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/lit/ - Literature

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12296611 No.12296611 [Reply] [Original]

Got a fifty dollar Amazon gift card

I'm a brainlet who's never read a book before, what do lit do you recommend I get with fifty bucks

>> No.12296633


>> No.12296639

The Stranger
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
Notes from Underground
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12296660

Anything Dickens

>> No.12296672

>Timmy’s skin was twitching rhythmically. Concerned, Shanna levered herself up on one elbow, then gasped. A long, smooth mass was rising from his cloaca. She’d always known that Rexes possessed sexual organs, but she’d never expected to see one up-close!

>Fascinated, she leaned closer to examine it. More and more kept appearing, until it was jutting up nearly five feet above his body. The musky scent that emanated from it was oddly pleasant.

>Bumps suddenly appeared on its length in random spots, and grew until they were several inches long. She jerked back, then realized what she was seeing. Male dogs had barbs on their organs to hold the female in place until mating was finished; Rexes must have the same kind of barbs on theirs. They weren’t sharp or spiky, but she was sure they’d do an excellent job. Compensation for their spindly little forearms, she decided.

>Timmy was shaking all over now, and rumbling deep in his throat. Anxiously she reached out telepathically, and sensed his baffled arousal through their intimate emotional link.

>This is what you feel, he moaned as the T-Rex mating ritual’s pace increased, and the distant stamping became more forceful. Shanna, I’m afraid! Help me, please!

>How could she possibly help him? It wasn’t like she could pretend to be a female dinosaur!

>Sensations were cascading through her too fiercely to combat…and they were enhanced, she realized, by the frenzied activity in the adjoining valley. Four different pairs of Rexes were energetically mating, and the force of their spiraling ecstasy was echoing in her reeling brain like Chinese gongs…
fully fucking erect senpai

>> No.12296679

The Gulag Archipelago. /lit/ retards get butthurt when you praise this book but it's a very good look at the goals and inevitable result of all leftism

>> No.12296739

The Pickwick Papers by Dickens
I Served the King of England by Hrabal
Fathers and Sons by Turgenev
Franny and Zooey by Salinger
Short stories of Chekhov
Short stories of Akutagawa
Cosmicomics by Calvino
Jesus' Son by Johnson
The Good Earth by Buck
The Temple of the Gold Pavilion by Mishima
Things: A Story of the Sixties/A Man Asleep by Perec
The Tartar Steppe by Buzzati
Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke
The Book of Disquiet by Pessoa

hope something here interests you

>> No.12296790

Dostoevsky’s 5 major works

Notes From Underground
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12296831

Amazon is not only a bookseller, get something interesting instead of books.