unfortunately I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to literature. I'd like to read some books on overcoming carnal desire but I don't know of any books on the subject. The few I do know of I only remember from high school: Siddhartha (which if I recall right does have a sex scene but does so in the context of this exact issue) Crime and Punishment (specifically, iirc, the character of Svidrigailov who kills himself because of his inability to satisfy his unrelenting lust) and of course the Bible, which I've only read parts of.

Apologies for the blogpost.

>> No.12298426

>but rather I sense that there might be a greater peace and happiness beyond just the genetic impulses of procreation and sex-seeking. but that's not all of what sex is.

why reduce things down to "carnal lusts" etc.? what you are missing out on are entirely Natural parts of life. sex, companionship, all this is something a person *should* have. they are some of the highest expressions of life and the forces driving it

don't try and cope with "well, what I'm missing out on isn't really important or holy". that is patently false.

>> No.12298443

fuck me daddy uwu

>> No.12298447

how dare you attack this holy man. what the hell is wrong with you? some people.. put your mother on.

>> No.12298464

>I am 5'2" and I will never have the love of a pretty girl because of my height

I'm sure that there is at least one very tall woman out there who is attracted to short men.

>> No.12298474

I wouldn't give up that easily. That said, I find your intention to be admirable. Most men in your position would become spiteful. Never become resentful, because it will degrade yourself and your being, which will infect those around you. I have no advice for you, except for to live, learn, and don't give into fear. Good luck, anon.

>> No.12298484

Get a vasectomy and become el goblino Kant

>> No.12298537

Read apophthegmata patrum and find a way to live away from people. Work in a male dominated job or at home.
Learn to wank once a week for maintenance but only using imagination and then later not even imagination.

Get something to focus on, like learning python or building model ships or you know, reading books.

Always pay attention to how men in relationships are whining and complaining and feeling empty, because they do.

It's not the sex or
lack of sex that ruins you, its the stupid hormonal drive coupled with social expectations.

Fuck that, live a real life and you won't be worrying about keeping some other people happy all the time.

>> No.12298549


>> No.12298560

some people are born with bodies or minds that are clearly not meant to procreate or have sex

>> No.12298566 [DELETED] 

yes all those celibate monks and sages and scientists and artists who created the works upon which civilization is based were missing out on the holy act of fucking

>> No.12298573

not all lives need to revolve around having sex and a family

>> No.12298585

too self-satisfied

>> No.12298604

>sex, companionship, all this is something a person *should* have. they are some of the highest expressions of life and the forces driving it

yeah I think he knows that, but also knows it wasn't in his cards. making love can be holy, but if that door closes in front of your face, you have to make due with other holy things.

and honestly, your life shouldn't revolve around female companionship

>> No.12298729

Imitation of Christ

>> No.12298748

OP here. In fact I agree with you, love and companionship and procreation are most natural and there is even great beauty in them. However, I don't think it was in my lot to enjoy them. It is not that I am looking at those things and thumbing my nose, or sneering, but more like I'm looking at them from afar, across a broad river, with the sure knowledge that I cannot swim. So I have no other recourse but to ask "what else?" And I have to believe that there is something else--more holy or less--it's not a problem of optimization, but more a process of elimination. I feel I have no choice.

Moping and pining, I've done already and I'm sick of it. It's poisonous and I can sense that if it went on longer I would begin to spite others and hate them just for their happiness, just because I see them smiling in the street holding hands, the man with his wife, the wife with her child in a stroller. But that kind of spite is disgusting to me.

Thank you for the book suggestion. Which version do you recommend? Merton, Wortley, or Ward? I'm currently in education and working toward a secondary degree and much of what I do already can be (and is) done at home (or at a mostly empty office) so I'm alright in that department. However, it's in a college campus in a warm-climate college town in one of the most liberal cities in the US, so it's difficult to get away from the presence of young sexually active girls showing their skin with abandon.

>Learn to wank once a week for maintenance but only using imagination and then later not even imagination.

I had tried this in my initial attempts to quit porn and masturbation. But for me, it didn't work. I'd always relapse back to porn. As far as I know there are no costs to abstaining and the release seems to take care of itself (I had a wet dream just a few days ago, without even being able to remember the dream).

Regarding other men in relationships, as I stated above, I don't want to seek out the bad in other people's lives. I think that way leads to spite. Instead, I sincerely want to wish them well. I want to believe that happiness is not a zero-sum game.

kek. It was unintentional I swear.

I notice that this and the other book are religious in nature and moreover written for monks. I confess I'm not very pious, nor am I Christian (though my mind hasn't been made up on the matter of god)--do the books require starting at a place of faith?

>> No.12298764

Oh and as for hobbies, other than reading books, I've been thinking about joining a martial arts dojo close to where I live, if only for the exercise. It's a little on the expensive side so I've been hesitating but if anyone here has any experience with that kind of thing I'd love to hear your input (but maybe its something better asked in a different board).

>> No.12298776

How To Castrate Yourself : 101 Quick And Safe Ways by Chaddy Thunderdick

>> No.12298778

Get a hooker, even if you're poor you can save up for a flight to thailand or greece and fuck young attractive women for very little money. Then you can decide whether sex is worth it or not. But you can't just reject it out of hand because you're 5'2. Obviously no attractive women will ever look at you as a romantic option, but that doesn't mean you have to be celibate.

>> No.12298788

that doesn't mean he should debase himself by paying women for their time because he wants good feelies in his dickie

there's something obscene about men unable to be with women but unwilling to let go of their thirst for them

>> No.12298790


>love is just sexuality

get a load of this zoomer

>> No.12298791


Ward version, also martial arts is a good idea, also read Way of Energy by Lam Kam Chuen

>> No.12298795

No, you don't need to be religious for Apophthegmata Patrum to be useful

>> No.12298796

not what's being said, meme-for-brains

>> No.12298798

I’m a foot taller than you and will also never have the love of a pretty woman. We should probably kill ourselves.

>> No.12298804

It's been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, anon, a young girl's erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It's already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you've known since your adolescence, anon, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That's how it is

>> No.12298806

>Apophthegmata Patrum

Best edition of this?

>> No.12298808

Sex is way more than good feelings in the dick, that's like saying people eat because they like the taste. It's a primal drive rooted in all men and it effects your entire psychology in a massive way.

There's nothing debasing at all about paying for sex, that's a myth invented in the modern age. Soldiers, laborers, artists, and even kings have all payed for sex in the past.

>> No.12298816

Here we see the process of slave morality in all it's glory. Instead of attempting to overcome themselves in pursuit of their desires, the weak simply convince themselves that it is holy or "good" to reject their desires, and pretend they never even wanted them. When they see others who are stronger than them achieve their goals, they will call them "sinners" or "weak in faith". This is the truth of Christianity.

>> No.12298817

you're a slave to your dick's programming and your need for female companionship

>> No.12298821

how is chastity not overcoming sexual desire you utter pillock

>> No.12298825

Chastity is not overcoming sexual desire, it is rejecting it. Overcoming sexual desire would be to have sex with a woman you love.

>> No.12298826

y-you too

>> No.12298827

>I am 5'2" and I will never have the love of a pretty girl because of my height.
Wrong, ofcourse you can find yourself a women to have mutual love with. It's just an excuse to victimize yourself.

>> No.12298829

Benedicta Ward edition

>> No.12298837

why not find another midget?

>> No.12298839

I think you should fuck a hooker or two, afterwards it should be easier to give up for good. But if don't want to thats fine. Join a Brazillian jiu-jutsu or judo club instead of a traditional martial art. The little guy actually has a chance at defending himself against a bigger opponent in the grappeling arts.

Reach enlightenment annon

>> No.12298863

I've considered this, but I'm afraid that by indulging in sex for its own sake even once, I will become addicted to it just as I am (too soon to say was) addicted to porn and masturbation.

Thanks again, my friend. I'll definitely check that book out as well.


Why's that my friend? And surely there's someone you would hurt by your passing, at least your parents, or your siblings or even a pet or a plant that you raise.

This is an old pasta isn't it? Anyway, I hope this isn't true, especially the part about the bitterness.

They are quite elusive (maybe they live in the mountains). At least I haven't seen any where I am.

Yeah that's what it is. A BJJ dojo. I'm very much tempted because its within walking distance of my house and I've heard good things about it.

>> No.12298908

>the only way to overcome thirst is to have a glass of water

what, no dude

>> No.12298916
File: 55 KB, 550x690, 3fc73a43833e5db2ba78555fe9719bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Manson had a harem of young 20 something girls all lusting for his dick at 5'2 while he was over 30

Develop charisma and extreme magnetism

>> No.12298919

Manson wasn’t 5’2 its just black propaganda money grubbing authors and the media spread. He’s like 5’6 which at the time was relatively close to the national average for white males (5’9). He’s a manlet not a turbo manlet borderline midget.

>> No.12298924
File: 319 KB, 1200x1600, 645493208.0.x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some Frank Rudolph Young for this path.

His Yoga For Men Only and Somo-psychic Power are god tier 40s style goodness with real techniques, physical and mental, not self help platitudes.

(They're on Libgen)

>> No.12298934


>> No.12298947

>they're on Libgen

That means free, go download the titles mentioned and skim some

>> No.12298951

Even though you are probably right, he is not exactly some prince charming. He was a pimp, hobo and ex-convict and knew how to manipulate people.

>> No.12298955

No and he’s still a manlet. OP is however a christfaggot and a turbo manlet, obviously not too bright either, Manson has higher social status and were he to have eluded the reach of the law he’d still be pounding 20 something hippy puss to this day. Maybe that says something about women, maybe its a testament to the power of speech, maybe OP is just a faggot.

>> No.12298977
File: 296 KB, 1500x1175, vienna-engelbert-dollfuss-vienna-austria-shutterstock-editorial-7409631a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engelbert Dollfuß was literally a dwarf, 4"11 and he was the Chancellor of Austria. He got some pussy and procreated so you have 0 excuses. If you want to pursue an ascetic life then more power to you, I think it is a righteous path to follow but don't pursue it just because you assume you won't find a woman, you can easily find a woman if you focus on bettering yourself and becoming self-sufficient. That's the core of the issue, women are attracted to men who don't need them. A man ought to be capable of living a fulfilling and virtuous life without a partner, and women prefer their man to be that way. Stop thinking about pussy for a while and keep on reading and lifting. Also go to church. I know you said you're not religious but it will benefit you greatly. Good luck anon.

>> No.12298980

>Manson has higher social status

How? He was literally living on the streets when he got out of prison

He was a hobo who was able to attract lots of women only to be abused by him. He literally had 0 (zero) money, absolutely no social status in the eyes of any women

>> No.12299040

Are you reading what you are writing? What other ways are there to overcome thirst other than drinking?

>> No.12299048

Intravenous drip.

>> No.12299062

>I cant get laid so I will become a monk
Excepting you're bad at something is way easier then working on your shortcomings.
Stop using your hight as an excuse and work on your self esteem, and yourself in general.

I'm socially akward to a crippeling degree in my professional life, I could except this fact and stay on the bottom and think " promotion just isnt for me" but that wont fix anything, so i'm working on my social skills.

Tl;dr stop looking for an easy way out and work on yourself

>> No.12299095

Can we stop with the stupid metric system already ? I think we'll all agree on the fact that this is an international website, and 99% of the planet talk in meters. I'm tired of having to convert your retarded metrics everytime

>> No.12299096

feet and inches are imperial, not metric you complete and utter pseud

>> No.12299117

Don't play with words you little autistic bitch, you know what I meant. I couldn't care less about how former british colonies name their stupid measurement system

>> No.12299187

Make sure that the martial art school you join isn't complete bullshit. Try a free lesson at the dojo you want to join and compare it with this list https://bullshido.org/McDojo .
Also make sure that you will spar with others frequently. If you never spar you won't be able to apply the techniques you learn in a real fight. I suggest looking into BJJ or muay thai.

>> No.12299393

Brainlet spotted

>> No.12299396

Look anon, you seem brighter than the average, so I'm suggesting this: Don't look for answers about yourself and your way of life in a book, it's not gonna be your way of life, it's gonna be theirs.
You should write down how you feel about it (your arguments for the path you seem to have chosen) and then try to be devil's advocate and look for the downsides of this life (ruling out the possibilty of actually finding that 0,001% woman, who genuinely likes to be around you). I don't think repressing a part of you out of necessity is gonna do you any good, anon. I think your problem is more self-esteem than anything else. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day you will get your qt3.141

>> No.12299410

Oh, OP.

Hugs, unironically, i wish you all the best mate

>> No.12299414

This doesn't reduce sex drive. It increases it due to inflamation of the testes which tells the body to evacuate. Worse, vas deferentia and the sperm it carries serve internal functions and severing them prevents this from being carried out. That is why men who have vasectomies have higher dementia risks.

>> No.12299425


He made the money man, he rolled the nickels, the game was his. He dealt the cards.

>> No.12299450

>Learn to wank once a week for maintenance
A myth. Seminal fluid and sperm are not rotting internally and it's an absurd proposition to assert they need be "maintained" through regular release considering the epithelium of vesicles and of most other sex organs recycles above and beyond the frequency of release, occuring at almost all times. In fact, masturbation will only serve to maintain his sexual desire and it is almost impossible for a virile man to reduce it to once a week. The only solution for reducing this drive is total abstinence, which is easily done if quit when non aroused (most difficult to find a window to do so) AND thence practiced mentally, by at once dismissing lascivious thoughts and removing sexually provocative stimuli from your environment. This means even going so far as to stop reading comments or material that speaks crudely. This is why I never suggest "nofap" because people there refer to the generative organs and acts stemming from them in the most graphic terms.

>> No.12299455

Explain me how the second law isn't some pseudo bullshit.

>> No.12299465

It's to curb the lust (longing/want/desire) for some release you faggot. NoFap is better aimed at porn addiction and it's detrimental effects but brainlets like you hijack it and make it all about "preserving" energy.

>> No.12299582

>copy paste 20th century biobabble
>casually admit you want to be ejaculated into by men

Now THIS. The spermoid's saga could be a /lit/ classic.

>> No.12299620

Good post.

As a teenager, I contacted some sex advisors for youth because I was concerned I was masturbating too much. They actually told me, these enlightened persons supposedly there for my health, that I needed to masturbate to "change the sperm" so that it didn't rot inside of me like cheese. I trusted them of course.

Still mad.

>> No.12299643

Just find asian girls.

>> No.12299931
File: 109 KB, 592x431, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. In fact, acting on it after a week of abstinence is going to incur a rebound effect, elevating your sex drive of most men. Even the most virile of men can have their urges reduced upon a serious stretch of abstinence; the reason so many find it difficult if not impossible is because they fail to practice it mentally and continue to expose themselves to stimuli, almost necessitating release. The abstinence induces a homeostasis in sex hormones, which are disregarded as signalling mechanisms to compel mating behavior, meaning all that is left to set you off is stimuli. For a virile man to just up and stop, and return to intermittent release, much less intermittent release at the hand (to which, the satiety of the act is less than copulation, generally compelling the individual in question to repeat it yet again). Your advice only applies to individuals with extremely low sex hormones to begin with. Perhaps if you are on antiandrogens or SSRIs, once a week might be possible.
>muh i-it's not real nofap!!!!!!
"NoFap" is asininely worded and itself comprised of dolts and retards looking merely to substitute the hand for the vagina.
By even referring to abstinence as "NoFap", you are creating a negative association, which makes it seem as though it is holding you back from something, when the complete opposite is true.
You also got it backwards, the plebittards at /r/nofap, are the ones who hijacked sexual abstinence and bastardized it. NoFap as you posit it is a pathetic movement, as are the so-called hypocrites worried about "pornography addiction" yet say nothing, not one word, of sexual excesses, and often endorse their vicarious substitution! Look at Gary "nothing wrong with masturbating without porn" Wilson— a pathetically drained and weak individual. He thinks he beat his problem by cutting out the stimuli, but he isn't. He is a shell of a man and has had developmental disorders due to excessive sexual indulgence, which he by admission maintains to this very day.

Fool that you are, simplistically dismissing it as "preserving" energy, by admission of this very comment, you are denying that sexual activity incurs a physiological cost, a laughable premise to anyone who has ever studied medicine. There is no other action that profoundly affects the body. You can deny it all you like, but the cost is there and indulgence in it is just rationalization. You are ignorant of the mechanisms that give rise to the behavior and parrot pop-sci advice you heard on /r/nofap, which appeals to middle ground fallacies.
As so many young individuals have by mistake of a simple web search.
Most sexologists have an appallingly poor understanding of anatomy and physiology and a great many are so ignorant to think the scrotum is a bladder for the semen, that MUST be evacuated. "Dr." Ruth is one such charlatan (note, most of these people despite calling themselves doctors are not physicians but social scientists with PhDs).

>> No.12299973
File: 37 KB, 480x360, GARY WILSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah bro, I beat my "pornography addiction"
>wtf, there isn't anything wrong with habitual masturbation or sex, trust me bro, I do it 2 times a d-day, look how healthy and charismatic I am.

>> No.12300008
File: 463 KB, 581x566, twig man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NoFap is better aimed at porn addiction and it's detrimental effects
>that "preserving energy" stuff is rubbish! Just look how healthy I am, I fuck my wife and hand daily j-just without porn.

>> No.12300036

It doesn't work that way pleb. But I pity you, oh you brainlet.
Stupid cunt lol

>> No.12300056

Asian girls make the best pets but black girls are still best for sex.

>> No.12300102

>Like the Jews, the wise men of India have a belief that a certain particular Prana, or force, resides in the Bindu, or semen. But all their theory of magick and meditation being a reverbatory, so that their "communing with God", is but a "communing with Self", and all their artifice directed to development of the powers in their own bodies and minds, as opposed to the Western idea of extending those powers to bear sway over others, we find naturally that just as they seek to restrain the breath altogether, or to avoid its violent extrusion from the nostrils, lest the Prana thereof be lost to them, and as they even practice to suck up water into the rectum, so that in defaecation they may be able to retain the Apana, or particular virtue thereof, and replace it in the Svadistthana-cakkra, so also much more do they extravagantly labour to retain the prime Prana of life, the Bindu.
>Therefore they stimulate to the maximum its generation by causing a consecrated prostitute to excite the organs, and at the same time vigorously withhold by will. After some little exercise they claim that they can deflower as many as eighty virgins in a night without losing a single drop of the Bindu. Nor is this ever to be lost, but reabsorbed through the tissues of the body. The organs thus act as a siphon to draw constantly fresh supplies of life from the cosmic reservior, and flood the body with their fructifying virtue.

The aim is to reverse the flow of semen upwards. Then again, you may end up in serious pain, aka blue balls, or because of extreme priapism develop other damage to your penis such as peyronie's.

Some of the tantric texts talk of stopping even the flow of urine and sucking the flow of it back to the penis

>> No.12300138

The "inejeculation" concept, is completely retarded. The hormonal and neurochemical consequences of sexual activity are the main detriments of it, rather than the acute loss of semen. Regardless, it is hilarious because the components of semen are not even retained from anejeculation but excreted from the bladder. It's literally brainlet tier, make-believe "retention", and its benefits are psychosomatic, related to low IQ individuals suffering from dhat syndrome.

>> No.12300158

I've fucked a guy who was literally 5'2. I've also fucked a 5'4 guy. As long as you eat good pussy you can get a girl. If you can't get laid you want to blame something you can't help, like your height, in reality it's probably your shitty defeatist personality and bitter incel mindset that keeps the pussy at bay.
But I'm sure an atheist who masturbates to trap porn on the interbutt becoming a fucking monk in 2018 is a more reasonable response than some basic self improvement.

>> No.12300163

t. Carnal and slave pilled individual that cannot contemplate that abstinence is possible.

>> No.12300190

Wish more girls would call people out like this desu, not that incels will listen

>> No.12300226
File: 88 KB, 544x682, 1542104507534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 10/10 male who came to discover that chastity+continence provide immense benefits, far exceeding any carnal pleasure
>tfw you realize the fundamental heteronomy that the reinforced pleasure-oriented sex drive creates and want aspire for total autonomy over self
>tfw you mention celibacy online people assume you are either an incel or religious and cannot possibly contemplate a reason for wanting to eschew this.
It is lonely at the top.

>> No.12300230

You don't type like a woman. Either you're lying or you're the kind of crass, vulgar creature that men always consciously or unconsciously detest. Your utter lack of compassion and your inability to do anything but regurgitate spiteful half-digested platitudes in the face of someone else's suffering is honestly disgusting.

>> No.12300268

I can highly recommend St Augustus his Confessions. Helped me a lot. Good luck on your transformation.

>> No.12300275

>You don't type like a woman
Complete bullshit, I get this shit every time I make a post on this site and reveal my gender. What, do you want me to type like an emoji-loving facebook-addicted basic thot? xDD yea i can type lik dis if u wantzsss <3<3
Address my point. Oh, you can't. I'm on /lit/, wow no shit I can type in complete sentences and sound a bit crass. we're on 4chan for god's sake. Speaking of God, OP how would god feel if you became a monk just because you can't get a girl to suck your peepee? Devotion to faith has to come from FAITH, not a last resort. You're a heathen and your sentiments are blasphemous to begin with, some great monk you would make. Protip: Alyosha could get a girl, and did. It's not a sacrifice if you never had it in the first place. Instead of giving the first real, true effort in your life, and trying to improve yourself and look at your own harsh reality, you're going to run away to a fucking monastery and larp as a fucking servant of god. All because you're too scared to actually question yourself on the real reason you can't get laid.
Now, I just proved short men can get women if they give an effort. What was your excuse, again?
Let me guess, you don't even TRY to talk to women. You want one to fall out of the sky onto your cock with no effort at all on your part. Sorry but you actually have to leave your basement, go outside, and talk to the scawwwwy giwwwls and contain your spaghetti. You need to face rejection, you'll get a lot of rejection, everyone does, that's the price you pay for gaining eventual love. In order to receive love you need to open yourself to the potential to be hurt. That's the human experience.
Stop running away and face your god damned problems. You're a disgrace.

>> No.12300337

No kind of pleasure is worth this kind of gabble

>> No.12300339

overcoming lust is a cope

>> No.12300355 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 242x208, 1546012104874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she’s arrived...
la goblina...

>> No.12300426

Put on a tripcode so I can block you, please

>> No.12300464


Damn you are on fire today

>> No.12300485


I believe that you're a woman just because you're dumb enough to type all that shit without realizing that the person you're responding to isn't even OP. Stick to forums with usernames girly

>> No.12300508

Outler Translation is the best.

>> No.12300509

Sartre was a 5 foot troglodyte whose eyes pointed in separate directions and he made an entire career out of telling people who blamed anyone but themselves for their failures to fuck off in the most convoluted way imaginable, and was lauded as one of the greatest intellectuals of his time.

Be like Sartre.

>> No.12300531

sartre would probably be in jail for banging all those underage girls if he had lived in this period

>> No.12300541


>> No.12300555

>As long as you eat good pussy you can get a girl.
this makes literally no sense, you have already got the girl once youre eating her out

>> No.12300560

you can get certificates for being a good pussy eater. just put thatin your cv that ypu present to a girland it's easier

>> No.12300562

1. accost a woman on the bike path
2. pleasure her with your mouth
3. she is now yours

this is the way it has always been

>> No.12300565

Absolute cringe

>> No.12300568

>bitter incel mindset
op doesnt sound remotely like that at all, his post isnt even angry

>> No.12300570



>Tbqh it is a fetish of mine to interact with others' cum while being forced into chastity myself

>> No.12300575

>using Alyosha to defend lust
Eduardo, get the stake ready

>> No.12300576


rip link: >>/lit/thread/S12168730#p12179396

>> No.12300577


This is actually the one slightly true thing that she said. If you manage to give one chick an orgasm she'll go around telling all her friends and familial peers about it. Then after that you'll have them trying to line up for you in secret.

>> No.12300581
File: 56 KB, 175x234, kant-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to "eat her out" anyways. It is a perversion, and not only that, an act that makes man subservient to the woman. In effect, conditionalizing this statement as a requirement for a relationship reduces the man in it to the status of a male prostitute.

>> No.12300585

yeah but if you can get the girl in the first place you can probably get her friends
eating girls out is pointless, if she'd leave you over that then she doesnt care about you anyway

>> No.12300585,1 [INTERNAL] 


>It is not that I am looking at those things and thumbing my nose, or sneering, but more like I'm looking at them from afar, across a broad river, with the sure knowledge that I cannot swim. So I have no other recourse but to ask "what else?"

try your hand at fiction sometimes