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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 191 KB, 964x1500, 52BC98EF-0A9E-49EF-AE90-AAA3E53BE027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12285306 No.12285306 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women and effeminate liberal bugmen eat this shit up?

>> No.12285339

dont even know what that is

>> No.12285350

Why do you phonepost about books you haven't read?

>> No.12285352

Women fantasize about marriage and pretty dresses. I mean dunno, I've never read it.

>> No.12285358


It's one of those "grrr evil white men" books like The Handmaid's Tale.

>> No.12285370

Why would you even pay any attention to that nonsense? I hope you're not one of those people that goes looking for things to get mad at.

>> No.12285377

You're responding to a poor bait.

>> No.12285403

First book is okay. Then it gets progressively more boring. Dropped it halfway through the third one.

>It's one of those "grrr evil white men" books
It takes place in Italy.

>> No.12285404

I've heard really good things about this series

>> No.12285423

never heard of it

>> No.12285572

I’ve read a few columns she wrote for The Guardian.
She’s a vapid half wit who blames all her problems on men.

>> No.12285587

Which column irked you the most?

>> No.12285629

Probably the one about why women writers deserve more respect and recognition than they get.

>> No.12285635

That really is a Wordsworth-tier cover

>> No.12285654

Wow, this fucking book.
You have no fucking idea what it means to live in Italy and dislike it.
They call you all kinds of things, personally my favorite was when some feminist gnome called me an "ignorant shit faced low life"

>> No.12285662

based repulsive feminists

>> No.12285664

>it's an underage /pol/eddit tourist spends his Christmas making buzzword filled shitposts about things that trigger him episode
Not very festive

>> No.12285667

Europa's are all terrible, it's tragic

>> No.12285669

>Why would you even pay any attention to that nonsense? I hope you're not one of those people that goes looking for things to get mad at.
Art is shaping mainstream culture and public opinion.

>> No.12285718

If paying for artwork isn’t cost effective why not just print random arrangements of shapes or something. I don’t get why you would want to cheapen the book like that

>> No.12285729

I can tell with confidence that bugmen like the book because women like it, whatever book that is

>> No.12285731

They're airing a TV series here in Italy which made it popular even with normies

>> No.12285742

I’m 24 and browse only 4channel, friendo.

>> No.12285754
File: 83 KB, 695x572, Why_did_you_make_me_do_this_reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg you're on the internet on christmas
we used to come here to get away from people like you. now you came here, made it your new home and brought your own shitty customs with you.

>> No.12285794

gamers rise up

yes, ok