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12287873 No.12287873 [Reply] [Original]

What is the philosophy behind transgenderism?

>> No.12287877

Mutant Cartesian dualism

>> No.12287878

Selling dumb shit to retarded faggots
i.e capitalism

>> No.12287882

>got diddled as a child so ill become the girl my rapist pedo uncle wanted me to be

>> No.12287885

too much anime

>> No.12287891

/lit/ is truly a place for intellectuals

>> No.12287894

well, what is the philosophy of transgenderism then if those are wrong?

>> No.12287900

Scientific evidence mixed with the recognition that gender is a social construct. Get over it you reactionaries

>> No.12287904

Modern transgenderism? It is made an easy option to the young and impressionable. I believe teens (or psychologically regressive adults) see it as a way to rebel from their parents, demand attention, and most importantly live a new identity. All forms of transgenderism are extremely unhealthy.

>> No.12287906

t. kid that got diddled

>> No.12287909
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Terrible bait.

>> No.12287910

Hmm, that is interesting. What is this scientific evidence and who are the philosophers who believe gender is a social construct?

>> No.12287914

im going to fucking kill myself

>> No.12287919

As if to prove my point...

>> No.12287921

I talked to a trans professor about this. They said, if gender was all genetic then we wouldn't find people who felt gender dysphoria, or women who are more masculine etc. On the other hand they acknowledged it can't all be social, there are clearly masculine and feminine traits from birth. So this person saw it as some combination of genetics and social participation in roles and an individual can feel more comfortable in the opposite role.

I am not into trans stuff, but I find this view incredibly reasonable. That doesn't mean I need to let trans people babysit my kids or whatever. The media push is out of control

>> No.12287923

This basically. Transgenderism is a social contagion spread among weebs through discord groups

>> No.12287925


>> No.12287947
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It's a neurological issue that we mostly know how to deal with. Left untreated, it has a very high mortality rate (picrel). Early detection and intervention is the best practice until we learn how to actually manipulate people's brains in a precise way. Some activists hijacked it, and are the most visible spokespeople but you shouldn't listen to them and should stick to the empirical data. Transpeople are people and should be treated with acceptance and compassion like any others

>> No.12287997

I used to be so behind the transgender/gender revolution. I went to rallies and had many friends in the community. My best friend came out as trans and I’d drive him to get treated with hormones. I was in very deep. Then my best friend started behaving so erratically and became an alcoholic, lost his job, starts slyibg to me and didn’t pay the bills on the place we shared together. I came home multiple times to ambulances there trying to make sure he wasn’t dead of suicide. He even shit his pants one time. I started hearring crazy lies about me in our friend group and we eventually had a huge fight about all of this shit. He told me he doesn’t give a shit about the opinion of men anymore.

Despite all of this I still thought this was an abberant individual that didn’t reflect on the gay community. As the years went on every single trans person I knew started to become mentally unhinged with multiple suicide attempts who were so emotionally unavailable they couldn’t be there for me as a friend through my own problems. We grew older. I started to realize so much of what they were doing comes from a place
Of absolute narcissism, and none of it is working within a void. Being gay has always been a normal thing people did, there were even gay Nazis. What’s happening now IS NOT THAT. It’s a total cultural phenomenon that’s artificial and panders to specific people. It comes attached to not just simply identifying a certain way but with a whole world view that’s already mapped and locked into every emotional and political point you could ever dream of. I feel bad for these people, but on the other hand they’re so pathetic and weak. Nobody under 30 has any idea about any of this, it’s all masquerading as synonymous to being gay, and it’s so far from that. I was on the front lines, in living the culture as it’s playing out. None of the figureheads or celebrities or anyone else knows what it’s like being a young person in the cultural milieu of all of this. They’re so out of touch.

Now I dream about how I wish all these people would literally get hit by a car or get cancer and die because they’re lost causes. Young people know this intuitively and the future looks less accepting and quite grim for gay people because of this.

>> No.12287998

If it's neurological issue than both sex and gender are based in biology, and you can't just go inventing genders on a whim.

>> No.12288012

No shit, thats not what were talking about here. Transgenderism is caused by improper prenatal masculization of the brain. Genderqueer stuff is something made up by bored cishet women

>> No.12288017

I dunno if anime encourages gender dysphoria, but it most certainly encourages pedophilia

>> No.12288023

It's probably more correlative and causative. A lot of kids that don't fit in ecscape into anime these days

>> No.12288024

Critical theory, post-modernism and 3rd-4th wave feminism.

>> No.12288026

Men coveting womenhood, women experiencing discomfort at feminine gender roles and how society consumes their bodies

>> No.12288028


>> No.12288064

Man’s sinful nature and rebellion against God extending to denial of that most basic of revealed truths, “male and female created He them.”

>> No.12288068

kim ilsungism kim jongilism

>> No.12288075
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yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.12288076

Awful misreadings of Foucault and Butler filtered through three tumblr posts and one half-understood 200 level sociology class which is already just philosophy for brainlets with a heavy dose of bourgeois moralism.

>> No.12288080

But Adam was trans. He generated Eve from himself

>> No.12288082
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>> No.12288083


>> No.12288086

Literally accelerationism

>> No.12288088

Leibniz, Fichte, Stirner, Marx, Freud.

>> No.12288090

This, but unironically

>> No.12288105

It's a reaction against capitalism

>> No.12288114

Mostly these in all actuality.

>> No.12288133

>if gender was all genetic then we wouldn't find people who felt gender dysphoria
Because there are no genetic disorders? I don't even disagree with the conclusion, but that's just stupid.
Also it's a hell of a leap from "some people are not happy with the social role related to their sex" to "people can and should be able to change their sex".

>> No.12288150

It is a warped dualism with Gnostic elements.

>> No.12288163


>> No.12288165

Commodification of identity. Under Capitalism we're so used to hearing that everything is attainable that when something is beyond reach, like belonging to a different gender, it evokes a desire that only grows greater when seeing how every other type of identity is marketed and sold uncontroversially. It doesn't help that gender roles are still heavily ingrained in the collective unconciousness. Trans people use gender as a scapegoat for their alienation from society, just like minorities use opression and conservatives use the left, it's all an excuse not to notice how powerless we are in this system and at the same time an excuse not to engage in any sort of self-improvement.

>> No.12288182

Funny seeing lefties blaming trannies on capitalism HAHAHA

God this is truly a great time to be alive

>> No.12288185
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>society teaches that you can choose who you are
>people start choosing to be the other sex

>> No.12288191

Overwhelming self-loathing, often paired with sexual trauma, potentially manifested as dysphoria, and a desire to adopt a new identity to escape it. So in other words
Otherwise it's a faggot who gets horny at the thought of being a dickgirl.

>> No.12288198

t. brain dead moron

>> No.12288237

Existentialism. Existence precedes essence.

>> No.12288254
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Fallen man is by nature rebellious toward God, his Creator. Transgenderism is yet another manifestation of man attempting to become his own creator. The Enlightenment allowed this to happen.

>> No.12288261

Well it's not like there's something left of our culture that hasn't been permeated by Capitalism

>> No.12288262

I should add that it's also supposed to happen to the degree that it does. It will all end in fire.

>> No.12288268

Suck a turd directly out of my fucking asshole you pretty little girl, daddy is waiting

This is the correct answer ( spurred on by lack of religion and capitalism and an amalgamation of almost every answer here )

>> No.12288296
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Dugin is right on this. Transgenderism is liberalism taken to the furthest extent. Liberalism, in Dugin's view, is the subjugation and destruction of all collective identities to arrive at the absolute, atomised, and deraccinated individual. Liberalism destroyed class identity, the "castes" of traditional Aryan society and Marxism was a kind of reaction in opposition to that. Liberalism has destroyed racial identity and fascism/national socialism is a reaction in opposition to that. Now, liberalism has destroyed gender identity, because forcing belonging to the collecitve of "gender" is an imposition on the absolute individual which liberalism will not tolerate, so transgenderism, gender-fluidity, and all other rejections of traditional gender identities are the current weapon of liberalism in its greater effort to destory any collective being which can threaten it. Dugin also links this to transhumanism, saying that once class, race, and even gender are all optional or abolished, the next target of liberalism will be the collective of humanity. At this point liberalism will consider the mandatory belonging to humanity to be an imposition on the absolute individual that must be destroyed, hence, the destruction of humanity must come about for liberlaism to continue existing, ever-progressing, ever-morphing. This is particularly dangerous as Dugin's Fourth Political Theory employs Dasein as the object of its thought. Dasein is of course, unique to humans, so this destruction of humanity would prevent even this last ditch attempt to defend against liberalism by undoing any ontological unity in mankind. Post-humanity will be liberalism victorious with no way back, no recourse, never ending hell. Trannies are step 3 of 4

>> No.12288306

Judith Butler, bull dyke and Jewess, took some retarded idea from the 80s where marxist class analysis is decoupled from the context of economy and is applied instead to gender.

It was a tenure gambit that worked well for her, but no so much for society.

>> No.12288312

Not even close dude. Transgenderism is all about being co-opted into the capitalist panopticon and has more accessories and entertainment marketed to and about it than any social moment ever seen before it in terms of how fast it was absorbed into culture.

None of these trannies view themselves outside of a group or atomized/individual. It’s a tailor made worldview that has tenents for every social situation and an entire dogmatic way of living attached to it.

>> No.12288322

>that feel when you realize that becoming a cartoon of a woman is actually what they are doing, not to be what their innermost self is externally, but to escape their very real psychological problems.

You talk to 50 transpeople you talk to 48 people in therapy on medication and two that are in and out of jail for doing psychotic stuff IRL

I know the feels. You wanted to believe them on face, but they literally hide their face value as an externalization of their inner duplicity.

>> No.12288327

>gender is a social construct
>need hormones and surgeries to change a social construct
yes very coherent

>> No.12288337

>Transgenderism is all about being co-opted into the capitalist panopticon
Of course, liberalism and capitalism are literally the same thing.

>and has more accessories and entertainment marketed to and about it than any social moment ever seen before it in terms of how fast it was absorbed into culture.
Tranny culture and identity is not legitimate culture though is it. It is pure facade which is almost always characterised by a negation of traditional culture and identity. Liberals capitalists make money of them but that doesn't mean they are a part of a real whole.

>None of these trannies view themselves outside of a group or atomized/individual
What the trannies think or don't think is meaningless. They are being used to attack collective identity and tradition. Liberalism can easily facilitate the creation of fragile and limited collective idenities, which are bound to failure if they can be used to destory more coherent traditional ones

>It’s a tailor made worldview that has tenents for every social situation and an entire dogmatic way of living attached to it.
Their whole worldview and the tenets for every social situation is nothing more than being transgressive though. They don't provide anything new or substantial, just polemics against tradition and identities that aren't their own or beneficial to them.

>> No.12288340

Also, if gender IS a social construction that is harmful, why would one not want to stop playing the game, drop out of any social gender identity and role?
Why purposefully choose the most marginal and physically risky gender identities?

They are obsessed with the idea of enforced patriarchal oppression and their response is to not drop out or even emulate the strong position-- they choose very publicly the weakest possible position!

>> No.12288343

The very idea that a social construct is something you can pick and choose on an individual level is already incoherent. Money is a social construct, but you can't just pick your bank balance.

>> No.12288353

But you can pay in bitcoin

>> No.12288356

I don’t disagree with most of your analysis here as the nihilism this artificial culture pushes them to offers nothing new or substantive as you said. It’s also obvious they’re useful idiots for the liberal party to attack traditionalists but where we disagree is that they’re anything like individualists. These people are just buying into the newest social trends that are pre-packaged for them but it’s obvious your point of view is seeing all morality and value in tradition and I don’t belive that. Yes, I belive in masculinity and prefer traditional women. No, I don’t believe in objective morality as there is no god. Im what an actual individualist looks like, and we probably have 99% of our morality and values in common. I’m asking you not to shun people like me because as globalism proceeds we will need eachother. Your kind and my kind will need to Stand together, and I value your morality as a pillar of society.

Just consider it a bit.

>> No.12288361

Regarding the trannies on 4chan, >>12287885.

>> No.12288362

If transgendered individuals are just 0.6% of the US population then gender correlates to underlying sex at 0.994

>> No.12288378

I've never really understood modern transgender activists. It's one of those situations where the basis of what they believe sounds plausible: that a distinction can be drawn between what you are, genetically, and what you are, socially and culturally. But "can" does not imply "should", and I don't understand why a person experiencing gender identity issues should be physically transformed to eliminate the problem, any more than we should acquiesce to other mental disorders: we would never suggest an anorexic have weight-loss surgery, or carry out the desires of a rambling schizophrenic.

Often the ideas are justified with straightforwardly bad history and anthropology. The one I'm familiar with is the idea that fa'afafine are a third gender, sometimes used to justify the normalisation of non-traditional gender roles. But this is a western imposition: any glance at the historical record (acknowledging potential bias in the missionaries, who may have expunged unChristian behaviour) clarifies that fa'afafine are (biological) men socialised as women, from their historic participation in female labour, to their acceptable sexual partners. It is even in the name, fa'afafine meaning "in the manner of a woman" or "to be as a woman". Fa'afafine as a normalised third-gender is a modern western imposition.

It makes sense that gender is part of your identity, but gender is a specific thing, as distinguished from ethnicity, or culture, or other parts of your identity. It is that part of your identity which supervenes on sex, so while a distinction may fairly be made between sex and gender, the two are still intimately related. To deny this is to say that a person's genetics has literally no impact on their identity and behaviour, which is obviously nonsense.

There's a bit of this as well, though obviously seeing a few cases that confirm your beliefs doesn't make them true. Every transgender person I've met is, to some unpleasant degree, both unhinged and repugnant. In their defense, I think it's obviously the hedonistic, selfish activist subculture that purports to speak on their behalf. Gay people often belong to the same subculture, though being gay is far more normalised, so you meet gay people that aren't absolutely shambolic human beings.

In many ways modern "transgenderism" (if you want to call it that) and its accompanying obsession with sex and gender identity resembles more a deviant sexual subculture than an actual expression of personal identity.

>> No.12288382

Traditionalism will certainly accept you, so long as you do the things.
that's all Tradition is, a set of things we do, regardless of our personal suspicions about the practicality or rationale.
You do the things because we always have.
That's actually a thing I learned in childhood, unlearned as a young man, and then relearned as it went on.

The Asians and believe it or not Jews are part of how I relearned.
They have a tradition, a Way of Doing Life that goes back before history and will be here after history stops recording in the coming crises.
No matter how hard they get stomped, or what the ideological flavor is, Traditional Peoples do the same shit their ancestors were doing 20k years ago.

That is the strength of Tradition: it does not require your faith or your reason, just your action. You will believe in the end more what you DO than you will ever DO as you believe.

>> No.12288396

It pleases me to hear this and I agree. I value traditionalism but I got there through deep questioning and years of learning. I still think of myself as an individual in so many ways but I arrived to my personal morality and values by observing that they work practically. I think some people aren’t strong enough to do this and give in to nihilism and weakness which I can understand why many despise it. But it has been a hard journey for me and I’m very proud of my evolution.

It will be us men that will put the world together once more.

>> No.12288412

What about the huge increase in trans persons just over the last few years?
I remember hearing about study which, although it supposedly had quite a few methodical problems, proposed the peer group played quite a role in people identifiying themself as trans (have one transgirl come out on the discord server which serves as your peer group and another few will follow).

>> No.12288441

It falls apart when you realize there's no such things as "body dysmorphia." It's literally just mental perversion. There's no magical part of the brain that says the body should look this way or that way besides in basic, elemental ways. Most of the "feminine looks" they want are results of flattering clothes and make up and don't even exist in reality.

>> No.12288449



>> No.12288452


>"there are no biological differences between men and women"
>"trans people are men with women's brains! "

the fucking left and its gnosticism

>> No.12288461

Remember to not call your pet "he" or "she" because they can't tell you their gender. Use they/them.

>> No.12288469

got it ;)

>> No.12288471
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Specifically I mean stuff like this:
Let a young, struggling loner, insecure about his identity and place in the world, who doesn't really fit in the traditional model of male masculinity, perhaps not 100% hetero, with a dash of autistic traits on top read this stuff for a while and I think the chance of him out as trans is well over >1%.

>> No.12288486
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What did Foucault write about it?

>> No.12288488

That pic...


>> No.12288501

the armchair psychologist in action

>> No.12288509

People are things
I own myself as a thing
Usus, fructus, abusus
Freedom is the right to abuse myself!
It's the ultimate stage of liberalism

>> No.12288512

People that advocate liberalism, indirectly abuse others. Damn

>> No.12288517
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>> No.12288523


>> No.12288532 [DELETED] 


>> No.12288534

too much anomie

>> No.12288542
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>> No.12288551
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>> No.12288561

well that's a radical way to phrase things but it's not wrong. - it's the issue of hippie parents for instance. when you got some authority upon someone and you tell em "Do what you want", it can actually be indirect abuse. It can indirectly harm them.
However when saying 'liberalism' I should have added individualism. Liberalism itself can be related to universalism. When it's not, and it's strictly grounded on individualism, then it's indeed shit and can lead to transgenderism. (as a consequence, >>12288237 is right, at least half right, in that existentialism is individualism even if Sartre wouldn't admit it)
I wonder if existentialism is necessarily liberal. Possibly. If yes, that sucks.

>> No.12288566

you'll always be a second rate woman and a second rate man. you're most likely unsalvageable

go to /lgbt/ and leave this board alone, you were tricked by hideri and felix that you could look like that if you tried hard enough

>> No.12288578
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>existentialism is individualism even if Sartre wouldn't admit it
woah what is this? can you elaborate

>> No.12288579

are there male and female monads ? more precisely, male and female spirits (spirit being a monad that can think, that is, a soul)

>> No.12288581

>spirit being a monad that can think, that is, a soul
That's not what a monad is, brainlet

>> No.12288583

>I wonder if existentialism is necessarily liberal.

It’s either co-depedant or existesialism is emergent of liberalism. I believe the idea of liberalism came first.

>> No.12288587
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>gender is a social construct
Gender is socially articulated, but it is still grounded in biology. This allows for some cultural variance, but not much. The fact that gender roles are pretty consistent across the board, and that men and women tend to thrive in their respective roles, suggests that they aren't just some arbitrary power-play like gender theorists want us to believe. The kind of evil implied in the concept of patriarchy would make this world irredeemible.

>> No.12288592

If gender is really a social construct unrelated to sex as trans people claim then why do they attempt to change their sex - transition?

>> No.12288611
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What is the ethical way to deny people the "right" to abuse themselves?

What measures should be expected of a family member or a close friend? What should be expected from the rest of us?

>> No.12288615



>> No.12288618


Save it my friend, it's all yours! :)

>> No.12288648

>“[I]n many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army.”

>> No.12288655

>What the trannies think or don't think is meaningless. They are being used to attack collective identity and tradition. Liberalism can easily facilitate the creation of fragile and limited collective idenities, which are bound to failure if they can be used to destory more coherent traditional ones
true, this is like urban tribes of the past centered around consumption, they were loved by capitalism. now even that is untenable as an identity and we have to move on to more dissipated forms of identity like "gender explosion" or "travelling alone"

>> No.12288669

Rapid onset gender dysphoria, the result of suddenly indoctrination from exposure to infected peer groups could be related to the process described by Yuri Bezmenov; Soviet agents infiltrated college campuses to spread subversive ideas, others who were never even sleeper agents became useful idiots and pareoted these ideas, and the subversion once set in motion continues to move on its own.
In the case of transgenderism, the most obvious 'original agents' responsible are pharmaceutical companies and trans surgical practices, which donate a great deal of money to transgender activist organizations.

>> No.12288673
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>and I don't understand why a person experiencing gender identity issues should be physically transformed to eliminate the problem, any more than we should acquiesce to other mental disorders
well, this is part of the modern ideology started on the 60s (and from bad psychoanalysis) where mental issues are the fault of you repressing your desires, or of society not accepting your desires and not being empathetic enough towards you even when you are acting like a retard

i think by this point it's pretty clear that being too unhinged about your desires is not healthy for individuals or for society, but this idea still seems to permeate everything, psychology, "therapy" culture, normie magazine articles, and all that stuff. Specially women seem to believe very strongly on this-

when writing articles about the past they very often also frames the past in the lens of how those people's desires were repressed and the true message is that they should have abandoned all tradition and let their desires guide them

I recently saw the film Ironclad, which is a really bad and unimaginative "defend the fort" film, but it has the same message bolted onto it, that the main character should just drop all his beliefs and everything he believes in just to fuck the girl he likes, that this is the healthy choice and he should just done that from the beginning and if just everybody did that there would be no war

>> No.12288704

Hedonism, materialism, capitalism, modernism, fetishism.

>> No.12288735

Second rate is even putting is charitably.
They are awful imitations of the real thing, and after surgery have desecrated what they objectively are, rather than whatever they think they are in their own heads.

>> No.12288797
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Dank and epic maymay, comrade.

>> No.12288805

I could understand gender ROLES being a social construct, but mutilating kids with hormones and surgery making them believe they can truly be a girl or a man when reality is clearly otherwise is just plain evil.
Ive often compared it to telling a paranoid schizophrenic that they are right in their paranoia and telling them the voices are real AS a treatment for their mental illness

>> No.12288824

People that just write things off as social constructs realize theyre not actually saying anything right?

>> No.12288843
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Medical companies wanting a quick buck out of the suffering of the mentally ill

>> No.12288844

Well I have no perfect answer but there SHOULD be an ethical way to deny people the "right" to abuse themselves. Everybody admits it when it comes to kids. Education in general is already something that denies people (kids) several rights regarding themselves. Now there's a lot of people who never actually grow smarter than kids, or more mature than kids. Is it fair that some adult people are under legal custody for legit reasons ? I think it's fair yeah.
More generally it's really hard to decide what kind of advice should be given to a close friend. What should I tell my friend when he wants to quit smoking ? When he wants to commit suicide ? When he wants to "transition" ? I think "do what you want" is not always the best advice, and not a necessarily legit one.

re-read Monadology, square brainlet. "Spirit" has a very specific meaning.

The whole lecture "L'existentialisme est un humanisme" is supposed to explain how existentialism does not equal individualism. Existentialism does imply the rejection of morals. However I think the way Sartre explains it is not convincing at all. He says that whenever I make a choice, my decision is good for me, therefore it's good for all according to me (in that everybody should make the same choice in a similar situation). The argument seems quite poor to me, that's why I guess existentialism can still be said to equal individualism.

Yeah I think you're right. It sucks because I like good old Sartre but yeah.

>> No.12288846

>Existentialism does imply the rejection of moral
sry, meant 'does NOT' (according to Sartre's lecture)

>> No.12288865

>literally whos and pseudo-scientists
Unsurprised and unimpressed.

>> No.12288875

Yes but more correctly, enlightenment individualism

>> No.12288878

Not much a philosophy. More like unadulterated schizophrenia.
The philosophy behind letting them not just have said delusions, but to force everyone else to behave like said delusions are the truth, is mainly marxism, particularly when it comes to acting out the second part of Marx's manifesto (the part about bringing the existing culture down to replace it with a communist one). In that sense, it might also be considered accelerationism, trying to make the countries where said schizophrenic behavior is forced upon its citizens to go the way of Rome asap.

>> No.12288879

Don't they just do it due to severe gender disphoria?

>> No.12288884

Was. It is now a fashion statement, kinda like political lesbianism.
And sadly I'm not even joking. There's been studies, and taking hrt and chopping your dick off happens in clusters.

>> No.12288936

Happens with all kinds of mental illnesses. Back in the good old days, parents would just beat stuff like autism out of their kid.

>> No.12288940


>> No.12288941

>The extreme rise of autism is because parents dont beat their children enough

Somehow I believe this is true.

>> No.12288967

Don't you guys think that we're being too shy with physical punishments? I mean, why not the whip instead of a few weeks in prison? I'm not being ironic. It should be possible to inflict pain without harming too much, without inflicting something unacceptable. Every physical punishment is not necessarily unacceptable.

>> No.12288977

You're misunderstanding the meaning of discipline. It isn't meant to punish the child, but to correct their behavior.

>> No.12288979

works well for Singapore, the problem with physical punishments is that you will probably end up with a justice system full of psychopaths

the right person to administer such punishments would be a person very reluctant to do it, but that's never the case on the long term

>> No.12288984

It's not a philosophy, it's more like "i feel like shit when i look in the mirror because i want to be (opposite sex) so i wanna change it"

>> No.12288995

are you saying mirrors are the problem?

>> No.12289028

Mirrors aren't real. The problem is vanity and the weird belief that we should be happy and if we aren't happy we need to change things to become happy

>> No.12289037


>> No.12289040

Yep sure. Now apart from education, when it comes to crime, every punishment does not have to "correct". Sometimes it does, sometimes it does not.
(But hey, back on topic - perhaps the rise of transgenderism comes from the lack of pain inflicted by parents. Is it an unacceptable hypothesis or just a stupid one? When fathers would hit their boys, boys would develop the urge to become a good man and kill and replace their father. That's how things worked. That's how men were constructed.)

>> No.12289046


I don't kniw too many transgenders, but u doubt someone like Caitlin Jenner is browsing /a/

>> No.12289060

You'd be surprised how many people in their 40s and 50s browse /a/.

>> No.12289078

I'm not aware of any culture that has ever considered patricide part of being a good man.

>> No.12289093

Lit goes to show how even the most educated can be deceived by cultural trends judging by the dumb replies to your post.

>> No.12289121

do you know where can i get an english translation of his book?

>> No.12289147
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Holy shit this thread

Some regions of the brain are sexually dimorphic. Now, they're sexually dimorphic in the sense that height is sexually dimorphic, not in the sense that genitals are sexually dimorphic. Men are, on average, taller than women. Similarly some areas of the brain tend to look one way in women and another in men. Think of two largely overlapping bell curves.

The research shows that pre-HRT trans people, regardless of their sexual orientation, tend toward androgyny on the group level when it comes to some sexually dimorphic regions of the brain. That is, the center of the trans bell curve is roughly in between the other two. This is a significant finding but it can't be summed up as "trans people are actually the other sex inside". These regions are not *absolutely* dimorphic the way genitals are. We don't call tall women intersex despite of the fact that being tall correlates with being a man and being short correlates with being a woman.

There are studies that show that transness correlates with genes that reduce one's sensitivity to the dominant sex hormones of one's sex. The dimorphic regions of the brain are influenced by sex hormones. Twin studies show that if one identical twin is trans then the other is overwhelmingly more likely to be trans as well. In other words transsexuality almost certainly has a biological component and actually does correlate with masculinity in trans men and femininity in trans women. Now, does that mean that it is necessarily *entirely* biological? No. It could be that, yes, there is some as of now ununderstood network that controls for gender identity but it is also plausible that the biological differences merely predispose the individual toward developing a cross-sex identity.

>> No.12289153
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Animal studies show that if you expose certain animals to a certain amount of cross-sex hormones during key stages of their perinatal development they'll behave like animals of the opposite sex despite overtly looking like their "original" sex. I think that it is plausible that transsexuality is how this phenomenon expresses itself in humans.

Brain studies:

Gene studies:

Twin/Heritability studies:

Animal studies:

>> No.12289178

>there are physiologically effeminate men and masculine women
Absolutely groundbreaking discovery.

>> No.12289191
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Nice twitter reaction gif!

>> No.12289213
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Which one? The Fourth Political Theory and Rise of the Fourth Political Theory, which talk about the tranny question a little bit are published by Arktos who also publish Eurasian Mission, Ethnos and Society, and The Last War of the World Island. Those three deal almost exclusively with ethnosociology and geopolitics though. A lot of Dugin's good stuff can be read in English at http://www.4pt.su/en he also has quite a few good lectures up on youtube if you can understand his accent properly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNUKAQ61ay0&list=PLsDWunul1uS_-BR3BTxRgROHPP1K-rfDo for example is pretty good and gives you a fuck load of material to work with.

>> No.12289216
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>> No.12289220


>> No.12289225

You do know that only a small fraction of tranners get bottom surgery and that it is mainly forced by governments in order to get legal recognition, right?

>> No.12289235

1. I didnt have a prenatal partial masculinization of my brain
2. Therefore no one else does

>> No.12289236

This is the worst fucking post I’ve seen on the history of lit.

Absolutely horrible all the way around, terribly executed and a fucking joke of a statement

>> No.12289244

The oikophobe desires nothing more than to be trampled underfoot.

>> No.12289251

Its just people who have forgotten that words is merely a tool for communication.

>> No.12289256

Only redditers say “you do know […], right”. So I will not be giving you any further (you)s and I’ve also reported you to the cyber police.

>> No.12289264

That's a common expression...

>> No.12289267

Then talk about the substance and not the form. Or are all your critiques aesthetic and surface level?

>> No.12289278

… on reddit. This is now my last (you).

>> No.12289287
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>I justify fucking up my life and hurting everyone around me by citing some dimly understood science I think corroborates my self-pity

>> No.12289291

What substance? It’s just meaningless “”””scientific””””” term after term. It’s all made up bullshit.

I really want to skin all transgenders alive

>> No.12289295

This level of cope

>> No.12289305

Cope? What am I even supposed to be coping with?

>> No.12289310


Narcissism and sexual predation.

>> No.12289323

>I have a slightly different innate hormonal balance
>therefore taking my transvestism fetish to a whole new level and surgically disfiguring my body is justified

>> No.12289332

Complete and total reversal of dimorphic sexual differentiation isn't possible in mammalians (that is yet)... it is however in fishes and amphibians. With mammals their morphology is interchangeable by hormonal intervention (that is appropriately timed) as can neurohormonal dimorphism. Behavioural differentiation is of course postnatal and is totally interchangeable by social/cultural decrees within the limits imposed by these irreducible dimorphisms.

Dugin's an idiot. The classical model of proper socialization for adults in liberal society must always refer us back to the Oedipal situation which presupposes the hegemony of the nuclear family within society. The growth of more narrow relations of genital sexuality has its origins exactly in the historical contraction of capitalism (its last period of expansion ended in 1971 and the collapse of Lehman's in 2008 was a nodal point in this contraction).

>> No.12289333

Sour grapes, you don't understand it so you say it must be meaningless. Every one on this thread has their own ideological pet theory about tg'ism but the first person to actually share a falsifiable hypothesis is shit on.

>> No.12289351

Literally the opposite

>> No.12289355
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>Behavioural differentiation is of course postnatal and is totally interchangeable by social/cultural decrees within the limits imposed by these irreducible dimorphisms.
Is it though? Then periods, menopause, low t, and castration don't effect behavior? I find that hard to believe

>> No.12289360

y'all niggaz is gay

>> No.12289367

it isn't , he is just memeing

>> No.12289375
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>Behavioural differentiation is of course postnatal and is totally interchangeable by social/cultural decrees within the limits imposed by these irreducible dimorphisms.
>within the limits imposed by these irreducible dimorphisms.
you are sweeping a lot of shit under that small remark

>> No.12289378

Ayo hold up than society is the reason im gay? I wasnt born this way? DUDE WTF

>> No.12289380

Based post but you pretty much destroy your own conclusion

>> No.12289390

>the first person to actually share a falsifiable hypothesis
People are discussing the philosophy behind modern view of transgenderism, brainlet. "Woah some people are more biologically predisposed to particular things" is neither a pertinent nor a novel remark and your post is shit. Neck yourself.

>> No.12289392

Having spent a lot of time around islanders, I would translate “fa’afafine” as “faggot” and the more common slur “fafa” as “fag.” The revisionism of these leftists in claiming these as a culturally accepted third gender is astounding. Islanders hate gays.

>> No.12289397

>Behavioural differentiation is of course postnatal and is totally interchangeable by social/cultural decrees within the limits imposed by these irreducible dimorphisms.
>totally interchangeable
>within the limits
so basically 1% of the time, it works every time

>> No.12289402

no no it doesn't work that way, you are gay because you are gay, but you are straight because of society

>> No.12289408
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>> No.12289411

Everyone is straight. Some people choose to be degenerate sodomites however.

>> No.12289412

I specifically said within limits but there does exist large behavioural differences between societies based upon prevalent notions of sexuality. Egalitarianism and non-violence is related to sexually promiscuity (specifically with females as seen in bonobos).


>> No.12289418


>> No.12289422

>Ayo hold up than society is the reason im gay? I wasnt born this way?
No you weren't. It's a cultural thing. Consider ancient Greece or the Islamic world during the Middle ages where man on man action was commonplace and culturally expected. They weren't born that way and neither were you

>> No.12289423

>I specifically said within limits
but the whole argument is about what those limits are, nobody is arguing that people are born as fully formed immutable entities

>> No.12289427

so are you saying war is women's fault?

>> No.12289434

>The classical model of proper socialization for adults in liberal society must always refer us back to the Oedipal situation which presupposes the hegemony of the nuclear family within society
You've read too much, put down the books and take some time to reclaim your mind

>> No.12289438

As if empiricism isn't a branch of philosophy. No one had brought up biological disposition until that post. Sometimes the most obvious of facts are the most often forgotten. Why is this topic any different from any other medical issue. Shall we discuss the "modern philosophical view" on scoliosis next?

>> No.12289467

If I were in medicine or fashion I would want trannies too.
All of these things cost money you know.

>> No.12289468

you lot are even more spooked about capitalism than pol is about jews.

>> No.12289491
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The sex chromosomes carry genetic code that tells the embryonic gonad to differentiate into "male" or "female" form... after this the gonads, and not the sex chromosomes, instruct the embryo on how to differentiate sexually... after this there are perhaps very little or no genetic instructions pertaining to sexual function but I'm not entirely sure. I know fetal androgen instructs the central nervous system to lower the threshold for dominance assertion (but that's not "aggression" per se!) and elevates the threshold for rehearsal of parentalism in childhood play and has effects on postpubertal erotic responses to visual images. Anyhow you can study behaviour without being a medical expert.

>> No.12289492

>Why is this topic any different from any other medical issue. Shall we discuss the "modern philosophical view" on scoliosis next?
Are you just baiting for (you)s at this point?

>> No.12289543

"The main characteristic of the scoliatic is his inability to accept his own body. There are a vast area of physical therapists, doctors and support staff who support the delusion that he can have a normal spine. One must question the motivation of such a system that could support such a radical treatment. Perhaps insurance companies and marketing firms have appealed to his vanity in order to leach more money off of him, or perhaps politicians were aiming to score cheap political points by supporting the health bill. Regardless, the scoliatic has been led awry by postmodern existentialist neomarxism who have taught him to be unhappy with his back and to question sacred tradition"

>> No.12289550

How does that make sense? Scoliosis is a pretty straight forward condition especially when compared to transgenderism. Pretty dishonest anon.

>> No.12289575

Just because it isn't immediately apparent doesn't mean it's not straight forward. Your judging it's complexity on people who have a neurological disorder that he been untreated for (frequently) decades. Of course trans people are neurotic and unadjusted. They lack the care they desperately need.

>> No.12289599

"The main characteristic of schizophrenics is their different perception of the surrounding world. There is a vast amount of pharmacologists, doctors and support staff who promote the idea that this deviation is dangerous to themselves and those around them and should be corrected or suppressed. One must question the motivation of such a system that would support such radical and often invasive treatments. Perhaps insurance companies and marketing firms have appealed to their vanity in order to leach more money off of them, or perhaps politicians were aiming to score cheap political points by supporting the health bill. Regardless, the schizophrenics have been led awry by oppressive patriarchal neoliberalists who have taught him to be unhappy with his hallucinations and to embrace the so-called progress"

Two can play at this game, halfwit.

>> No.12289627

>They lack the care they desperately need.
No, they're not looking for treatment. They're looking to exacerbate their condition and to enshrine themselves as a protected class. The moment scoliotics will start to demand to be a recognized minority with special rights that allow them to impose upon private sphere of others and encourage children with healthy spines to try and traumatize them, we can discuss your /b/-tier false analogy.

>> No.12289635

Waiting for sex change operations to be recognized as the lobotomies of the 21st century

>> No.12289641

Aren't lobotomies criticized because they weren't voluntary?

>> No.12289642

You're just reenforcing my point. After assigning all of the blame and rationalizing the disorder. The problem still remains: schizophrenia, scoliosis, gender dysphoria. All of these are medical disorders and don't reduce to ideology or social trends. You seem to have missed my point entirely

>> No.12289647

And have you actually talked to gender dsyphorics about this? It sounds like your just repeating a YouTube tier strawman.

>> No.12289655

I'm pretty sure it was more for the fact that you shouldn't try to solve psychological problems by cutting out part of the fucking brain.

>> No.12289659

you don't need hormones and surgeries to be transgender. HRT and other operations are for those who want to feel more comfortable in their body and present themselves as the gender they want to express.

>> No.12289663
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>Waiting for sex change operations to be recognized as the lobotomies of the 21st century.
Can't happen soon enough.

>> No.12289676

I feel like you were going to make a point but gave up half the way through

>> No.12289723

>All of these are medical disorders and don't reduce to ideology or social trends
>implying 'medicine' is not an ideological tool
In the Soviet Union dissidents were often diagnosed as mentally ill, and most mental illnesses usually reduce to 'not functioning as required for capitalism'. A doctor stamping a form isn't some universal truth, otherwise you would believe gender dysphoria was 100% an illness until a few years ago when it 100% stopped being an illness.

>> No.12289769

I see you know you know your Foucault well. I don't disagree with you on those points. Soviet psychologists did not however posit falsifiable models that have been repeatedly tested and refined in the way that the medical model of transgenderism has.

>> No.12289778


>> No.12289807


>> No.12289825

Nobody in this thread is going to care.

>> No.12289830

stop freudposting.

>> No.12289920

>repeatedly tested and refined in the way that the medical model
Well they would wouldn't they? The whole point is medicine is a product of ideology, and reflects ideological trends.
The same medical models proved homosexuality was due to unresolved Freudian issues, then proved it was due to abnormality in the brain, then in 1973 proved it wasn't a medical issue at all. Most trans folk would tell you they are not sick or diseased, and no doubt in a few years it will be proved medically that they aren't as the prevailing ideology changes.

>> No.12289938

>All of these are medical disorders and don't reduce to ideology or social trends.
But nobody disputed that, retard. That's why I called your post about physiological studie retarded and superfluous. Get your tranny head out of your ass.

>> No.12289950

Are you in fact denying the existence of very vocal and active movement for transgender rights? It sounds like you're running out of shitty excuses.

>> No.12289962

Okay I see where you are coming from now. Perhaps I shouldn't have said medical issue, maybe I should have said that gender identity is a concrete, immutable phenomenon and that the discrepancy between identity and body is the actual issue. I don't think we necessarily disagree

>> No.12289978

I'll repeat myself. The majority of the movement has very little to do with treating gender dysphoria and has more to do with liberal virtue signaling than anything else. Those activists are just as much an obstacle to actual liberation as traditionalists are.

>> No.12289980

>that doesn't mean I need to let trans people babysit my kids or whatever
haha just you wait kiddo, soon you'll have a gun up against your head telling you you can either stop discriminating against them in your babysitter hiring practices or else the state will deem you unable to care for your child and sick CPS on your ass

>> No.12289992

>He generated Eve
fucking speed readers at it again

>> No.12290007

How does no one dispute that? Take a quick survey of the thread. Everyone was attributing it to non physical causes. Marxism, narcissism and sin et cetera. Discussion of physical causes is sorely lacking in this debate.

>> No.12290038

Founder of calculus, founder of German Idealism, early writer of influential philosophies, one of the most influential philosophers in the modern age, founder of psychoanalysis.
Please tell me you are baiting. Otherwise, please stop posting on this board.

>> No.12290040

>The majority of the movement has very little to do with treating gender dysphoria
>Discussion of physical causes is sorely lacking in this debate.
You don't see the connection between this?

>> No.12290065

I don't understand what you are getting at

>> No.12290069

>Founder of calculus
That would be Newton.
>founder of German Idealism
A literally who among a number of postkantians.
>early writer of influential philosophies
A literally who that influenced some imageboard memes.
>one of the most influential philosophers
>founder of psychoanalysis
That's less impressive than "founder of a local icecream kiosk".

Try again, sweaty.

>> No.12290085

They're saying that the lack of discussion of physical causes has lead to the explosion of genderspecial social justice warriors because the discourse, rather than being dominated by factual concerns, has instead been dominated by the worst sort of politics and philosophy.

>> No.12290095
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not that guy but
>that would be newton
well memed my friend

>> No.12290098

>gender identity is a concrete, immutable phenomenon
No, it clearly changes over time in the same individual. Consider how having children changes people's perceptions of what it is to be a woman or a man, and gender dysphoria itself can appear quite late in life. There is no concrete unchanging self that remains throughout the lifetime of a person, we don't have souls or essences, we are constantly becoming. The planks of the ship are constantly changing.
Also concepts of gender change across cultures and historical periods. It's literally the most mutable thing there is.

>> No.12290101

The map is not the territory

>> No.12290106

Oh, okay that what I thought you were going to say. I wholeheartedly agree with you in that case

>> No.12290125

The discussion is about contemporary views on and sociocultural manifestations of transgenderism. Hence the mentioning of Marxism and narcissism and so on. You're not really adding anything to discussion or providing a new angle with your "ACKSHULLY #notalltrannies". You might as well mention people with intersex conditions and say "ACKSHULLY these are the only 'true trannies' and the rest are an obstacle to their liberation". The discussion is about the modern day social phenomenon at large and not about the insignificant fraction of a fraction of people that are actually severely physiologically androgynous. Apply yourself.

>> No.12290131
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No, gender identity doesn't change after birth. Roles and presentation change, but not the core self identification. People transition in their later years because they learn to deal with repression/being honest about how they actually feel rather than an acausal categorical change in gender. You seem to be thinking about gender roles which is something entirely different

>> No.12290135

Isnt post op regret like really low? Is that the only "treatment" that society will ever see as good?

>> No.12290145

>Consider how having children changes people's perceptions of what it is to be a woman or a man
Precisely, people's idea on how to best implement their immutable gender identity changes, not the identity itself.

>> No.12290151

Way to bring the cancer of democratizing philosophy into yet another aspect of existence.

>> No.12290161

Watch Contrapoints unless this is bait. I’d make sure to drawing lines in the sand regarding individuals’ motivations for acting out various gender identities and the actual descriptive/analytic justification (i.e:, the bonafide philosophical) reason for it. Let’s be real, 15 yr old confused tumblr twinks don’t know shit about Deleuze or Butler and are mostly acting out of herd mentality.

>> No.12290166

Contrapoints tranny is a trend tranny

>> No.12290169

Look up the transmedicalist / tucute divide

>> No.12290174

>oh no no no I might have to apply and explain myself instead of blurting out prefab sophist musings spiced with namedropping how can this be happening this is so passe and cancer
Too bad, based pseudbro.

>> No.12290187

There is no unchanging self, we don't have souls or essences. I know you want this to be true to make your ideology work, but it can never be so. Everything about a person's identity can change over time, because everything that makes that person that person is changing.

>> No.12290190

>we don't have souls
Yeah, we know you don't, tranny.

>> No.12290205

>The discussion is about the modern day social phenomenon at large and not about the insignificant fraction of a fraction of people that are actually severely physiologically androgynous.
That's literally what we are talking about. Did you read anything? Trans people are neurologically androgynous, there was a whole bunch of links up there that you obviously didn't read. If we aren't talking about that then you are missing out on the bulk of the discussion. Apply yourself bucko

>> No.12290206

Yeah this part of why I dont take trannies or genderspazzes seriously, who knows how these trend hopping retards are gonna be a few years down the line

>> No.12290216

That's simply not true. We aren't talking about ideal categories or whatever. It's neurological body plans and cortical structures.

>> No.12290220

Sorry you can't read?

>> No.12290269

he literally gets turned on by looking like a woman, it's just a fetish thing

>> No.12290282

>That's literally what we are talking about.
No, that's what you are trying to slide the discussion into. People with physiological differences constitute a minuscule part of those who identify as trans.

>> No.12290285

The brain is not fixed, it's the most plastic thing we know. A person's conception of themselves changes enormously over time. You are not the same person you were when you were 10, and you don't think of yourself in the same way as you did when you were 10. Ideal categories have nothing to do with the point I'm making, that the self simply does not exist in the way it needs to exist to make transgender ideology work.
If I understand correctly you believe gender dysphoria is a difference between self image and body, and given self image changes constantly, it seems silly to permanently alter the body based on these impermanent whims. I feel the same about tattoos.

>> No.12290289

how does the philosophy of transgenderism reconcile the widespread feminist notion of gender as a social construct with the common biological essentialism "i was born with this gender but just in the wrong body"?

>> No.12290304

How does all that lead to transness anymore than a being very tall for a woman does?

>> No.12290324

If you want to discuss Marxism, would you want to read and talk about Das Kapital or would you talk to your undergraduate berniebro friend? Same difference. Trenders don't have dysphoria and therefore aren't trans and I think that we can both agree that we can safely discount their beliefs

>> No.12290331

I don't disagree that people change over the course of their lifetime, but not to such a large degree. People have stable personality traits their whole life, and don't change gender unless there is some underlying physical difference

>> No.12290332

they don't and don't have to, leftist politics are just a bunch of power tactics, they don't actually believe or have to believe in anything

>> No.12290333

It's cool that you want to be the other sex but you never will be, and if you were born as the other sex you would be a different person entirely than the one who wants to change to it currently. Perhaps transitioning isn't the only way to make you feel happy and belonging.

>> No.12290341

idk but if you bring this up you'll be labelled a terf and harrassed by men- oops, I mean transwomen

>> No.12290342

are you denying people the right to be irrational? die, fascist scum

>> No.12290344

they left is held to literally no intellectual standards as long as they are pushing in the right direction

>> No.12290345


>> No.12290360

The more trans people I meet, the less I believe it's attention based. I couldn't tell you why, but I used to agree with you before talking to trans people.

>> No.12290370

>Trenders don't have dysphoria and therefore aren't trans and I think that we can both agree that we can safely discount their beliefs
That's not what they would say though. Incidentally that's why a lot ITT are touching upon the idea of gender as social construct and supposed freedom of everyone irrespective of their biology to self-assign one.

>> No.12290375

that's just a meme word, doesn't mean anything

>> No.12290384

you can self-identify as whatever you want, the ideology comes when you expect other people to play along, which is all based on "therapy" and "empathy" culture and other types of women ideologies that were created after the 60s

the problem with them is that they are given power but hold no true responsibility, they'll tell you doing something is good, but when it goes horribly wrong they still get to blame somebody else for the results instead of taking responsibility

>> No.12290426

I don't know, but I imagine that recognizing gender as a construct does not altogether abolish its social function, and my guess is that most moderate feminists recognize that value gender has in society, and that a median between abolition and blind adherence to gender could be reached. So, though gender is largely a construct of society, certain essential bits must remain unchanged (genitalia are very distinct, and indisputably gendered), and despite the illusiory nature of gender, its effects can still be felt very tangibly due to the current power of the so-called construct. And furthermore, that with some reform, the need to associate genitals with sex at all might go away as gender categories dissolve. However, I don't think feminists really want to abolish gender, they want to provide a vocabulary for describing a detailed map of human sexuality, and in some ways, still very much agree that gender exists, but in a much more nuanced state.

>> No.12290464

So its just an autistic jargon game but for females and girly boys to get worked up about for whatever reason.

>> No.12290492

>I think it's obviously the hedonistic, selfish activist subculture that purports to speak on their behalf.

And they have no strength of character to deny this culture and live something else? Are you blaming their entire sense of manipulatated being on peer pressure?

>> No.12290500
File: 57 KB, 750x919, C8B9B9A2-BCB8-421E-BD46-3CAC88C0ED21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12290538

they are like 0.01% of the population, they can't fight against the progressives using them however they see fit for their own purposes, an no number of "based traps" is going to change this. There's nothing the left cannibalizes faster than a minority getting out of line with the message

>> No.12290546

I don't really know what you mean. You're saying feminists are enabling mentally ill people?

>> No.12290940

said about literally everything that once contradicted normative social roles. Live in fear, it doesn't make you any better than anyone else.

>> No.12290949


>> No.12291010

>not to such a large degree
They do though. Previously happy people become suicidal, previously intelligent people suffer dementia or alzheimers. We don't then claim their depression or alzheimers is an innate part of their being and was always there. Why should it be different when someone develops dysphoria?

>> No.12291037

> Muh everything is plastic

Shut up you drug addled twat

>> No.12291042

They won't even need an explanation with the future generation of kids. Gender dysphoria will be injected into them like religion. They will learn to hate themselves and mutilate their genitals so that they won't be able to reproduce. LGBT rights are part of the grand scheme for white genocide.

>> No.12291048


>> No.12291111

>I was born complete with my memories, personality and all my sexual fetishes
This I how stupid you sound

>> No.12291126

>We don't then claim their depression or alzheimers is an innate part of their being and was always there.
Actually we do. Alzheimer's is largely genetic. Clinical depression and severe depressive disorders are also believed to have a substantial genetic component.

>> No.12291144

god, this thread is filled with nothing but idiots. the philosophy of transgenderism is they want to change themselves so they do it. you morons can't explain the causality of transgenderism when you don't even understand simplistic stuff like the simple fucking concept of people expressing themselves within this world.

are you an incel? do you want to change that?
are you a manlet? do you want to change that?
are you ugly? do you want to change that?
are you a brain dead loser unaware of reality? do you want to change that?
are you a monkey getting burned by fire trying to start civilization? do you want to change that
are you a human walking who wants to soar in the sky? do you want to change that

they want to change themselves and how they're manifest in the world so they fucking do it. your stupid attempts at talking about causality are always going to be fruitless because that's way beyond anything your brain can comprehend in a single thought.

them wanting to change their body and gender is a good enough reason for them to do it. it's their "pursuit of happiness" and whether it's good or bad isn't for you to decide you fucking imbeciles. it could be bad but so what? how many people are failing at life constantly anyway?

>> No.12291191

Don't be disingenuous. We don't claim someone with alzheimers has had alzheimers their entire life. We treat it as something that has come on recently, same as depression. There was a point where they didn't have depression or alzheimers, regardless of their genetics. Dysphoria is no different.

>> No.12291223

Sure, but if you analyse the morphemes in the word it's more along the lines of what I said.

Transgenders are marginalised in society and we don't really understand with any great psychological precision what they are experiencing. It's therefore not surprising when transgenders align themselves with an extremely loud, visible group saying there's nothing wrong with them, and that it is the rest of the world which must change to accommodate them.

>> No.12291269

>50% suicide rates
>'genitals' that look like botched wounds
>"totally not a mental illness though"