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1228913 No.1228913 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys! I've been writing a few stories lately after seeing similar stories on the net, the only rule being it has to be exactly 50 words. It's not a serious form, I know, but it can be fun. Here's one of mine, feel free to judge it and also to try your own, this could be a laugh.

“I need some new sunglasses. I hate squinting all the time,” she said, shading her face with her hand, “but I can't stand really dark ones. I need to see peoples' eyes.” I don't think she sees what's in my eyes. “The sun's bright today.” I replied.

>> No.1228924

This is good for a second but leaves me desiring more.

>> No.1228955


I guess it doesn't really have a very definite ending. I should expand on it really...one day...

Trying to write a good story in 50 words is pretty challenging though I think. It's a good exercise. Give it a go!

>> No.1228994

OP here. Here's another fifty. You guys should try it too.

He Could Have Been So Much More

I remember him. He had a list of all the things he would do before he died, things like stealing a sports car, making a bomb or having a beer bottle smashed over his head, things like that. I hear he's doing a degree in fine art now. Damn shame.

>> No.1229000


I call the this one Dark Glasses btw. The title isn't included in the word count obviously.

>> No.1229008

Rain beats down on me like the unfettered tears of mothers hovering, broken and shivering, over freshly turned dirt. This city encases me and I am suffocating. I look down and see snails - I crush them and then watch the water wash the entrails into the gutter. Good bye.

>> No.1229017


That's some really nice imagery you have there.

>> No.1229026

I lost him when his condo dissapeared. I remember times when I saw what he became, in the dark, with a cigarette and a split lip. He spoke to the chain-link fences and the dirty street signs. His hands, fractured and bruised, still had the ability to resuscitate the world.

>> No.1229035

To Stand Still Whilst Others Move

I saw a trodden flower on the floor and stopped. Yellows and reds erupting in grit; a crushed tulip blazing like sun. I felt drawn towards this flower, to this spot where I stood.
An elderly couple started walking up behind me. Standing still suddenly seemed rather strange. I left.

>> No.1229044


I really dig that. I love that the flower is crushed - in my opinion flowers are such beautiful things, to crush them is to make an act of evil. I also like how the couple is elderly and the speaker feels awkward for standing still. That's really cool.

>> No.1229055


Thanks. It's a true story too haha I think nature is beautifull too, but even when it's rotten or hurt it's still beautiful. Have you heard of Wabi-Sabi? It's like a sort of Japanese philosophy that believes in the beauty of broken or dying things, like dead leaves or an old cracked vase. I like that sort of view. Decay can be beautiful too.


This is another good one. It creates a nice character, mysterious. You should give your stories titles though, it'll let you some them up nicely and, if nothing else, give you a few extra words to play with! Haha

>> No.1229059

The ninja jumped in front of me. I pulled out my lightsaber. “It’s on like donkey kong” he shouted as his arm transformed into a lazer katana. He leaped to an attack. I dodged and gave a lateral slice. “I’ll half’t see ya latter” I told his bloody bisected bits.

>> No.1229062

bloody brilliant.

>> No.1229074


Hahahaha nice one!

>> No.1229077


I hadn't heard of Wabi-Sabi but I like the idea. I once travelled to China and Hong Kong and I found that the places I found to be really interesting and beautiful are the slums and the dark alleyways that have been rotting and broken for ages yet they are some of the most alive places I have ever been too.


The title of that one is: In Vitro Disintegration


Can't really think of a suitable title for that one...

>> No.1229079
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>“I’ll half’t see ya latter”

>> No.1229093


'In Vitro Disintegration' that's a great title (I admit I had to google In Vitro though) it really suits it and brings it even more in focus.

And I agree with your stories of the alleys and such. You can find beauty in the funniest places. When I heard of Wabi-Sabi though I was able to give it a name at last. It's a really nice way of looking at things.

I really quite like doing the fifty word stories. It's good to do when you're bored or feeling a little uninspired. It seems quite silly to have just fifty words but it does make you concentrate and try and get things tight.

>> No.1229096

Thoughts at the Bottom of a Bag

I should have seen the signs of my downfall. Drugs. The wasted days turning into weeks, into months; the obsession with the girl who I could never talk to. Here I am, thinking of her whilst I silently rot alone. I never learnt. I wonder if she even remembers me?

>> No.1229109

My dick is so hard. Like a rock. I want to pound her to a pulp, with my dick. Break into her pussy, destroying every barrier, dropping a load into her uterus. Throw myself through her limits, destroying her every sense in a peak of enjoyment. I want her dead.

>> No.1229120

A Kind Old Lady Giving Blowjobs

Her teeth came out. Slop. . .slop. Her mouth sounded like sex and I felt my trousers tighten on me. "Come here, young man," she waved me over, unbuckled me and guided me into her slimy minty mouth. But I was too excited. One thrust. She'd had it. . .choked. . . died.

>> No.1229142


"I really quite like doing the fifty word stories. It's good to do when you're bored or feeling a little uninspired. It seems quite silly to have just fifty words but it does make you concentrate and try and get things tight."

So true. I had fun :) I'll definitely try it out again sometime.

>> No.1229150


There’s a case: it holds the answer to my dilemma in all of its shades and colors. She opens it, grabs a brush, and starts to paint her face. I observe as her eyes transform and deepen into alluring metamorphic spectacles, and use the opportunity to deftly steal her potato.

>> No.1229155


Hahahahaha you really got me there!


I'm glad you enjoyed it :) you're stories were really good too.

>> No.1229157


Whoops! Ignore the typo!

>> No.1229164

I imagined that as she was standing there, cigarette in her hand, painting a chiaroscuro with her smoke, that she was a fine specimen of a woman. Her face was dripping with rain, as it usually was, with those who could not love her, as I kept on looking on.

>> No.1229203

I can't remember how long I was in that bed for. That room seemed to suck out time. I do remember some things though, like being alone and hearing the people invading the bars at night, screeching and screaming with the seagulls whilst I stared at the wall; drinking alone.

>> No.1229226

The Substitution

Inside the base, Rambo Junior had devised a method to destroy the evil Tyrannosaurus Robot that was terrorizing the impoverished village and demolishing the rain forest for drug crops. Unfortunately, the Robot’s thirty six barrel machine gun sent Rambo Junior’s plan to abrupt oblivion at sixteen thousand rounds a second.

>> No.1229234



>> No.1229848

I lost the game in twenty-paces. So short my cruise ship stopped at shore. I paced myself around town eating the ramen. I left my hopes in the empty boxes and looked towards the sea for my enemy. Boats rocked on the harbour. My heart beat in time. I smiled and licked my lips. The salty taste made my ears water.