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/lit/ - Literature

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12280388 No.12280388 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the only western philosophers that are actually worth reading before Nietzsche are
>Schopenhaur (only his essays)
everything else is a waste of time. plato was literally wromg about everything, descartes was a moron, scholastics were hacks.

>> No.12280401

Unironically, Plato is the only philosopher worth reading.

>> No.12280402
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this is possibly the most uninformed post I've ever seen on this entire site

>> No.12280425

It's so funny when men with model-like facial aesthetics wear middle-school tier graphic tee shirts

>> No.12280436


>> No.12280437

Fuckboys have low IQ

>> No.12280442


>> No.12280460
File: 221 KB, 568x479, greenwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. After uni ill be making 6 figures eventually 7 figures and they will have to take care of non-aborted children with no income or future prospects.

Lyfe is good, gentlemen.

>> No.12280468

absolute state of this cope

>> No.12280494

t. virgin consumercuck who fell for the stem meme that resents life affirming chads

>> No.12280501
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hibari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plato was literally wromg about everything
apparently you failed to understand how philosophy works.
you might want to go back to some sort of "what is philosophy" kind of book so you don't keep wasting time.

>> No.12280514

all the money in the world won't make you a fuccboi, why even try?

>> No.12280522

wah wah wah stop being jealous

>> No.12280529


>> No.12280542

what anime is this fren?

>> No.12280560

It's a trap

>> No.12280574
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>> No.12280666

An anime adaptation of Dubliners would be great

>> No.12280755

>No Heidegger

Wow....so this is the power of Reddit /badphilosophy/...

>> No.12280785

you're right as usual, satan-san

>> No.12280809

>before nietzsche

>> No.12280819

Dublinbers could had been greatly improved with more femboys and/or trannies.

>> No.12280838

>plato was literally wrong about everything
Plato asked a majority of question most predicates its self upon today.

>> No.12281143
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That's a piss poor way to spell Aristotle.

>> No.12281154

money is the biggest cope going

>> No.12281157

Maybe if we still had his dialogues.

>> No.12281250

They can wear whatever they want

>> No.12281261

Society, and especially you with your desk cuck job, pay for Chad’s crotch spawn. You literally studied to be a cuck lmfao

>> No.12281271


>> No.12281278

No, but the rest of it is just commentary on Plato

>> No.12281280

Im kind of confused as to why Leibniz is there, Kant makes sense because he is a prelude to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche’s criticisms of him fall flat in the absence of S and his study of Kant. Spinoza makes sense especially considering the includion of Heraclitus and Nietzsche. Hume is high iq inclusion and when paired with N’s epistemology yields “interesting” results.

>> No.12281288

If you were a philosopher you wouldn't need to read any of them

>> No.12281299

Im not making a list of philosophers to understand Nietzsche I am saying the majority of philosophers before him are not garbage and not worth studying other than those listed.

>> No.12281368

girls don't like guys like this. i had 2 girlfriends, i asked them lots of "model" guys. they don't like. they prefer someone with more natural handsome

>> No.12281389


>> No.12281411

because leibniz is
1. one of the biggest brains in history
2. not properly recognized for his big brainedness

>> No.12282472

Women don't know what they really want for the most part and when they do they can't articulate it.

>> No.12282506

dubs confirm leibniz biggest brain evr

>> No.12282513

Seriously? Shit like this is pretty much par for the course on this board. Lit is the new mu

>> No.12282519

switch montaigne for sextus empiricus or add it, but add way more antalytic texts as well as all Greek drama, which is the source of Nietzsche's strength. reason and tragedy.

>> No.12282813

Dude you just solved western philosophy. You fuckin solved it!

>> No.12282957

Nietzsche is not worth reading at all until you're old enough to free yourself of any undue influence he exert upon you. The only philosophers *actually* worth reading are as follows:

Thebes of Crates
Diodorus Cronus
Kripke (specifically Kripkenstein)
Howard Stein
J.J. Valberg

that's it. That's all that matters

>> No.12282970
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Reminder that OP is a massive cock gobbling monstrous faggot.

>> No.12282971

Sure you will kid.

>> No.12282979

"I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language."
Werner Heisenberg

>> No.12282980

>undue influence
i wonder what anon meant by this

>> No.12283073

It’s ok anon, I too feel compelled to find a flaw in them as they mog me mercilessly

>> No.12283085

only philosophers worth reading
that's it

>> No.12283118

This is wrong btw. According to Plato matter (chora) is entirely formless, in every possible sense. My main man Heisenberg never read the Timaeus