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/lit/ - Literature

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12287552 No.12287552 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't read the /lit/ meme trilogy yet, will you try to read one or more in 2019?

>> No.12287555

I just started Ulysses and I'm planning to finish the trilogy by the end of this year.

>> No.12287556

I only read literature from Germany, Italy, China and Japan.

>> No.12287557

i feel no real reason to read anything written after 1600 tbqhwu

>> No.12287590


>> No.12287626

I've read ulysses, planning on reading GR at some point this year, as its the only Pynchon I haven't read aside from bleeding edge and Vineland

>> No.12287655
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Yes! Already did IJ. Will do the other two. Which one first though?

>> No.12287669

IJ sounds and looks intimidating, can a brainlet understand it?

>> No.12287684

It's the most accessible of the three by far

>> No.12287701
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Coming through.

>> No.12287737

I will read IJ soon. And then GR. Ulysses still seems intimidating.

>> No.12287740 [DELETED] 

Boring countries.

>> No.12287750

reading infinite jest for school, started Ulysses, and bought gravity's rainbow
Ulysses should be done by the end of the summer but Gravity's Rainbow is probably not getting done until 2020

>> No.12287755

Just because there's no Disney Land doesn't mean it's boring.

>> No.12287760

be a good memer and putin petersburg or oblomov instead of jest

>> No.12287765

>Ulysses still seems intimidating.
Read Dubliners and then Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, so you get accustomed to his writing, they're more accessible.
Also you need to have to read The Odyssey.

>> No.12287770

you might be surprised by GR then

>> No.12287806

Read Ulysses this year. Might get around to IJ in the coming but I doubt it, I have more Kierkegaard to read and my own book to write.

>> No.12287960

Haven't read Ulysses, though also haven't read Homer in like 10 years (sorry high school teacher I missed my last 5-year reread) but I'm halfway through Iliad and planning on Ulysses after Odyssey.
I read Pale King instead of Infinite Jest, how much am I missing by that choice?
Haven't got Gravity's rainbow yet but am planning on getting that if I like Bleeding Edge.

>> No.12287964

I loved Infinite Jest but this year I should focus on properly starting with the Greeks before more meme books

>> No.12287969

I'm a brainlet and I understood it. If you forget a character or an acronym Infinite Summer is a good resource

>> No.12287971

I’ve been tackling GR the past 2 months and haven’t touched it in a week because it’s exhausting

>> No.12287974

Gravity’s Rainbow was way too draining to follow. Infinite Jest is A.) too expensive B.) never available at the library. Willing to try Ulysses but god I remember dubliners being painful

>> No.12287975

Ulysses is the only one I've read.

>> No.12287980

I haven’t and I won’t. I could give Ulysses a try but I have to read Portrait first

>> No.12287986

Also JFW was like a total stalker??? which is off putting

>> No.12288004

What's the point of re-reading IJ? Im going to do it because I liked reading it and I relate a lot to hal incandenza. Dfw mentioned its meant to be read twice, is it to fully understand the chronology?

>> No.12288016

.>too expensive
t. cheapfag

>> No.12288022

Not sure anout IJ but gonna start GR very soon.

>> No.12288035


Dubliners is like grade-school level reading compared to Ulysses and the Wake.

>> No.12288048

Point? Purpose?

It's structured in a way that the beginning is what occurs after the end, so understanding the context for the doctors visit for Hal becomes more interesting.

Side characters are given greater depth. For example Ken Eredy is the paranoid weed addict buying large amounts in an attempt to quit.

But all in all it should be because you enjoy it. It's a great book, and I haven't read much else like it.

>> No.12288192

It's enjoyable to read. If you don't find it enjoyable you don't have to read it. It's not really a prerequisite to anything.

>> No.12288323

I'm not anglocuck so reading them in original would be hard, and also none of them are translated into my native lingua.

>> No.12288330

It's written for brainlets to read and feel smart about it. Its psued bullshit writing with no depth to it at all. Plus DFW was a diddler.

>> No.12288506

i've read ulysses 3 times, ij once and gr once.
got some very light and pleasurable chapters, extremely easy to read and entertainint, but on the other hand its got a few extremely complex, dense and dry chapters that are laborious to read, and on purpose, I must say. Some of the former: telemacus and nausicaa, the latter: oxen of the sun.
so much shit going on and so many chapters it feels like a clusterfuck. It feels like taking a tour through the war inside a cartoon with an insane, dark humored, alienated, drugged out tour guide on a bus at 300km/h. The tour is extremely fun and funny but risk of death is imminent.
first 300~400 pages are an intentional mess, you are not to understand what is going on and you have to work through it to get the reward later on. Its very entertaining once you get going, I probably read the remaining pages faster than the first 300.
They are all excellent and worthy and it is clear why they are on the trilogy.
I'd say, in difficulty, Ulysses = GR > IJ and in quality, Ulysses = GR > IJ

>> No.12288518

>so much shit going on and so many chapters
meant characters not chapters

>> No.12288519

>there are people on this board who haven’t read the meme trilogy
Why can’t I leave this fucking shithole, it’s not even my shithole anymore

>> No.12288521

Same, after being on /lit/ so long thought i might as well at least read one.

>> No.12288525

>started IJ at the October
>still 100 pages yet

>> No.12288670

ij doesnt deserve its place in the meme trilogy

>> No.12288676

Reminder that the correct reading order is IJ, Ulysses, GR, as shown in OP’s pic. Do not read them in chronologically pubished order.

>> No.12288677

I have only read one of these three books. What would that say about me if it was Ulysses? What about Gravity's Rainbow? Or Infinite Jest?

>> No.12288689

I already know which one youve read and its Ij and it means you are a zoomer who calls the book comfy and makes posts such as “based Pemulis”

>> No.12288695

Everybody reading this. Yes, you right now. I have a challenge for you.
Ulysses was published in 1922
Gravity's Rainbow was published in 1973
Infinite Jest was published in 1996
It is almost 2019 right now. Soon, Ulysses will turn 100, Gravity's Rainbow will turn 50 and Infinite Jest will turn 25.
I want you to have read them by the time their milestone comes up.
That means you have until 1st February 2021 to have read Infinite Jest
You have until 2nd February 2022 to have read Ulysses
You have until 2023 to have read Gravity's Rainbow (can't find the exact date)
So when the thread is posted for each of those, I want every single person on this board to have read them. No excuses

>> No.12288700

I thought the meme trilogy is IJ, Lolita and Illiad

>> No.12288703

thats the these-books-ar-completely-unrelated trilogy

>> No.12288710

Cant seem to find the exact piblication date for GR. What if it’s Feb 3? What would it mean?

>> No.12288741

false & false

>> No.12288748

No, they look awfully boring

>> No.12288751

na miss me with that boring shit

>> No.12288807

Based Pemulis

>> No.12288862
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>> No.12288870
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Remember to unlock the hidden boss when you finish.

>> No.12288877
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>> No.12288887

Werther doesn't fit there at all, but Tristram Shandy fits perfectly. Henry James is also a bit of a weird choice, why not Anna Karenina or War and Peace?
It's going to be interesting to see what the other two books in the 21st century trilogy will be after 2666 (maybe Homestuck)

>> No.12288894

A stately, plump screaming comes across the sky and I get in a cab and say "The library, and step on it.”

>> No.12288901

A stately, plump screaming comes across the office, surrounded by a mirror and a razor.

>> No.12289125

I've read IJ and GR.
I read 200 pages of Ulysses before coming to the realization that I'm a brainlet. I realized that I'd at least have to read The Odyssey and all of Shakespeare first. And what do you know, I got the complete works of Shakey for Christmas.

>> No.12289500

I might give a shot to GR again or read Ulysses for the second time, but I'm not touching IJ.

>> No.12289705

Read GR twice, can't get enough. Pynchon's prose is fantastic and I'm fascinated by his hints at the presence of fascism in America before, during, and after the war. Definitely gonna read M&D and AtD next year.

I'm intrigued by Joyce, flipped through Dubliners a few times and I like his prose at least for its aesthetic appeal. I've acquired all of his novels via book sales but have yet to start them. I really need to revisit The Odessey first.

I have no real intention of reading IJ anytime soon. I don't really know anything about DFW and he seems like kind of a tool, though, the this is water speech has its moments. I just don't know if I want 1000 pages of that.

>> No.12289732
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Is this version acceptable? It's what they have in local shops.

>> No.12289741

Yup, that one's good

>> No.12289743
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>> No.12289752

Appreciate this, thank you. I'll try finishing The Book of Disquiet as soon as possible.

>> No.12289761

GR is one of my favourite books, love every bit of it. IJ was okay, bit of a slog at times but overall worth the time investment. Not really in the same league as GR though. As for Ulysses, I find it completely incomprehensible. I've tried it three times and never got past half way. My brain can't cope

>> No.12289783

I've read Ulysses, it's one of the worst books I've ever read. It's a shame I wasted so much time on finishing that cuckfest instead of realizing sooner it's a meme book and I got trolled. I have the other 2 on my plan to read list, I hope those will be better.

>> No.12289794

I look forward to the "fuck u /lit/ you trolled me again" thread after you read the chapter in GR where Slothrop gets his ass fingered by black guys and has to escape into a toilet that has a town inside.

>> No.12289848

i got infinite jest for christmas, after that i plan to read ulysses

>> No.12289852

DFW’s Cyrillic name is an abomination

>> No.12290084

they actually deleted my comment because i called your /lit/ core boring
i do not care for the perspectives of irish men and new worlders so why should i read somthing over written that is not mainland. the war has influenced the writing of my country enough.
these are boring and there is nothing you can do to change my subjective mind
not even your strawmen

>> No.12290154

Boring post.

>> No.12290252
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you're just salty i don't care for weird irish stories, american power fantasies and american perspective of ww

>> No.12290280

Finished Ulysses yesterday. It's unironically a masterpiece yes.

>> No.12290288

my you're quite the distiller of cheap liquor aren't you

>> No.12290327

yes Yes it is

>> No.12290422

im gonna do it

>> No.12290447

this book isn't good

>> No.12290507

why pynchon is so fucking ugly
just why

>> No.12290851

I've read Ulysses and GR (twice), honestly not interested in DFW at all.

>> No.12291715

I thought Gravitys Rainbow was a blast. Consistently hilarious, bewildering, deeply moving.

Ill never forget the scene where he is sneaking into the heavily guarded estate party to recover a brick of hash, dressed as rocketman. Had me in absolute stitches.

>> No.12291748

I went to that exact spot when I was in Potsdam. Nice place

>> No.12292238

>Henry James is also a bit of a weird choice, why not Anna Karenina or War and Peace?
This, nobody ever discusses Henry James compared to Tolstoy.

>> No.12292313

Its why he won't allow any new photos of himself to be taken.

>> No.12292599
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>/lit/ meme trilogy
almost new current year and ackchyually believing this

>> No.12292603


>> No.12292605

James Foster Pynchon sounds better.

>> No.12292634
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