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12286009 No.12286009 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will allow me to wake up and start living life the way I want to tomorrow instead of procrastinating everything?

>> No.12286032

it takes time to build up self discipline

for me it also was hard walking a line between hating myself for not being the person i want to be but also starting to love myself when i started to become the person i wanted to be.

try setting small goals and building up your tolerance, use passion to fuel you endeavors. the biggest advice i could give however is to stop identifying with someone who procrastinates and let your ego dissolve (by being kinder to yourself emotionally).

anyways anon, good luck this year. love you friend

>> No.12286033

The answer depends on what type of person you are and what you have to wake up for.

>> No.12286043

the brutal realization of hitting 35 and realizing all the shit you planned to do at 20 and thought you had "30 years" to do actually never got done and you're at the same point you were at 20 except old and forgotten now, and you realize that "doing things" isn't some thing that "happens" in some perpetually unfolding future because you "plan to do them," "doing things" means actually fucking doing them, there is no royal road to science, if you want to learn french you have to do it every day in the present not forever plan to do it perfectly tomorrow

>> No.12286062


I'm sorry I didn't elaborate, though I would have written a lot more if I did. I fucking hate this advice of "make small goals" or "make small lists" or "just work for 10 minutes". There is nothing that sounds more pathetic and more like an admission of complete and utter failure.

I'm not saying that organisation is bad or that schedules are bad. They are inevitable when dealing and coordinating with other people. But to set any parameters to my personal life feels like an admission that I am a brainwashed cuck slave who has no free will or control

>> No.12286068

JUST DO IT, like Nike says.

It's so simple that it's stupid.

>> No.12286069

>>12286062 replying to >>12286032

Actually I just realised you didn't quite advise me to do what I was complaining about

>> No.12286085

None, Londonfrog, fucking none dude, fuck don't you get it already, have a near-death experience or keep wallowing in mediocrity, there is NOTHING for you left. either rot in the void, just suck it up and start doing shit, or flirt with death

>> No.12286086

Sufficient for the day is its own evil. You can't control what you do tomorrow, any lasting changes start today.

>> No.12286095
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it's not that you can't make huge sweeping life changes anon, you might be an incredibly strong person who can handle things like that. strategically, small goals and building up your tolerance would be a good start in my opinion.

you sound motivated though friend. We're all gonna make it!

>> No.12286111


I had too much coffee today and I haven't exercised for about 4 days. My nightly epiphany is intense. I will wake up an unmotivated sack of bitter shit but right now my brain is pounding

>> No.12286116

oh i didnt realize it was the london frog i was talking too.