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12289269 No.12289269 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best and worst books you've read on ideologies you disagree with?

>> No.12289273

Why would I read about some heeb's ideology? I have my own

>> No.12289285

Best: probably TS Eliot's poems
Worst: excerpts from Lauren Southern's books

>> No.12289317

the koran

>> No.12289349

Does anyone even read books they know will contradict one’s own beliefs?

>> No.12289370
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Always. Eventually, you become an argumentative hitman and argue in favor for or against any position. This is what I do for entertainment on this site. Sometimes I'm far-right, sometimes I'm a Marxist-Leninist, sometimes I'm a Catholic Traditionalist, sometimes I'm a hard atheist, the list goes on. I get people quite worked up sometimes and that itself is entertaining.

>> No.12289372

i find extremely dreadful any kind of political/ideological books
fuck that shit

>> No.12289376
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>not having any actual beliefs

>> No.12289386
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>> No.12289395

This is pretty based, but you have to lean some way in actuality... no?

>> No.12289401

It’s the best thing to do. Every scholar must know all sides of the argument

>> No.12289474

posts on 4chan desu

>> No.12289479
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I've ascended above politics and my beliefs for societal organization are an amalgamation of ideas, each extremely strong wherein they lie; discussing it with individuals is a waste of time, as people will call you a communist for criticizing the free market, a nationalist for supporting the idea of a nation-state, and find the variance in them to be untenable. Admittedly, the last point is true; the final synthesis of the ideas is yet incomplete and to ability to properly articulate them without contradiction needs refining.
Political thought as a whole has become empty for me. The ability to effectuate change in society is very limited by an individual and focusing efforts there is almost totally counterproductive, a waste of his life here on earth. While I am agnostic, I've been immersed in theological texts of the middle ages and the Church Fathers, which provides a much more, let's say rewarding outlook. Tolstoy said it more succinctly, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."

>> No.12289524

imagine having dead set beliefs

>> No.12289546
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Best: Alt-Woke Companion (http://tripleampersand.org/altwoke-companion/)), #ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics by Alex Williams and Nick Smicek
(http://criticallegalthinking.com/2013/05/14/accelerate-manifesto-for-an-accelerationist-politics/)), Demokratie: Eine Analyse by Eric von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Worst: Father's Vademecum by Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Polish Freemasonry 2014 by Stanisław Krajski, Ethnic Cleansing Manual

>> No.12289558

So you're a radical centrist?

>> No.12289567

Based NazBol Gang poster.

>> No.12289572
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Define what Ideology is

>> No.12289577


>> No.12289579

unironically based

>> No.12289601

Ideology is the tool by which a person unites what they want to be true, with what serves their material and social self-interest.

>> No.12289608

I tend to find large areas of agreement and disagreement in any author. Sure, in some the size of one or the other differs, but once you accept that there's potential in insight from a plethora of lenses, it makes it easier to read people you initially find off putting. You'll find something you agree with, usually.

>> No.12289622

Of course, but in terms of actual, respected philosophers and political theorists - don't see the point in reading say, Ayn Rand

>> No.12289628
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>> No.12289984

My diaries desu

>> No.12291807

would you agree:

there is more than one political philosophy which is"right" (in the sense of true) depending on the first premises people assume to be true (or easier spoken: their core beliefs or beliefs they take for granted OR things they think would be a worthy goal to achieve for society) which themselves are (or could be) just axioms.

youre own viewpoint is ascended, because you see many perspectives on society or reality, which could be true, if you would engange with them, but you choose not to (yet?).

>> No.12292084
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Based ideology

>> No.12292091

Pinker tier garbage.

>> No.12292142

Best: Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Political
Charles Taylor’s work on ‘catholic modernity’
Unironically John Rawls

Worst, gotta agree with >>12289285 Lauren Southern’s book was something very special.

>> No.12292194

Best: Rorty's Achieving our Country
Worst: Zizek's First as a Tragedy then as a Farce

>> No.12292201

This. Holding fixed ideas is a betrayal of one's own dasein im the face of understanding potentiality-for-being.

>> No.12292222

Not the poster but yes. Everything is défendable. Everything is only dependent on an hermeneutical situation.

Engaging implies a sacrifice of potentiality. Some people only enjoy the analysis and theory and see praxis as meaningless.

>> No.12292237

>Some people only enjoy the analysis and theory and see praxis as meaningless.

E.g some people just like producing ideology and hope someone pays them for it if they get good enough at it.

>> No.12292250

t. Small brain

>> No.12292275


>> No.12292625

Imagine not having a belief that you are absolutely convinced of and that you’ve been defending and utilizing since childhood. What’s even the point of life if you’ve got nothing that you consider immutable?

>> No.12292627

how was her book and what was it about?

>> No.12292633
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Is this you?