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File: 50 KB, 512x706, aleistercrowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12293501 No.12293501 [Reply] [Original]

Wait wait.. did these niggas really believe in magic and shit or what? I don't understand. They believed in like Harry Potter "Shazam I cast a spell on you haha you're a frog now" type of shit?

What the fuck do you mean bro?

I just looked up Israel Regardie et al., and all of these guys believed in magic and shit? Really? Are you shitting me?

What the fuck! Why?

>> No.12293505

Harry Potter hadn't been written yet so obviously not, you spastic.

>> No.12293508

Crowley tried to attain the aim of religion trough the method of science.

You should first read the author before saying shit about it.

>> No.12293509

Not that type of magic but some sort of the power of unconscious like chaos magic, gnosis theories and sigilation

>> No.12293510

Yeah I know, but now it has and it's relevant because these kooks are way out there, no?

Well? Did they or not then you drongo?

>> No.12293521

Alright, so just unspecified, "ooo i'm going to will this to happen with my ritual" shit instead of frogs.

Doesn't complexity theory, study of fluid dynamics, and so on, blow them the fuck out? I mean we measure chaos now

>> No.12293542

magic is the training of the will. do certain things, you get certain results.

fluid dynamics has absolutely nothing to do with chaos magic. come on dude.

>> No.12293546

Magic in this context is changing reality through psychological manipulation.

>> No.12293547

I don’t know, man. Do you believe in philosophy?

>> No.12293550

>he doesn’t believe in magic

>> No.12293552

Delete your thread and read Magick In Theory and Practice.

>> No.12293555

I believe that you have cast a spell on me <3

>> No.12293557

Yeah it does. They want to control an outcome and will something into existence, etc. That's what they believe. You can't do that when I have a computer that tells me why X did Y, and it turns out it wasn't your bullshit ritual, can you, genius?

>> No.12293561

Yes. Crowleyites are retarded. Don't bother.

Because they never read any proper theurgy.

>> No.12293564

Alright, post some "real" theurgy then

>> No.12293568

You have much to learn.

>> No.12293576

Nah, I understand enough to know it's relevant because it's relevant to chaos in general, which is relevant to all life on Earth and in our universe.

But do they believe in magic as a 'spiritual' thing is what I'm trying to get at? Their own personal religion?

>> No.12293579

No. I'm not here to defend ancient practice. Just here to shit on Crowley because he was a hack exactly like Blavatsky or Gurdjieff.

>> No.12293582

And Regardie?

>> No.12293585

magic does exist, it's called Chemistry&Physics.

And as far as summoning demons, if you truly believe I'm sure it can be done. At least to your consciousness. Imagine being so terrified and full of fear that you've been driven to insanity. You will see demons. . a long the line of 2+2=5.

>> No.12293595

Chaos theory has about as much to do with chaos magic as aesthetics has to do with Kant's Transcendental Aesthetic.

The same word can have different meanings.

this guy gets it.

>> No.12293604

Are you trolling? Magic can't exist if you could measure chaos accurately enough to understand some system fully because you would see what actually caused X to happen and it would be scientific, not some ritual bullshit where I put on a cape. Chaos and complexity definitely are relevant. It's like saying I'm magic because when I throw something in the air it falls back down. No, it's gravity, it's not my ritual

Your reply to the guy makes no sense since you seem to trying to argue the opposite position.

>> No.12293613

You have zero idea you're talking about.

>> No.12293622

That's not an argument I'm afraid. Nice cognitive dissonance though

>> No.12293623

>magic does exist, it's called Chemistry&Physics
The story of Cú Chulainn has some very practical applications of "magic" - predominantly poisoning. It seems obvious from my perspective what was being done at the time but it was sincerely viewed as magic at the time by the people involved and those doing the magic considered themselves witches.

>> No.12293624

demons are literally memes. no, no, literally.

>> No.12293673

Does that mean that they cannot manifest themselves to people that believe in them?

>> No.12293692
File: 121 KB, 795x673, bennett lustre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a story in Crowley's confessions about Allan Bennett, who was Crowley's early mentor in alchemy, qabalah etc.

>“Bennet used to carry a ‘lustre’ - a long glass prism with a neck and a pointed knob such as adorned old-fashioned chandeliers. He used this as a wand. One day, a party of theosophists were chatting sceptically about the power of the ‘blasting rod’. Allan promptly produced his and blasted one of them. It took fourteen hours to restore the incredulous individual to the use of his mind and his muscles”.
>The Grand Grimoire devotes an entire chapter to the true composition of the Mysterious Wand, otherwise the Destroying or Blasting Rod

Crowley's disciple Kenneth Grant owned it later in life, pic related.

>> No.12293700

Belief is manifestation

>> No.12293703

It never happened

>> No.12293724
File: 6 KB, 202x249, Allan Bennett 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In confessions, Crowley also descibres how he witnessed Bennett levitate several feets above floor upside down while in meditation.

Bennett was one of the first European converts
to Buddhism

>> No.12293725

Whether ironically talking like a nigger, it is still not in one's best virtues to act as such.

>> No.12293734


why do you type like such a faggot?

>> No.12293736

>levitate several feet above floor upside down while in meditation.
Yes, well, he said it so no doubt he did because they all had some interest in keeping the spooky stories going and he definitely wouldn't word it in such a way so as to leave it open to interpretation.

>> No.12293739

I did it on purpose to annoy you and make you reply so you'd bump my thread and I'd get an answer.. and it worked, I must say

>> No.12293746


i dont think not being able to stop doing something means you do it on purpose.

>> No.12293747
File: 439 KB, 869x1104, Aleister_Crowley,_Magus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crowley also claimed to have killed some woman simply by this operation:
>I once found it necessary to slay a Circe who was bewitching brethren. I merely walked to the door of her room, and drew an Astral T (“traditore”, and the symbol of Saturn) with an astral dagger. Within 48 hours she shot herself.”

Even though many here want to say that magick is just subconscious influencing and mind games, Crowley had a very different view on the subject.

Crowley also never claimed "Book of the Law" was some sort of automatic writing produced from his subconscious: he claimed that he had clearly heard the voice of Aiwass/Aiwaz who dictated the book to him, not only he also got physical impression of this (astral) being that dictated the whole book to him in 3 days.

>> No.12293752

I haven't read any of his works. Just the intro to Magick Without Tears. It would not be fair to judge him.

>> No.12293765

First of all, I think the stories may be real in a sense that the observers have been under extreme physical/mental and otherwise hard distress. Even shared hallucinations.

Keep in mind Crowley was very avid drug user, even psychedelics such as Peyote.

Psychedelics, extreme meditation, fasting, magical rituals: they may have been real in a sense that Crowley was actually experiencing them and thought them to be real.

>> No.12293776

I disagree.

>> No.12293779

Yes, it's called English, retard.

>> No.12293787

"On purpose" denotes volition.

>> No.12293791

No, but there is a lot of bullshit surrounding him writing it. You're supposed to take his wife's word, or w.e., as if she wouldn't lie either. That's not to say weird stuff didn't happen though, it probably did..

>> No.12293792


>> No.12293793 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 584x722, Allan+Bennett_faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also this story in Crowley's confessions. Frater I.A = Bennett. Mathers = Crowley's "chief" in the Golden Dawn.

>Mathers and I.A. had disagreed upon an obscure point in theology, thereby formulating the
accursed Dyad, thereby enabling the Abra-Melin demons to assume material form: one in
his own shape, another in that of I.A. Now, the demon that looked like I.A. had a revolver,
and threatened to shoot him (D.D.C.F.), while the demon that resembled himself was
equally anxious to shoot I.A. Fortunately, before the demons could fire, V.N.R. (Mrs.
Mathers) came into the room, thus formulating the symbol of the Blessed Trinity.
>Frater I.A.'s account was less of a strain upon P.'s faculties of belief. They had had, he said,
an argument about the God Shiva, the Destroyer, whom I.A. worshipped because, if one repeated his name often enough, Shiva would one day open his eye and destroy the universe,
and whom D.D.C.F. feared and hated because He would one day open His eye and destroy
>I.A. closed the argument by assuming the position Padmasana and repeating the
Mantra: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." D.D.C.F., angrier than ever, sought the
sideboard, but soon returned, only to find Frater I.A. still muttering: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva,
Shiva, Shiva." "Will you stop blaspheming?" cried D.D.C.F.; but the holy man only said:
"Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." "If you don't stop I will
shoot you!" said D.D.C.F., drawing a revolver from his pocket and leveling it at I.A.'s head;
but I.A., being concentrated, took no notice and continued to mutter: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva,
Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." Whether overawed by the majesty of the saint or interrupted by the entry of a third person, I.A. no longer remembered, but D.D.C.F. never pulled the trigger.

>> No.12293797

Alright, it was not me, it was the particular shape of my brain and past experience which made me do it.

>> No.12293800 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 584x722, Allan+Bennett_faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also this story in Crowley's confessions. Frater I.A = Bennett. Mathers = Crowley's "chief" in the Golden Dawn.

>Mathers and I.A. had disagreed upon an obscure point in theology, thereby formulating the accursed Dyad, thereby enabling the Abra-Melin demons to assume material form: one in
his own shape, another in that of I.A. Now, the demon that looked like I.A. had a revolver, and threatened to shoot him (D.D.C.F.), while the demon that resembled himself was equally anxious to shoot I.A. Fortunately, before the demons could fire, V.N.R. (Mrs. Mathers) came into the room, thus formulating the symbol of the Blessed Trinity. Frater I.A.'s account was less of a strain upon P.'s faculties of belief. They had had, he said, an argument about the God Shiva, the Destroyer, whom I.A. worshipped because, if one repeated his name often enough, Shiva would one day open his eye and destroy the universe, and whom D.D.C.F. feared and hated because He would one day open His eye and destroy
D.D.C.F. I.A. closed the argument by assuming the position Padmasana and repeating the Mantra: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." D.D.C.F., angrier than ever, sought the sideboard, but soon returned, only to find Frater I.A. still muttering: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." "Will you stop blaspheming?" cried D.D.C.F.; but the holy man only said: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." "If you don't stop I will shoot you!" said D.D.C.F., drawing a revolver from his pocket and leveling it at I.A.'s head; but I.A., being concentrated, took no notice and continued to mutter: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." Whether overawed by the majesty of the saint or interrupted by the entry of a third person, I.A. no longer remembered, but D.D.C.F. never pulled the trigger.

>> No.12293807
File: 54 KB, 584x722, Allan+Bennett_faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also this story in Crowley's confessions. Frater I.A = Bennett. Mathers = Crowley's "chief" in the Golden Dawn.

>Mathers and I.A. had disagreed upon an obscure point in theology, thereby formulating the accursed Dyad, thereby enabling the Abra-Melin demons to assume material form: one in his own shape, another in that of I.A. Now, the demon that looked like I.A. had a revolver, and threatened to shoot him (D.D.C.F.), while the demon that resembled himself was equally anxious to shoot I.A. Fortunately, before the demons could fire, V.N.R. (Mrs. Mathers) came into the room, thus formulating the symbol of the Blessed Trinity. Frater I.A.'s account was less of a strain upon P.'s faculties of belief. They had had, he said, an argument about the God Shiva, the Destroyer, whom I.A. worshipped because, if one repeated his name often enough, Shiva would one day open his eye and destroy the universe, and whom D.D.C.F. feared and hated because He would one day open His eye and destroy D.D.C.F. I.A. closed the argument by assuming the position Padmasana and repeating the Mantra: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." D.D.C.F., angrier than ever, sought the sideboard, but soon returned, only to find Frater I.A. still muttering: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." "Will you stop blaspheming?" cried D.D.C.F.; but the holy man only said: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." "If you don't stop I will shoot you!" said D.D.C.F., drawing a revolver from his pocket and leveling it at I.A.'s head; but I.A., being concentrated, took no notice and continued to mutter: "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva." Whether overawed by the majesty of the saint or interrupted by the entry of a third person, I.A. no longer remembered, but D.D.C.F. never pulled the trigger.

>> No.12293812

You know what they say... third time's a charm

>> No.12293820

Phenomena itself is highly magical. The belief in colors are just as crazy as the belief in demons.

>> No.12293822

>when I throw something in the air it falls back down. No, it's gravity, it's not my ritual
You made a ritual of throwing something up.

>> No.12293825

I do not think that I have a solid enough of a grasp of this Landianism to either agree or disagree with you.

>> No.12293828

>First of all, I think the stories may be real in a sense that the observers have been under extreme physical/mental and otherwise hard distress. Even shared hallucinations.
Or that, yeah. Maybe they collectively got high off their own supply so to speak and really believed it. Especially if that is all they were discussing/doing all day anyway. I suppose it's not really a lie if you genuinely believe it happened and speak as if it happened because you believe it did

Like group madness

>> No.12293834

>I'll always be a miserable virgin
>They'll never make a good game again
>Everything since x event is shit
>Les Banes plane crash 4U
These are demonically tainted beliefs that manifest through their lives and spread through memes.

>> No.12293850

Interesting take. I will mull this.

>> No.12293856

How's that a ritual though? The neurons in my brain or w.e. 'fired' causing my arm to throw it up in the air and then it fell back down because of gravity. I didn't put on a cape and draw some strange symbols for it to happen. I didn't claim to levitate! I was just making the point that if you had a good enough system to measure chaos then I don't see how 'magic' or belief in it would be a thing anymore because people would be able to say, "Ah, it wasn't your ritual ceremonial magic that caused X to happen, it was this thing we can measure which was caused by this other thing", etc. Well we can already do that now... people can't levitate without tricks or powerful acoustic vibrations, etc, so I think we can say for certain it was bullshit, hallucination, or poor choice of words

>> No.12293858

What if I believe I'm going to grow wings and fly? Isn't it called schizophrenia or delusion?

>> No.12293878

>Thus we may assume an Ether or Akasa, inflamed or stressed by a partic- ular Prana. And all stresses in this Akasa being of one kind ultimately, though mediately diverse, it may be as easy to arrest the course of the Earth as to destroy a worm. For the Work is taking place in a World of Causes fluid and not soild, in Yetzirah (or even Briah) rather than in Assiah.

>It will be impossible or very difficult to move infantry from one wing of the engaged line to the other, but in the Quarters of the Staff it is indifferent whether that body, being at the base, is pushed forward to either. One cannot easily oxidize gold precipated from the chloride, but having the chloride, it is easy to prepare the oxide rather than the metal.

>And in all these matters reason must be the guide, and experience the teacher, so that the adept seek not to perform things impossible in Nature, and so blaspheme the Sacrament and bring it to comtempt.

Crowley, De Arte Magica.

I don't think even Crowley believed something impossible (in nature) could be achieved. Rather, Magick is reserved to achieve certain possibilities to manifest.

>> No.12293881

>hyperstitional cyberneticists
Gotta love these Land articles, like a puzzle in of itself

>> No.12293920

>Rather, Magick is reserved to achieve certain possibilities to manifest.
But it just sounds like some predecessor to law of attraction bs with some capes and symbols and a more intelligent man steering, if you ask me. It's just a belief in an idea(?) which exists, which continues existing until maybe one day it happens or it doesn't. There is no meme 'magic' at play other than believing/visualising something. Some things wouldn't be possible without other conditions which might predate the guy doing the magic to begin with.

>> No.12293926

your will is inexplicable to you, it just happens, you just do it, the more you can harness this groundlessness the more you can do magic

>> No.12293929

you manufacture your own reality, the more you understand why and how this is the case the more you can reclaim that power. The Secret is just secularized, watered-down occultism, it would be better to call The Secret just wannabe thelema, instead of the other way around

>> No.12293951

>it just happens, you just do it
What I will is determined by things such as the particular shape of my brain, past experience, how I interpret what I see and hear, etc, which is also determined by the particular shape of my brain and past experience which all transmute into me typing this right now.

>> No.12293954

no, your agency coincides with your causality, your agency IS your causality, the kind of vulgar determinism you're describing is philosophically untenable

>> No.12293962

In principle, you can't measure the chaos accurately enough to understand specifically what will happen, that is part of the definition of chaotic behavior. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory#Sensitivity_to_initial_conditions . Chaos means that even if you have 2 arbitrarily close initial conditions their ultimately trajectories will be completely different. This is actually complete consistent with magic, since it means that even seemingly very small actions (like doing a ritual) can have enormous long term consequence for the development of the system.

>> No.12293984
File: 22 KB, 250x354, nevillegoddard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing your external world is just consciousness pushed out and you control the entirety of reality
Magic is real my niggas, step it up.

>> No.12294006

Everything posted from these magic believers makes it sound as if platonic ideals are pushing themselves into existence.

That’s different from what you’re describing, which sounds like simple free will, albeit disciplined will.

I believe in the latter but not the former. Things are crafted by external forces, at least initially. Self determinism seems to come later.

>> No.12294026

>The Secret is just secularised, watered-down occultism
It is similar then.
>You manufacture your own reality, the more you understand why and how this is the case the more you can reclaim that power.
How though? By 'belief' alone, which is out of my control since I don't decide what I believe in? I'm not even choosing to type this here, that's my belief, and I didn't even decide to believe that.. it was decided for me. I didn't decide to do it really, it happened due to past experience, the shape of my brain, genetics, how I personally (bespoke to my individual brain in this exact state at this exact time, and all things) interpret the new information/information flowing in, and then back out, which I do not control. What part of that process do I control? How can I choose to believe in something if my brain governs what I believe in which is determined by things which are out of my control?
If I somehow take serious injury to the head I no longer 'will', my personality changes quite drastically since my brain is splattered elsewhere, and no 'belief' will save me. Vulgar determinism it may be.

>> No.12294069

I don’t think it’s necessarily binary. The degree can change, perhaps.

I used to believe strongly like you do, but learning about quantum theory and how observation can affect the behavior of electrons has made me question things. Currently learning the math to better understand physics (only at algebraic level right now, fuck) so I don’t have the necessary understanding to truly get it but it may be something you find interesting enough to look into yourself.

>> No.12294130

I only do ceremonial magic ironically. Does that make a difference? Maybe Crowley did, we'll never know.

>> No.12294502
File: 88 KB, 500x663, IMG_3273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulgar determinism is truth, and it also validates many other concepts. Fate, Destiny, Karma.

We are all the same consciousness living out different iterations of a deterministic chain reaction of flux/complexity (the cosmos). Be kind, treat others well.

>> No.12294516

>t. too dumb for Crowleyism

>> No.12294526

There are deterministic rules, but there are also random rules.
Fatalism is alright, I guess, but not something one can prove. Determinism is false, because alternatives exist.
>of a deterministic chain reaction of flux/complexity
Thing is, that there is a mythological entity you've chosen to feed and be bound to. It's not even scientific.

>> No.12294552

>because he was a hack
Most retarded thing you've said so far. He had a supreme command of English and gift for writing, whether you agree with what he wrote or not.

>> No.12294558

You're focusing on the wrong part of the chain reaction. There are a series of possible outcomes on a roulette wheel, the randomness comes from the complex interaction of all minutiae - who the croupier is, ambient room temperature, condition of the wheel to name a couple. It's only "random" because the factors are so numerous and subtle that their combined sybergistic effect is incalculable to us. Unless there's an unknown quantum interaction due to observation, the premise of determinism seems hard to refute.

What do you mean about a mythological entity?

>> No.12294560

This. People believe what they want to believe, and see what they want to see. This explains all of magic and religion. And since all viewpoints are subjective, you literally can't disprove any of it to the people concerned.

>> No.12295120

Christ taught us that if we have enough faith, we can order mountains to move.
Your wings might be planes, jet packs and whatever you can believe in.

>> No.12295127

>the randomness comes from the complex interaction of all minutiae
Quantum randomness is true mathematical ramdomness with no possible hidden variables.

>> No.12295150

At the very least, things like clairvoyance, telepathic communication, and precognition are real, whether they come from the Devil, God, or neither. I’ve experienced shit such that I no longer think figures like Crowley were that wacky. It doesn’t matter though, you’ll only ever learn certain phenomena are real if you’re destined to do so/your will for it is intense and genuine enough. You didn’t read this post and I don’t exist/am a LARPer/am insane by the way, so don’t ask questions.

>> No.12295230


considering the fact that you can't tell the difference between an empirical measurement and the actual explanation of said phenomena shows that you shouldn't be lecturing anyone

>> No.12295248

They were edgy larpers who thought this stuff was fun. (probably, it was)

>> No.12295590

Why do you curse them?

>> No.12295801

The narrative is all fucked up now. Who did this?

>> No.12296156

Crowley frequently took psychostimulants. Psychostimulants cause certain parts of the brain to temporalily be hyperdopaminergic, like how it is as baseline for people with chronic psychotic disorders. Dopamine was discovered in the human brain in the 1950s (after Crowley's death). Also Crowley was a massive troll. Take this info into account when considering the sincerity of "magic"

>> No.12296221

Even though I do agree with your post, Crowley was ahead of his.

I mean the man was born in Victorian England in 1875. He was using psychedelics like peyote when it was not even fashionable. Hashish, heroin, cocaine, ether - everything he could get his hands on. He made abstract art, he was some sort of pan-sexual.

I think he was right in a sense that we have entered "Aeon of Horus", he was like your normal Freak of today, but living 120 years before it became the norm

>> No.12296393

Yeah, maybe I was, but what I was saying was: To change the course of a mighty river it is enough to shift a single pebble far upstream, basically. That can be measured and modelled. Now, in 2018 already, they can measure every particle in a stream and model it thus being able to predict accurately which path the river will take. Hypothetically if you got good enough at the measuring everything in this way then that can scientifically explain away the magic as you can accurately predict it. Like revealing that a card trick was slight of hand. It wasn't Crowley's ritual that caused X to happen (although he contributed how everything else did), it was something that you could hypothetically predict. You can't get an exact outcome because chaos is chaos and that's the nature of it, but you can get a probability of an outcome. Like predicting the weather using satellites and data pulled from other places.. I'm sure thousands of years ago accurate prediction of the weather was 'magic' but it isn't now. That being said, Crowley's ritual would still be one part of the system regardless like how me walking down the street would be.

Or see this guys post >>12294558 if you could track all of the factors and interactions of minutiae within that system well enough, then you can get a probability of an outcome. Unless there's an unknown quantum interaction, as he said. Crowley's magic ritual still is a part of the minutiae like someone on the other side of the globe sneezing is.

>> No.12296420

Pretty much everyone at the higher ranks of power believes in 'magic', else why would they have such an extensive use of symbolism?

>> No.12296457

>Shazam I cast a spell
you do not understand chaos magick you fucking plebian
it seems silly to you because your ideas of it are your own retarded drivel, you have not made a single iota to engage with crowley outside of your own idiotic caricature. You fucking moron.

>> No.12296469

Actually I was baiting to make you bump my thread and it worked, haha guess you're the moron after all

>> No.12296498

you see, I can tell you are truly duped, because I am OP, bumping my own thread with that post to seed discord and further inflate the numbers, netting me more (you)s in the process.