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/lit/ - Literature

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12282349 No.12282349 [Reply] [Original]

I´ll start...

>> No.12282356
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>> No.12282367
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>> No.12282515

The Righteous Mind and The Coddling of the American Mind

>> No.12282885
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Can you imagine

>> No.12282888


>> No.12282948

Sophomores in HS should read Hesse's Siddhartha
good lord I couldve used it then

>> No.12282968

12 rules for life
the gulag archipelago
the odyssey

>> No.12283028

If you enjoyed that you should read Ravelstein.

>> No.12283194
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Required reading for every STEM oriented person.

>> No.12283206

On the Jews and their lies
Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence

>> No.12283694
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All of this

>> No.12283743

redpill me on this guy. i know he lifts but is he actually worth reading?

>> No.12283816

He's a high-level midwit.

>> No.12283843

This is just the same book 4 times, but with varying length of prose.

Taleb is a pseud.

>> No.12283876
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I only see undergrad March for Science tier drooling imbeciles blanketing their field under "STEM". This lends credence to the DUDE SCIENCE, type of dogmatic reasoning espoused by these brainlets. In fact, offering any sort of alternative hypothesis or refutation of some mainline pop-sci, cannot be handled. They'll get enraged and call you "anti-science" and a denialist. My favorite is whenever they accost you of not having gone to college, as if their 4-year undergrad degree with an actual concentration in the material of under 30 credits (less than 10 courses, mostly a summary understanding, and much less expected that they actually read the texts) makes them an expert on the matter. STEM was a complete and total mistake, and has caused an influx of brainlets entering into the sciences. The fact that you unironically used the term makes me worried that this book is actually shit. It should be said that technology is only valuable so long as it is not a crutch for domestification which will decline the overall health and intelligence of the human species; the fact that we prioritize medical treatment of the unfit, the chronically diseased, and old people who only have a few years left at the expense of the healthiest members of the species is only one such example.

>> No.12283879

You can just a google a quick summary of his work. Most of the books is just him sperging at people who slighted him somehow and repeating the same 4-5 fairly simple ideas in varying verbiage.

>> No.12283894

STEM is a fantastic category insofar it delineates a group of productive intellectually honest people in the sea of semi-literate pseuds that get booty bothered by a marketing term and think attaching an epic rebbit wojak edit memepic to their autistic impotent rage over semantics is an impressive display of wit.

>> No.12283901
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>STEM is a fantastic category insofar it delineates a group of productive intellectually honest people

>> No.12283906
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>a group of productive intellectually honest people

>> No.12283918

Funny story, I had an ethics of science class required to earn my Chemistry degree. The professor got pissed at everyone in the class, including myself, when we all decided that we weren't going to read 200 pages of Feyerabend and Ellul from marxists.org. Everyone (there were only 12 of us) got a 3.5 or a 4.0. Philosophy of science is a fucking joke.

>> No.12283924
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>> No.12283928

The lack of flags should have given away you're not on your favorite subreddit anymore, based retardbro.

>> No.12283937

Feyerabend is cool guy tho

>> No.12283945

>implying any of those issues are scientific issues
Nature did a poll some time ago, which showed that less than 1% of hard sciences consider themselves far left. It's one of the few academic areas where the far right actually has a bigger presence.

>> No.12283957

He uses anarchism as a cheap buzzword, and has a dilettante's understanding of how 99% of advances in research are made.

>> No.12283960

What's your point?

>> No.12283980
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Those DUMB people are the majority of STEM pseuds, you imbecile. That was the point. Most people who go into STEM, especially at the undergrad level are morons. The fact that you need you get upset and have an overreaction alluding to some reddit reference shows that you are a pseud. I'm a scientist myself, and I hate, absolutely HATE, most self-labeled "scientists", and hate the entire culture of science. I'd rather there be a decline in STEM fields because most people entering it are not cut out for it, and in fact worsen the quality of science as a whole and turn it into some giant pissing contest about consensus.
>hard sciences
>far left
Almost an irrelevant qualifier. Almost nobody is hard left to begin with.
The problem lies in neoliberal humanist dogma which pervades political thought from left, to centrist to center right beliefs, which conformity trumps almost all else. That's why most "scientists" subscribe to anthropogenic climate change.

>> No.12283998
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The cultivation of class consciousness is key.

>> No.12284011

I thought this one wasn't supposed to be agitprop.

>> No.12284108

>Most people who go into STEM, especially at the undergrad level are morons
Statistically both STEM majors within others majors as well as college graduates within the populace at large are above the mean group average for intelligence related metrics, so this is false barring appeals to semantics.
>The fact that you need you get upset and have an overreaction
I'm neither upset nor overreacting, but it's fun to see you desperately try to attach a label to me so you can further blurt out ad hominem instead of any proper arguments.
>I'm a scientist myself, and I hate, absolutely HATE, most self-labeled "scientists"
Absolute kek. Doubt those freshie calc homework and flat earth threads on /sci/ qualify you as scientist, big brain bubbaleh.

>> No.12284158
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>> No.12284168

>an intelligent response of a true big boy non-pseud extra special science boy

>> No.12284176

Yes. The communist manifesto was a mistake.

>> No.12284211

Still smarter than I am.

>> No.12284220


>> No.12284503
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this book utterly ruins nazis and communists.

>> No.12284512

guy only destroyed his own credibility by making it quite clear that he has no idea what he's talking about or who even is a so-called "postmodernist" 2bh

>> No.12284518

only amoung continetal faggots. and their opinions are worth less than dogshit because continentals are all basically monarchists, theocrats, nazis, communists, and feminists who have done nothing for 250 years except generate suffering and death.

>> No.12284523
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>> No.12284534
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no, and you cant make me because your continental countries are even more PHYSICALLY weak than they are intellectually weak. and thats the core issue. enlightenment civilization is superior to coutner enlightenment not only because it is more moral and better to live in, but also because it is PHYSICALLY SUPERIOR. get fucked

>> No.12284539
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>> No.12284546
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>> No.12284553
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you can post a thousand reaction memes but your country will never be unraped.

>> No.12284571

Plato's Meno or Euthyphro

>> No.12284606
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Yes, read Ravelstein
1 died of AIDS
2 helped create the Neo-Con disaster in Iraq
3 100% atheist
4 after got AIDS borrowed money from Bellow for prostitutes

>> No.12284611
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>> No.12284659

I've also had the "I FUCKING LUV SCIENCE XD" people and technophiles in mind when I posted the book. It will certainly make their head spin when they find out why technological progress is bad.

>> No.12284661

Doing gods working posting this, really gotta be extra spiteful to the redditors these days

>> No.12284666
File: 33 KB, 308x499, 51ZqnqI0bcL._SX306_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It should be said that technology is only valuable so long as it is not a crutch for domestification which will decline the overall health and intelligence of the human species; the fact that we prioritize medical treatment of the unfit, the chronically diseased, and old people who only have a few years left at the expense of the healthiest members of the species is only one such example.
Perhaps said a bit harshly, but I do wish more people came across this sentiment. Technology largely does operate as a crutch, as much as people seem to gloss over it.

>> No.12284683

While everyone was creamimg their panties about the end of the meta narratives Debord was acing his marxist update.
Great taste satan-san

>> No.12285257

Lol nobody actually uses the phrase ad hominem unironically you fucking pseud

>> No.12285563

>STEMfriends are smarter than literal mouth-breathing retards
I'd hope so.

>> No.12285565

*fucks up multiple space-launches in rankine*

>> No.12286109

This thread is terrible. I fucking hate /pollit/.

>> No.12286125

>54 replies
>no coq