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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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12295089 No.12295089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A kind goodbye from /fitlit/, remember who owns this site anon

>> No.12295105

You are the wind at my back. And I wish you would stop eating so much onions.

>> No.12295108
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>> No.12295129

Imagine being weak minded enough to fall for shilling like this

>> No.12295138

I don't get it. Jews?

>> No.12295153
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Faggot, 80% of 4cuck posters on 2018 are newfag underage incels, of course they will fall for this
But I don't really give a shit about them the problem is that fag ruined every board and discussion with their faggotry
And it's obvious they purposely spend their days trying to ruin the fun for everyone, it's not just something they do

>> No.12295170

>better moderation
Yeah that sure has happened

>> No.12295181

4chan is dead, faggot. We 4channel (Reddit) now!

>> No.12295187 [DELETED] 

Wasn't this like 90 years ago? Old news man.

>> No.12295205

This situation only annoyed /pol/tards and incels at /r9k/ who were insecure of their sexuality. And it was a long time ago. Why are you posting this on /lit/?

>> No.12295210
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Based and also redpilled

>> No.12295221

Yikes! This is not about the riki roko whatever his name was.
This is about the incels/redditors/cucks/trannies/etc who raid every board to bitch about /pol/ (which every oldfag doesn't visit since at least 2016 if not 2014) every time someone commits terrible crimes of wrongthink like mentioning Spengler in a thread or saying that maybe we shouldn't let faggots molest our relatives
Obviously I'm including you here, incel.
I'll refuse you to answer you if you don't post a proof of your social life / great body timestamped

>> No.12295244

The only hope for 4chan would be if an authoritarian regime of oldfags took ownership. The current moderators are complete fucking simpletons and are actively contributing to the downfall of this site.

>> No.12295253

>great body
>social life
get the FUCK off my board normalfag. if all it takes to rattle your nerves is a few girls (male) opening threads on your home board fuck off already. go to the gym and text roasties over snap or whatever well adjusted members of society do these days. don't @ me unless you include timestamped proof you are a hikkineet

>> No.12295302

Everyone who was there agrees that /fitlit/ was the best time for both boards.
It's almost 2019, in current year being a normalfag means being either a tranny or an incel, wake up

>> No.12295312
File: 69 KB, 590x595, uhmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the posters in that discord need to be gassed.
Complete degeneracy and filth.
They are abominations.

>> No.12295318

Reminder they are the people you speak with every day on 4channel

>> No.12295321

That plus permabanning 90% of the userbase.

This place is dead and there's no salvaging it.

>> No.12295331

A fraction of the people. Not all of them.
/lit/ has the least amount of anime posters and is certainly the most "homophobic" of all boards

>> No.12295336

Lol the mods are actually paid by Israel.
The jannies still do it for free obviously and it shows
The best thing for 4chan is shitpost, spam offensive content etc until all advertisers stop giving money to the chink so he will gladly sell it

>> No.12295349

/lit/ is actually better now compared to years ago.
I'd say the less homophobic boards are r9k and his

>> No.12295405
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I agree.
>Less anime posters.
>Less Stirnerites.
>Less libertarian scum.
>More intellectual discussions
>Anti-LGBT (more so than even /pol/)
What is not to like?
>More very high IQ posters and less midwits