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12297511 No.12297511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am thinking that maybe being a reactionary is dumb and it’s time to look into the bluepill. However, I just can’t stand the contemporary academic style of leftist writing. What are some books advocating for progressivism which may be more up my alley? Specifically interested in stuff about racism, sexism, LGBT

>> No.12297527
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>Specifically interested in stuff about racism, sexism, LGBT

>> No.12297531

Intersectionality is a disease

>> No.12297537

>literally wanting to be indoctrinated

>> No.12297538

you need to be more specific than just complaining about an "academic style". what does this mean

>> No.12297542

Progress is natural and needs not to be an ideological struggle. LGBT, sexism and modern racism is just the continuation of the class strugle (the bourgeoisie are winning no matter what)

>> No.12297543
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>> No.12297545

>I am thinking that maybe being a reactionary is dumb
What made you think this? I'm not leftwing but i used to be a hardcore /pol/tard and what drew me away was completely fucking banal

>> No.12297550

Start with Marx. You need to understand the materialist conception of society. Books and shit about racism, sexism, and LGBT are irrelevant once you understand class struggle.

>> No.12297552

If you want to be an sjw, read Judith Butler, if you want to be a CNN style Boomer centrist, then read Leo Strauss and Fukuyama.

If you still want to engage your brain without choosing a prepackaged ideological virus, then read Roberto Unger, if you want to be greenpilled from the left then Bookchin.

>> No.12297560

Isn't "reactionary" just what marxists call people who are against marxism? Basically anyone who isn't completely retarded is a reactionary then.

>> No.12297575

Reactionary is specifically pro-monarchy/aristocracy

>> No.12297577

According to who??

>> No.12297579

not really, you're thinking of the neoreactionary movement which is completely different

>> No.12297591
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Russell Kirk et c

>> No.12297596

I thought neoreaction was about joint stock corporation republics and shit like that.

>> No.12297600

Nope, Reaction going back to its origin is monarchy oriented


>> No.12297606

This is not the modern usage.

>> No.12297611

definitions change, just how you can't say "neoliberal" without everybody thinking of le sjws.

>> No.12297612

Oh right, yeah, and Libertarians aren't "liberal" bc dumbfucks all agree

>> No.12297619

But doesn't that pic defines reactionary as "a movement towards the reversal of an existing tendency or state" in general? Not being pro-monarchy/aristocracy specifically.

>> No.12297638
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Here I underlined it for you

Also, the previous state IS monarchy, come on now

>> No.12297642

That too. The joint stock corporate government idea is from Moldbug and he saw it as monarchy perfected, or at least repackaged for the 21st century

>> No.12297648

Neo Reaction as in New Reaction.
as opposed to the Old Reaction like Edmund Burke et c

>> No.12297655

So american reactionary conservatives are pro-monarchy? I think not.

>> No.12297657
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, wila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only "leftist" movement in the coming decade will be Eco-Fascism. Just you wait

>> No.12297667

>tfw ecofascist as well as actual fascist

>> No.12297673

I take it you've never read Alexander Hamilton and Federalist Papers.

Pro-Aristocracy if not Monarchy.

>> No.12297677

pay tell, what exactly drew you away?

>> No.12297685

Are you unable to read? That text gives a definition for reactionary and it says monarchist parliamentarians were the firsts people on which these terms were applied. But that does not limit the scope of the terms to that one group since the definition is more general.

>> No.12297691
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I'll see you in the wasteland brother

>> No.12297694

Why are you so afraid of seeing that you are not actually conservative and are in fact a progressive like Teddy Roosevelt?

Is that even a bad thing? TR was p cool

>> No.12297705


Vedic Deep Ecology 5eva

>> No.12297707

No I haven't, most of what I know of being "reactionary" comes from Russian literature so I'm not afraid to admit I'm unclear on the actual usage of the term. I know Dostoevsky was often accused of being reactionary because of his criticisms of atheist/communist movements in his era, so I'd enjoy a concise distillation of the term. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem I will get to the Federalist papers any time soon, but who knows.

>> No.12297709

Just don't post a quote if you don't understand it.

>> No.12297719

Dugin is fuckin based man.

You realize pre-communist Russia was an Orthodox Christian Monarchy so that assessment is correct

>> No.12297727

>Just don't post a quote if you don't understand it.

Yeah well like you know and but so that's like just you know your like own opinion

>> No.12297739
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Yes, it just seems to term "reactionary" would be relevant to the context of the time period. In the case of a modern American reactionary, it would be a conservative without a positive argument. I admittedly am not sure if this makes any sense, I'm making an attempt to actually learn and understand unlike the rest of the pseuds on this board.

>> No.12297752

I don't have anything at hand right now, but God bless you, man. More people like you are needed.

I'd recommend you get a bit over your allergy to Reddit and also search for recommendations there.

>> No.12297754

Watch some Jimmy Dore and read Chomsky - both are quite redpilled but still on the left so by this you will avoid becoming a lefty larper.

>> No.12297799


>> No.12297825

>Jimmy Dore
Isn't that guy on the Young Turks, the most retarded coalition of brainlets on the leftist hemisphere?

>> No.12297875


Fun thread you dynamic dudes may enjoy: /ECO/ general --

https://8ch dot net/pol/res/12485472.html

>> No.12297890

I lost an argument about something unrelated but it shook my confidence enough that i started compiling lists of citations to back up my points.
I ended up noticing a few holes and ESPECIALLY, stormfront false flags. It kinda made all the little counterpoints i had heard over the years come flooding back.
I went HARD centrist, maybe a little left as a result but since then I've drifted back rightward.

I feel like the same thing must have happened with Altenative Hypothesis, a lot of people were shocked with his 180 degree change but personally it just reminded me of myself.

>> No.12297910

>what drew me away was completely fucking banal
You know what isn't banal? That cliffhanger.
Spill beans pls. I'm interested.

>> No.12297920

Actually dw just saw your reply >>12297890

Who is Alternative Hypothesis?

>> No.12297928

God and the State by MAB

>> No.12297952

edgy nonsense for misguided children who romanticize nazis. you can care for the environment without attaching yourself to an image, a particularly embarrassing and juvenile one at that. really, be honest, what the fuck is going to come from calling yourself a fascist except getting people to ignore you? Because let's be real- you're not going to do anything violent or proactive to help save the environment, all you're going to do at most is say mean words to people. And if you call yourself a fascist, your words will mean nothing and slough off anyone you're verbally assaulting because you're just a big dumb scary fascist to them. Better off not identifying with edgy retards and instead argue your beliefs from a place of understanding and internal rationalization rather than on behalf of a romantic image of yourself, you'll get more accomplished.

>> No.12297956

Read Roberto Unger, 99% of his work is on Libgen.

>> No.12297969

>projecting this hard

Let people be what they are.
>if you're not shitposting, you're larping
Stop trying to hold people back.

>> No.12297980

A suggestion


>> No.12297985


>> No.12297989

yikes dude

>> No.12297990

All you'll do by enforcing that through government authority is breed large-scale resentment for your cause though. I think we could use Ecuador as a good standard for how the state should use their power to protect nature in that they kinda use their legislative power as an augmentation to the free market rather than a superseding authority. An example:
>Ecuador wants to protect its rainforests
>People need jobs, which in that part of the world generally means more land put under the plow
>Rather than sell chunks of rainforest for people to farm, the state starts building oil rigs in it for people to work on
>These rigs are held to strict environmentally friendly standards and the land is completely returned to nature when the job is done
>People have jobs
>Ecuador gets oil
>Rainforest stays intact
They're also the only nation on earth to give nature constitutional rights iirc. So that's kinda cool.

>> No.12298074

Very major alt righter.

>> No.12298093


>> No.12298125

He’s the good one. Got his own show anyway.
He’s alright. Admits he’s a dumb guy that just has good bullshit detectors

>> No.12298139

"You try too hard to be cool but you aren't even cool!"
"You aren't normal."
"Ummm, immature much? Don't you want to be mature? I'll concede that you're mature if you only change your views.."
"Loser! You aren't even cool or popular!"
"Ummmmmmmm, immature much sweaty?"
>getting people to ignore you
"You won't even be popular if you think that!"
>all you're going to do at most is say mean words to people
"You aren't even serious, you're all talk and no walk, LOL! That's not very popular of you."

Perfect combination of womanly shame tactics and overfed normie. Good demonstration of why women are such useful appendages of neo-liberal pseudo-progressivist social conditioning. They absorb the ideology of society as a popularity contest like a sponge, and then enforce it using their natural feminine tendency to reinforce social hierarchy by ostracizing "creepers." Women are truly the footsoldiers of mediocrity.

>> No.12298148

Because post-meme adult hard Center is pragmatism and that book (and its two sequelae) are the Top Tier.

Read that Wikipedia intro, its a special work

>> No.12298215

He left those retards when their stupidity stats got too high and now he admits that they are retards.
Dore constantly shits on how the corporate media represents Trump and he also shits on the corporate democrats. He thinks that Trump won because the democrats where too retarded to show a better alternative and he calls bullshit on all the Russia conspiracies.
He's really chill, even Sargon of Akkad has admitted he likes Dore.
Watch the Joe Rogan interview as a start.

>> No.12298216

You've only demonstrated that you've done nothing. Posting on 4chan (and cripplechan) doesn't help your goal. Here you attract underaged and lost men. Bizarrely you've decided that everyone who opposes you is a woman (good luck with that ethnostate) or an over-fed normie (implying you yourself are starving?). In fact your imply simply was just mean words, references to an unknowable puppeteering force that controls everything you hate, and a shitty attempt at convincing everyone you're not very serious about this ism. I recommend reading Fundamentals of Ecology, a landmark textbook in the science (hopefully Odum isn't too "bluepilled" for you). If you really care you'll read this right away.

>> No.12298224

I can relate in a sense. Used to be very big into idpol, but I've fallen onto the neoabsolutism train and it honestly just makes a lot more sense than basic idpol

>> No.12298228

Quit fucking projecting.

I have recommended Ecology of Freedom and other Bookchin in this same thread.

>> No.12298229

>Specifically interested in stuff about racism, sexism, LGBT
Ffs where is class? Do you even know what the Left is?

>> No.12298234

Which in my opinion is completely retarded considering Marxism is itself "reactionary" towards the capitalistic society it wants to overthrow.

>> No.12298235

Yeah class is the essential shit, all that grievence study shit is secondary and born out of it.
But no shit he should start with the communist manifesto.

>> No.12298239

Racism is just poor epistemic responsibility tbqf
Just say MOST niggers are violent thugs and you're good to go.

>> No.12298241

>linking cripplechan /pol/
If it was a /leftypol/ link you folks will be screaming infiltration.

>> No.12298248

Can’t tell if this is ironic or not

>> No.12298255

Socialism is post capitalism not anti so it isn’t reactionary

>> No.12298257

I severely detest Nazis/nationalist. I only call refer to my leanings as eco racist because I have no problem with 85% of the world population to be wiped out. Regardless of race, creed etc

>> No.12298262

Wait a second. I’ve been duped haven’t I. My college professors never even talked about class, it was all about “whiteness,” which I kinda had a kneejerk reaction to

>> No.12298276

If you are not trolling or being sarcastic, then yes, this current iteration of the Left is primarily about class with everything else secondary to its concerns if any.

>> No.12298279

Good for you. You've read absolutely nothing that really is Ecology and have latched onto one of the most interesting and accessible sciences to fuel you ressentiment against the majority.

>> No.12298282

Yeah, whiteness is some secondary bullshit, class is essential. Marx even says in the manifesto that gender becomes obsolete through capitalism, guy is redpilled af.

>> No.12298301

So this is why the American left is so retarded!

>> No.12298313

I have a hard time believing that all the latte sipping faggots who rally about the abolishment of the capitalist system on their college campus are not the definition of reactionary. Except I just looked up the dictionary definition of reactionary and it apparently means those who are opposed to societal reform which simply doesn't sound right to me.

>> No.12298323

Ecuador is a good example but things look bleak. Brazil's new president plans to wipe out every inch of the rain forest, China (and other countries) are destroying Africa for resources and places like Canada and alike who proclaim to have an environmental dedication, have far too much invested in oil than there willing to give up, plus consumption has never been higher. Waste is increasing and despite warnings plastic is still being used exceedingly and recycling measures are fruitless

>> No.12298324

Who the fuck cares about an arbitrary title?

>> No.12298338

Burgerland has had a race hangup for a long long while now

>> No.12298351

>Brazil's new president plans to wipe out every inch of the rain forest
Really sick of this meme
The only sections that Bolsonaro has been referring to in regards to that are sections that are already privately-owned and being exploited, just limited by regulation

>> No.12298359

They are not ranting about its destruction though since as you so already pointed out, sipping lattes and shit. They just wanna sip lattes in better conditions

>> No.12298360


>> No.12298361

Take the Christopher Lasch pill. He was a harsh critic of progress, a defender of the traditional multigenerational family, and yet in the final analysis he was still a leftist, as he understood how capitalism destroys cherished time-honored traditions.

>> No.12298366

>They are not ranting about its destruction though
They are. In between sipping on their shitty lattes.

>> No.12298372

marx is retarded

>> No.12298378

I mean it's the ideology that matters.
But to be with you on this point: In the introduction this reactionary equation is also made in the start of the book #Acceleration as a central motivating factor in the creation of accelerationism.

>> No.12298382

His mapping and criticism is quite on point.

>> No.12298384

>I want to swap one set of spooks for another

>> No.12298386

Ooooh based friendposter, I haven’t met many other people who like Unger (or who have even heard of him). Are you American? I feel like he’s more popular outside the states

>just want someone who can help me share in the attributes commonly ascribed to Divinity

>> No.12298392
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Hmm, that sounds kinda groovy

>> No.12298399

You'll be turned into onions green first.

>> No.12298401

And as I already mentioned, socialism is post-capitalism so no they are. You seems more concerned with arguing about people may or may not exist doing something you don’t like them about the semantics of the words itself

>> No.12298403

>what the fuck is going to come from calling yourself a fascist except getting people to ignore you?
Lmao, do you think fascists identify as fascists IRL? This place just allows us to express our honest identifications. Also, you imply that politics is something which you discuss with other human beings in 2018. It’s not. It’s something which is only relevant in complaining in the internet and when going to the polls.

I personally vote labour or christian democrats. It’s normally the one least outspoken about social issues. But I can get satisfied with their economic policies

>> No.12298405

>Am I.. out of touch? No, it is the children who are wrong.

>> No.12298408

Analytic political philosophy/philosophy of law. They have been explicitly anti-Postmodernist/anti-Marxist even before the rise of contemporary SJW/PC/anti-White male/anti-Western ideology, but at the same time have been heavily critical of the right wing. E.g. Ronald Dworkin, John Rawls, Robert Nozick, Amartya Sen, Kenneth Arrow, H. L. A Hart.

>> No.12298414

>>12298382 here
But Leninism and so forth #Communism is quite retarded.
Social democracy all the way.

>> No.12298419

I live in the very center of the Continental US.

(I'm halfway through Religion Of The Future atm, concurrently with some other stuff. Looking forward to Singular Universe And Reality Of Time)

>> No.12298428

>it’s not
I am sorry you hang out with retards then

>> No.12298431

So a guy ranting on the streets with a megaphone about how communism or socialism is the true way is not really reacting to the capitalistic society he professes to hate because socialism is post-capitalism?

>> No.12298432

People like to gloss over that Fascism started as National Syndicalism in Italy.

>> No.12298446

>So a guy ranting on the streets with a megaphone about how communism or socialism is the true way
How is that necessarily hatred of the system? And you can hate something to want to improve it though. Where do you get these examples from?

>> No.12298450

You are just being silly now.

That is a reaction, yes, a personal or even cultural reaction, but it's not Reactionary.

There is a history out there. ffs

>> No.12298459

>How is that necessarily hatred of the system?
Is it not the goals of commies to overthrow the current capitalist system and replace it with communism? Yes or no

>Where do you get these examples from?
Literally two days ago when I walked past a guy on the street from a communist party ranting on a microphone.

>> No.12298473

>Is it not the goals of commies to overthrow the current capitalist system and replace it with communism? Yes or no
Yes. Overthrow != destruction

That makes it more plausible, did you find him with those people talking about destroying capitalism between sips of their latte?

>> No.12298491


You're both missing the defining aspect of Reaction:
It's anti-progress, it is regress, it is about Return and Conservation of Tradition, That Which Came Before.

Unless you're in Russia, communism is not the past, and even in Russia, Tsars ruled before the Soviet Councils.

>> No.12298495

Woops, that's a typo. He did have a megaphone.

>Yes. Overthrow != destruction
Now you're being petty.

>> No.12298505

>You're both missing the defining aspect of Reaction:
>It's anti-progress, it is regress, it is about Return and Conservation of Tradition, That Which Came Before.
I know senpai, my point is reactionaries (probably) share dissatisfaction of capitalism with socialists, but the former wants to install what came before while socialists want to create something radically different

>> No.12298517

ecofash isnt a real ideology. there's a reason there aren't any ecofacist tribes living in the woods like Ted k as they say they will

>> No.12298518

>while socialists want to create something radically different
While keeping any good points of captialism of coz

>> No.12298525

socialism is an evolution from capitalism, that in turn evolves into full communism

not that it matters

>> No.12298532

the people you describe are a product of capitalism. the current faux socialist movement of the left is beneficial to sentient capital.

>> No.12298536

It does to the person ranting about marxists being the real reactionary all along

>> No.12298563

I thought reactionary was just a marxist pejorative, its weird seeing people identify that way.

>> No.12298568

Only uneducated online righties use neoliberal like that

>> No.12298574

just you wait

>> No.12298584

Neoliberalism is equally reviled by SJWs, because they equally have no idea about political philosophy.

>> No.12298598


Neoliberalism was never particularly coherently defined, there's far from any consensus around its definition. For this reason the term has fallen out of favour with academics and is almost exclusively used by pundits.

>> No.12298614

>the people you describe are a product of capitalism.
Like fucking clockwork. You people should really start going to a church because you treat your ideology like it's a religion already,

>> No.12298635

He's right though, every person since the 1600s has been a product to some degree of their every day life under various stages of manorialism-into-capitalism and capitalism.

Without Capitalism, there's no Marxism, because he'd be analyzing and trying to improve on feudalism instead.
He might have even created Capitalism in the attempt!

>> No.12298637

Please tell me this is a fucking joke

>> No.12298640

I am not a marxist/whatever. That is simply what capital does.

>> No.12298641

Its kind of funny, its like libertarianism in that they have one explanation for literally every problem.

>> No.12298644

You need to read leftist literature that was written back when leftism had balls? Why is leftism so shitty and ineffectual these days? No balls. Read 19th and 20th century stuff, anarchist stuff.

>> No.12298653

That's what memetics was supposed to be, the study of viral ideas and idea-complexes as such.

They really replicate and evolve like viruses.

>> No.12298676

Red Scares and a shit load of coups

>> No.12298731

8/pol/ is weirdly heaps more literate than 4/pol/

>> No.12298755
File: 30 KB, 443x332, images (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /leftypol/ is a board dedicated to radical left thought, there's virtually no right wing spam allowed
Imagine that, a board with no Evola, no Peterson, no Spengler, no Christfagging, no trad LARPing
We could only dream

>> No.12298759

are you retarded?

>> No.12298763

Lol. People saying Marxist's are reactionaries, because they're 'reacting' to capitalism. They are not reactionaries. They are reacting in the vulgar sense to capitalism.

They are not reactionaries as in the political descriptor. Reactionaries as a political descriptor are those who want to move away from the liberal democratic ethos, to an illiberal, anti-democratic ethos characterized of or by it's authoritarian nationalist,, aristocratic/monarchical, or privatized authoritarian structure. They are not neccessarily anti-capitalist. Marxism is not 'reactionary' to capitalism, as dumbfucks who purposefully subvert meaning would have you believe. They wish, and believe, that they will/should replace capitalism with a new economic structure, which will usher in a new style of governance/the lack thereof known as communism.

>> No.12298765

This desu
Not enough is happening and it's not happening fast enough. As much as people love their democracy all this has done in practice is put power into decentralised corporate hands and slow decision making to a crawl.
In order to actually avert an environmental catastrophe the best way is no longer through the carrot, but with a really fucking big stick with nails sticking out and shit

>> No.12298766

marxism has always had religious tones to it-- that alone is no argument against it

>> No.12298771

/leftypol/ is a shithole that only attracts weird ESL larpers. It also has a hugbox atmosphere because of the mods, who think it defuses the hugbox atmosphere if they self-consciously say "LOL MUH HUGBOX" when they foment it.

It has an uncanny valley effect because of that, feels like a bunch of odd confused people bumbling and talking past each other. Reminds me of Revleft, where you could really tell that many of the posters were either retarded, insane, or both. The upshot was that whenever you tried to have conversation, you had to constantly be filtering out all the weird nonsense coming from retards and crazy people. /leftypol/ has that same uncanny vibe, like a subtle senility in the air.

I've never been to 8/pol/ 4chan's /pol/ is a total abomination now though. You can tell it's an even more eerie mixture of fat old ladies, teenagers, and hardcore Stormfronters who barely even know what 4chan is. Likewise, feels like a bunch of retarded gormless half-functioning niggers talking past each other, ironically.

Still better than Chapo "Don't Say Nigger!" House, or whatever Facebook-tier garbage internet leftists pretend to like these days. Big tent mentality ruins everything, normie faggots always come in and want to police speech.

>> No.12298773

Are you braindead? They said 8/pol/ and you start going off about fucking /leftypol/ for some reason
>/pol/ or 8/pol/ liking Peterson

>> No.12298779

/leftypol/ is sophistry central
A bunch of language salad dressed up to obscure arguments and make them sound profound when they're discussing trivialities or groundless nonsense.

>> No.12298781

aren’t the young turks armenian genocide deniers? i would call them more liberal than leftist if that were the case

>> No.12298786

Cenk denied the Armenian genocide for years and his Armenian cohost, the one with the nosejob, just tolerated it.

Kasparian is like the living archetype of a shrill henpecking cunt.

>> No.12298828

Weird how the same behaviour as holocaust denialism is fine as long as it's directed at the Armenians

>> No.12298838


>> No.12298881


>> No.12298894

Armenians are visibly caucasoid christians in the vicinity of muzzies, no western media outlet would ever defend them.

>> No.12298903

The Jews used to try to stop Armenians from calling it a Holocaust and even a genocide lmao

>> No.12299011

contra is one of the few people (on any side of the issue honestly) who will talk about LGBT stuff in a way that's not totally braindead, but that's a realllly low bar

>> No.12299032

is a toxic blight on humanity

>> No.12299212

Sounds like a good approximation of modern left academia

>> No.12299229

Okay baboonposter

>> No.12299313

More like Talkingpoints amirite?

>> No.12299316


>> No.12299511

Sounds not too bad. I will give his channel a try.

>> No.12299525

And you really think he'll stick to his word? He claimed that climate change is a Marxist plot. He'll ruin the lungs of the world and laugh while doing it.

>> No.12299538

>the contemporary academic style of leftist writing
characterise what traits of style annoy you so I can give actual concrete suggestions about books

>> No.12299552

> ctrl f isaiah berlin
>no results found

why go full leftism/retard
why not embrace radical centrism

>> No.12299587

Kill yourself . Just fucking do it.

>> No.12299598

the sad thing is that he isn’t even wrong. you ever hang around women, anon? that’s exactly how they act. they’re kids.

>> No.12299603

I don't really understand your point?
if you wanted to look into Marxist/socialist writing or post-modern stuff that's one thing. but if you just seek to confirm for yourself the world as-is then you might as well spend the day watching MTV reality dramas

>> No.12299610


Genuinely feel sorry for you. Politics is discussed with both friends and family, No matter their leanings

You are a fucking coward, that's really all there is to it. You're Not a fascist, you're an online edgelord.

At least Adolf and Mussolini stood Up for their beliefs, you're just parasitical scum

>> No.12299615

I want to get into leftist literature but I'm having a hard time understanding "means of production". It seems like a pretty vague term that better applied to 19th century form of production like big factories. Can you really just apply "means of production" to modern IT offices, tourism or web design? How can the workers of a huge office building collectively own all the different programs and channels they are using, especially if they are collaborating with different companies? It makes no sense to me at all.

>> No.12299616

calm down reddit

>> No.12299634


Yes, yes I do. No woman in my Life acts Like that.

Flies are attracted to heaps of shit, did you know that? Thats you. You're subhuman shit, as are the women in your life.

>> No.12299641



>> No.12299642


>> No.12299648

Dude, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12299663

Yeah it's a retarded made up distinction in the first place.

But if you want to make it work in today's production systems, then just think of everything that isn't your personal property (movable property) as being the means of production. So basically anything you own right now that isn't your personal property would be collectivized including real estate

>> No.12299667


Cry me a fucking river you faggot

>> No.12300000

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole"
now take that and apply it to your online message/image board rant

>> No.12300006

wasted get, fucking faggot

>> No.12300018

consider suicide for wasting those quints

>> No.12300074

Anyone think how in Cyclopedia that posits the theory that oil is sentient; has anyone applied this to environmental ideas. Whenever I see a natural disaster I see it as nature taking back what it lost.

>> No.12300087

Is this what eco leftists actually believe?

>> No.12300095
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>> No.12300097

>So basically anything you own right now that isn't your personal property would be collectivized including real estate
a house/flat you live in is personal property

>> No.12300103

why is /lit/ so amgry about left? this used to be the commie bord

>> No.12300132

take a guess what demographic shift in the board could have resulted its politics going sharply to the right and its actual knowledge of books plummeting

>> No.12300154
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people should just get rid of ideology altogether, ideology plays out like religion nowadays, it´s really stupid to play this game of:

>my ideology is better than yours lmao xd

child mentality among the population, how embarrassing!

>> No.12300164

I actually liked your advice, faggot :3

>> No.12300167
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The politically possessed are little more than mindless automatons spreading the word of their gods. It's like that fungus which infects ants and controls their movements by hijacking their senses and desires, forcing them to climb to a high spot before the fungus bursts out of their heads and scatters it's spores onto as large an area as possible. Ideology does the same thing, burying deep into to person's mind and fundamentally altering the frames upon which they see the world. Then, like the poor ant, they move to a particular hobby or interest and the political ideology within them bursts out, infesting their interpretation and comments on everything. Little can be done about it, as not even they are in control.

>> No.12300171

4chan's population has gone up, but mainly the change was in general online culture, not strictly in demographics. /lit/ used to be a small board populated mostly by aging LF faggots from SA, or at least the same type of poster but on 4chan, back when 4chan was vaguely liberal and the cool hip ironic thing to be on the internet was a college leftist.

That old vanguard is mostly dead or silent now, as any male leftists with testosterone have either moved right or retreated into the shadows in sheer despair over the state of the left. The hip internet left is now represented by insufferable buzzfeed queers, hated by everybody.

4chan's population has definitely swelled for the worse, but it's more a matter of drawing people here because it's right wing, than right wingers coming here and transforming the culture. Nobody wants to be an effeminate Buzzfeed queer who cries crocodile tears of nigger whining, and the word "left" is unfortunately associated with that now.

>> No.12300173

It's more relevant today since corporate property is already collectively owned by, generally a large number of, shareholders. In the 19th century most fixed-capital was still privately owned by fully liable individual entrepreneurs. You can understand the corporate consolidation movement as a form of "socialization" by private means to leverage economies of scale. Obviously not everything falls under this since in some sectors you still see wide distribution of classical privately owned and operated production of commodities going on but that's actually far and inbetween. Socialism is about workers taking control of and running these industries in their own interests which would mean they get to make the reinvestment and hiring/firing decisions which would logically result in minimizing work while still collectively maintaining some claim on the returns. Communism is about totally abolishing ownership of productive resources, not just workers taking control of them and operating them as they see fit.

It's not retarded, it's just anything used in the social commodity production process which can be manipulated for the narrow interests of someone's pecuniary return at the expense of the general interest. Tomorrow we could just stop enforcing intellectual property laws for a beginning and it's not like everything would blow up. A general baby step approach would look like this:
1. Every company with more than 50 employees would be required to issue new shares of its stock each year equivalent to 20 percent of its profits. Since the issuing of new shares does not cost the firm anything this does not interfere with operating expenses or investment plans.
2. These shares would be held in a trust collectively owned by all wage earners. Shares would not be sold.
3. As individual firms become majority worker owned the government could purchase the remaining privately held shares then turn the enterprises over to the workers of those enterprises.
4. Following a buyout the firm would no longer pay dividends but would pay a capital assets tax instead... the leasing fee the firms workers pay for use of the firms assets.
Also the term "real estate" includes land and buildings, two very different things which must be handled differently.

>> No.12300179

It's kind of a matter of debate what you consider personal property.
A popular definition of it in classical marxist circles was something like "items intended for personal use" and that includes clothes, homes, and vehicles.

But that is obviously outdated in contemporary times where people use a lot of these items as means of production. Production has become decentralized. The above definition made sense when production was still done in factories and workshops that were separate from ones living quarters. And items like computers, smartphones and other means of telecommunication weren't invented or used for profit generation. Even your personal car is now used for profit generation with uber and other side jobs.

Like I said the distinction between personal and private property was always arbitrary and only made sense in the context they were constructed in. There is no natural distinction between the two beyond perception.

>> No.12300191

This is the sad reality. You can easily blame americans for tainting the idea of what is "left" with their gay shit... (leftism was always pretty gay tho)

>> No.12300197

the only thing worse than political brainrot is anime brainrot

>> No.12300204
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the power of anime pussy

>> No.12300235

I don't think production is becoming anymore "decentralized" necessarily but actually the role of employment in general producing commodities is actually becoming relatively less in a growingly more automated process. More people are being adsorbed into what in classical economics would have been considered unproductive activities.

Also is Uber and such really viable businesses that will be around for very long?

Private car ownership in general is premised upon an unprofitable government infrastructure existing to support it. Computers can be used to independently produce and sell digital things but you couldn't without IP laws and this will only become more global and cut throat in the future.

>> No.12300247


How new are you to this board to not know who keeps repeating the 'X is sentient' meme and how new are you to life to never hear the Gaia hypothesis?

>> No.12300251

quints confirmed

>> No.12300395

OP here, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.12300429

>the role of employment in general producing commodities is actually becoming relatively less in a growingly more automated process
Nobody can really agree on the amount of job loss compared to the amount of job growth due to automation. The thing is entire job fields have been made redundant by automation since more than a hundred years now and there were always new (productive) jobs created as a result of the opportunities opened up by that automation.

>More people are being adsorbed into what in classical economics would have been considered unproductive activities.
There is a lot of freelancing especially when it comes to digital products, but what you are saying is indeed true to some degree. A lot of these activities are based on creating entertainment and art. And non-artistic or entertainment goods produced are usually low complexity consumer goods, used for direct consumption or direct personal usage by the customer. Compared to some industrial level good that is then used to produce some other industrial level good.

>Also is Uber and such really viable businesses that will be around for very long?
The article doesn't understand what aggressive expansion is. Uber is trying to grow into a mostly untapped market and tries to become a monopoly before the various competitors that are already springing up everywhere can establish their own local monopolies. Uber might die at some point for whatever reason, but the business model lives on.

>Private car ownership in general is premised upon an unprofitable government infrastructure existing to support it.
I am unaware of this. Is the maintenance of the road infrastructure really unprofitable overall? I would expect the wealth produced by the ability of the people to move around from point A to B quickly and independently would vastly outweigh the invested tax dollar for maintaining this infrastructure.

>> No.12300457

Why not? People like you are his target audience.

>> No.12300511


What changed your mind specifically? /pol/ is a mess, but is right about the jews and that white displacement is true. That society is top-down and controlled by probably a few hundred mega rich capitalists (jews and gentiles) and they promote globalism/neoliberalism as the masses' religion s pretty incontestable. It's just what to do about things is where the differences arise.

>> No.12300519

The Gaia hypothesis is unscientific feelshit. It should be kept in ff7.

>> No.12300569

>how new are you to life to never hear the Gaia hypothesis?
I have heard of it but I didn't think there are people outside of hippy grandmas who actually believe it. Especially in the left that makes fun of Christians all the time for having irrational beliefs.

>> No.12300586

I know it is a shit theory, i am just shocked that you are shocked that such an idea of sentient nature was that novel to you